Goodbye, Matpat

Thank you for all the years of theories!

Add to the over 1172 goodbyes!



Thanks for being part of my creative journey, you took me along a ride I could not imagine before, what we created for the shows was pure love for the project, exactly as you explained in your last GT video.

Every single note I wrote for those themes and side projects was written with <3 for the project and the echos it created are still comin in years after. The fact that Phase Shift (the film theory theme's original song name) STILL gets so much <3 in 2024 really warms my heart. I received so many messages people telling me it's nostalgic to them or inspired them are the best things a creator can get.

What I did might be just a dot on the i when it comes to everything you created but I am proud that I am the warm welcome of a show, the part where people get hyped of what is coming up, the theme song of something that so many people worldwide have been watching. Thanks to you my music has been able to travel the world, and that my friend, is not a theory.

Last January I did a jam every single day of the month and prompt 17 was "use an old idea"

It was the day I found out about your departure from the channel and it inspired me to revisit the good ol original Phase Shift File (probably called MatHouseAlmostDone33SeriuoslyForRealThisTime.flp) and try to translate my feelings into audio, I think it worked out the way it was supposed to be.

This one is for you my friend.

Greetings from Amstersquare, maybe our creative paths will cross in the future <3




I spent a while thinking about what I wanted to say, but most of it really just comes down to being grateful that I had you in my life for so long, Matpat. I've been watching Game Theory since the first few theories, and I've been watching ever since then. It's really crazy to look back and think that I started watching you when I was such a young kid, and now I'm a full grown adult. So much of my life has changed and so many huge events have happened, but somehow, I always had Game Theory in some way along my journey. Most importantly, though, was becoming part of the Game Theory community back in 2018 right around when the ARG started. I joined the Discord server in hopes of finding a team to solve the gates with and get caught up on everything, and after 5 years, I still have some of my closest friends that I met all the way back then. I look back on these 5 years that I've been in the server, and I always think about how lucky I got to be a part of it all. I mostly stayed within my team for the first year or so, but once I started branching out, so much more came all because of you and the community. I remember I was always scared to talk to people in the server since I was young and they had been there for far longer than me, but those same people are now some of my closest friends that I annoy everyday. I spend more of my time talking to friends there than anywhere else, and I'm so grateful that I've been able to meet them because of this community. I ended up becoming a theorist myself because of you and my friends, and I've written around 10 long theories just because I'm a nerd like you. I've always been so inspired by you and my friends in this way. Shoutouts to all you guys in GTD that have always had my back and been there just to have a fun time. I appreciate all of you and the time and memories that we've formed together. I hope that our friendships can continue as far as we can think of. All of this has come from being a part of the Game Theory community, but even more has come for me personally. I met my girlfriend, Sophia, also 5 years ago because of the ARG since we were leaders of two different teams. A bunch of different things happening brought us together, and that led to us finally getting together back in 2020. We've been going strong for over 3 1/2 years now, and I don't think it's ever going to stop. I was visiting her in Florida when the goodbye announcement came out, and we both cried together since you've been a part of our life for so long. Both of us have years worth of GT merch and the ARG pin from way back, and both of us are so grateful that we've gotten to be a part of this community for so long. I know I sound like a broken record, but I just want to say thank you, MatPat. For bringing me the love of my life and friends and memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life, I'm so grateful for everything that you've done and been a part of over the last 13 years. I'm so proud to be called a Theorist, and I always will be. Thank you so much Matpat, we'll miss you dearly. - Clair



MatPat, the whole Team Theorist as well as everyone I met through all the places in this community mean a lot to me. If I knew that watching a Film Theory about Hercules and Ariel being related suggested by a friend when I was in high school would have this big of an impact on me eventually, she wouldn't believe me. I learned of Game and Film Theory in 2017 as a very casual viewer, and fell off of watching for a while until in 2019, I discovered GTLive when you and Steph have played Just Shapes and Beats. I didn't watch much gameplay content or streamers before this but how different GTLive was from other content creators made it enjoyable for me. I loved the witty banter with anyone who is there, the dumb inside jokes, to the short-lived GTeaLive podcast and live-tweeting on #GTLive and being ignored on there as usual lol. Living in a different country from the streams has been an interesting thing to experience with timezones from watching it discreetly at school during the first period to staying awake for a whole day to be on the 2020 charity livestream as an audience member and watch the full 9 hours.

I sound like an insane person, yes but the streams were a bright spot in my life and helped me get through the transition between high school and college plus the pandemic at the time and just with how life went during that time. This community is one of the best online spheres I have had the pleasure of being a part of with everyone from the Official GT Discord Server and becoming a GTLive subreddit mod, to the GTLiver Discord server, and all of the friends I got to make on Twitter from the live stream tweeting there. All of the friends I made along the way are some of the best people I have met online truly. I can't thank you enough for the good impact and inspiration you and Stephanie have had on me truly. Words can't describe how I feel about all of this but I am very excited to see what comes next in the future of the channels and your endeavors. All the best to you and everyone! - Scarlet



Goodbye Matpat! I remember watching your videos in middle school, trying to decipher the FNAF lore alongside you and your team. I actually discovered GTLive my freshman year of college, which provided me with some of my happiest memories in that tiny dorm room. I would eagerly await 6 PM CST, pop some popcorn in my roommate's microwave, boil some water for tea, grab my dark chocolate bar, and watch Matt and Mirror Matt/Ash game on the couch. Although I fell out of watching GTLive over the course of my sophomore year, I got to join the Official GTD Server, and met the most wonderful folks. They helped me realize parts of myself that I couldn't express, and I could not be more thankful and grateful for them and for you, for showing me the way there. I hope you and your family get to spend more time together, and I hope the entire cast and crew of Game Theory continue making wonderful videos for the internet to see. Thank you Matt!!!! Sincerely, Freeziac



Thank you Matpat for all the years of insane and funny theories. Watching Game Theory and Food Theory has been a good pick-me-up for years. I have deeply enjoyed every moment that you have spent with us, even if it is just using a clothing dryer to cook food. Thank you for all of the hard work you have put into your videos and your community. Keep being an amazing little nerd.



I started watching MatPat when I was little and I was very quickly drawn in by a concept I had never seen before - looking at games and movies closer, either seeing if they make sense scientifically or figuring out what every little detail and Easter egg meant. Through Game Theory, Film Theory and, later, Food and Style Theory, I learned a lot of new things, both complicated and simple concepts, all presented through the lens of entertainment and day to day things. As if that was not enough, they also helped me find the discord server and meet a lot of wonderful people, many of which I call friends and who, following the trend of the channels, also taught me a lot of new things. Through his channels, MatPat has not just created theories and videos, he has also helped create a community. For that and for the fact that he has become over the years such an important element of YouTube, I am very thankful and saying goodbye with both a heavy heart and well wishes.



Thanks for creating Game Theory and all the other channels! I remember enjoying GTLive, but kind of forgot / stopped watching for a while - I rediscovered you and your channels thanks to a college friend discovering you and the GT ARG (around 2018, which is also when I was introduced to Discord), and thought to look and see if there was a Game Theory Discord. I found the server and made some great friends thanks to that - I owe it all to Game Theory and that friend discovering you and the GTARG!

So thanks for everything, Matt! Hope you enjoy retirement! - Rae



Hello Mr Matthew Patrick, I've been following your youtube journey for a while now, it's probably been about 10 years by now and it's through your videos, or should I say lazy reuploads of your videos with french subtitles that would definitely be striked by today's youtube standards, that I began to learn this very helpful language. But other than that, I really have to thank you, Matrick Patthew, for what your content really did to my life, your Gateway ARG introduced me to a community of dedicated theorist and wonderful people that I very sincerely appreciate and care for. In the end I didn't even try the ARG, I just watched as things unfolded and I talked, I bonded with people and I made friends, that are still there 4 years after that initial spark you, Matrix Pathology, ignited. This community means so much for me, it carried me through the worst times of my life and now I'm as happy as ever. I could never thank them, and you, Mathematic Pattern, enough.

And I kind of stopped watching the videos at some point, I don't know why or when, I mostly watched the chaos that was fnaf lore every now and then to laugh at the surreal length of Frederick Fazbear's lore. But I was only going through about one upload out of 10, but it was always a good time, sometimes leading to catching up a little bit on other game theories, but that was never because of an interest in the actual game covered but because they're good videos, and with you as the host, Matriarch Patriarch, it was never disappointing. And I'm sure the next hosts, and future content will be great.

So take the break you deserve more than anyone I follow on this god forsaken platform, Materialist Patchwork, I wish you and your family the best. You can be proud of the impact you've had on the internet as a whole. And again, thank you Matpat, for everything you did for all of us.

Sincerely, - Pal.



Well, I never expected you'd go before me Matty Patty. It's been a ride, from sociopathic plumbers to animatronic murderers. I've had a lot of fun in this community, and so I look forward to the next family reunion. Bye Matt o/



i can't say for sure, but i think the first theory i watched was the second fnaf theory. That was just after i got over how scared i was of the fnaf 1 menu screen, and i certainly blame Matpat for my obsession with fnaf since then (not that that's a bad thing). After that, i made my way through the episodes of Game Theory that i'd missed, and was hooked. So hooked even, that i joined the discord about 3 years later, possibly in light of the fortnite arg, though i'm not sure. It would take quite a while for me to get comfortable in the server, but i certainly did. This community has been my constant anchor point for nearly 6 years now, and though i'm sometimes weary of the responsibility of helping to maintain it, i can't say i'd have it any other way. So thank you Matpat, for providing the origin point of one of the most important social outlets i've ever had, and of course for creating game theory (and the other channels, obv) 💚💚💚 - Sokin



I've watched Game Theory and Film Theory for years granted only a few months before the FNAF content. Through adpocolypses and changes on the platform content was always made and then more and more as the brand grew with food and style Theory. The community built around the content you made changed my life for the better I can never thank those who have helped me grow as a person or you enough for creating educating and entertaining content that has brought so many together. Thank you for creating and continuing to create and enjoy doing your own thing and spending time with your family.



I started watch Matpat around 2015 mainly to learn about a certain indie game series I had been purposefully avoiding ... up until that point. This led to probably a slightly unhealth obsession with said game. Over time I started theorising myself. When the game theory ARG began I joined a little discord called the official game theorists where at this time I only went to for the ARG and after disappeared for a bit. However once I finished Uni I returned to that discord and started theorising more than ever and had amazing interactions with all the great people there, at a time when my interactions with others was pretty much non existent. I mostly staying in the fnaf theory channels until r/place 2022 where I had the great idea to create the GT logo there. This brought me to the general chats where I slowly came out of my shell. So yeah thank you Matpat for creating such a wonderful community of people from around the world. Enjoy your retirement! - Adam



I'm late but byeee Matthew, you've done so much for the community.



I don't watch you all the time, MatPat, but when I do, I watch with passion, interest, and suspense. I don't know when I first found you but I remember the FNaF theories and that made me make theories of my own with my friend. Thank you for being here and giving us theories to come back to. Goodbye MatPat, you're my favorite theorist, and enjoy your well-deserved vacation/retirement.



It is not a long thing like everyone else’s but thank you MatPat for helping me through hard times and getting me into philosophy, I now major in philosophy. Thank you for my career MatPat, after all it’s just a worlds theory a world game theory.



As I sit here, grappling with the news that MatPat, the legend of YouTube and gaming theory, is saying his goodbyes, it hits me right in the feels. I mean, seriously, I've been watching this guy since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. His videos have been like a security blanket, always there to make me laugh, think, and just chill.

And now, knowing he's leaving, it's like losing a piece of my childhood. But hey, it's not all gloom and doom. Because you know what? MatPat's stepping away to be there for his kid, to dive headfirst into that crazy adventure called parenting. And honestly, that's something to celebrate.

Sure, I'm gonna miss his wild theories and quirky humor. Who wouldn't? But seeing him prioritize family just makes my heart swell with respect and admiration. So, MatPat, if you're out there reading this, just know that while your departure stings a bit, we're all rooting for you, man. Thanks for the memories, the laughs, and the countless hours of entertainment. Here's to you, your family, and all the happiness life has to offer.



I just wanted to thank you, in my country (Poland) the education system isn't really good... especially when it comes to foreign languages. Just because I tried to understand your theories back in I think 2017 I got a lot better at English, you inspired me to do it and thanks to you I could get to a decent level. Thank you for all those fun memories. Enjoy your retirement! And please give everyone at team theory a big hug from me! I will miss you... but hey! Even though many say goodbyes are forever... luckily... THAT'S JUST A THEORY! A GAME THEORY! Thanks for all those years of happy memories!


Thank you for the amazing years you've spent doing all of the amazing theories, you are a legend MatPat you will always be a legend to all of us



I've watched MatPat since I was 12, I'm now 20. He has always been part of my life and it's sad to see him go.

Thanks MatPat for everything...



Thank you for making games, food, fashion, movies, and most importantly learning a thing to look forward to. You have forever changed the way I consume media. <3



Matthew, thank you. Thank you for being a constant in my life for 9 years now. Thank you for encouraging and sparking a creative joy and love of overanalysis that has evolved and changed my life in amazing ways. I found the theorists with the release of FNAF 2, and have loved to see you and the brand growing into the 5 channel juggernaut that it is now. Your impact on me cannot be spoken on enough. From the absolute bottom of my heart, thank you.

PS. I'll see you at Vidcon Anaheim :)



Hey there MatPat, I haven't interacted much in the comment section or the live chats, but I just wanted to say a quick thank you. I haven't really used the internet until the pandemic started, and as I started using it during that time period, I got to familiarize myself with the "✨wonderful things of the interwebs✨". As time went on, I started to find your channel popping into my FYP on YouTube, so I gave it a shot and started watching. I still remember, to this day, the first video I watched, which was the video about the characters from Disney Pixar's Cars are the bugs from Bugs Life. I was so into it because it made so much sense, and I grew up binge watching the movies of Cars and the Mater series over and over again. I continued to watch more and more and found a liking to indie analog horrors and just amazed at how much effort you put into these theories and the attention you have to detail. I think I said enough but just once again, it's just a quick thank you, an amazing thank you to an amazing creator on YouTube. Thank you, MatPat, for all the entertainment you've given us.



I remember seeing the "Game Theory: How Fast is Sonic the Hedgehog?" video popping up in my feed. [Posted 4-5 hours ago at the time] That was the first ever video i saw from you. I think was 8 or 9 years old back then, can't remember. After seeing that video, i scrolled through your channel for hours just watching and re-watching the content. I was so obsessed that, on multiple occasions, my parents had to cut the internet just so i would do anything else than just sit in front of the screen all day. Anyway, i'm just rambling at this point. I just want to say... Thank you. You shaped a big part of the person writing this letter into who he is today and i can't thank you enough for that.

again, Thank you for everything MatPat. Take care brother!

-Just another theorist on the internet.



Hey Matt! Truly thank you for the videos you've made up until this point. Most of my high school days were coming home from track practice and watching your videos while eating dinner and doing homework. As weird as it sounds, I will miss hearing your voice in the background while doing pre-calculus homework LOL. Getting a bit more personal, you were a bigger part of my struggle through high school and helped me overcome some of my darker times, so for that, I'm forever grateful to you :) <3 I will miss you dearly, I hope you get everything life offers your way (especially the breaks, take them my friend! You deserve it!). Thank you so much for the memories and the nostalgia I will get when thinking about you, I LOVE YOU. :)

Ali :-)


Hey MatPat! Idk if you're ever going to see this but I wanted to thank you for the amazing years you gave me. Returning from school excited knowing that I would watch your videos made the day fly by! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be who I am today. You gave me the ability to be curious and passionate about the things that I like. I felt welcomed in a community that you created, where people would accept me. I'm not as old of a fan as some other people on this website but I still love you and your content with all my heart. You raised a new generation of theorists. I'm looking forward to what the new hosts have for us. You said you'll also be active on GTLive and I'm so happy about that. Happy retirement!

But hey... that's just a theory, A GAME THEORY! Thank you. Thank you for everything. -Andriana



Dear MatPat,

I wanted to take a moment to say goodbye and thank you for all the amazing content you have created over the years. Your dedication to exploring the intricacies of game theory has been both entertaining and enlightening, and I have always admired your ability to make complex concepts accessible to everyone.

Your passion for what you do is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that your impact on the gaming community will be felt for years to come. While I am sad to see you go, I can't wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish in the future.

Thank you again for all that you have done, and best of luck on your next adventure.


Hey MatPat. Hey guys. I wont write a whole paragraph but i still will say my proper goodbye. I started watching GTLive about 6 years ago, maybe 7. Ever since then MatPat and the game theory squad have made me overanalyze every single game the channel posted about. I loved doing it and i will keep doing it with Tom's videos. Mat made a big part of my childhood better and I'll miss seeing him on the channel so often. To many more theories and lore discoveries. Goodbye MatPat. I hope we see you again soon. And remember... its just a theory.. A GAME THEORY!



Thanks for everything mat for all the theories you've brought us and all the memes too I'm glad to have had your videos in my life and your inspiration too



Thank you, so so much. For 10 years, you helped me expand the horizons of what was possible and to always keep questioning, keep my curiousity burning. I'm a sophmore in college now, studying Biology, and I carry the same love for this show and for everyone on it as I did back in elementary school, where the biggest mystery in my life was whether or not FNaF 4 was a dream. Thank you, a million times over



Goodbye Matpat, I will always take the lessons you taught me growing up into my life just as I do now, I've been watching you since I was a little kid and now being an adult I am so happy to see how far your channel has come. I wish nothing but the best for your family. Thank you so much for everything. <3



You guys have existed since before I was born, but I still felt like I was there from the beginning. You guys have taught me about physics, geometry, and so much more. I feel that with Matpat’s retirement a part of all of us has been retired. We all found joy in watching a PNG of a random guy telling us how Sans is Ness, or the MANY Fnaf theories. He has, and always will, hold a dedicated spot in my heart. He inspired me to start my own channel on YouTube. I can’t explain with words from any language how much Matpat means to me and the rest of the theorist community. He got me through Covid, sadness, and everything else that may trouble me. I will always miss looking at my YouTube page, and clicking only to hear, ”Hello Internet!” Thank you so much Matpat. Thanks for watching…



I'm not crying, you're crying. Goodbye Matpat and thanks for the many theories. I have loved your content since I was a 5 year old. I wish I could have met you in person - maybe going to a Vidcon or anything. This is so emotional for me to see my role model retire, but i think you deserve it after about twelve years - after all, THATS JUST A THEORY!

A game theory :.(



I have the feeling this may not reach you, considering I am writing this after the final theory video, but I am going to write this nonetheless.

You and so many others, from the well known, like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Tom Scott), to the lesser known (Kikoskia, Dilandau3000 and gotchagary27,) to the many others who have fallen into controversy or infamy (feels like too many to count), have helped to form my own (and many other peoples) childhoods. If I recall correctly, the first theory I watched of yours was the Minecraft video on how creepers explode and spread like Peat. It was either that, or learning how to survive the hunger games.

On the FNAF side of things, I did not really watch them while they released (me being not good with horror in general being why.) Over the lockdown years, however, I began to watch your theories, of people playing the games and the songs, and the animations they inspired. I became a fan, watching your videos to look for the lore (and, when the movie released, I watched it 5 times over the course of 5 days in theater. Will just say that, on the first day, the theater, which had been filled with chatting and theorising, went dead silent when the very end of the credits.)

I will wrap things up now, for I get the feeling that this site will soon be archived and many others (and your own videos) have explained your legacy and impact far better then I ever can. All I will say is this:

Thank you MatPat. Thank you for making so many people's childhoods. Godspeed and best of luck to you, to your family, and to the mark you have left on internet history...



Hey MatPat, don't know if you'll ever see this. There are so many goodbyes! I've been watching for around 8 or 9 years now, and you were always my favorite youtuber. It's crazy how time flies! I was in middle school then, and now I'm in college! Thank you for always being a great role model. I didn't really have a lot of those growing up. Watching the finale, I realized why I loved the Theory Channels so much. You have fostered my love of learning and showed me that it's okay to be a silly person even as an adult. Life is hard, but thanks for always showing me to think and feel with a passion for others. Also, thank you for showing that you can do what you love in your own way and make a career out of it, even when it's never been done before. I know you'll go forward to live your best life, and thank you so much for giving me a blueprint on how I can live mine! - a fellow Goofball and Game Theorist


Matpat our journey began long ago when you posted your first fnaf theory and since then I’ve been hooked on your theories may it be duck season Five nights at candy’s the joy of creation and so on so on. You went from a YouTuber theorising about a game to starring in a movie FROM SAID GAME and when most of us saw you we probably all said that’s just a theory. Thank you so so much for starting the channel and all the theories you gave us during your time as host you’ve helped me bother all of my friends about fnaf lore and the lot so thank you for everything you’ve done and all the laughs you given us. So for one last time that’s just a theory, A GAME THEORY! Thank you Matt for everything. - Jessica



Hey MatPat, it’s me, Kayla, you don’t know me but I know you. As much as I am sad to see one of the many creators who helped me through my rough childhood find a smile and something positive to keep me going leave.. I am so happy and proud of you. I will always watch whatever you are going to do whether it be on GTLive or somewhere else I will never not support it. You got me through so much. I was only 12 when you started Game theory and I’m now 25 years old. I used your silly videos to tune out my parents arguing and to help me through a lot of sad things in life. I couldn’t be more thankful to have gotten to experience these incredible theories with you over the years.



Thank you for all the years of content, you add to lives all around in ways people don't realise. I only recently found out my dad watches food theory so your leaving would affect me and others in my family and many people of the world. Thank you for the theories and legacy you leave. Thank you for everything you did for us. It's all game theory in the end.



Matpat, you've been such a large part of my life because of your content shaping the games I play and what I do online, my only youtuber merch I've never had regrets of buying has been yours because of how much of an impact you've made not just on my life, but on such a large amount of people. I've been watching game theory since 2nd grade and it was one of the best parts of my childhood, thanks for everything! o7



Matpat, You got me into ARGs and kept me coming back to your videos when there weren't much of many videos on the topics I wanted to see. You are the reason I used things like base-16 and Cesar Cypher decoders regularly to solve theories on my own. You are the reason why I like ARGs so much like Walten Files, Mandela Catalog, Crow 64, Local 58, Man in the Suit, and even the Courage the Cowardly Dog ARG! You gave me so, so much to like and keep with me. You gave me the skills to solve lore in the first place! It's sad to see you go. We will see you later, MatPat.

Best regards, Charlie❤️‍🔥



thanks for the memories :D



Goodbye MatPat and thank you for all the wonderful content that entertained me when I was supposed to be working. I know that everyone will do a great job in your stead and I am excited to see what they come up with. It was so incredibly sad to see you go but of course it's not a forever goodbye. Thank you again for everything you've done and all the good times.



Goodbye MatPat thanks for everything and all the videos that brighten my day, it was hard to hold back the tears in your final video and to that I say thanks, especially for all the great theories in general, there is no other youtuber I liked watching while eating dinner than you. J.G



We'll miss you matpat.



See ya later MatPat!! I’ve enjoyed watching your stuff for years. I even showed your Style Theory and Food Theory stuff to my uncle and he enjoyed them too. You got me to be a theorist with your videos. And then I eventually started making some theory videos on my YouTube channel thanks to the inspiration you gave me. Honestly there’s been three things that have been hard about the end: Saying goodbye, writing my goodbye song to you, and writing this message. I’ve choked up and even cried a bit doing these things but I’m glad I did. I’m glad you were here. Thank you. Best Wishes, From Lugiamasterbrony.


I remember watching GT live streams during covid I remember getting shit scared by the bendy and the ink machine's Game Theory. I remember seeing the Gravity Falls Arg for the first time on Film Theory. I remember the Waffle House episode and how it's America's Way of seeing how bad a disaster has hit on food Theory. I remember Style Theory coming after the first time and everyone theorizing what it was going to be. But most of all I remember the smiles, the laughs, the things you talked about in your final theory of spreading joy and positivity because we all gain something from Game Theory. so thank you <3



I started watching you as an elementary schooler. I was like 8 or so, and FNAF was a thing, and I was scared of the robots. I'd been off-and-on watching your videos, and at some point I started watching your FNAF videos. It was through those videos that I became way less scared of the game, and it was through your videos that I learned things I never would have known about had I never sat down and watched those vids. You inspired my passion for learning, my passion for video games, and my ability to be courageous in spite of my fear, and for that I thank you wholeheartedly. I'm sad that I'll never get to hear your voice again in the new videos, but I can't wait to see where the channels head next and I can't wait to see what you do next. Thank you for being a teacher and an entertainer, and thank you for doing what you do.



I remember the first time I ever came across a Game Theory episode because it was the catalyst of my passion for videogames. I remember being in middle school and coming back home excited to watch the newest theory because it always made things better. I remember staying up until 3AM just to watch Matpat play Security Breach when it came out (nobody played it like he did). I remember my heart sinking as I read "Goodbye Internet" on my screen.

Matpat, you have had an undeniable impact on my life. You were the face of comfort for a lonely teenager and a source of hope and positivity for a struggling college student, you were an inspiration when I chose to follow a career in the gaming industry. Thank you for all the great memories, the wacky theories and the countless hours spent on making amazing content for your audience. Your videos touched so many people and changed so many lives,

Now, selfishly, I am sad to see you go. Change is rarely easy, but along with sadness, I feel excitement for the future. I love the new hosts and I'm excited to see how their personal touch will influence their respective channels. I'm also very hyped about your future projects, I have no doubt they will be absolutely impressive pieces of work (slayyyyyy). I wish you nothing but happiness and peace in this new chapter of your life and I look forward to any eventual features you might have on the channels. Until then, I still have GTLive to watch (it was my favorite anyway :P)

Goodbye, Matpat! :)



Thank you Matpat for being the person I could watch everyday after school, for creating outlandish theories that helped me connect to people I never would’ve spoken to on my own, and for furthering my love of science. It’s sad to see you go, but happy you’ve moving onto the next phase so you can be there for your family and enjoy life. Good luck out there, We will all miss you. -a loyal fan



Bye matpat!!! You will be missed, but we know you're onto bigger and better things. Thanks for all the fun years and the memories you made. Come back whenever. There's always a place for you here.



MatPat, you are up there with my favourite youtubers. You have been there my whole life, you don't know how sad I am that you're leaving. Thank you so much man! I wished I could've been up there with you. Hell, I wanted to make a video with you! We will all miss you, and we always will. Well I guess this it, Goodbye MatPat!



You will be missed by a lot of people, because you did a great job making our days Goodbye Lad o7



Thank you MatPat, for all the years of theories, your videos have helped me to dive deeper into the games that I've loved for years.



Hi Matpat, I've been watching game theory since 2012 when I was 13 years old. I would always rush back home after school to watch the latest game theory. I even got my sister to watch them with me to spend some time with her. We watched some GTLives together every so often (we're actually watching your final game theory together as it premieres). Your videos had a big impact on my life and are what helped me connect my interest in video games to the sciences. You had a big influence in my decision to pursue my degree and career path. I want to thank both you and Stephanie for everything you've done on your channels, the inspiration the two of you have been for me, and wish you the very best on your next adventure!

And remember, keep on theorizing!



Thank you for everything you've done. I remember when you were on ScrewAttack and checking back every so often to see if there were any new episodes; and now you've retiring after starting 4 other channels.

You've been a great part of my internet life and I wish you a happy retirement.



I don't think you'll ever understand the impact you've had on everyone's lives. You've created a place that we can take time out of our day to relax and laugh. It's because of you that the theory channels are here, and it's because of you that they'll stay. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Ironic as it is you didn't ruin my childhood, but ended up as a huge comfort during difficult times. There is so much I could say, but in the end it all just boils down to thank you. I'll see you around.



MatPat, Thank you for the years of entertainment, we will miss you but understand. We support you and will always be here if you need us. Thank you for ruining, and making our childhoods since 2011. But hey, did you really ruin our childhoods or is that just a theory, A Goodbye theory! Thanks for reading!



Such a bittersweet end! So excited to see the next steps for the channels, and so incredibly excited to see whatever you’re going to do next. Thank you for all of the laughs, knowledge, and entertainment through the years. I’ve loved watching, and enjoy sharing, the videos with others, including the next generation. Good luck to you and yours. Goodbye to you in this chapter, and hello to the next!



Thank you so much for taking up an insane amount of my childhood, since I'm a minor, you're technically still in my childhood but you know what I mean. I can't find words that will get my point across just right but I can say thank you. Thank you so much for entertaining me for so long and making me laugh and smile even during my worst or darkest times. You inspired me to start making content, which then moved into music and drawing because videos weren't really working. I still rewatch/watch your old videos (and new ones) because they just make me remember how it felt like to be a young kid. Thank you so so soooo very much Matpat. Enjoy your retirement <3 - StuckzOo



Goodbye MatPat!! Literally watching the channels has been such a big part of my life since I was a kid. I used to watch Game Theory videos on my 3DS. I'd come home from school and binge videos over again. Honestly I wouldn't be me without MatPat indirectly guiding my childhood. Not even sure if I'd be here today without it. Watching these theories has taught me to keep my brain thinking and to stay curious. Super excited for the future of these channels and the future of MatPat. Hoping he has a happy retirement with his family. Wishing everyone taking over the channels a fun experience to shape the next gen theorists! Remember it's just a theory ✨️✨️



Farewell and thank you for giving us interesting theories since 2011. o7



Hey Matt, Steph and the whole theorist team. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I cannot express how much you guys have changed my life. On that fateful day in 2012, 6 year old me scrolling through youtube, trying to find new minecraft videos, I happened to stumble upon a game theory video about how much diamond armor was worth. Once I watched it, I was hooked. Back then I couldn't speak English and even though I didn't understand a single word, I just loved it. Ever since then, you guys and game theory were always a part of my life. Coming home to watch game theory was some of the best times I've had. You guys were there for me through thick and thin. You guys were the reason I chose to get a STEM education. It's because of you guys I met some of my closest friends. We would all collectively watch the new game theory video that came out at the time, and actively discuss it. You guys were the reason I learned English. And now, 11 years later, I'm 17 now and I'm finally old enough to understand that all good things must come to an end. I know that I will never be able to experience these past 11 years of me watching you guys consistently again, but that's okay. You guys are my childhood and will always be my childhood. I'm going to savor these last few months of you on GTLive. And once again, I cannot express this enough, thank you. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for everything.



Goodbye Matpat. You were the best to ever make game theories. You were the person who introduced me to fnaf. Without you, I would have never known it existed. Thank you Matpat for all the theories you have made.



Hey Matpat, You might never see this but I just had to say how much you’ve affected my life. I’ve unfortunately never had the chance to meet you as much as I wish I could have but you’ve been my hero for my entire childhood, I may have not subscribed at the very beginning but I have grown up alongside the channel, starting from when I was in 3rd grade all the way through high school and into my first year of college I’ve been here watching the channels grow. You taught me to try new foods and made me think of things in new and interesting (and sometimes funny) ways. You made me interested in game development so that I could hide lore in games I make to make others think in interesting ways. I remember the gummy vs real challenge sprinkler time, and had an amazing time figuring out the ARG. You’ve shaped who I am and have made me my bestest friends. I can never repay you for the amount of happiness you’ve given me, you have gotten me though some of the darkest times in my life and I have been one of your biggest fans. All of this is to say thank you, thank you for everything for the past 13 years. I can’t wait to see what’s next - AGameTheorist



Goodbye MatPat.



Goodbye matthew patrick. your content and theories, they are incredibly great. your retirement is sad and bitter. but we all understand it and respect it. you leaving, is like a part of me leaving me. some say, that you ruined their childhood. but you only created mine. thank you. thank you for eveything. i wish you the best and greatest time of your life matpat. i love you, goodbye. never gonna give you up. "but thats just a theory, a GAME THEORY!"



I've always thought about how the Youtube creators I've grown to love would retire at some point, but actually seeing the retirement of one of my favorite creators of all time was not something I expected in 2024! But Matpat, you truly did raise me, and while I am still growing up, a huge part of my now fleeting childhood was you and your videos, which I still watch vigorously today (even more so with your final theories coming up). Your theories have always hooked me with their research, their passion, and their comfort. Your voice has truly become a staple within the online community, and your good deeds and your creations will never be forgotten. As for the future of the theorist channels, while sad to see you go, I am so excited for what our new hosts can bring to the table, and I am so excited to see them grow, and to grow along with them, just as I grew along with you, Steph, Jason, etc. I am also ecstatic for what new things you have in store for us!!!

Take your time, get some rest, and we'll always be here when you revisit <3.



Goodbye Matpat, your videos were so fun and I enjoyed all of them. I enjoyed the Sans is Ness memes, the deadlocks, the Kool-aid man theory, and your appearances on shows like Escape the Night and Game Lab. We will miss you. Farewell Matpat and i hope you have a good rest of your life.



I don't think anyone's ever going to read this, but if it means anything, MatPat and the Theorist channels have seriously changed my LIFE!! Little did I know that the fateful afternoon in which I clicked on another old wildly-thumbnailed video I would discover the most insane fellow out there but man am I glad that I did. week after week for the past few years of my life I've indulged in a little piece of what I am proud to say is internet history. I wish it didn't take me so long to find this gem of a channel and I wish I listened to my 4th grade friends back in 2018 to check the channel out. Though I'm not truly an OG fan I've been here long enough that GT has made a lasting mark on my childhood and adolescence and has (in part) shaped me to be the weird, goofy, cringe geek that I am today. Video games fucking rule!!!

Mr. Matthew Patthew, 13 years of running the channels later and you FINALLY get a break!! You’re THE most certifiably crazy, genuinely funny, super informative, and AWESOME theorist out there; thanks for everything. But of course, that's just a theory - A GAME THEORY!!! Happy retirement!!




When I first found the promotional episode of "Gaming's Tangential Learning Experience" in Game Theory - a funny and intriguing premise for a Youtube channel that seemed like it could work well - I had no idea that I'd become a lifelong fan of not only the channel, but also the human behind the camera. You're truly a great person and it shows in all facets of your life, from the wonderful people you've gathered around you to build your Theorist team, to the community you've attracted online, to all the charity work you've done in your larger than life sized donation streams. When GTLive first launched, I knew it would do well no matter what you ended up doing on streams - because it was obvious that you're really just a fun and nice guy to hang out with, and you'd naturally draw people in to 'hang on the couch' with you! I remember you saying that you hoped that your presence would one day have a 'positive impact' on the world in some way - and in case you haven't heard it recently - you've done that about a million times over. I know that I personally challenge myself to think 'outside of the box' and not take everything at face value, in no small part due to your positive influence through your videos, and I'm sure the millions of people who watch can attest to similar things. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for the world at large, and I have a feeling you'll continue to do great things even if you are stepping back from being the 'face' of the channels.

Though (thankfully?) I never delved into the Indie-Horror/FNAF rabbit holes as you have, I'm happy I've stuck around to see you and the channels grow from those early days, and it's wild to realize how much I've grown in the same time! Looking back on it all, you've been a huge part of my life, and as parasocial as it might be, I appreciate you sticking around for this long. Thank you for everything, and I hope someday I can meet you and thank you in person for all the great years.

You will be missed, but never forgotten. The end of an era, the beginning of a long lasting legacy. One last time... Thank you.

Now quit reading all these and go enjoy the break you've more than earned for yourself already!



The man, the myth, the legend. I've been watching since almost the beginning and Matthew was like my "internet Dad". I learned a lot from his theories and the real-world issues he spoke about. I have fond memories of so many moments from the channels' histories, and he truly shaped the types of YouTube creators and content I ended up enjoying. Enjoy your retirement, Matt. You deserve it.


Thank you MatPat. Thank you for everything.



My time as a theorist has been a special one, my first theory was Frozen, Elsa and Anna not sisters, I watched film theory for a while after that, then I discovered game theory next and binged that immediately. Despite not feeling like I was smart enough to understand all the math I was being taught, I was still being taught. I learned a lot, I continue to learn a lot, despite my doubts in my abilities I’ve never stopped learning, and all that came to a head with the gt arg My first arg, and now technically not my last with the new one you’re leaving us with. It made me want to be better, and because of it I think I am better, I’ve learned what to look for when it comes to clues, the patterns of codes despite not really knowing that many, that didn’t stop me from loving it. But where my deep love for this arg comes from isn’t all from what it contained, but what it unintentionally gave to me.

I made characters out of the colour palettes and rough concepts for personalities and not necessarily lore (not yet anyway) but they were some of my first characters, I later redrew them with my current skill set, and then again, and again, and I haven’t stopped. I’ve given them, LOOOOORE (I couldn’t help myself) I’ve given them personalities, I’ve given them relationships, and all of that came from you. Like fnaf, you have made a ripple effect on the internet in all ways, in ways you couldn’t even imagine and my story only scratches the surface. Maybe reading all of these stories will help you truly realize how many lives you’ve changed, and here’s to everything else you will create

But hey, that’s not just a theory, that’s a fact Thank you for everything MatPat💚❤️💛🩵




Matpat has been a huge part of my life, and others' lives. He is a staple on the internet, and will never, ever be forgotten. I am super sad that he is leaving, but I am also excited for the new era of the theory channels. He will still be around of course, but not as much, and we will all miss seeing him every week. Goodbye Matpat, we love you so much and I hope that you enjoy your free time to do the things you want and to spend time with your family. You changed so many lives, you truly were the internet's father.



Like most people, I was caught off-guard when your retirement was announced, though I am incredibly grateful for all the years of theories. MatPat, thank you. Thank you for all the memories, some good, some questionable, but all the same, memories. I just want you to know that everyone supports you in this decision, and we can't express how much you deserve this. I've been a fan for several years now, and it's gotten to the point that whenever I see something I don't immediately understand, my brain starts buzzing with theories, the old "MatPat" style. I'd say half the general knowledge I have now is all from your videos, and I owe it all to you, because you decided to make them in the first place. After all thirteen years of being on YouTube, you have rightfully earned your place as one of the best that platform has ever seen, with the iconic catchphrase, "That's Just a Theory!"

Thank you, for everything you've done for us. Good luck and keep theorising, Mat.



Goodbye MatPat! I loved watching all of your theory videos and GT(not)Lives. I started watching your videos back in 2020 because a friend told me about your channels. I loved watching all of your Marvel and Minecraft theories. Ironically, I don't really engage in your FNaF content since I don't play the FNaF games. I do like watching most of your videos though. I also love watching your GT(not)lives, because you and Ash have the most interesting conversations. I particularly enjoy meme review videos. You have inspired me to pay more attention to the content I consume, and to make a positive impact on the world. Thank you.


Thank you so much for being such a bright spot in my life for the past couple of years. I don't remember when I started watching you, probably around 2019 or 2020 as I was finishing high school. But boy did I BINGE Game Theory and Film Theory, especially the various Mario ones and FNAF. I never thought I'd ever be into FNAF since I was so scared of jumpscares but here I am and a NERD because of binging your videos. :D And you know what, that's ok! (Side note: when I saw the FNAF movie and the spelled-out text at the end came up someone thought it was a reference to FNAF 4 and I instantly was like "No it's the FNAF 2 SAVE THEM minigame" and I only know that because of you XD)

At some point, I started watching every new video soon after it was released. I also fell in love with GTLive past and present. I often say at this point that I'll watch your theories on TV shows or video games or YouTube series so I can see what it's like and if I want to watch the original content. :)

Because of you, I actually did an honors project in community college based on your Thor vs Hulk Film Theory. I wrote physics practice problems for my class based on different films and got the numbers given in the problems through pixel measurements.

In fact, I actually met and bonded with some pretty cool people both online via Twitter and irl in my colleges because of our shared Game Theory interest! I was so excited to talk to them about the Style Theory name ARG. In the virtual space, I even ended up in a theorist discord for FNAF for awhile. Long story short, your channels are really easy to bond over and I'm really grateful you made them in the first place, cause it was a fun way to see others think critically and be taught all sorts of useful things.

The biggest way you changed my life is you inspired me to start the biggest project of my life, a choose-your-own-adventure ARG co-starring you, Mirror Matt, and Ash. It's a love letter to Game Theory and the YouTube creators, games, and fandoms YOU helped introduce me to. I started it back in November 2021 as part of your St. Jude fundraiser and got so excited by it I had to keep going. While it is my dream for you to have reacted to it on GTLive, I know that's probably not realistic since it's nowhere near completed.

I'm so grateful for you, MatPat. And the fact that you say you're proud of us Theorists makes me so encouraged and grateful, even though we've never met and may never meet in person. I hope my story makes me earn that sentiment. And I hope one day I can meet you in person so I can give you a big hug. I'm so grateful to be a Theorist, and thank you for saying that anyone can be a Theorist.

Know that I am praying for you, your family, and Team Theorist, as well as all the Theorists worldwide as we all start our next chapter. God bless.



You're the best YouTuber, even now it's over, you're still the best. You were one of the corner stones of my childhood and and there's truly no word, action or gesture that could ever convey how many memories you've brought us. We'll never forget you, and that's not just a theory. Thank you for everything.



I don't even know where to start. I'm really bad at putting my thought into text but I'll start off by saying we'll miss you EVERYONE will miss you.

You've been amazing since you blessed the barren lands of Youtube and your mark upon Youtube and my own memories will be something that will prolong for as far as I can see for sure.

I wish you the best in everything you do in the future and I hope you, Steph and Ollie all live happy and healthy lives (as you have certainly done the research and theories on all your channel to do just that by now).

I can remember stumbling upon your channel a couple years before I even reached middle school and now this is my last year before I go off to university. It felt cool knowing I was growing up with such a cool channel with cool and amazing people both on camera and behind the scenes. And now I'm seeing you pass the torch onward to such cool people I cannot help but also be excited to see what they will bring to the table.

Aahh that's probably the best I can do or else this will turn into an essay.

Is it weird to say that I really admire you?? Well I'm saying it now.


I'll never look at fnaf without thinking about the channel. Same goes for mario, doki doki literature club and weirdly mcdonalds chicken nuggets and bread.



Matpat, you were my childhood and who I still watch late at night when I can't seem to fall asleep. I know you won't be completely gone, but.. It still just makes me sad to hear that you're going. We're all going to miss you, and I know I can't really say that I'll miss you the most, but I know I'll still miss you a lot. Again. I'll miss ya, Matpat. I'd make an outro joke here, but it isn't really just a theory. Goodbye, Matpat.



I started watching your content a few years ago, and I really liked it. I still really like it now Goodbye, you were influential to the community and we will never forget your time hosting all of the channels :( Bye from Germany, hope you have a great life :)


Matt, these years have been amazing. All these fun theories, such fun times... And as always remember IT'S JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY!



Hey Matpat, Love from Thailand.

I've been seeing you since I was in elementary school, and now I'm doing my Master's degree, which is insane how long it has been since I watched my first Game Theory video (Which I think is about Minecraft Diamond armor value irl). Back then, I thought your theory was real, (Especially regarding Pokemon stuff lmao). I find that theorizing and building lore based on little information and clues that games give us is a super FUN concept and super inspiring, it really let my imagination run wild.

However, my real journey with your channel started around when I was in middle school, I became a regular channel watcher when you started posting about FNAF and Undertale content. I would constantly check your channel every day and see if there's a new video coming out. Every time your new video came out, I knew I was in for a treat and it made my day a little better and brighter. Your videos and other YouTube legends back in the day became my sanctuary of safe zone and entertainment from the constant pressure of tiring school days and constant cramming of extra classes. Been a fan of your channel ever since then.

But around late high school when I started to prepare for the University entrance exam, i had less and less time for these YouTube videos, so I stopped following game theories, and just watched the videos that I was interested in from time to time. Some video of Film Theory from time to time, and that's it.

And now here we are, just in time for your last hoorah on all the Theory channels, especially Game Theory. It's been a loooooooooong journey and it's been an honor to watch you and your team's videos for these past 12 years. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for all the entertainment you gave me as a kid, a teen, and now an adult. Whatever future endeavor you're planning to do, I hope you enjoy it and find success in it.

God speed man.



Gooodbye MatPat it's been great watching you all these years and I'm sad to see you go, but like all great things they move on, Enjoy your retirement. <3



Goodbye MatPat! You are great, and i hope that you'll have a long and happy life. Love from Sweden!



I haven't been watching MatPat for a long time but food theory is the best channel



Hey MatPat. I cannot believe this day came. You have been really influential in my development. In around 2020, I started to watch YouTube alone. I really liked science but did not know about any fun videos to watch. And then I stumbled upon your channel. It was amazing! You were able to link pop culture with pop science, which led me to a new genre of videos - Pop science! Then I discovered many other channels to satisfy my hunger of science. You helped me be the person I am today. I also learnt business, law. history, etc. from you and most important of all, data analysis. You helped me get even more involved in science. I was able to learn more in class! I started to completely read books (I used to just skim through them), started to experiment with various things and learn the science behind everything. You have been my guide to the world of science. I was not really a gamer or a fashion guy. But I got very interested in all of this, You have also helped me find other content to watch. I will miss you a lot Mat. Your channel gives me a dopamine blast in my head after a stressful day of studying for exams. There must be people like me who were inspired by seeing your content and want to become scientists in the future . You have helped the world by creating multiple theorists. And for that I must salute you, my good sir. You are my favorite superhero Theory-Man. I hope you, Steph and Ollie the best for your future. So thanks once again for being there for us. But at the end it's just a Letter. A GOODBYE LETTER!! Thanks for reading. :_-) 𝚿(A random psi for the love of science).



The earliest episode I can recall watching was probably the Rosalina Unmasked video, and I have to say it has been a journey and a half since then watching all the theories. Like DanTDM, Stampy and the other YouTubers I watched growing up, you were a part of my childhood for the last 6-7 years. I want to thank you for making my experience better when I was down, as I would always go and watch you when I had free time. Even though I’m in college now, your impact won’t be forgotten and your legacy will be strong. Best wishes for you and can’t wait to see what is next for the new hosts! <3


Goodbye Mat Pat! You were awesome and you always made me smile. You are my favorite person to come home and watch. You are an inspiration and an idol to me and my friends. I hope this is not the end of seeing you. Love Olivia :)


Thank you for the years of happiness, and thank you for helping me through the depression. Thank you for the amazing work that you put into this life of your YouTube channels. Thank you for the tears, and that’s not a theory, it’s a fact.



Ohio family says hello!! Hi MatPat, as a fellow parent of 2 sons who love asking questions and seeking answers: THANK YOU!

As a parent who monitors what my children consume online to make sure the creator and content are safe and good quality : THANK YOU!

For bringing my 74 year old Mother and kiddos together over your Film theories, Food theories, and myself and my Mother with Style theories: THANK YOU!

For inspiration generations older and younger than you (theater nerds included) in ways that all here have described: THANK YOU!



You've been one of my absolute favorite content creators since I first encountered your videos in the early days of FNAF, and it definitely made my days whenever a new theory video appeared in my feed. It's definitely sad to see you go, but we know you're off to do many other great things! Enjoy the time with Steph and Ollie, we love and will miss you terribly <3



man i dont even know what to say, but the fact that i cant formulate any words probably says more than anything else i could say right now

so long matthew game theory patrick mat patthew theory theorists



This is a day that I knew would come when I was younger, and it truly is an end of an era to YouTube that I saw as a kid. However, you still made a massive impact in my life for my creativity, my interest in science and thinking outside of the box too. You helped me find a part of myself that I wasn't able to before, and got me interested in so many things that I probably would've found boring if it wasn't for you. Seeing you leave is truly sad but at the same time I am happy you were able to complete this legacy, and that I also got to see you at vidcon. You complimented me on my big goofy cowboy hat I had on and that will forever be burned into my memory. Meeting you and Steph was a dream of mine that I got to fulfill, you taught me a lot growing up, I started watching you in elementary school and now I'm still watching your videos my second year into college earning a degree in computer science, in hopes that I can make a game and inspire a new generation of theorists the same way that you have.



Well... I never really expected him to retire. It never was a thought to cross my mind. But looking back now, and seeing all the hard-work MatPat has done, over multiple different channels, and more... Well, he deserves the world. To me and so many others, he was a massive impact, and a huge joy-bringer. A hard day at school, boom, fixed in one single Game Theory video. You changed my way of thinking, filled me with happiness in your loud catchphrases and wacky theories, and filled me with curiosity every time I saw one of your videos. In the past, and even now, I could/can never get enough of your content. Man, MatPat... While I am sad to see you leaving, I just wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for everything, from the Game Theories, to the Film Theories. Thanks for making something for me and my buddies to talk about. Something to get me thinking. You are the person who got me wondering, "What if we looked behind the scenes, at all the finer little details?". It's such a massive topic and you are such an impact in my life. I truly, from the deepest pits in my heart, want to say thank you, MatPat. I feel like those words never get said enough. Good Bye MatPat, and thank you for such a memorable time at the Theory channels, and you truly deserve everything good coming your way. I hope to see you someday, once again. Good bye.

Placeholder image


I could write a big paragraph like everyone else but I think you get the picture by now. Instead, enjoy this picture of my cat, Edith. It's the best thing I could hope to give in return.



Thank you Matpat. Through many hard times, your videos had always helped. I had childhood cancer and I watched your theories on all channels, which at the time was GTLive, Game Theory and Film Theory. I enjoyed every second, every minute, every hour of each video. Thank you so much for making my childhood so much better, and teaching me new things even. I loved theorizing about FNAF alongside you, solving ARGs, watching trailers, live theorizing, it was all so amazing and surreal to be a part of. Thank you so much Matt, you are an inspiration to all. I hope you never forget that, Matt. Keep shining, Okay?



Hey MatPat! (Or should I say DadPat or GrandPat) Thanks for being one of the content creators to bring me joy. Everytime I watch your videos, it just feels so...relaxing or just...nice. Honestly, my favorite videos are the more science-based ones on Food Theory, and the extremely funny gameplays you and Steph have in GTlive.

But my first exposure of GT is your earlier FNAF theories, and even some segments from Gaijin Goomba and Austin. But there was a while when I stopped watching, but came back to your videos a few years ago.

Well, all things come to an end in our universe. But the memories (and the videos up on youtube) will still remain. I am excited for your next projects post-retirement. And I am also excited for the new hosts!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your live with your family, and see your son grow.

All in all, thank you. But that's just a theory!


Look, to be honest, Matpat got me through that pandemic depression. Gonna miss you Matt. Thanks for everything.



Thank you, MatPat. Thank you for being one of the greatest sources of positivity in my life, making the good days amazing and the bad days bearable. When I started watching Game Theory, it was simply because I wanted to understand some basic FNaF lore to play the games in order. It turned out nobody really knows the answer, and while that was a little disappointing, the positives far outweighed the negatives because I had just found what would become one of my favourite YouTube channels for the next eight years.

And now, here we are in a bittersweet moment for everyone. While I feel very happy for you and the fact that you get to finally move on from the grind that you've been doing for the last twelve years with increasing intensity, I'd be lying if I said that I and the entirety of the internet won't miss you. But that's okay because you get to focus on other projects that I am really excited for and can give your family and everyone else in your life the attention they deserve. After all this time, you're definitely worthy of living your life. All of this to say the first sentence in this message: Thank you, MatPat!

And to Tom, Lee, Santi, and Amy, you are going to be great, guys! You've been taught by the best, and I can't wait to see you on your respective channels.



Goodbye Pathew Mathew. I have only started watching Game Theory a few years ago, but I have binge watched the classics like all of the FNaF theories (thrice...), and old classics. Thanks to you I have started theorizing about my favorite franchises too, mostly fnaf that is. And I cannot thank you enough for your videos, they have inspired me to finally try out content creation, which is my literal dream since I was a child, and I strive to create content with similar energy, vibe and just similar energy to you (without being a copycat that is). You have aspired me to be a different person, to think differently, and thanks to you I finally know what kind of person I actually want to be, kind, funny, charismatic, goofy, and (at least hopefully) always happy, having a smile on my face.

Thank you MatPat, I think I speak the same as millions of people, but you have changed our lives and your presence will never leave the world. Goodbye Mat



I will miss you MatPat. All I know is that you will never truly be replaced in my heart.



Subject: Farewell, MatPat: A Heartfelt Goodbye

Dear MatPat,

As you embark on a new chapter in your journey, we as a community wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude and bid you a heartfelt farewell. Your impact on the online community has been immeasurable, and your passion for gaming, theory crafting, and insightful analysis has left an indelible mark.

From unraveling the mysteries of game lore to delving into the science behind gaming, you've entertained and educated us with your unique blend of humor, intelligence, and infectious enthusiasm. Your dedication to delivering quality content and engaging with your audience has created a sense of community that extends far beyond the screen.

As you venture into new endeavors, whether they be creative projects, personal pursuits, or unforeseen adventures, we wish you nothing but success and fulfillment. Your creativity, analytical prowess, and ability to connect with people have undoubtedly left a lasting legacy.

Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment, the intriguing theories, and the genuine moments you've shared with your fans. The gaming and online communities won't be the same without your presence, but we're excited to see where your path leads next.

May your future be filled with joy, success, and continued growth. Farewell, MatPat, and thank you for everything.

Best wishes, just a guy who loves games



Good bye and thank you mattpat for all the video you made and the joy you bring to everyone and me. your video have help me though bad time and have inspire me to make video. i started watching you when i was like 6 or 7 and you introduced me into my love for math , science, and theories thank you for everything



I stumbled across your channel during the pandemic, and since then, I've watched all your videos. You made me fall in love with science and over-analysis. MatPat, thank you for being part of my childhood!



Hi Matpat and the whole theory team! Thank you for being such a dedicated and passionate host for the theory channels all over the years. Your videos have been a blessing whenever I'm just eating alone at home scrolling on YouTube for something or someone to accompany me for dinner, and it helped! The way you spoke, the dad jokes, and the repeated "LOREEEE" and "IT'S JUST A THEORY" helped make my day and It was amazing how a lot of small details could tell so much about their universe. Happy retirement! Looking forward to future videos!


Dear Matpat, Hello. My name is Maddox. We never got a chance to meet but as another YouTuber once said “When thinking in infinites, unlikely is just certainty waiting for its turn”. I want you to know that you have helped to shape who I am today. I am a parent and would often watch your videos with my daughter (I make sure to watch them first juuuuust in case) and my husband. We have loved watching you over the years and can’t wait to see any other projects you decide to do. Thank you so much for all the time you have given us. We will continue to cherish the moments. Ta ta for now, Maddox



I discovered your channel when I had been eleven or twelve. You had been my introduction to ARGs and looking for details in tiny nooks and corners where no one else would have bothered to check. I have never been very active in terms of actually participating in solving hidden stuff due to studies. But I did notice that I'd become more of an observant person. Looking for the little things of beauty in common works has been taught to me by Game Theory and Film Theory- even if they sound just as crazy as the possible fact that Sans is Ness. When Food Theory first started, I didn't really have that much of an interest in it. I used to be sick almost all the time and I could hardly eat a lot of good food. I never really expected conspiracies within companies or wondered about the benefits and hazards of food materials. I had always been a fan of the way the channels explained everything so simply. I knew that there was going to be science in topics like food, and I've never been that good in science, so naturally I didn't want to dive into it because I felt like I didn't have the brains to understand things like that. Food Theory made me appreciate the sciencey stuff of things again, even if that consisted of figuring out how mammoth meat tasted. Now, Style Theory had been something I had been looking forward to. I, myself, had never been the most fashionable person- there was nothing called aesthetic in our family. Frankly, as a kid, I had to wear whatever I could find in my closet and that matched with the pair of pants I had because I could be never be very picky with clothes. But I used to write and draw a lot; I still write and draw a lot, so I needed to learn about fashion that I could easily associate with certain character categories. Even if I had little to no drip when I was younger, I certainly look forward to getting to know myself more through the colours and clothes that I like. Expressing myself through fashion had always been in my to-do list. And thank you for telling me all the hideous stuff going on behind corrupt companies (again, it seems like we never run out of that). Fashion Theory had made me motivated enough to rediscover myself again and to try and the way soap works. I will forever be indebted to all of you who had made my childhood a little more appreciable. Around all the content creators leaving and/or getting outed as horrible people, the Theorists have always remained cool in our books. Thank you for making countless lives a little happier. Have fun spending time with your family and stay cool. I'm glad that I knew who MatPat and Stephanie were in this timeline. Farewell. :]



Goodbye Matpat, I still cant get over saying that, I remember being astonished when you found out that purple guy was phone guy. I have always watched your content and loved every second. The last time I remember being this sad on the internet was when techno died and I hoped I would never have to feel that again. you have always made amazing content and funny videos that brought me a good mood. Seeing what your latest theory is always brought a smile to my face. I wish you the best of luck in your life and congratulations on your baby. While I may not be an avid theorist or be very active in the community I still know that I can go up to any random person on the street, ask them about matpat or game theory and they will automatically know who I am talking about. even non theorists know your name and that is the greatest show of just how much you mean to the entire internet. your contribution is unmatched and your name will be forever remembered in gaming history. we all wish you the best. Thank you Matpat


Hello, My name is Millie. I'm a low vision (Blind) girl, and this is my post, if there are any typos, blame the vision issues lol. :D Where in the world do you start with this stuff? I've been a theorist for forever! But I can say that even if I were new to the channels, I would still feel at home with them. Matt, you have succeeded at making a safe space for everyone to come together as a group, as someone who is almost legally blind, your accessible videos make me so happy, knowing that I and my other disabled friends can take part in theorizing as well. I'm so excited to see what the new hosts will do! If they were picked by Matt then they are DESTINED FOR GREATNESS! Matt, and Steph too, you guys are awesome, just genuinely astounding people. You saw the opportunity to do something great and took it, and you never gave up. This is what makes life enjoyable, the ride. Your rollercoaster doesn't end here of course, oh no, it keeps going to new and exciting, wonderful, beautiful places. Ollie is going to grow up and be so astounding I can't even imagine. He's already fantastic, and he's five, (almost six). You have invested in us, your time, money, energy, and you've sacrificed for us, I hope that you can understand our appreciation in its enormity. When we're sad, you make us laugh, when we're sick, you lifted our spirits, when we don't understand, you treat us as equals in every facet. Yes, they are but YouTube videos, and you are but people, there have been trillions of people in existence, and yet, you choose to make an impact on the people that will listen, and those who refuse to listen will still hear the impact you make. You've made me more confident and now I'm an activist for disabled rights. MatPat and Steph will always be MatPat and Steph, that's for sure, but now you get to explore so many more possibilities, ad as sad as it is to watch you go, we couldn't be more proud to be theorists because of you, and we know you're proud of us. There are so many theories in our universe, but I like the theory that somewhere there's a reason you were put where you are, we call it "invisible string theory", and isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to us?


Goodbye Matpat I always loved watching ur fnaf theories and also food theories about McDonald’s I hope u have a happy retirement



Good Bye Matpat from your fan in Canada! I have been watching since 2013 (The first video I saw was the 1 Million Subscriber special) and have seen every video and live stream from ALL the channels. You are my number one favorite YouTuber! I have So much Theorist merch! I will always love and cherish you and hope you enjoy all your retirement from the FNAF Timeline XD. Enjoy your well-deserved rest and know that you have made a significant positive change in the world :)



I’ve been a theorist before film theory was a thing… don’t know how long ago that was. You are a huge inspiration for me and I hope you enjoy your time with your family. My stepfather loves the relationship you have with Steph and I hope it will flourish. Thank you for all your hard work, you’ve changed my life and so many others. I’ll miss you, but I’m happy for you and the chance that you can spend more time with your family. ♥️



Goodbye matpat Just a theory



Hi Matt! I’m writing this to thank you for everything, all the good moments you gave us, the community. Thank you for being a big part of my teenage years, thank you for the laughs, thank you for brightening up my day, thank you for making me aspire to be a better person, and thank you for making me smile when I was at my lowest. There is so so much I’d want to thank you for but it would get really repetitive haha, so thank you for everything, I hope you’ll enjoy your well-earned retirement, I can’t wait to see what you have planned for us. Big big hugs!



I have watched for the past 5 years wow I will still be a big fan just not as big as I was I will continue to watch as much as possible but I think I would be a different person today if my friend never showed you to me, I make so many theories about things with that same friend. I hope that every year you come back for a live stream special so we can see your face again. I will miss the quote at the beginning and end of each episode.



Hey MatPat! I just wanted to say thank you for everything. You helped me through a lot.



I think I first got into game theory as I was interested in the silly little bear game that has ended up being one of the biggest game franchises in the world. My friends and I would come to school talking about the latest theory and trying to work it out. A few friends in particular I still obsess over theories with to this day and I can't thank Mat enough for just making great content. Once I started getting more interested in different games and lets plays I hopped over to GTLive and fell in love with the chaotic streams that went on. I still watch series such as Kindergarten, FNAF and Doki Doki if I need a pick me up. OMG and Giraffe Town, that was a ride and a half. Watching theory content I am now always looking out for shows and games that have that mystery behind them and even if I'm not good at working out clues, I know this community would have already solved it and I can just go along for the ride. Mat being one of the good youtubers on the platform who just wanted to make good quality content for all of us to enjoy and I don't think any of us could thank him enough for the years of dedication he has put in. We'll miss you, but I'm sure this isn't goodbye, just a see you in a while <3 - Jess :)



Dear Matpat, even before I got my first phone, I was watching your videos on our family TV. They gave me a new way to look into any of my interests, and helped me make friends. That was all the way back in 2017, when I was just 10 years old. I'm 17 now, and still watch your videos a few hours after upload. Thank you for giving me friends and a community to talk to, and for giving me a childhood full of curiosity. Have a happy retirement and thank you for all the theories and laughs you gave us.



Hello matpat. Usually I don't do this kind of stuff but this is a special occasion. Perhaps you don't see this, perhaps no one does, but that's okay. I am making this letter for you and to myself. Now I wasn't one of the first to watch you I'll admit. But when I did begin watching you in 2017 I fell in love with your style of content. It was a gem in all the dust, a pearl on the seafloor, a diamond in the rough. I watched you constantly. You were entertaining and you also helped nurture my curiosity in video games and their LOORREEEE. So I just want to say thank you, for everything. I wish you a great retirement with your family and friends.

Many thanks Elijah :]



Good bye matpat, you're my fav youtuber and you inspire me. Also its just a theory, a game theory. Good bye matpat, you will be missed.



Goodbye MatPat.. No one will forget you. I will remember waiting for your Five Nights At Freddy's videos just hoping it'll make more sense than other theories, especially mine, lol!! Your theories were always the best, and it made me think outside the box more often about silly little things. This feels like a message I never would have had to deliver, but I'm glad I'm writing it rather than ignoring this. We all love you too MatPat, Goodbye



Hey Matpat!! I first found you years ago on your “Is Link dead” theory and have been a massive fan ever since; you inspired me to look deeper into things, to keep asking questions and to stay curious and honestly, to keep being myself. You made me laugh and smile when I needed it, and made me question things about the games/movies/etc that I would have never thought of questioning before; you made difficult things easier to understand and now I’m going into the sciences in university because with your videos, I believed I could do it. Thank you for everything these past years, I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am to find you and all of Team Theorist; this community has been a home for me and I know I can always find my place here So thank you for everything Mat; for asking us to stay curious about the world, for screaming at horror games with us, for the highs and for the lows. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and now I hope you can look back at everything and feel proud of yourself because you deserve to be proud of yourself, we’re proud of you Thank you for everything and I hope you, Steph and Ollie all have an amazing life; a clap and a half to you!! We -the community- love you!! Take care of yourself and never forget you’re loved



It has been an amazing 13 years! I cannot believe I am turning 22 and have been watching since I was 8! Take care and enjoy your close normal family now, because you've done an amazing job raising all of us online. I will forever now quote random things very loudly at my TV and phone in normal MatPat fashion to honor your legacy. Much Love from my house to yours! - Gabby, Kaleb and Theo



Thank you, for making a place all theorists can call home... Honestly I had quite a few phases going through while watching the four channels. I remember the first theory I watched, it was a film theory about robin being alive, beforehand I never thought of the idea of a theory, and the video opened my eyes. I went to show it the same day to one of my best friends.

I really needed to have a rock to lean on, and I really feel these channels had saved me in a certain way...

Thank you, and I hope the new channel heads will be just as important to my life as your era was.

So let me tell you this, thank you, Thanks a lot.

- Just another theorist


Hi, MatPat! 💚🖤

Not sure how much of this will make sense since I'm kind of just getting my thoughts down for the most part, but here goes!

Honestly, having to say goodbye was not something I actively thought would ever happen. It's like one of those things where it's obvious it's going to have to happen eventually, and all good things must come to an end, but the thought just never really crossed my mind. I still remember coming home every night from school and binging a bunch of your theories until I had to go to bed, or staying up watching GTLive, knowing full well I should be asleep so I could be energized for the next school day. Your theories helped me not be afraid of both expressing myself and also coming off as a bit of a nerd, LOL! I felt like I had finally found my place — somewhere where there were people who also loved looking at both the small details, and also at the bigger picture, putting pieces together. Honestly, I'd say GT and FT played a big role in me growing up, as weird as it may sound, your theories about random games and movies actually helped me learn a lot (and helped me discover a lot of games I love to this day) — whether it's about random things I'll probably never need to know about, or generally nerdy things, I learnt a lot nonetheless, all while having fun. Your excited, bubbly personality is something I feel cannot be replaced, and we should all treasure that (not to mention all the words that I associate with you now, I still find myself saying "That's just a theory, a __ theory!", and let's not even start on the words 'theory' and 'lore' in general LOL)! You're one of a kind, Mat.

I'm excited to see where things will go from here, and while we all miss you and wish you could stay, we're ready to begin a new chapter. Although, we'll never forget the person who made The Game Theorists what it is today. There's so much more I wish I could say, but we'd be here for days, and there's plenty of others who also need to write their messages, so I'll cut it here.

Thanks for all these years, and I hope you have a wonderful retirement!! 👏+👏½



Game theory helped me form an identity at a early age, I got that original game theory grey with green track jacket and I’ve worn it ever since from major life moment to major life moment, from dates to winning a robotics competition to moving out of a bad family situation to traveling across country. Just so many miles. Matpat has given me an unimaginable amount of support as a content creator and I want to give a thank you from the bottom of my heart


In the realm of theories and games, a titan stood tall MatPat, with intellect and charm, captivating us all For fourteen years, he shared his thoughts and insights Unraveling mysteries, sparking our delight

From FNAF to Zelda, from Minecraft to lore He delved into worlds, leaving us wanting more His passion and dedication, a beacon to admire Guiding us through puzzles, setting our minds on fire

Now as he bids farewell to this chapter, this stage We thank him for his wisdom, his wit, his sage Though it's sad to see him go, we wish him well May blessings rain upon him, his wife, and kid, as they dwell

In new adventures, new endeavors, may they thrive With joy and love surrounding them, keeping them alive So here's to MatPat, the theorist supreme May his retirement be filled with happiness, like a dream.

Goodbye, MatPat. Gone, but not forgotten. 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 forgotten. But, hey, that's just a theory. A 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙊𝙍𝙔!



Goodbye MatPat! I have been a loyal Theorist for almost ten years now. I first heard about game theory from an after school counselor when I was in fifth grade, but I was afraid to click on the thumbnail of Mario with a gun. Two years later I fell in love with your channels when I tuned in to GT Live on a fateful Mario Maker Wednesday, the very same stream in which the clap and a half was introduced to the Theorist community. Watching GT Live became a part of my nightly ritual, and from there I introduced myself to everything Game Theory and Film Theory had to offer. I admire you and Stephanie immensely and I think you two stand as exemplars of the responsible content creators the internet needs. You never cease to amaze me and I hope one day I can consider myself as successful and personally fulfilled as you seem to be. Throughout my ten years as a theorist you’ve taught me invaluable lessons, given me innumerable laughs, and been excellent role models for not only your fans but other creators on the internet as well. You shine as a beacon of positivity, humor, kindness, and intelligence on the platform. And of course, none of it could have been possible without the rest of Team Theorist behind you. To: Jason, Chris, Amy, Ash, Mirror Matt, Head Editor Dan, Tom, Lee, Santi, Josiah, Rachel, Sam, and literally anybody else who makes theorizing happen, THANK YOU for your hard work on the content I and so many others love so much. Claps and Halves all around! It is a great time to be a Theorist, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I'll be waiting excitedly for all the projects you have planned. Thank you MatPat, the internet will not be the same without you.

Wishing you all the best, Angelo



Goodbye Matpat👑 and thank you for all the memories and all the theories. I remember getting so excited when you uploaded a new fnaf video and I thank you for everything and I hope you are happy with your decision and we will miss you and again thank you for all the memories and you got me through some hard times. You're like a dad and you are a amazing person so I just watched you and you did so many theories just for us and you did great and it made me so happy when I watched those theories. Goodbye Matpat👑 o7😭😭😭😭



Hey Matt, You don't know me but it's been a pleasure to get to know you over the past decade (what a time it has been!) with my first video being Pewdiepie's Secret. It's been such an experience to watch you grow as a youtuber, person, and watch your community flourish. I'm so proud of the growth you have done over these years and taking the time to step back is such a painful, yet strong decision. I won't lie when I say that I cried the entire "goodbye internet" video as it dawned on me that creators from my childhood are stepping down but I know deep down that this is for the best and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I can't count how many times I have rewatched the FNAF playlist, how excited I was hearing that we were going to get not one, not two but THREE new channels exploring topics that I never thought had so much depth to them. You and your team have opened my eyes to the world around me and I have gained tidbits of knowledge that I didn't even know existed until now. I'll never forget sitting in a packed theater for the FNAF Movie and watching as myself and others stood up cheering and clapping when we saw that cool, diner guy "Ness" on screen while other's looked at us like we had three heads.

Regardless, I am so happy for you Matt and know that through it all we all know that "it's just a game theory..." but maybe we haven't come to accept that as the truth quite yet <3


I watched your videos for over 7 years now. I always had pleasure in solving things and theorizing even before I discovered you. I was a curious one. But you took that curiosity and multiplied it by 100. You shaped my thinking and humor. I discovered many things thanks to you. Of course all good things must end eventually and it's important to not be sad for the things lost but to be happy because they happened. Thank you matpat, for memories, for the fun, for the theories But remember it's just a message A thank you message! Thanks for reading



Hi MatPat and Steph! My name is Haven, I’m from Australia and back in 2015 I was 17 years old and struggling a lot with my mental health. I had a period where I watched youtube videos all the time to distract myself from everything, and one day I stumbled across a Game Theory video… I can’t quite remember which video was first, because I immediately watched a whole bunch more of them. More than falling in love with the channel, your videos taught me how to fall in love with learning again. I was there when GTLive started, and I loved getting to know you both through those videos. Your videos also helped me feel less alone in the times when I was pretty isolated. I’m doing way better now, though I’ve still got a lot of work to go (that’s recovery for ya), but I will forever appreciate and treasure the impact you’ve both had on my life. I know that I am just one drop in the ocean of people you’ve impacted. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done, and I am so happy and excited for you to get to spend more time with your wonderful family. So much love to you both <3 Have fun riding myuusic man off into the sunset!!


Hi, Mat Pat, Thank you, Thank you, for the years of fun and entertainment. Thank you, for being one of the weird YouTube big brothers people may not have always wanted but never knew they needed. Thank you, for being a constant and great figure in this changing landscape that is Youtube and life. Thank you, for the 14 years you gave us! I hope you may come and visit us on the interwebs one day but for now, enjoy your time with Ollie and Stephanie. Thank you for being you. Thank you Mat Pat!



At last, Goodbye... It's been quite the journey, with all the videos, the theories, the ARGs, the events, the lives, and everything you gave us in these 13 years of your life. I just want to thank you for all the emotions you made me feel, all the things I learned from you, and all the laughs I had with you. I don't want this to end, I don't want you to go away, but I also understand that this is for the better. Thanks again, and I wish you the best from here on out.



Matpat, now I haven't been watching you videos for long now, compared to the other hardcore fans on this page, but THEY ARE AWESOME! You probably won't see this, but hey, I'll miss you. The first thing that got me glued to the screen were your Minecraft theories, and I've been binging them for a while now. Then your ARG? That was mindblowing! And these last 10 videos I've been on the edge of my seat, from Lethal Company, to shooting tanks, to Gravity Falls, it's been a blast, and with one final send off theory left, I'll miss you. But, till then, kudos to all the service you've done to the theorist community, and boy can't I wait to see this one last theory.

But hey, that's not just a theory, It's the truth! Thanks for reading, And enjoy your retirement, Matthew Patrick!



Goodbye matpat! Thank you for the many years of theories. I hope your channel is in the right hands. -



You were a big part of my childhood (which technically I’m still in) and I’ll miss getting excited seeing a brand new game theory video, and I loved a lot of your older videos about all the more “interesting” parts of gaming


Dear MatPat (The Best Theorist to Exist), Welcome to today's Show: A boy who is now a Teen saying goodbye to one of his Favorite Content Creators... Man! It has been a Journey Has it! From being a small youtuber making small Auditions, Musicals, and Theories (14 YEARS AGO! Man, Time flies, huh?) To Being one of the biggest Youtubers out there with 19M on a plate, Making Funds and Charities to Help St. Jude for kids who need it, and Making Videogames and meeting other Big youtubers out there! (Present Day) It has been a wild Journey and a Insane and Chaotic one, if that. (Insane and Chaotic meaning you slowly losing your Sanity with FNAF theories and other mind-bending ones as well.) Looking back on it 14 years is a lot and when you go back looking upon the journey you have scaled and the millions you've changed and met along the way, really feels like a accomplishment and change. Your 37 now, so take 37 - 14 = 23! Congratulations! You have basically have been doing this since you were 23 YEARS OLD! Which is a long while and big chunk of your life about 1/3 as you have said in your "Goodbye Internet" Video Explaining Your plan for Retirement and how things will go now since you will be gone and give the channel to the others. Which I will say I 120% Respect your decision Ten fold. The fact you stood up, showed your feelings on camera and will leave to spend more time with your family and buckle down from the Internet and from making videos really, as I said, Is a big decision, But also a good Human and Fatherly thing to do. Seeing your son grow up to a person as you and him age is AMAZING and truly I wouldn't want you to miss out on that! I will always respect you more and your decision for doing that. Change is different and weird but it is also healthy to move on. I will never forget the time you changed my life and sparked my childhood by the very first video I have ever watched and come across from you is "Game Theory: Duck Season's KILLER DOG... Unmasked! (Duck Season)" Which has 22M and was 6 YEARS AGO! (Just making us feel old, Matpat!) Ever since I clicked on that video, my childhood sparked into this Detective, Videogame Solving Fanatic because of you! I will never forget... I will also never forget that this was during the time my family (Mostly my Dad and Mom) Were going through troubling times and family situation. What am I getting at here? Your videos have comforted me and made me laugh through those tough times. Now come to think about it, All my other Favorite youtubers have quit and it really is making me Sad to see them go. But Everything good must come to a end, am I right? But with all of this said and emotional typing, it is sad to see you go MatPat and I hope that the others taking over will carry on the legacy and what it means to be a "theorist". Thank you!... Thank you for the memories and people have changed throughout your journey on Youtube and the decision you have made to spend time with your family. We hope to see you happy! But hey... That's just a theory... A GAME THEORY!!! Thank you...Thank you for making a Series and Journey of theories for us theorist. (And hey if you're new around here, Why not give old MatPat a Final goodbye and good old intro song before he leaves!)



Dear Matpat, you have been like a father to me and taught me everything i needed and you changed my life but my friend actually presented you to me and live on knowing you are a legend and moved on for loved ones, I hope you have a great time with Stephine and ollie, and hey maybe the new hosts will become legends sooner or later; but hey that's just a theory -Sincerely EnderSnake



Hey matpat! I know there’s a good chance you won’t see this but if you do I want you to know you really impacted a lot of childhoods including mine. I absolutely love your videos and still watch them to this day. I haven’t been in the best place for a couple of months so watching you and ash on GtLive or you trying to solve FNAF for the millionth time really makes my day better. You’ve impacted so many people’s lives and I'm still in denial about you retiring especially since the day I'm writing this is 6 days away from March 9th. You are truly an inspiration to so many and I think I can speak for all of us when I say I can’t wait to see what’s next for you and what kind of things you have in store for us. Even though you’re not going to be fully gone just working on projects of your own and popping in here and there it still won’t be the same without you. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next and what the new hosts of the channels have in store for us. I hope you enjoy your retirement - you don’t have to count animatronic toes now! Spend time with your family, relax, get a good nights sleep knowing that you don’t have to stay up late working on videos. You deserve it. The internet will not be the same without you MatPat -Melanee :)



I discovered game theory too long ago for me to remember (but it was probably around 4-6) now I'm 13 and seeing him retire hurts, but i cannot wait to see what the new hosts have to offer, may the next generations of theorists be happy with the legacy behind them



These last ten years of my life from transitioning from just a nerdy, annoying kid to a now full fledged adult, has been one where I've had Mat almost every step of that way. When I was growing up I didn't have many friends have the same interests as me, or as a deep of a passion for interests as I did. When I found you, diving into FNAF all the way back then, it was so cool to find someone who wanted to psychoanalyze everything and find deeper meaning in anything. And through you, I was able to find more people like me, I was able to make friends that understood me a whole lot better. In a lot of weird ways, you also had a hand in inspiring a lot of things I want to do creatively. Listening to you helped me develop a style and tone that would inspire my writing. Remembering not to leave any details out, but also remembering to add that bit of charm and personality to keep it interesting for the audiences. In a lot of those cases, this helped me get through a lot of classes with praise. There's a lot more I'd love to say, but won't for the sake that I'm going to keep just going and going about what an inspiration you are, Mat. Thank you for everything you've done. I'm where I'm at right now in my life, learning the tools I need to become a creator, because of you. So, thank you again and enjoy the beautiful life you've built for yourself :)



Matpat has been a part of my childhood and other peoples childhood for so long and I’m really going to miss you so much. I have been here for a very long time and I don’t know where I would be right now if I never seen the things like your Fnaf video's or just anything you ever posted. You have always been my favorite youtuber I would watch game theory and food theory with my mom all the time. I remember the excitement of seeing you post videos on all of the channels. I am so grateful for the hard work put into all the videos BUT THATS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY AAANNDD CUT. thank you matpat


Thank you for the years and years of memories! My childhood was shaped by the Theorist community. Clap and a half for the past decade of theories!



Goodbye Matpat, thank you for all the memories and will miss you sincerely! Hope the best for you and take care.



Hey there matpat, I'm just sending this message to say thank you. I know you're not officially retired yet and I know the chance of you seeing this message is very small but I just want to say thank you. Thank you for helping me get through school (even though I'm still in school), thank you for always being there for me, ready to cheer me up. Thank you for the amazing community that the theory channels have built. Thank you, matpat, for everything, the impact of your channels on the Internet will never be forgotten (mostly because of the memes).

I hope that you enjoy your retirement, a retirement where you don't have to think about robot spaghetti or testing what parts of a tree you can eat.

Thank you matpat, for always being there for me. And for entertaining all of us theorists for over a decade.



Hey matpat I just wanna thank you for making my childhood and helping me during lockdown I remember watching your sans is ness video for the first time and actually thinking it was true. During lockdown I would always watch your videos especially your fnaf theories and your fnaf theories are actually what got me into fnaf. So I would just like to thank you for the memories over the years since you know, you have 6 more days. March 9th is gonna be a sad day right? Since most people are probably gonna be crying since its your last theory and I would just like to say thank you so much Matpat for making our childhoods with your silly theories. But then again, That's just a theory a game theory!! Thanks for ruining our childhoods matpat <33



Goodbye matpat, thanks for all the theories and the fun, you are part of my childhood, to quote a great film "oh captain my captain you will be missed" thanks for everything, take care



Matpat, thank you for creating everything that you did. Your channel was there with me throughout 7 years of my life, and you and your team taught me so many things, like the pH scale, and you showed me wonderful stories. I'm a big nerd, and a lot of my knowledge comes from your channels, even though you ruined my childhood, you made my adolescence. What you did was amazing, you made your mark on so many people, including me. I consider you a great friend, and true friendships never end, I know I'll see you again somewhere on the internet, and I hope that whatever you'll go, you'll find happiness. See you on the flipside, my friend, I wish you success on your future projects, and thanks for being there with me through the screen.



I've watched Game Theory ever since I can remember. It has always brought me joy in pretty dark times, together with some of my other favorite YouTubers. Thank you so much for being that little light in those dark times, keeping me warm and smiling. You've meant so much to me and others. We love you Mat. Of course also Steph and the rest of the team! You're all amazing people who make the world a bit better. ♥


Thank you Matpat for everything. Goodbye



Hey Matpat, Honestly, after reading some of the comments here, I feel as though everything has already been said, so I will try and keep this as short as I can. I still kind of find it surreal that you won't be the main face of the Theorist channels anymore. I mean, I've been watching Game Theory for a while now, I think since the Rosalina Unmasked video which, I want to say was about 10 years ago which is just mind-boggling to me. If there is anything that Unus Annus has taught me it's that things end no matter what, enjoy whatever you want while it's still there, and to not be afraid of the end. I'll be honest, I think its message works here as well. I think it'll be a massive change, having you step away from the channels. I mean, you're basically the face and voice that the community and I associate with the channels. I'm sure that whatever you choose to do now will be as overly complicated and overthought-about as usual, and that's something I look forward to seeing in the future. So, for one final time: Thank you for the videos, the laughs, and the memes of course, and I hope that whatever you do from here is as fulfilling as it was making videos and content for us. Thanks again Matpat!

"Everything ends. And it's always sad. But everything begins again too and that's.. always happy. Be happy" - Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor from Dr. Who



Thank you for my childhood, my present, and my future! I can't imagine the person I'd have been if it weren't for you. I hope all your wishes will be fulfilled. With love, just a theory.



Goodbye Matt! I was watching game theory since I was 5, in 2015 and ever since I watched almost every single one of your videos! And when food theory became a thing the first thing I thought is "Why didn't I think of that sooner?" , also I genuinely still belove that the Sans is Ness theory is correct, and true. You truly don't understand how much the theory channels mean to me. Thank you though for ruining my childhood, but making it.


Thanks for everything Matpat! good luck on your future endeavors!



It's been years since the first video from matpat that I watched, and I feel like this closes a chapter in my life I didn't know I even had open. It's so eye-opening looking back at the times matpat helped me get through a hard time just by being there and theorizing about things I didn't even think could be real. If I ever felt sad or wanted to forget I knew I could count on a new video that he conjured up in his closet probably on his 20th can of diet coke. And after years of theories i selfishly might add consider him a friend, a person I could always count on to talk to me even in the deepest and darkest moments of my life and I could talk back even though he couldn't hear. Now today I'm sitting in from of my laptop watching as the last video of him slowly ticks away till the last second and the only thing I can think of is a simple goodbye, not because matpat was insignificant to my life, which would be a total lie but I cannot put in words how much i'll miss the late night watch of the new fnaf theory by the one human crazy enough to do it, nor can I put in words how much I'm glad that he's finally going to get a good rest. So matpat I from the deepest bottom of my heart want to say thank you and as always it's just a theory a life theory goodbye my friend. ~filled with determination David from Poland



Dear MatPat, It's been great having you on the channel for so many years and I and many others have lived and grown up with your theories, I wish you, your wife, and son well. I look forward to seeing what you might do next and how the theory channels will change over time. Have a happy retirement and keep theorizing! -LilyFlowers



Matpat you have been one of my favorite youtubers for a long time. I started watching you when you did your first fnaf theory. After that i fell in love with your content. thank you for being a part of my childhood!



Dear MatPat, for as long as I can remember, I have watched your amazing theories, from Minecraft lore to Game Lab, every moment was amazing. I especially love food theory and it has helped me become interested in cooking, by far my favourite channel not just from you. I will truly miss you and I would be more than lying if I said that I didn’t shed a tear when watching your announcement video. Through everything you’ve done, thank you. - Sam 3/3/24



I want to thank you for all of the years of comfort and happiness you’ve supplied. I started watching your theories over a decade ago and eventually GTLive became a frequent comfort watch. You and the whole crew have always radiated kindness and have helped me up out of dark lonely times. It’s not often that you can find YouTubers that really make you feel like you’re part of a family and not so alone. You were the first YouTuber I watched and I will continue to support whatever projects you move on to. Thank you for everything.



Goodbye, I never got to be involved in anything you did, like an arg, but I watched and bought merch, I don't normally cry, but after seeing you go, after I've been watching for 11 years I can tell you I certainly did. Thank you, and both you and your family have an amazing prosperous life.



Goodbye MatPat, I have watched your channel for so long now and I just want to say that I will miss you very much. 🫡



Thanks for everything.



Goodbye, MatPat. You will be missed



Dear Matpat, It's bittersweet to see you go but even though you ruined childhoods you've also built them. I didn't really start watching you till like 1 or 2 years ago but my sister has been watching a while. And it still hurts even though I haven't been there from the start. You'll always have a home with us. Plus you can't get rid of us that easy ;) We love you man❤️



Goodbye Matpat you have left a mark on the internet and the yt community that will never leave any of us. You will be missed by all and we hope to see you again in a video someday. <3



Thank you for everything over the years, and enjoy your vacation


My god.. MatPat. Where do I even start with this? You have been a part of my childhood and my adulthood for SO long. You've become so significant even my DAD watches your videos. He's listened to me talk about you. Your channel has brought me so much joy for so many years and I love your theories. You're a madman, a genius, and a comedian. MatPat. You have served your community so well and have brought so much joy to us all. While we're so sad to see you go, just know that you'll ALWAYS have a place in all of our hearts. Though you won't be such a big part of our lives anymore, we know that you left the channels in good hands. Thank you for bringing me so much. I will forever be a loyal theorist. Much love.. take care and enjoy your rest, you deserve it.



Matpat, thank you for your dedication to your fans. I remember watching your farewell and crying so so much. As someone who became a fan of the team and your theories only 2-3 years ago, I am saddened to see you go so soon. But I feel like I’ve learned so much, things I probably would’ve never looked into before stumbling across your channels. Thank you for keeping my curiosity going strong, and for showing me that thinking creatively can pay off. I soon plan on using YouTube to put out my music, and I don’t think I would have ever considered this before watching your videos. So thank you for all of the ways you’ve inspired me, I hope that isn’t odd to say! Enjoy your retirement, I’m so happy to hear you’re giving yourself time to rest and live your life. Thank you. With the best wishes for your future, Vee



I've been following you since your Link is Dead video just because I was just getting into Zelda at the time and ever since I've followed you. Seriously man thanks for all the laughs, cringes, and honestly the few tears I've been having watching your last few theory videos. Just, thank you man. Thank you.




Matpat, your theories were part of such a precious period of my and my brother's childhood and I'm so thankful for that.

Thank you for being part of such precious memories of ours.

Thank you for creating the conversation starters that led me to starting long-lasting and amazing friendships.

I don't have all the words I wish I could write right now. I also wish I could make a fanart, but I don't know if I will have time before your last theory.

Thank you for everything!

See you when you next decide to surprise us.

Goodbye, Matpat!



Your videos helped me get through a very rough part of my life, so thank you with all my heart. Goodbye Matpat, and thanks for everything!



Goodbye matpat! You've always been such an inspiration for me, and your videos have been my entire childhood. I remember watching almost every video by the theorist channels since 2016, and they were always so fun. I've found interests and communities in your videos, and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you've done!



I remember when I was a middle school student and watching Game Theory videos made me see how math and science could be used for fun and not just boring homework. Watching your channel was one of the reasons I chose to pursue a career path in STEM. Now I'm studying for a degree in Engineering and have gotten my first job offer in the field this year. Thank you Matpat for being there to inspire us all.



I don't know what to say that hasn't been heartfelt by so many others, but thank you MatPat and team for everything you've done. I've been watching the channel for about 10–11 years, and you've genuinely shaped my childhood. In my life, there had been what I learned from my parents, from school, everything that made me 'smart' as a kid. I excelled in classes, but I only did because of how I saw the world. Separately, there were video games, that I used as my escapism and allowed me to be someone different. You combined those worlds effortlessly. You showed me the way to think outside the box, to constantly ask questions of games and the world around me for what was behind the curtain, what was the meaning, why were things happening. Your efforts, years ago, even about the smallest of things, games I hadn't even played, sparked an eternal interest in me for science, for knowledge, and for fun.

Thank you, MatPat, for being my greatest teacher in my childhood, and, despite being miles away on a computer screen, developing me into the man I am today.

We, as a community, will support you through it all. Thank you for the theories that we now get to make ourselves. Thank you.



Thank you MatPat ! This is super cheesy but I’ve been watching your content since before I could speak English! Never understood a word you said but you organised your ideas, had animations and best presented your theories in ways I’ve always admired. As I got older I began to learn and understand better, and gained a whole new appreciation for your work.

Thank you for being such an inspiration and I hope you don’t mind me basing my entire English language on the vocab you use and the style you speak in lol. Have a well earned retirement, but don’t think you’re an old man just yet, you’ve achieved so much and still got left to go, up to you to decide how success looks like now. All the love, H.


Can’t say I’ve grown up my whole life watching MatPat because I think we’re about the same age. But since I discovered the theories channels he’s been a daily part of my life. I watch the new theories videos for fun, I watch the long videos like GTLive when I want to just relax and not channel surf. I share them with friends and coworkers because they make me smile. It won’t be the same with the new hosts, but I wish you the best and I’ll keep watching. And maybe one day down the line, when things have faded from recent memory, us old timers can share all our favorite videos from dinosaur times with the new fans who might not know who MatPat is. But regardless of where the channels go, even if they end up being something I just remember fondly, I wish you the best MatPat. Because you brought me countless smiles. Because no matter what we think might happen, we need to give change a chance. And because until we see what becomes of whatever happens, and we have a chance to analyze it frame by frame, it’s all just a theory…



We'll miss you MatPat!



Hello Matpat and the entirety of the Theory Team, I first watched Game Theory about 8 years ago (2016). I think it was because a channel from my country translated a FNAF Game Theory video to my country's language. So I decided to watch the original video, And sure enough; I became intrigued by the concept of FNAF itself, The Books, Videos, Theories, Everything. It also made me watch the other channels, It is a part of me and I think it is a part of everyone who followed FNAF from those times. I stopped watching for some time like many people, But I came back to watching Game Theory at about 2018. Honestly, Game Theory Introduced me to an interesting, big and nice world of one of the best communities that have ever existed; I can't thank the community enough for everything, Love to not also Matpat and the Theory Team, But to you reading this, You guys, The Community; Love from the Brazil part of the community and from myself, Have a good one, Matthew. Hope to see you another day.



Goodbye MatPat, and thank you for all these years. I have probably watched for the last 9 years and by doing so has basically lead me to my dream school. When i started watching you i remember watching the Rosalina videos and learning about genetics and realizing how cool that is and by further watching more i began to love the science aspect of school (chemistry, biology, and then later physics (i already loved math)). And with the newfound love i chose a high school focusing more in those subjects, and by doing that i had subjects in the high school that also focused on product development and design, and next year I'm starting a university based on that, and i probably would not have this love for the sciencey subjects if it wasn't for the Theorist channels. On a non school related note the game theory channel is a go-to watch for me and my best friend to watch when we are together, when her ex broke up with her i remember sitting in my car eating pizza with her while we watched a theory and later we went to her house and put on some old FNaF theories because those are her favorite, and that became a thing we do sometimes, get fast-food, eat in my car parked in a specific spot and watch any of the Theory channels. Even when I'm watching YouTube i find myself putting on GTLive because i like having longer videos in the background while I'm doing things and it has become one of the channels i watch most on YouTube in general and it always finds a way to put a smile on my face, from cracking the lore on Shipwrecked or Garten of Banban, to enjoying the witty banter from you and Ash. Again i just want to say thank you for being one of the most important people in the last 9 years of my life and i can't wait to see what the future holds, not only for the channels but for myself as well, so from the bottom of my heart thank you<3



Matpat, I have loved your work for the many years I’ve been watching. It was always fun to see you jumping over my screen talking about Michael Afton getting the scoop. I hope whatever endeavors you find yourself in next, you will have fun and luck. Goodbye. And always remember, that’s just a theory.



MatPat is responsible for a massive amount of my personality from my love of video games to science and theorizing. I simply would not be the person I am today without him and can't thank him enough.



Thank you so much for all the memories. Most of my childhood was filled with disappointment but watching game theory when a new video released is something I'll always remember fondly. I cannot understate just how much you have influenced me and how I think about things. You introduced me to ARGS and now they're one of my favorite things. I cant watch a tv show or movie anymore without thinking about the LORE now and I wouldnt want it any other way. Thank you Matpat.


okay. so I haven’t been a theorist for very long. Over covid, somehow I fell down the omega mart rabbit hole and ended up watching a jimmy neutron is grub hub theory on the GT channel. I remember thinking it was cool but forgetting about it. Then this October, I realised MatPat was that guy. I found the channel again. I haven’t had much time but the channel brings me happiness. It expands on something I’ve always done in my mind: expanded stories. Thank you, MatPat and Steph. You’ll be missed. ❤️💚💙💛



We all love you, Mat Pat. I have been a subscriber for years. You were one of the first youtubers I subscribed to. We will all miss you.



My sister introduced me to your channel and I’ve been following your journey since, but I know it can’t last forever, everyone moves on with their lives and so must you good sir. I’m probably not the only one that grew up watching your videos, my comment will most likely be lost in all this. I will end this comment with a quote. “celebrate life’s grandeur, its brilliance, its magnificence”



Goodbye Matpat. After all these years off theories, I loved every single one, when I was a little kid. Every time I watched one of your videos, I enjoyed it. I enjoy your hard work, and you do deserve to take a break. After what you've done for the Youtube community, you deserve to retire. We'll miss you, all your theories, your magnificent progress. Go hang out with your family, enjoy the rest of your life, Matpat.


Matpat, you probably will not see this, but I'm putting it for my own sake. You have been a second dad to me since I first discovered your channel 11+ years ago. I've been through so much trauma in my life, but even when I'm at my lowest, I can always go to this channel and cheer myself up. so personally, I just want to thank you for everything. You are the reason I have started doing video editing, and editing videos for creators. I love these videos with a passion, and will be upset when you are gone, but maybe this is a sign that I need to grow up and change my ways. all in all, I will forever be grateful for your work on YouTube, and Thank You so so so very much.



Hi matpat thanks for all the theories and times you put in those theories to make us curious and inspired us to make theories of our own thanks again goodbye Matthew Robert Patrick "MATPAT"



it’s been a while since i started watching your videos. not sure how long.

made me feel smart, and i do think i picked something up from them.

i can really appreciate the games i play, of the video variety or otherwise, the media i consume, and little parts of everyday life.

the idea of being this guy who digs through the smallest details, thinks outside of the box, and challenges preconceived notions on games, film, food, and style…

that was an idea i loved.

and while i was still a little kid at the time, i wouldn’t easily forget that mindset, as it persists to this day, whether being a game theorist is in my mind or not- as it’s in my heart. i was pretty small when i was introduced to game theory, and i still am.

thank you, matpat.

it’s thanks to you that i could dig up so many gems in what i really liked.

sayonara, matthew patrick.

elisha, out. (eh-lai-shuh.)



Dear MatPat

I'm an adult now but i've watched u since i was 13. You were one of the first channels i watched on youtube, and i always turn on your videos when im studying or doing late night work. I even learnt english from your videos. I go to your videos in high school because it made me feel nice and safe since i wasn't in my best place in HS. You've taught me to look into all the details, whenever i'm playing games, doing something, or even doing schoolwork. Even up until now I followed your way into understanding something by being super detailed and laid all the facts in my work (I'm a management student studying to get certs for an engineering field). I know you will not leave youtube, and you'll be out there somewhere, but everything will not feel the same. It is a feeling I'm familiar with but still not great to feel. I will miss you. I will replay all of your old FNAF theories whenever I'm working or just generally existing. Your videos will forever be a part of what makes me me.

I will pray for your good luck in your future endeavors. And again, I will miss you.

It's just a theory, a game theory! Thank you for everything.



In Mi'kmaq there isn't "goodbyes" there is "see you again"... so I would like to say Nmultis (Nu-mul-tes) MatPat, (Matthew Patthew) for this, I'm glad I clicked on the 'Killer's promise' Fnaf theory, that was the first theory to get me reeled in, and I stayed, sure I wasn't able to get merch, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan, thank you for the Years (not so much for now the overthinking, overanalyzing, and theorizing at night) and memories, but we can make new ones with the new heads of the channels, And not just a Numultis for Mat, Stephanie too, she's just as much as a theorist as us all, thank you for everything Mat and Team! XOXO -Mali



9 years of MatPat... See you on the flipside. (A farewell).


I've been a fan of Mat for 9 years. I'm 19 now, so it's about half of my life I've been following the channel, which is... wild to me.

I wanted to start this off properly by saying thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for being the highlight of my day for years when I log on and see a new fnaf theory. Thank you for feeding my obsessions with GTLives when a new video comes out. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for making me cry (especially the farewell video...) but overall, thank you for being part of my childhood.

It seems now my childhood is slipping further and further away from me, which is crazy, but that's how time works isn't it? The further you go, the more you lose. But then, it doesn't seem to hurt any less the further you go.

One of my fondest memories is when I was a lot younger and tried to explain the plot of the first five nights at freddys games to my grandad and his partner. It was funny, trying to explain off of what little lore we had, and conveniently speeding through the parts about dead bodies in suits (they still caught it though...). Talking about theories helped me make friends, and genuinely, it helped my analysis skills so much that I now make my own theories.

But not only that. I think my love of analysis which led me to my place today is from theories. The fact I can analyse essays so well, draw conclusions from it, and then write my own books too with little puzzle pieces is just... amazing. It's safe to say, it's definitely been a big part of my life. And I am so thankful for that.

I've always aspired to do some form of youtubing, and later voice acting, and that was inspired by you and Markiplier and PewDiePie and all those lovely people. One day, I thought what if I can voice act. That I get to be in an amazing game, and maybe what if MatPat plays it on a video! Well, I'm sure the second part won't come true now, but you know what? I'm happy with that. You may have seen another post on the subreddit where I made a meme about how I got to voice the Marionette, my childhood favourite, in a fangame. She's always been the creepiest to me, and she's made her way into my heart. I may not have made my goal, but I'm darn well on my way. And for that, too, I have you to thank.

I still remember when it made my day when I got a shout out from you from defending Gregbot - a redditor messaged me, and I couldn't believe it, and yet... there it was. Childhood me would've been overjoyed, and adult me was just as happy.

I definitely fluctuated on and off for the channel every now and again, but I never missed a fnaf theory. Ever. I always came back to this channel, never a long break, and I'm sure I always will.

I'm getting emotional (again) now, so I think it's better for me to end this now. Thank you again, Mat, and I speak for everyone here when I say I hope you have the best retirement, and enjoy yourself. I'm sure life has some wonderful surprises for you, and honestly, you deserve it. You've made a wonderful impact on the community, and my life. I know it's odd to say that about someone I don't know, a youtuber no less, but I think it's more than that. I think we do create bonds beyond human comprehension.

And I find that wonderful.

Thank you, Eowyn ✨️



Ever since you dropped your retirement video, I've been trying to think of how to articulate my thoughts. I just have to say thank you so much for everything. I have been watching you since I was 11 and now I'm 21, I binged everything on game theory growing up (and now), to this day I still watch Food Theory while I cycle at the gym. One of the biggest things you've done for me is actually put me in my current position. I'm currently a medical student and my reason for becoming one was because I wanted to go into neurosurgery/neurology, and that is because of you. I was so interested in the human mind as a kid and wanted to study psychology, but then I watched your video on how the fnaf 4 kid would've had his frontal lobe bitten off, and your reference to the guy that had his amygdala removed. That was so cool to me, and to top it all off, that's when I realised that YOU studied neuroscience. I had initially forgotten about this but about a year ago I was rewatching old videos and realised the thing that made me want to study medicine was YOU! I love everyone on the channels and I'm glad you're doing what's best for you. I pray for you, Steph, Ollie, all 4 amazing hosts (+ Ash of course) to succeed and find joy in the future 🙏🏿



Dear MatPat,

It's been so long since I first watched your theories. I remember childhood me just watching each one of your theories as they appeared and it would be a joy for me to watch it with all my friends. From Sans is Ness to Petscop, I enjoyed all the memories that you have given me and all those in the community. Even though it might be time for you to step down as the host of the Theorists, we all know that you'll always be there. We will always remember you, but your legacy will live on with the new hosts in each channel. It will never be the same without you, but I'm sure each host will be a new experience in itself and that we'll enjoy them too. Thank you for the memories.

That's all folks~



Thank you Mat, for all the years of theories you have made. I’ve been watching you for years, from the depths of Sans is Ness to Gregory is a robot, and despite anything that may have happened in my life, your theories were always there. Thank you, for the years of entertainment. I am excited to see where the future will lead, but there will always be a piece of you in every video that we will always miss. Goodbye MatPat, and I hope you enjoy whatever life brings you next.


It's been one hell of a pleasure to have been your viewer for all these years, every week waiting for the next theory to be posted, trying to theorize by myself, and so on.

The size of the dent that you have left on Youtube will forever be immeasurable.

Thank you MatPat.



Goodbye Matpat❤️ Like many others, you’ve been the foundation of my childhood. I’ve come and gone watching other YouTubers, but you’ve always stuck as a favourite. I’ve been watching you from the near beginning, and watching some of your oldest videos. You’ve become an inspiration and a role figure for millions. Literally millions. What has always had an impact for me is you. Even though I’m only watching a screen I can tell that you care so deeply for everyone and everything you work on. You have lots of passion and wit about you, and not to forget about your kindness either. Just know that you are a special person. Although it’s sad, this time for you to take your break is well deserved. Enjoy your time together Matt, Steph and Ollie, and I wish you all the best. I’ve taken the role of a hardcore fnaf theorist these years, but that doesn’t shy me away from all of your awesome other content as well. I’m 19 turning 20, and I look up to you. I won’t ever meet you in real life, but you seem like a cool guy to hang out with and work with. And with that, that’s just a goodbye, a great goodbye! Thank you for your hard work Emily



Hey guys, I'm gonna keep this short since you guys have probably had enough tears from the other goodbye comments here, I know I have. I want to thank you, for so many years of theories, so many years of us accompanying you and at the same time you doing the same thing with us, accompanying us throughout everything. Thank you for showing us just how deep we can go and how much more lies beneath such simple and yet such complex and entertaining things. Goodbye Mat, and remember, it's all just a theory.



Hi MatPat, I really want to say goodbye to you, so here goes. I remember the first theory of yours I've watched, the Majora's Mask Link is Dead Theory. I remember being totally freaked out and scared by it, I was only like 8 or 9 at the time. A few years after that, I came back to your channel, and watched those theories about Undertale and Gaster, during a time where I was obsessed with the game. I remember watching tons of your videos with my friends, particularly around 2016 (remember that year? That was a thing that happened). I have a lot of your merch too, some socks, the chaos theory shirt, and the first edition of the Switch case. I still use my GT wallet to this day, but by far my favorite piece of Game Theory that I own is the reversible hoodie, easily one of the best and most well-made sweatshirts I own (Although it doesn't fit me like it used to.) Over time, I have gradually moved away from watching your videos religiously, although I do still watch them frequently, but the sheer impact you had on my late tween-early teenage years will never be forgotten. You've inspired me to think much more critically about the games I play, and now even the most simple games can lead to a great mental exercise. I think it's almost impossible for Game Theory to be the same without you as the host, but I'm sure whatever comes next for it will not be disappointing. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, for all your videos, for all your dumb jokes, for shaping my adolescence. Thank you MatPat. Wherever life takes you next, I wish you all the best.



Matpat- you changed my life.



Goodbye thanks for the memories that’s not just a theory A GAME THEORY



good bye matpat thank you for all the good years im going to miss you thats not just a theory - anita A GAME THEORY



I have been watching your theory channels for around 9 years. And nothing in my life has been consistent except you. Matpat, you gave me something I could look forward to after a week of getting bullied for being a theatre kid. You gave me a steady laugh, 20 minutes that I was okay. And I will never forget that. Even when I went through a massive loss in my family, I never missed an upload because it was the only thing that brought a smile to my face. I'm now 18, and entering the real world. That prospect is terrifying but I know I'll always have the theory channels. Thank you for giving me those 20 minutes a week. From me and most other internet kids, we love you mat

That's just a theory! We'll miss you <3 Batseer



Goodbye Matpat and thank you so much for being a huge part of what shaped me till what I am now. You and game/film theory were a big part of my childhood and was what got me interested in science. Me being autistic and having ADHD made school really hard especially cause none of the subjects caught my interest but that all changed when my big brother introduced me to your channel. Honestly you would have been such a good teacher! Besides science you taught me so much essential stuff like critical thinking and expanded my creativity even made me go into editing and art as a hobby. I honestly don't think I would've gone into medicine (and studying physics in my free time) if I hadn't been introduced to your channel, like no joke. I hope you have an amazing retirement and you will be missed! <3 - Just a 21 year old girl :)



Hey Matpat,

Highly doubt you'd be reading this specific message seeing as there are probably hundreds of thousands of messages, videos and photos to go through but I just wanna say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You've made my day hundreds of times over and made me into a better person. I found a love for video games and horror through the Game Theory Youtube channel and I'm even on my way to become a Game Designer specializing in part in horror games.

I wouldn't be here without your Youtube channel and I just hope that even without being the host of the Game Theory Youtube channel you continue to positively impact people throughout your own personal life. Because even if you were to disappear off the face of the internet forever, I'd never forget you, we'd never forget you. From the countless meme-able moments out of context clips to your and the teams' amazing contributions like the 2022 St. Jude Charity Livestream.

Thank you Matpat, Dean



Thank you, Matpat, for all you have done over these years. I've been watching you since 2013 and I cannot express how much you and this channel mean to me. Your channel has helped me through so many tough times. All I can say is thank you. Thank you to you and Steph and everybody who has ever helped work on these great channels. We will miss you, legend.



Goodbye! You have been in my watchlist ever since I started watching YouTube, You have changed my view on many things. Thank you for all the years of content you and your team produced. And good luck with whatever you want to do next!


bye matpat, ill miss you man



I'm not sure if you read your messages, but I'll go on the assumption that you do. I'm picking my GCSEs next week (the literal most important thing in the UK education system) and I would not be lying if I said that I'm nervous. You taught me that it's okay to be that nerdy kid that likes Hamilton, and if I can remember all of the FNAF lore, then I can do that too. Game theory has been there for me my entire life, through the good times, and the bad ones. Thank you, Matpat. - Berg



Matpat, I'd like to thank you for being such a huge part of my life. Back in elementary school, me and my friends would sit and talk about your newest FNAF theory and how much sense it made during lunch. In middle school, we'd talk about how cool the games were, and now, in high school, we talk about how excited we are for the next release of a theory on the newest game. If I hadn't discovered your channel all those years ago, I would never have been as interested in FNAF as I am now. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your life after YouTube. Goodbye and good luck.



goodbye, matt. thanks for everything.



Goodbye, Matt ever since i discovered your channel i just REALLY REALLY love the content how you keep my attention span how perfect every video its just PERFECT how you can make science fun how to theorize wherever you are, wherever you go, remember, you made all of our lives a better moment, and place, even if it was through a video. And that, is not just a theory. and i really would love to meet Tom good luck. I really wish you could stay and i think we all do but, we respect your choice and thank you THANK YOU for these 13 years of consistent uploads.



Goodbye Matpat! You will be missed. I will for sure miss you. You have been a big part of my childhood, and I just want to say thank you for all the fun videos I've gotten to watch and all the entertaining theories I got to hear.

A clap and a half to you!



Hey MatPat, jeez I don't even know where to start. When I was just in middle school, I always dreamed of one day getting you and Steph to say hi to my comments. I always wanted a clap and a half from you guys. First discovering your channel was like cavemen discovering fire to me. Never ceased to amaze me by how good your videos are and how entertaining they are. Tuning in every Thursday at 4pm for GTLive. Watching the newest FNAF theories and talking over the timeline with my friend group in middle school. I was named king of FNAF lore because of you at my school. Even though our time with you wasn't infinite, watching you grow as a person and a creator really inspired me. During the lowest times of my life, your videos made it seem like you were in my corner. Standing beside me and telling me to keep pushing. You were the father figure in my life. Whenever I was down, you were there to pick me up and keep me going. And following your channels from 5th grade all the way to after me graduating high school, I couldn't have asked for a better childhood. The lessons you taught to your entire community will continue to be taught for years to come. Helping people realize that you can view things in your daily life in a new perspective. Changing the way we think and gather data forever. And to bring this whole thing to a close. Even though you may never see this, I just want you to know that I'm proud of you, your family and proud that I can confidently say, "I had MatPat in my life." And that's no theory. A clap and a half to you. And thank you for being with me for over 8 years. One day, I hope I can meet you and thank you in person. I will forever miss you <3



I've been watching MatPat's channels since the pandemic and have seen each video he made. I adore his every theory and gtlives/gtnotlives. English isn't my 1st language, but regularly watching his content helped me improve it quite a lot. Thank you for the wonderful time, MatPat. Good luck.


Thanks, MatPat and Steph for a decade full of Theories (Game/Film/Food/Style). I've been watching since "Game Theory: The TF2 Pyro...Male or Female?" and the quality of the videos always improved and never lost the WOW Effect! It was always a blessing, even the YouTube Premium shows and I will always remember how these videos got me through my Half-life (Grew up with your content) Thanks for everything. enjoy the time with your family. You have some good new hosts that will make you proud ;) GOODBYE! <3



Oh boy, MatPat. The God of childhood. Wish him the best in life, and for Ollie and Steph. This may be heartbreaking, but sometimes you have to let the pain stab through your heart. 'Goodbye Matpat [2011 - 2024]


So Bye Mat you've been the whole reason I got into fnaf into the first place any chance I had to get fnaf stuff I did and now I have the cookbook, the security log book, the graphic novels of the main 3 books and the regular books themselves, almost all of fazbear frights, anyways I'm rambling now so I just want to say thank you for getting me into being a theorist for making me doubt everything out of place and to always strive to be great to try new things and to enjoy the world and most of all go out and make friends and live life and I thank you for that and I may be crying while I write this but they are happy tears anyways that's just a theory A GAME THEORY stay safe and I hope that everyone gets to see you again soon


Stay Cool...



Hello MatPat. I guess it is a goodbye, not sure if you are reading this. I have been a theorist probably since Year 2 or 3, i think i saw the Pokemon Trilogy when The Dex had a crossover. I ended up watching the backlog and have been staying tuned in ever since. I subbed to each new channel when you made the call to actions, i remember being in the first few GTLive episodes. Episode 1 i think was FNAF related, Episode 2 was doing the Chubby Bunny Challenge with the legend NateWantsToBattle, and I think Episode 3 was the introduction of the clap and a half maybe connected to a Cortez Assignment where you were dinged for filling both sides of the medal you were asked to make. (Why do I remember this details). Being an overthinker has been my identity for quite a while, thus i am used to being alone with my thoughts and started making canned responses since if i overthink i will go on a mental chain that only makes sense to me. Chaining ideas and finding connections is the true calling of a theorist. You are clearly leaving the channel in good hands and I will continue rooting for team internet and team theorist. Thank You Matthew and Steph (it feels weird typing the full name but your futures are more offline and taking a backset from the channels, I probably did not need to explain that)

From a Loyal Theorist ExHappyFace



Hi Matpat! I started watching you a few years ago and you became a very important part of my life. You inspired me immensely. You’re a youtuber who shows your passion for your work and for your theories and that made me instantly love your channels. Your theories made me happy every time I saw them and you made me want to become a youtuber and make my own theories. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making people happy with your incredible personality and sense of humor. Thank you so much Matpat. I hope you have an incredible life with your family and friends. You really deserve it. Thank you so much for everything. 💚 And remember, thats just a theory, a GAME THEORY. •zuubat_



Dear Mathew and Stephanie Patrick, thank you so much for being such a huge part of all of our lives, during Covid your videos were the only thing keeping me sane. You two deserve the best retirement, and I'm gonna be looking forward to the fashion show. I still remember the day i got back home and saw the Goodbye Internet video, i started crying as soon as i fully comprehended that one of the best youtubers was leaving the platform. my friends sometimes make fun of me for knowing the LOREE of FNAF and overanalyzing everything, but then i realize that is exactly what being a theorist is like. I sincerely hope you both have the most stress-free retirement life and get to spend all the time in the world with Ollie. BUT HEY THATS JUST A MESSAGE, A MESSAGE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. until next time, thank you for reading



Hey MatPat just wanted to say thank you for everything. Your videos not only ignited my love (i.e. obsession) with FNAF but also helped me connect with other people. In school I was always the oddball even in my friend group so discovering your channel and meeting with and befriending other theorists on Reddit, YouTube, discord, etc makes me feel so happy to be a part of a community where we proudly call ourselves oddballs and weirdos. Something that would not have happened if you hadn’t come along and started up your YouTube channels with Steph and the rest of the game theory family. Again thank you MatPat, I wish you luck and success in whatever you decide to do next.



Goodbye Matpat! You have been my childhood since i first found your channel in 2015 and you entertained me even now you have been entertaining me with your videos and to see you retire makes me a bit sad but i understand so i just have to say farewell matpat



I don’t remember when I started watching Game Theory. It’s probably been at least 6-8 years. I remember watching the fnaf 4 and sister location theories as they came out. I remember staying up all night to work on costumes and projects with theories playing in the background for hours. Thank you for helping me embrace being a weird little kid. Sorry I’m not the best at writing these types of things lol but I wanted to at least try to express how much you, the channels, and all of team theorist mean to me, You were a huge part of my childhood and you’ll always be my favorite person on the internet. I can’t wait to see what you do next. - Sage



I've been watching and enjoying since the good old days of FNAF 2 theories, sad to see you go but you deserve rest. Godspeed.



goodbye matpat you will be remembered as one of the greatest if not the greatest youtuber of all time



To quote from the Infamous games: "I love you brother. and I'm sure as hell gonna miss you."



Matpat, you have been a childhood hero to me, and possibly one of the biggest YouTubers from the 2010’s. You have been in over 1000 videos and had a spot in tons of things, the only thing that I could think that would end your content dreams in a good way is to be on hot ones, but you don’t need that, you have accomplished so much, not only have a kid, but have made a living on YouTube as one of the top 50-100 YouTubers which is a big thing, you don’t just deserve a break as the front man, you need it, so I thank you matpat, not only for carrying the childhood of me and millions, but also entertaining and giving people the reason to think beyond what’s shown, I respect you🫡




"Goodbye MatPat!", is something I never thought I'd say coming from someone who loves you with all my heart dearly. I really think that this is the best decision for you to make and I really wish you the best in this new life I really do. In this current moment I am on the verge of tears at the thought of not being able to see that PNG slide across a screen yelling "BUT THATS JUST A THEORY" it almost hurts me to let that go but I know your schedule and making theory videos isn't easy or in that matter working a 12 to 12 job isn't easy or even doing that and raising a child and paying bills and keeping a hold of yourself heck, even having a relationship with someone and your coworkers isn't always easy. And I bet making theory videos on YouTube wasn't even your dream job or didn't plan on it. We all wish you and your family the best in your life to come outside of theories. I hope that future fans will like this new content and old fans I hope they agree with this change and love you no matter what. Also we love you too Steph, sorry this is all about your husband I hope you understand and I wish you too best regards and thank you for the joy you've brought me Steph. I also remember just the sad nights I'd tend to have but when I turned one of your videos I wasn't so sad anymore. I think I've been watching you since about 5 years or so is what I can remember and I think what got me into your kind of content was the history of Minecraft video or maybe the size of the Minecraft world or something like that. You're the best friend that doesn't know I exist and really look up to you as a eighth grader in a small school going to a high school that has over a thousand kids. I'm getting the F.N.A.F. High jacket soon and gonna wear it on the first day of high school and get bullied but you made something really spark in my head that it doesn't matter who you are it's ok to like the things you like, wear the things you like, or even don't be ashamed for what you like cause people only do things to hurt you or make you tick. Also it is really hard being 13 and in eighth grade and having a tough time with family and all that jazz, it really is but I know I can get through it because of you and the people around me that love me for who I am. I wish you guys again the best in your lives and future. Best regards from the millions you've encouraged and raised. Poopy caca from your favorite subscriber even though you didn't even know I existed before this message but love you and Steph and Ollie wish you the best But that's just a theory... thanks for listening... and gnight sleep whale (I give you full consent to use that where ever you go cause you, Ollie, and Steph are my favorite people

yours truly, SandyGai(sandy GUY not gay is not my real name that's just what i go by online)


MatPat, you and Steph were like best friends to me. You guys, having been making amazing Theories for almost my whole life, have been a crucial part of me. To see you leave YouTube is one of the saddest things to me. However, it's smart of you to take a break to relax with your family after 13 WHOLE YEARS. You've earned my family's respect. Thank you, MatPat, Steph, and all of the Crew. I can't wait to see what theories you guys have in store for us next.

Sincerely, Azarias (diehard Theorist)



Looks like Dad Pat is finally retiring from his gaming throne. But don’t worry, he’ll still be keeping an eye on the animatronics from his cozy retirement home in Florida!

Now to be completely honest it hurts to see you go because me and my brother have bonded over watching your videos. Who knows when we began watching your videos. We can’t even remember anymore. But we’ve always stuck around no matter what. And we’ve seen you grow since game theory and now in style theory and we’re proud of you and the team for all the effort you have put in. We know that the effort and dedication will not disappear even if you’re gone but it’s never going to be the same. You are the one that started this channel but we understand that things changed and we do not mind it. that’s for sure. We can’t wait to see what shenanigans the team comes up with from now on. So from me and my brother Josh we wish you a farewell and a very big thank you Dad Pat.



Matpat my childhood has been built off of your theories ever since I was eight and I have watched every single one. You were the youtuber that got me into Undertale, and Deltarune I could never pay back the memories and I have always been a fan. I am very sad that you are retiring, but I'm also very glad? You have been on the youtube grind since 2011, and you have a wife and a child, and you should enjoy your retirement youtube is not a normal job and you should enjoy every thing about your life off of youtube. Goodbye Matthew Patrick, you are a legend, thank you for reading this.



Mathew I think i speak for everyone when i say that you will be dearly missed by everyone who has supported and known about your career, I can imagine how hard it must be letting go, with all your iconic and fun theories. You were and are a really big part of my childhood when i was sad or bored watching you and other youtubers would cheer me up. Something always has to come to an end, but this feels different and more specific, it feels like a passing away or a departure, but I know you´ll always be in our hearts.

It´s been a hell of a ride with you. I just want to say that im happy for you and your awesome journey since your acting days, since the days Steph was in GT Live, and many others, but it´s all because of you, you´ve been there all this time.

I´m proud for you for facing off and telling the truth, and i´m happy we took it well. Even though you´re not leaving forever it feels like a goodbye that we should enjoy with all of our hearts.

As you say ´´But hey thats just a theory´´ MatPat, From the bottom of my, our hearts I enjoyed the theories and gameplays. Thank you, we love you.



I still remember the first theory I ever watched. Rather ironically, I was sitting on the bleachers at a soccer game, just a little 9-year-old me, when I stumbled across "Would Super Mario Win At The Olympics?" Needless to say, I was hooked from the very start. As a kid who was already very much into STEM and video games, to have a channel that could teach me while being entertaining and funny was a godsend. I'd go on to watch every theory video I could, learning more and more about science, math and the world through the lens of the things I loved. From games to films to food to style, Team Theorist has given me meaningful, entertaining content during my good days, and they have helped cheer me up during my bad days.

From learning the force equation 5 years before school ever covered it to trying out Hollow Knight thanks to your (to be perfectly honest, pretty bad) lore video covering it, It's through the Theory videos that I've gotten to learn so much, that I've gotten to laugh, to learn about games that I would never have heard about otherwise. So thank you, Team Theorist. Thank you for all the laughter, the knowledge and the inspiration you have given to all of us. And thank you, Matpat, for making it all possible.



Thank you so much matt, you were always a inspiration for me to do youtube and thanks to you I have my own youtube channel and my own friends from the outside world watching you made me realize that I enjoy things with any kind of lore I hope you have a amazing retirement even though its sad to see you go I wish the best of luck to you thank you so much for making all of our lives so. so... much better..


Hi MatPat, thank you for everything in your community, you were my childhood and I literally watched all of your FNAF theory videos LOL! You deserve this retirement because you ran this channel while having a wife AND a baby! Thank you so much for making us children smile for over 13 years. Goodbye



Goodbye Matthew you will be missed by the entire community and everyone around you made a lot of people's childhoods better including mine you made every video great and I don't think that you could do anything better and you will be missed anything with you was better and i could not wish for anyone better to watch i will miss you and i don't want this to end every time i see that count down i start to wish that i could turn back time to have more time to watch you and feel that happiness that you spread with your videos and i love watching you and i'll really miss you and i wish you the best of the best and i don't want this to end goodbye Matpat and have a great time with your family



Goodbye Matpat!



Man i can't believe the day has come to say goodbye to another youtube legend. I remember watching game theory since I was 9 years old I am 21 now. I started watching your videos during the FNAF lore videos and I remember watching my favorite theory video you made which is the one where you shared your thoughts on who Glados was in Portal. It's sad to see you go. I hope you have a happy retirement MatPat we will all miss you.



Thank you for introducing me to ARGs and games I wouldn't have known about if you hadn't played them or covered them on gtlive. I wish you and your family well and hope whatever you and Steph do after this is happy and peaceful. Love Hana



may you get your well deserved vacation :)



Randomly stumbled upon the channel and was immediately impressed by the great edits, elaborate researches and wonderful theories. It is to say that I found the channel a bit late...(first video that I watched was a doki doki literature club lore theory), still I was surprised by the quality of the video. Your videos always brings new insight and every new theory amazes me. Thank you for all that you've done for this community and everyone else. I hope that as you step back from YouTube, you'll have more time to focus on yourself and your family and to do things that you like. ('◡') Goodbye and Thank you, MatPat!



Goodbye MatPat. All of us will miss you. But Hey, That's Not Just a Theory, It's a Fan Fact. Thanks For Being There For All My Childhood Mat. I, and Everyone will miss you.



I haven't seen Game Theory in my early childhood. It wasn't until my early teens when I saw the channel, and I really loved it! I have loved it so much, that I have come up with my own Game Theory, where Sonic uses his chakras to unleash the power of the Chaos Emeralds. I have even come up with a concept of the four channels as dragons. Two dragons based off Mat and Stephanie would be the parents, and the four children would have unique powers around what channels they are based off of. Like everyone else, I have mixed feelings about MatPat leaving. On one hand, he gets to spend more time with his family, but on the other, we won't have the host we grew up with. Goodbye Mat, and may you have the best life ahead for you!



I cant believe the day has finally come but goodbye matpat 😢i have literally have no words but ill deadass miss you so much 💔 thank you for being a big part of my childhood and i wish you all the best for your future life with steph and oliver LOVE YOUU



Thanks for all the theories everyone has enjoyed them even for me that joined the adventure pretty late And that's NOT a theory



Thank you for the years of advice, witty wisdom and theories. I grew up with you and I will never forget first finding your channel and ultimately getting into all the secret lore of video games and theory crafting in middle school. I sit here now just turning 21 and youre the first youtuber I shed a few tears for now that the time has come. You'll forever be apart of my history. Truly just thank you.



It's been some great years, Matthew, It's sad to see you retiring but I understand, you've done ALOT. You've been a huge part of my life since I saw one of your FNAF Theories. March will be sad, but when one legend leaves, another legend is made. We'll miss you Matpat. Farewell.



I have been watching Matpat since 2017 or 2018 and It has been amazing even though we did have some ups and downs with Scott retiring and a bunch of other astonishing moments although Matpat retiring makes me wanna shred a tear down my eye it's fine as now he will have a chance to spend quality time with his family and friends.



As a theorist it is damn sad to know you are leaving but i am happy for you , you should be able to focus on your other life goals Matt . I grew up with your videos , english is not my native but i can say i learned english because of your videos , because of my love to your content and enthusiasm for be able to understand it . I hope you do comeback for time to time tho . I love you so much and here is a last O7 for you



I hope you'll be present in some theories from time to time. But hey, that's.. just a theory.. a viewer theory. Thank you for everything.



goodbye matpat, you're an absolute legend and you say you ruin childhoods but you are my childhood things will not be the same without you, mat (nice choice of day to go out(69th day of this year)


pixzll_3's been a long, long journey and still, its such a bittersweet goodbye. I've been watching matpat since I was 9, he introduced me into a new, nerdier way (than before) of thinking and kept me going when times were rough. I honestly was so shocked to see him go but he deserves it. Thank you for all that you and the team has done and I hope to see you in the future. Hey, maybe he'll start an acting career in the FNAF movies? (/j) But that's just a theory! <3



Goodbye MatPat!! You were one of the youtubers that helped me with my childhood and helped me learn a lot through out the years. I wanted to say how much I appreciate you and that you are loved by all. Your videos helped me through times that were tough and times that I need to distract myself from what was actually going on around me. You've helped me a lot through out the years and I love your videos so much. Some of my favorite theory series are FNAF ( you've made me a HUGE FNAF fan), Minecraft and more! I love your reactions to things and everything! I've been watching you for as long as I can remember... You will be missed but I hope you know that you've done so much for me!



Goodbye mattpat! we will all miss you and how you do all your amazing theories!



Goodbye MatPat enjoy your life and thank you for all these years of theories !!!!



Thank you matpat! I always looked forward for your theories and always wanted to see your interpretation of games and series. I loved seeing you in theories and hearing the classic "HELLO INTERNET!!!!". You have taught me so much about theorising and analysing media and have introduced me to different media and communities. Thank you so much for starting this channel and i can't wait to see what is next for the channel. Thank you so much for the support and care you have put for the different communities you had done theories on and thank you for everything you have done for the channel. You have been here for years and despite everything, it's still you! ( please excuse the undertale reference i just had to :P) I hope you are happy wherever you are and enjoy life to the fullest :D. Thank you :)



Goodbye MatPat. I have been watching ever since I was a little kid, and to say you were an inspiration would be an understatement. You inspired me and so many others to think outside the box, be yourself, and get out into the digital world. You will forever be an influence in my mind, shaping the way I look at things. You have inspired me to start working on my dreams, and showed so many paths that young me would never consider. You will always be in my heart, as truly one of the greats, a pillar of the YouTube monolith. Maybe there is a correlation between exposure of critical thinking skills and out of the box thinking to young children and successful people, and that's why so many kids shows teach morals and lessons, and you were my childhood tv show. But that's just a theory, a MatPat Theory. Thanks for so many great videos, and thanks for reading. <3



hey matpat. not sure if you'll ever read this, but i just want to thank you. Funnily enough, i was born in 2011, the time you released your first theory video. i honestly missed a lot, but for the past 2-3 years, these videos have been one of the best times of my life. Me and my family moved to a new country about 3 years ago, and i pretty much knew no one. but your videos always provided me comfort. i would always sit alone with my laptop at school, watching your fnaf theories. I can't thank you enough, for comforting me through a time when i mostly felt alone. But, Thank you matpat. A clap and a half to you. I didnt understand this much before, but i kinda got the referece after trying your 7 gates ARG. Still didnt finish it, its kinda hard converting audio files into spectrograms. also thanks for the rickroll RA. Really enjoyed doing all that just to get rickrolled. but seriously, it was amazing. And thanks to you, i made a few friends in the past years, and we were able to bond over our interest in fnaf, and your theory videos. I remember it was pretty late at night when one of my friends sent me the "Goodbye internet" video. She said she was crying. I knew it was gonna be bad. I started crying too a few minutes in. but i understand why you have to go. and i respect it. You made a huge impact on so many people's lives. we will miss you. but this isnt goodbye forever. i hope to see you someday in the future. i didnt say everything i wanted to, but thats ok. sorry for the grammar mistakes... i just didnt want this to be formal, and more like two friends talking. Thank you so much. Thank you to steph, and to you. Goodbye.



We will miss you Mat. You have made my childhood enjoyable and have sparked my interest in science and theory crafting. I wish you the best in your retirement, you deserve to have the best life with your family because of your service to the internet. Wish you well <3 :)


goodbye MatPat, I wanted to take a moment to express how grateful I am for all that you've done for me and for the community. Your work has been an endless source of inspiration and I'm not sure where I'd be without it. Saying goodbye is difficult, but I'm confident that we'll cross paths again and I'll always remember the impact you've had on my life. I've always loved being a part of the amazing community that you've built for all the fans, nerds, and geeks alike, and I'm looking forward to continuing to be a part of it. And that's not a theory .



matpat, you have truly changed my life. from getting me interested in video games like minecraft, you have helped me meet so many friends and people i love now. i was in a really bad place at one point, and your videos helped me get out of there. your film theory video on "Boisvert" is something i rewatch every time i feel down. watching you on GTLIVE was one of my favorite things to do late at night when i couldn't sleep. the FNAF theories are one of my favorite things on youtube, even though it gave me nightmares when i was watching it when i was younger. i have bonded with so many people due to your videos, and its all because of you and team theorist. i hope you have a great time with steph and ollie, and never feel pressured to come back. but thats just a theory, a matpat theory! ill miss you - doge



I don't exactly remember when I found the channels, but I have been watching every single theory ever since. Thank you Matt for the countless hours of fun and wacky theories that have definitely fueled a few of my own. You may be leaving, but the channels shall live on infinitely (Or until the death of the internet, but hopefully that is a couple thousand years from now).




You have been one of the best things to ever happen to the internet, and you have been a staple of many peoples' childhoods, and I'm so glad that you've taught me so many and unexpected things. We're going to miss you being a constant of your channels, and that's not a theory. That's a fact. A MatPat Fact! Thanks for your teachings.



Goodbye MatPat! You and your channel where one of the first youtube channels I've followed. It helped me learning english, I would always watch every single episode and take notes. Thank you for having the channel running for so long, and I know you're not shutting the channel down.



Dear MatPat Thank You for being an outstanding YouTuber and theorist your efforts are above and beyond.I’ve been a fan since 2017 because of your great FNAF theories but I’ve watched plenty of your videos despite whether they are FNAF related or have remained one of my favourite YouTubers over the years as I still regularly watch your videos.You have inspired many some I can list like Danno cal drawings,Datchia and IDsFantasy to name a few you really brought the Fnaf community to where it was today and so many other indie horror franchises to a wide audience,if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have got into analog horror or theorising in general.So thank you so much for everything,and remember THATS JUST A THEORY! From FellinToasty



Thank you matpat for all the theories!!! As much as i am sad that you are leaving, i am also happy for you. Now you can spend some well earned time with your family <333 I wish you all the best for the future. I also thank the whole theorist team. Yall have been as much a big part of this community as matt. Im excited to see what the future brings for theorist :)))



Goodbye matpat you were the one who got me into fnaf (save me) :)



Hi Matpat, i know a lot of people are sad you are leaving (and believe me I'm one of them), but i know that whatever you think makes you happier and healthier for Steph and Oliver, then i know its a right choice. Your years here on youtube will never be forgotten, not only in our minds, but our hearts too. We ,and the entire youtube gaming/theory community, will miss you. Now excuse me will i go cry :'), Farewell the one and only....MatPat.



Hey Mat! I've been watching for years now, and I appreciate all you've done for the community, and youtube as a whole. You've inspired me, and many others like me, to begin theorizing, and thinking in depth, and your presence on the internet has benefit many people. Your time on the platform has left it a more inspired, and creative place, and I want you to remember that you have done great things for thousands. I support you, and all your future endeavors. Farewell Matpat!



Man matpat… you absolutely ruined my childhood. Thank you



Hi Mat

Your decision to leave your YouTube channel leaves a void in my heart But before you officially retired, I want to extend some words of thanks and appreciation to you.

First and foremost, I want to sincerely thank you for all the countless hours you've put into creating your videos and theories. Your content has been not only entertaining but also inspiring and educational. You've prompted me to think deeper about things, and that we will find LORE in every toilet. Your departure leaves a void that will be hard to fill. I will miss you, your insightful thoughts, your charismatic presence, and above all, your unique way of presenting complex topics in an understandable and entertaining manner. But even as you leave us, your videos and theories will continue to live on, inspiring more people to follow the way of Game Theory. Despite there being a super nice team coming as your successor, Matpat won't be there, sadly :(

Please be proud of everything you've accomplished. You've not only built a successful YouTube channel but 5!!! Also brought together a community of people who share the same passions for the LOOOOOORE.

As a farewell gift, I'd like to offer you a flashback, showcasing how your channel began. This video was the start of a journey... And of course, we mustn't forget how it all began – Game Theory. This video marked the beginning of an era and laid the groundwork for all the amazing content.

In conclusion, I want to thank you once again for everything you've done. Your work has touched my heart. I will miss you, but I'm grateful for the time I could spend watching you. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.



Hey Mr matrick Patrick, I've been a fan of yours for years and years now, way back since before all the fnaf stuff. You've been an absolute staple in my life, as far as content creators go, I don't know if you'll read this message but in comparison to many of the others it's rather short. You are my absolute hero, and who I look up to, it's a shame to see you leave but honestly it makes perfect sense and I massively respect you for it. But hey, that's just a theory A GOODBYE THEORY Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cut.



Hi MatPat welcome to my replay on saying the hardest thing that i never thought i would say goodbye. I have been a fan since 2014 the year of the first FNAF theory and ever since i was hooked. You have done so much for the fans and the community that you have created and if there was any person that deserves this send off it would be you and thank you for all the good moments and ruining childhoods. Thank you for everything and i hope you finally found your peace many blessings to you and your family but hey thats just a theory A MATPAT theory thank you for everything.



Thank you for leveling up my childhood!



Halo there! to be honest I kind of lost interest in this community awhile ago. i am so happy that i at least got to experience and see how the channels grew over the years, how the viewers grew and you mat grew! i adore this channel and i want to continue being there as a "fantom" (phantom) watcher. I'm excited to see and hear lore-fi and other projects you have planed! i hope for you and everyone else a happy and joyful life. you have worked hard for the past 13 years!! that´s over a decade! we all hope for you the best! cya later alligator!



Farewell MatPat, after March 9th I don’t think we’ll ever see you again. We will never forget the joy you gave us through these theory videos. You did great things on this channel, you will do great things after. It will be incredibly sad to see you go, but we understand that you want to spend more time with your family. It’s going to be weird watching a theory and it’s not you who’s talking. YouTube is going to feel strange without you. There will always be a huge void that you left behind that no one can fill. The only reason I started looking into fnaf was because of you. But nothing ever lasts forever. Thank you for these years, these amazing years. These memories will never leave me.



Thank you Matpat for all the laughs you've bought me and my sister over the years. I don't really know what to say but you've been a source of entertainment in my life for years everytime a new FNAF game releases I wait for you to upload a new theory or playthrough and though you leaving is bittersweet I'm happy for all the memories your videos gave me. I hope you have a great future and hope to see you on the couch again someday. I got so excited when I found out you were going to be in the Fnaf movie and couldn't wait to see you react to the trailer and your thoughts on the movie. I love that you're taking this time for yourself and your family and can't wait to see what you do next. You deserve a clap and a half

So long and goodnight Matpat, Sincerely a long time fan



Matpat, you were such a big part of my childhood. You have been a part of so many peoples childhoods over the years and I think this site and the subredit is proof of that. You impacted my childhood so much. Your videos on cool since in video games inspired me to understand the world, to get smarter. Then use that skill to do something good something worthwhile, whether it's curing cancer, building robots, or over analyzing a video game series about dead kids. You've inspired so many people, incited so much change in this world. Its crazy how much you have done, from cooking a three course meal in your laundry room to live streaming for charity. We will miss you matpat and all the crazy, ridiculous and fun things you do. That's not a theory, that's a fact.



Goodbye MatPat. I never got to see you make a Rain World theory. Hopefully you can add that to your list of probably hundreds of episodes. I've been watching you since I was like what? Seven? Six? It's been a while. I hope you have a good retirement. Stay safe.



Thanks for everything you’ve done over the years MatPat! I seriously wouldn’t have made it through my first semester of college without you on GTLive I’m glad I get to hold on to you there for a little longer. You’re such an amazing person and creator and I’m honored you were a part of my childhood. I’m excited to see what you have in store for us. <3



I really dont know what to say. I havent been watching for a long time, at least compared to most of the people who do watch your content. Only since 2021. But I can say that I admire your work and dedication no less than any other theorist.

I do wish you could stay forever, make content for us and with us. But all things pass. And I guess this isnt really goodbye, just see you some other time. But I still cried so much. I dont know what to feel. I know you deserve it, the long awaited break. But I dont want to see you go. I really dont. And I dont even know what I'm writing, honestly. I just am. And I am, and I know that I have these feelings I cant write down. But there is one thing I can say, and I will promise. Maybe you 'ruined my childhood', but you made my life better. And I will never, ever, ever forget that. I swear on my life. And I will remain watching theories, that goes unsaid. Sad, because you arent here with us, but happy, because you're finally, after almost a decade and a half, getting the break you need.

Goodbye, for now.

But most of all...

...Thank you, for making my life a significant amount better. ♡



farewell matpat you made great chunk of my childhood. I watched you open food theory and style theory and I watched your every video ever since. I met you in your dadpat era, I wish I knew you sooner. I always loved your theories. When I saw the goodbye internet video I thought it was a clickbait, I wished it was a clickbait. But as I watched the video tears started to form in my eyes and let me tell you I'm not an emotional person at all. so matpat thank you, thank you for building a generations childhood



Dear Matpat, I just wanna say, thank you for influencing my life in such a positive way, and for being part of my childhood. I remember coming home from school and going upstairs to watch your videos, laughing at your jokes and learning about math and science, as well as things I loved/still love like Fnaf, Bendy, Marvel, Disney etc. You're the reason I have any interest in facts and lore finding, and why I'm part of so many wonderful communities (not just the theorist one). Without you, there are friends I would've never made and great experiences I would've never had, so thank you. I believe that in my adulthood, your influence will still be there. I'll still watch and learn from your videos, old and new. Ill always remember the positive influence you had on me and how it helped shape me into who I am. Even if it hurts to see you go, I'm happy knowing you'll be happy with your family, and that you won't forget about us fans. The theory channels won't be the same, but I have faith in Tom, Lee, Amy and Santiago to carry on the legacies of your channels! So, one last time, thank you for everything Matpat. Me and all your fans will miss you. Goodbye. -Grace ♡




I've been watching Game Theory since "The Science of Sonic the Hedgehog" when I was almost 8 years old. I turn 21 this year, and it's weird to think of how long it's been since I discovered Game Theory. Been a day one subscriber to all of the other theory channels. Donated to the St Jude streams the first year I was able. For almost 13 years now I've been watching this amazing thing you've created grow. You are my childhood. You got me into FNAF and so many other series. You turned me into a theorist. And you taught me to be proud of being a nerd, to be proud of asking questions, of overanalyzing, of wearing bright colors and of being passionate about things regardless of what others may think. I actually plan on getting a Game Theory tattoo next week. You've been such a huge inspiration in my life and you've helped me grow into who I am. Thank you for everything that you've done and I am so grateful to have been here since so early on. I hope you enjoy your retirement from hosting, I hope you enjoy spending time with Steph and Ollie and I cannot wait to see whatever it is you do next.

A truly thankful theorist, TisEvanLee



Goodbye Matpat, thank you for all the amazing theories and all the fun times. Your videos always brought a smile to my face. I'm really going to miss you and I know MANY others will too! Thank you for everything. Sincerely, a huge fan



thank you for everything bro. Your vids were really amazing. i just hope you come back one day



MatPat, you have been a really good YouTuber, and a huge W for everyone that watched your content. You are truly amazing and I wish your legacy will be kept on every decade. You have been my childhood content creator, and a great theorist. We wish you a very good life. But you know what they say.. "It's just a theory. A GAME THEORY!"



I'm not the best writer, but honestly, you carried my childhood. I remember watching the first FNAF theory and getting hooked on the series lol. I'm kinda sad to see you go, but I really hope the best for ya man. Take care of yourself, king 👑

ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Stick, a.k.a Awe



I have written a poem for MatPat (I am not the boy from the poem) (this is the order that I watched the channels in). Enjoy:

There once was a boy who lived around a bend All he watched was a YouTube trend The trend was Minecraft at the time "The best way to kill a slime"

In school he didn't have a single friend And into the crowd he would always blend So he was bored every day In his bed he would lay

One day excitement filled his every cell "Spiderman vs Spiderman Battle Royale!" The channel was Film Theory Where you could ask questions freely

His happiness was very grand For he found his answer's land He found a new horizon So why not do a little theorizing?

MatPat was the show's host "Why isn't EVERYTHING done by a Force Ghost?" All MatPat did was a work of art "How strong is an Ogre fart?"

One day, the boy found a channel anew "How have the humans in Super Mario: Odyssey grew?" Game Theory was where MatPat's first theories compiled "Who is the Crying child?"

He created a theorist nation "Did Minecraft have an ancient civilization?" Although his logic isn't always sound Ask yourself, is Sans from Earthbound?

As his community grew and grew "Is coffee actually a stew?" They tried the whole cooking thing "Without a bone, is it truly a chicken wing?"

The cooks had loved this new brand "How fast does bubblegum go bland?" It quickly reached it's millionth fan "How powerful is the Kool Aid Man?"

Then, from a laundry cooked dish They jumped on to something more stylish From "Revealing the pocket scam" To "Does your face make someone say damn"

Here we come to a chapter's end But MatPat will always be a legend For he was not only the host of a show But the one who helped us all grow

After all this time, he left his print on the community And he brought us all unity For some, this end feels really eerie But remember, that's just a Theory



It's not going to be the same without you, but I am optimistic that the new hosts you have chosen will do an excellent job. You truly helped make my high school years alot easier. Thank you and I will miss seeing you on the channels



Thank you Matthew for all the wonderful things you theorized, you have been a joy to all of us fans. Everyone will miss you and we will all look back at the good times we had watching your videos, many are sad for your retirement, but we all need to move on from things we have made, all things come to end. We will miss you, and remember, it's just just a theory, it's a fact.



Like many others I started watching game theory around 2016, seeing a good chunk of the videos every now and then from Fnaf theories to watching GTlive streams of DDLC and Help Wanted. I would scratch that movie itch during the pandemic period binging through a bit of film theory videos (especially loved the Hunger games survival guide, it led me to reading the books and the movies a short time later). Even though your leave was inevitable, I feel that there are enough unwatched episodes that I can always browse and watch. Your presence on the youtube landscape can be compared it to the old Top Gear/Grand Tour presenters: each video emits personality and quality, I can easily pick any video or episode and will get enjoyment out of it regardless of the mood. Thank you once more for all the memories and I wish you the best on your future projects. o7



Dear MatPat, and the theory team, thank you for your hard-working years to try and entertain us goober theorists. You mean the world to us, and now we will do everything to make you proud. -Via Rose<3



Hi Matt. Is very sad that you are gonna retire but before you do i do wanna say Thank you. Your videos were there when I felt at my lowest in life your videos gave me something i love doing exploring to the depths of games i cant thank you enough for what you have done. These latest years have been a hell for me but you existed to cheer me up daily! You were there for me to laugh when you go crazy about Fnaf you were there to teach me stuff i would never have learnt if you didn't exist. You were there to drag me out of the darkness i buried myself in for so many years you made me feel proud to be who i am to be a theorist! A fnaf enjoyer and the person i am today proudly so from a loyal theorist since 2017 Thank you Thank you for showing me a world full of fun and lore i will forever remember what you have done for me and i will if i get the chance carry on doing what you taught me. To theorize so again Thank you for being here for all these years…



I have been watching matpat for over 5 years now. Its so sad that a legend, theorizing about mario, undertale, everything! It has been a long journey and we all respect your decision. We hope that you will spend quality time with your family. Farewell



Thank you for creating, and ruining, my childhood. I'll be waiting for the new avenues you pursue and want to show us! Farewell MatPat.



I am someone who was never truly a part of the Theorist community. I would come and go as a subscriber of Game and Film Theory depending on what theories were being released at the time then. But, that doesn't stop me from seeing the impact MatPat has had on the Internet over the past decade. Based on the snippets of his professional and personal life: I've seen how passionate he is about his craft and how much he values his team for tirelessly helping him realize his vision, which has expanded over the years into something I doubt even he could have imagined. I've also seen what a wonderful human being he is; someone who loves his family very much (from his parents to his wife and son), someone who devotes himself to entertaining and making his fans happy, and someone unafraid to show and inspire the world what it means to be a better person. MatPat, saying that you are a game-changer is an understatement. What you have created and what you're leaving behind for your successors will resonate for years to come. Your ascension onto new things is well-deserved, something which we shall wait for patiently with bated excitement. I/we wish you all the best for the future, MatPat, however it turns out!


Gosh, I remember watching my first game theory video at the ripe age of 6 with my cousins. From then on, I’ve been amazed by the content you and your team have been able to produce! It’ll never be the same without you MatPat, but we’ll make sure the theorist community keeps thriving 💚💚💚



Film Therory was what brought me into the fray and inspired me to keep being creative in nontraditional ways (though not in the exact same way you have) and keep my inner child alive.



Well, when you announced your retirement, i couldn't help but cry, it's like you molded my entire childhood, you opened my mind to the theorists and science. And when i realized that you'd leave, i wanted to breakdown. That's why i leave this message, to remember how much you meant to me as a child, and that's what i gotta say. Not just because matpat is leaving, means we gotta stop theorizing, the people and the channels will still be there, That's why i gotta say, Keep on theorizing loyal theorists. Goodbye Matpat.



Thank you MatPat for ruining childhoods and keeping me up at night when I was younger!!! Good luck on your next step!



Goodbye matpat, I can't believe that you are leaving and I hope you enjoy this well earned vacation Thank you for all the fun theories, the childhoods ruined and the good times We will miss you



I'm gonna miss you, man. You were my childhood, and I learned so much from you. Not only did you teach me physics, but through your videos I improved my English.



mat pat sniffle you were probs the only thing that made my schooldays bearable you will be remembered. so i hope you have a good retirement



Thank you for the happiest 8 years of my life(the amount of time I've watched the theorists) you've been the inspiration for me and thousands of other people, and I hope you enjoy some much needed time with your family (Sorry for the rushed look for the art linked, I made it using my phone)



MatPat, If it was for you and your theories I wouldn't have made my friends that i cherish for their same nerdy behaviour. Your merch was the first ever merch i ever got, i begged for the purple theorist shirt until i got it for Christmas and i wore it to the FNAF movie to show my everlasting theorist pride. I remember playing FNAF back in 2014 and finding your channel and developed this massive fixation not only on FNAF but on your channel. You made me feel like i belonged somewhere, like i had a community that didn't think differently of me but included me. We are all going to miss the way you say, Welcome Back to Game Theory, Thats just a theory.. A GAME THEORY, LOREEEE and of course MUSIC MAN!! You taught me more than my science classes ever could and your Rosalina/Peach is dead theories put me ahead of my class with punnett squares and genealogy. When you announced your retirement i was happy for you but felt like a loss, i held my shirt crying and went back to watch all the theories. I find myself doing that, watching your theories when i feel alone or sad because it feels like a dad or a friend. I actually missed the chance to meet you when i was in America and to this day it is my biggest regret, i hope at somepoint i can still. Thank you for everything MatDad, you gave us nerds a voice, songs, jokes, theories, a way of communicating and so so so many memories. Please, please tho play every FNAF game still and tell us what you think or show us gameplay because I know I love your play-throughs. Long Live Game Theory <3 - Caitlin



Thank you for the theories though the six years I’ve been watching, you truly carried my childhood and thank you so so so much for the memories. Hope you have an amazing retirement



Hey Matpat, The first video I saw of yours I think was a Fnaf 4 video, maybe about what was in the locked box or something. We didn't watch YouTube a lot, every video had to be approved by our parents and we were on YouTube that day already looking up Fnaf 4 stuff because during our playthrough of the Fnaf series, it turned out Fnaf 4 was freaking terrifying and none of us wanted to play it through. (We are all children at this point) Anyway we saw your video, and I really loved the Fnaf series and your Fnaf videos. I got super obsessed with them, and in the spirit of theorizing with you, I basically refused to watch you cover any (fnaf) game I hadn't played myself, which extended to the books when they came out, and so far I'm a liiittle behind but I've read the Silver Eyes series and maybe 6 of the Fazbear Frights books...haven't gotten to Pizzaplex...So I haven't seen a lot of your recent videos. My brothers all watched your videos and I would cover my eyes to avoid spoilers and everything. I even tried to figure out the puzzle with the word search and stuff...but I just wasn't really getting anywhere... Anyway, even when my parents banned YouTube from the house, I would be drawn back to the Fnaf series with a desperate urge to know what was going on, and sure I could look it up or something, but I loved the way you would explain it, it was like a whole adventure each video, always saving the final piece of evidence and making sure it is the strongest that cements the whole theory...I really liked your episode with the Grandfather clock, saying it was dream theory. I loved dream theory. It was a lot less confusing, and more of a complete story I think. Now everything's insane but you're still really good at trying to explain it. And I totally think Gregory's a robot, don't worry, it's only when my brother tells me your conclusions out of context that I just look at him I'm sure if I heard your explanations I would be more on board. I also really like Food Theory, I dunno, I'm not really a baker or chef or anything, and I'm not the type of person to say eating is my hobby, but something about just the idea of food, makes everything better in my brain. By the way, I haven't seen a lot of your recent videos, aside from the ones counting down, so I don't know if you've been doing this for a while, but it is really clever of you to keep having Amy, Tom, Santi, and (um the other guy...sorry...) in the videos like, making viewers get used to them, so it's an easy transition. I know I'm someone who has a lot of trouble with change, and I wasn't gonna be affected that much already since...I've been trying to watch less YouTube anyway, but I'm barely nervous about the switchover at all, 'cause it doesn't feel like a big change so. Thanks a lot for that really think about your viewers a lot and I really appreciate it.



I started watching MatPat when I was 10 years old. It was the pandemic, and I was bored out out of my mind. When I was finally allowed access to YouTube, the first video I watched was a Game Theory video. I remember being made fun of for liking MatPat, but I liked him regardless of what anyone said. It breaks my heart that he's leaving, as he's what made YouTube enjoyable for me. I'll forever miss his content and daydreaming about it, as well as waiting eagerly for the next video to come out. I'm almost 14 now, and I still love his content. He is, and will always be my favorite YouTuber. Seeing him retire is like watching an idol retire. I hope he has a great life and enjoys spending time with his wife and son. Although it saddens me that he's leaving, it makes me glad that his career ended on a high note, with him going out on his own accord and not on some false accusation. Farewell, MatPat. I salute you.



Thank you MatPat for all the years of wonderful theories and laughs. Your channels showed me that my love of niche, nerdy topics wasn’t something to be ashamed of. From the moment I found your channel seven years ago, I knew that if this man on the internet could share his love of analyzing every little aspect of anything and everything for the whole world to see, that I should be able to just be myself and that I could find people who liked me for me. From day one, I knew I’d found a community that I was proud to be a part of. These channels have taught me so much. Even though, to be completely honest, most of what I learned I never knew I needed until I did. I’ve loved watching you analyze frames of movies, ruin my childhood with your deep dive into Disney death counts, teach me how to find my own style, and, even though I most likely will never use it, teach me how to make an entire meal out of a Christmas tree. All this to say, THANK YOU for inspiring me to be the person I am today, the nerdy little theatre kid who’s not afraid to geek out about my favorite games, shows, or movies. And even though I know the channels will still live on through the four new hosts, none of this would have been possible without you. You’ve changed millions of lives, including mine, and I will be forever grateful to you for that.

Thank you for everything, Bugsy (Kate)



I can firmly say that when I was growing up, for my brother and me, your content was a way to step away from the stress of home life and step into a world of fantasy and nerdy theories. For us, that was all we needed to see—that there was more to life than our tiny part of the world and to open our eyes to the endless opportunities as we grew into adults. You inspired us to think outside the box with video games and cinema, but also in the career paths and hobbies we could take, as well as the world around us in general. We learned that if you try and believe hard enough, the opportunities are limitless. So, thank you, Matpat, for everything.



I started watching YouTube when I got my first smartphone in 2013. From here, I discovered Game Theory and the rest is history. I was/am an AVID GTLive fan. I used to watch as many of the daily live streams as possible, and when I missed them I would rewatch what got uploaded. I've been around for clap and a half, sprinkler time, and a WHOLE lot of transition as I watched Matt and Steph become parents, and as I became an adult myself. Game Theory is my go-to to play in the background when I'm working or cleaning. I find Matt's voice comforting and GT(Not)Live feels like being a part of a conversation. I grew with the channels and all I can say is that I am so thankful for them sharing their lives with me. Goodbye, Matt, Steph, and Ollie! Hope to see you soon!



When I first started watching your channel as a kid in 2017, I would have never thought I'd stick around to see you leave. But now, a little bit older, I've stopped and realized that I have so much to thank you for. I thank you for your content and the impact you had on not just me, but all of us in the community. I thank you for providing a safe space for theorist kids like me to share our ideas and goof around. I thank you for your channels, the shining light amidst what is normally dark and brutal. Even if you're retired, none of us will forget you. We trust in Tom, Lee, Santi, and Amy to continue the legacy of the channels forward. Goodbye, Matpat! Sincerely, Charlotte 💚❤️💛💙



Goodbye matpat we are really going to miss you but you deserve this thank you for making the childhood of many children but maybe this will start to spark other people into making crazy theories but you may leave us all but we will never forget how you changed our perspective thank you:)



You will forever have a special place in my heart. <3



Huff... It's sad to see such an amazing person to go away. I was fortunate to start watching you from the past 2 years... I remember the day when I first found your game theory video on my recommendation tab. And then began an amazing adventure of my life :) The best video in my opinion from the game theorists channel is that Dora like game in which there is a sheep with lots of LOOOOORE !! Goodbye Matpat :(



I wish I could say I was a long time viewer but I can't. But seeing all my friends show you so much support and love throughout the years has kept me going. From the videos I have watched your theories and content is absolutely amazing and I know that you've put so much hard work into them. So thank you. Thank you for being there for my friends and thank you for making their childhoods great. We'll all love and support you in your retirement as GranpaPatt and we all wish you well <3




thank you so much MatPat for such great theories and memories! you were my childhood and i’ll continue looking forward to you popping into lives from time to time. thank you for helping the FNaF fandom greatly, telling us what toothbrush is the best, food theories, film theories, it’s all amazing and you have impacted so many lives for the better. you helped me so much during my ups and downs and it’s great to watch your videos. i’m glad you are doing what is best for you. you rock, MatPat!!!! thank you for every single minute you spent on those restless nights trying to sum up a theory so when the sun rises you can post it. we are all so proud of you for how far you have come and the progress you have made. we will miss you greatly but this is for the best, thank you once again! no amount of thanks will ever be enough. you are a great person!


Thank you matpat for everything. I've always loved watching your videos and I will miss you. Hope you have a nice time w Steph and Ollie. You deserve everything. clap and a half for making everyone's childhood better.



hello matt patt your videos brought me light in my darkest hours and gave me happiness all your silly jokes and science brought me knowledge and laughter. im sorry for my bad writing english is not my first language. i hope you have a great time after your retiring and thank you for being there. i started to watch you since i was 12 years old and could understand english i learned through your videos



Goodbye MatPat you have and always be my childhood, its so sad to see you go after all of these 13 years. And to the new hosts, you're in for a bunch!

Farewell MatPat, farewell. GrandPat :) -Mouse



I have been a fan of yours since the very beginning of your fnaf theories and have been there since day 1 of film, food and style theory and I will miss the days when I could look at my notifications to see your face and or some theory about a new indie horror game and then all of a sudden I'm invested in the story. I will miss you matpat but enjoy the retired life I hope someday I will get to meet you.



I found Game Theory and Fnaf during the 2020 lockdown, and somehow this channel carries me through that and more, even convincing me (probably the opposite effect to what you were hoping) to read every single Five Nights at Freddy's book. Ouch. It does hurt. GTLive is especially awesome to me, I check into every episode and have loved Steph and Mirror Mat to Ash to new room, and orange couch. What a crazy journey. Thanks MatPat for everything you've done for not just your community but youtube as well, truly a blessing.



Ends are always so hard, but even the best of things will face one, and this one truly is a bitter pill to swallow. I've watched all the theories on all of the channels, started watching about a decade ago and was hooked immediately. Your videos have taught, entertained and inspired me so much! It's so sad to see you go, but I'm so proud of you and your decision, I'm sure you are leaving us theorists in to good hands. I hope you and your family all the best, thank you for everything you've done!


Goodbye Matpat! Hope you enjoy your retirement in Quadratum with Steph.



So Long, and Thanks For All The Theories -Douglas Adams in another universe



Goodbye matpat i have watched your videos for years and I’m not sure what to even say in this comment but good bye



Matpat and his channels have probably impacted my brain more than school has (for better or for worse). I have never been more committed to a YouTube channel like this one and it’s partly due to the iconic man that is Matpat. Your voice is instant nostalgia, and I could not be more thankful of you or your work. They’ve had a significant impact on many peoples lives, you and all the people working in the Theorist Family are wonderful people. You’ve worked so hard to build this community into a family, and you’ve succeeded in bringing us all together. It’s beautiful. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to all of us, and we hope that you guys are happy and content.



Bye MatPat. It was great seeing you upload these theory videos and they brightened up my day. You made my childhood and now make your child's. All your videos are entertaining and make games, food, style and movie viewed in a whole new perspective. Thank You for being with us from 2011.



I've watched all of your channels since the early days of game theory. You were a great part of my childhood (and young adulthood as I still watch today) and I will be sad to see you step away. But I look forward to all of your future endeavors and know the channels will be in good hands, so I will continue to watch all the great content.



I am unsure if you may even see this, MatPat, but hi! My online alias is Smol, and I have been watching your theory videos since I was..9? 10? I remember your very first ever fnaf theory being my exposure to your channel, which of course is somewhat comedic nowadays since online you’re known as “that fnaf theorist guy”, but 2014-2015 was a different time. I will be turning 19 this June. To say you’ve had a huge impact on my childhood would be an understatement. I remember coming home and the very first thing I would do is see if any of my favorite youtubers had uploaded anything that day on the family computer. I have since graduated in 2023, and am now an adult having to work and do taxes (lol). If I could, I would most certainly go back to those days just to relive all of the moments I got to witness in other people’s lives through the screen. Though “our” time together is almost up, always remember. Memento mori. Everything comes to an end eventually, and your time as host just happens to be sooner rather than later like many, many people expected. I hope that though we will not see you as often, you have a good life, and for a guy who’s been “ruining my childhood since 2011”, I feel my childhood was actually brighter after finding the game theorists in an ironic twist. I’ll miss you, grandpa MatPat, and I can’t wait to see what comes of team Theorist once March rolls along.

Sending virtual hugs and a clap and a half, I thank you for what you have given us. Your legacy will live on through the hearts of many.




Goodbye Mat Pat you made me happy whilst I was mourning my Mom Death in 2018 thanks for keeping me happy and entertained



G'day MatPat I first found your channel when you were making Five Night's At Freddy's 4 theories and I believe that episode was "Game Theory: FNAF, The Clue that SOLVES Five Nights at Freddy's!" I am so glad I clicked on your video! You opened my eyes to a whole new world of theory crafting and lore building. If i was ever to create a series that has lore in it. I'll remember that you inspired me to do so. One day if I do something that has lore and is worthy enough to be a theory episode then I'd know I had made 10 year old me proud. So finally from the bottom of my heart Thank you MatPat and I'm excited to see what the future holds with that spin off you're creating "Lore-Fi". So anyways Thank you MatPat and enjoy your rest. Tropixal



Goodbye mat,hopefully you can enjoy your vacation as much as we enjoyed you practically raising us the past years



Mat you’ve made me learn more thing than i do at school. Y’know it’s very emotional but sometimes people need space even from the things they love. Mat i just wanted you to know if you ever read this you're like a teacher to me you made look at things differently and i just love your video like really love it but sometimes not everything stays forever but hopefully i can get past this hardship and still love the theory videos. Goodbye matpat millions and more love you. Stay true to yourself and next time this might just be a theory.


A Clap and a Half to you, Dear Theorist. Enjoy your retirement as much as you can, you deserve it. Thank you… For Everything. It may not be goodbye forever, but we had a better time than you had intended, of that I am certain. Goodbye… We love you MatPat.❤️



One of the first videos I saw of Matpats was from FNAF (of course). However, ever since I started watching the theorists, I was hooked. Whether it was a game/film I knew, or just watching for the theory, they were my main source of entertainment for a long time. Once covid hit, a lot of hard things happened in my life. However, Matpat and the Game theorists was always a safe place I could go to. Those videos helped me through some really difficult times. I think I've watched the FNAF playlist at least 5 times (probably 5 times too many) and the journey of how team theorist has grown is incredible.

Overall, thank you Matpat. Thank you for building our childhoods. Thank you for ruining those childhoods. Thank you for all you have done for this community and so many more. You are such an incredible person, and while I am eager to see where the new hosts take the shows, I am going to miss hearing you and your classic "hello internet" so much. I am so happy that you are taking time for you and your family, and wish you the best in all your future projects and endeavors.

Ps. As a primary watcher of GTLive, I am very happy that we will be keeping you, even if it is just for a little longer.

Thank you Matt



Thank you MatPat, for everything. I didn't have a place where I felt comfortable being myself until I found Game Theory. Coming home after a stressful day of school and hiding from the world was the norm, then I found your channels and I learned it's ok to be me. This is a very short version of the whole story but I can't thank you enough!



Goodbye. Lets hope we will get newer version of you and guys remember the quote. {i always come back} GOOBYE MATPAT and remember guys its a theory. A GAME THEORY!!!



Thank you for all your support that your videos gave me in hard times. Its heartbreaking to see you go but you deserve it man, I hope you have a nice time and play some new games every once and a while. And most importantly that’s just a theory, A GAME THEORY!



Thank you for all your hard work and dedication Matpat, you shall be a icon on the Internet for generations to come. Enjoy your retirement and also; it's just a theory, a game theory! -Dangerously



Dear Matpat, I'm Amar bell, and I found your channel during a hard period of my life, which was 2022. Your videos made me smile and laugh and they brought joy into my life during a time when I desperately needed it. You inspired me to be a better person, and when I grow up, I'm going to donate to so many charities, and make sure that I make people smile, just like you made me smile. Thank you. I will never forget you.



Goodbye MatPat! I've been watching your videos since I was 5 years old in 2015 and I have always loved them! You are and always will be my favourite youtuber and I hope you have had an amazing time being the host of the theory channels and I hope that you continue to have an amazing time with your family and friends after leaving the channels! I hope you have an awesome life and remember, its just a theory, A GAME THEORY!



I didn't particularly watch you as often as other people, but I've seen your content every once in a while ever since you did your "What are creepers?" video I guess over time your videos warmed up to me since I was saddened to see you depart like this, I just don't think it'll feel the same without you since you've literally become the face of the channel you've been there from the beginning for so long, I do have faith in your new team however, I'm just still gonna miss the OG.

Thank you for the theories.

You'll be missed MatPat



Game Theory is one of those constants I've grown up with. Practically as far back as I can remember, MatPat has been there on the other side of Youtube posting theories, teaching science to gamers, and building a community based upon the idea of thought. Although I admit, I went in and out of watching his content, knowing he and this community were always there was a kind of comfort... A second family. To know that's changing is hard for me, but in equal measure I'm excited to see where the Theory Team takes this concept now.

But to Matpat: I will never forget the memories you gave me and my family. Thank you for being a positive influence on so many people, and bringing my sibling and I together over the idea of science. -J



Well Matpat its been a ride, lots of people have watch your channel and that's awesome to think, but you risking a lot for us is amazing and we are thankful, I will be sad but I'm thankful you will have a break and the internet will remember you and what you built. Isaac <3



Dear matpat,

I remember the night I found your channel. I was in my room bawling my eyes out, letting my TV drown out the noise of my cry’s so my parents wouldn’t hear. And you came on. I remember not listening at first, and then you made a joke and I giggled. I watched about 10 more of your videos after that, and I stopped crying. Ever since that day I’ve watched your videos every day after school, or whenever I have a free period. You saved my life, and even though it seems absurd it’s true. You were a father figure to me when I didn’t have a dad, and whenever I had a bad day and all I wanted to do was sink into my bed, you made me laugh and smile when no one else could. Matpat, I don’t know if you’re going to see this, and you probably won’t, but you really did save me. When I was at the lowest point in my life your videos made me smile. I’ll never forget laying in the hospital bed after a failed attempt, and my phone going off, looking over to see you posted a FNAF theory, and the feeling of dread went away and all I wanted to do was watch what theory you had come up with this time.

Thank you Matpat, for being the father I never had and the person who made me smile when all I wanted to do was cry. Thank you.


Dearest Matthew, I started watching Game Theory back when the first FNAF theory came out. I remember my brother turning on the first theory and I got instantly hooked. I loved the editing style of this era (as I now enjoy every era of course). This channel has been my go-to for any situation: I’m happy? Watch a theory! I’m sad? Watch a theory to cheer me up! I’m stressed? Watch a theory to get my mind off it! This channel has been a constant of my life throughout so many changes, from middle school, to high school, to moving away for college for the first time, new relationships, break-ups, death in the family, new kids in the family, and now in May I’ll graduate with my B.S. Ed.. P.S., I’m an American Sign Language Interpreting Major and I practice interpreting to your videos sometimes :) Thank you MatPat, Steph, and the rest of the Theory team. Every time I see a -X _____ Theories Remain- I truly tear up. I sobbed watching the announcement video. (Then I had to drive 5 hours home with that info just marinating… thanks haha.) I am so glad that the channels are going into such great hands. You have no idea what these channels mean to me. Thank you, MatPat, even though thank you will never be enough. I hope to cross your path one day. Much love, Ally.



Hello it's a me Hudson and you might not see this but I'd you do, then I love ya man you are so awesome and you have been such a blast to watch and hype about and discuss with friends and meme oh boi memeing has been fun to. Game theory, film theory, food theory, style theory and how could I forget, Gtlive all places to get a good laugh and of course theorise over. Thank you to you, Steph and the amazing team behind it all for making a culture on the internet and Cheers for a great future of the big 5 channels and beyond!!!! Thank you Thank you :3



Goodbye man I was 16 years old when I watched you now I am 23. You where my childhood and you will forever be. I remember you going insane with weird and wacky theories, it made me question your sanity a bit, but I wish you well in your newest passion that may arise to you next ✨️✨️-og fan of 7 years ❤️ 💙



I remember when a friend in middle school showed me a new video he found that he really loved. This video showed evidence that Portal's companion cubes contained bodies of prior test subjects, and I was instantly in love with the mystery, the storytelling, and the analytical style. I ended up subscribing and watching all the other videos on the channel, showing my other friends the theories I loved most. I followed the channel from then on, and it was always a topic of conversation when I was making new friends. Then the channels grew, into the realm of film when I was in high school, food when I was in college, and style when I was a working man with a degree, and I loved each one just as much as the last. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that you, Matpat, helped shape me into the person I am today. A curious, thoughtful person who aspires to create a game like the experiences you've introduced me to. It won't be the same without you giving voice to these theories, but that's all right. I just want to make it clear how much you've impacted my life for the better, along with countless other people. A clap and a half to you, and thank you so much for keeping me curious.



Thank you for everything, MatPat.

As I reflect on my upbringing, I realize that I never had the best father figure in my life. However, I want you to know that I have always seen you as a sort of father figure. I stumbled upon your channel due to your growing popularity with your FNAF theories, and listening to you discuss every possibility was like listening to a person with a tinfoil hat talk about aliens. It was not just entertaining, it was so much more than that. You are someone I truly look up to, someone who has made a huge impact on millions of people, and someone I can proudly say I grew up watching. Your theories have given me a new perspective on games. I now find myself searching in every nook and cranny for easter eggs and hints that may hold a deeper meaning lurking in the shadows, so that I can unravel the mysteries they bring. I hope you have the best of luck in the future, to you and your family.



Goodbye Matpat I will always remember you before you leave. Please take these exotic butters.



see ya mat. you've made some good theory's over the years and I've loved every one of them. I hope you have fun being retired at 37 you truly are the only grown man who has an un-ironic appreciation for skibidy toilet. do you think cobb was in the real world or a dream-state.

best wishes,



Matpat, you have been such an influential and formidable force in so many lives. My wife, daughter, and I as well as so many of our friends, and family all watch you. My wife listens to you while she crochets, we listen while washing dishes and cooking, my daughter falls asleep to your content. You are not only one of the smartest people I can think of but you exude comfort and safety. We wish you the greatest retirement any one could ever have. May you find the same joy and love around every corner that you have given to millions. You truly are a great great person. Clap and a half to you and may your horizons be unending.



Thank you so so so much for the years that I have spent with you and all the theories and livestreams you did, it’s truly and undoubtedly the most greatest and unforgettable times of my childhood that I will never going to forget. You and your team truly did an amazing job all those years with filling allot of people with the theories you’ve made together. I am thankful for clicking that one time on your channel and watched your videos. I hope your journey still continues to grow even outside the internet and be having an amazing and blessed life. Thank you matpat and your theory team for filling my childhood with all those great memories, and goodbye matpat may we cross again someday.



Thanks for the theories Matpat. I sat and watched (almost) all of the theories from when I first started watching in 2016 to now. Love this channel and I will never stop watching it.


are you kidding me i dont want matpat to leave please. i been watching game theory and flim theory for years and if he leave the golden era of that is come to an end



From pretty much the year I was born to now, I've been watching Matpat. Like he said in his goodbye video, he 'wasn't' my childhood. He is my childhood. There were some videos of his I would watch over and over, and some live streams I would watch in the background, like his Fran Bow series, or his more recent Security Breach ones. So much of my life has involved him, and I was so sad to hear he was retiring. But, he does deserve it, as he's worked hard for almost 14 years. So thank you MatPat. Not only for being there to deliver quality content, not just for being a large part of my childhood, not just for bringing hours of entertainment. But for giving me a childhood. Giving me someone who I truly looked up to and aspired to be like. Thank you so much, MatPat.



I do not have any long sentences for you, MatPat, just remember, you raised a generation- right there, on the top with "YouTube's Dads" you are there, and I don't know about others, but for me- you are the first. Thank you.



“Welcome to game theory, gaming’s tangential learning experience!” I really don’t have much to say here. I was born the same year the Game Theorists was created, and honestly, I think I picked the right time. Can’t thank you enough for the theories you fixed into my head, and I swear my brain feels smarter every video, while not being constantly bored to death like school does. So thank you, MatPat. But that’s just a theory! A GAME THEORY! Thanks for watching! 💚



Dear MatPat,

You will probably never see this. But I’ll still write. After today, March 9th, you will be gone. You’ll still be writing and helping, but it won’t be the same without you hosting. I’ve been watching you for nearly 9 years now, and you were my childhood. You changed my life along with so many others. You were there to cheer me up on a bad day, to make me smile, to make my nerdy side flourish. You were the teacher I never had but wished I did. FNaF was in my heart because of you. I hate to say this, but you are right. Ending your career now, on a good note, is the best decision. And no matter how much I hope you and Steph will stay, I know that you guys have little Ollie to take care of. I hope you and Steph come back once a year or something to let us know how you are doing. Thank you MatPat. From the memories to the nerdy puns, to the memes. Everything. I look forward to your future projects. From simple MatPat13 to 4 channels boasting millions of subscribers, from two people to a team, from Mat and Steph to Mat, Steph, and Ollie. Good job.

“No matter how ridiculous the odds seem, inside us resides the power to overcome these challenges and achieve something beautiful. And one day, we’ll look back at where we started and be amazed by how far we’ve come.”

MatPat, that day has come for you, and I can only imagine how beautiful of a sight it is.

Goodbye to you MatPat, and hello to a new era.



MatPat, just... Thank you. You have built such a community over the years, and I have watched Game Theory grow and evolve. Damn. It's been a wild ride. I could go on for days about what you have done for not only me, but the world, too, but i won't to save you some time to read the comments that can articulate thoughts better than I can.

All I can say is THANK YOU.



no words besides thank you for making our childhoods and getting us all involved in so many things/games/shows/etc <3 matpat has made all of our childhoods better but that's just a theory, a fandom theory


I started watching 11 years ago, when the best boobs in gaming was new and i was in elementary school. I'm in my mid 20's now, and studying game art in university. It's too bad I didn't manage to get to making games before you quit. I stopped watching for the content a long time ago, but kept my subscription as the theorists were one of the few channels that felt mature, not in content but in temperament, in a platform that can be so full of big egos. I remember vividly when in your life is strange playthrough you and stephanie talked about being councelors and suicide prevention, and i couldn't help but to feel, admittedly parasocially, that you were like my older cousins (not quite siblings but in that direction). Thank you for the entertainment, and know that even here, in my small neck of the woods on the other side of the planet, that there's not a single student in my uni major that didn't grow up watching you.



Where do I even begin this goodbye? You were one of the first channels I subscribed to and I have been there since episode one. As a teacher, I don't even know how to describe the leaps and bounds you've done for children advancing and science and gaming technology. Allowing them to understand scientific methods, to look for hidden meanings. I joined during your first episodes,you were the top of my playlist. Not just you, but you, Stephanie, and so many other theorist.

Everything you have done to push the boundaries of scientific thought can grow. Not only in the youth of our socieities but in the world around us as a whole.



Matpat helped me when I'm sad. The first time I met him was in film theory, and he helped me when my parents were at odds, and now he's going on a well-deserved vacation. We all love you, Matpat. we might not get to see you as much but at least we still know that you're here. Although we all are sad to see you go, you deserve it. You've helped so many people even if you don't see it. you've help me too and I know that you'll still be there and I happy that the channels are still going to be uploaded too I'm just going to miss "But hey, That's just a theory, A insert channel name here Theory, and thanks for watching" you've helped so many people with things like when I didn't feel like laughing you made me laugh or when I had a bad day at school I would come home and watch one of your videos and they helped so much. I'm going to miss the dad jokes and the jokes in general you can make. You can make the audience happy to disought, I will miss you so much and you make everyone you see here happy and never forget that we all love you Matpat and we're all sad to see you go.



Thank you for the past decade of content, we all appreciate you so much for what you've done. Personally I remember finding the game theory channel around 2015 and being an avid watcher of the theory channels since. You and the whole theorist team have made such a big impact and impacted the lives of a whole generation of theorists, so thank you again



matpat, you have been in my life since the very begining, I have watched every FNAF video, every GTlive video, and I will miss you, miss you more then you can ever imagine, and just as you said in your goodbye video, I love you, you have been my child hood, you where there when I was down, I watch video's on yoshi and Kirby anatomy when I was sad, I wondered if things where real when I watch film Theory, i wondered if i had a good diet when i watched food Theory, but i dont want that to go away, i am gonna miss you, i will be there for you, goodbye matpat :)




Thank you for all the theories! I've been watching the channel since ~2014, and it gave me a lot of hope when I was faced with the very rough situation of barely staying housed. You constantly made me think more deeply about things I enjoy, and you helped me to think of my talents and hard work as a writer in a more marketable/serious way. You also helped me find the courage to enter a couple of fields I've always been interested in, but didn't think I could do--data analysis and psychology. Thank you for everything you've done through your own hard work and ideas. I hope that you enjoy life after working so hard and for as long as you have!



Hello, Matpat. Thank you for all of your theories. Not just theories though..You have been my comfort YouTuber for a long time now. Tbh, I was BAWLING when I saw your goodbye video. I understand that you have a wife and child, so I respect your decision to quit. Thank you for being here. Thank you for helping millions if not billions of people. Thank you for being here. Thank you for making videos. Thank you, Matpat.



Bye bye matpat, you were slsosososodo cool, you did epic things, I LOVE FOOD THEORY


Seeing all the Chanel being created and evolve over time is something that i will allway cherisch. But what will alway be in my heart is that it is thanks to matpad that i can read, write and speak english. Your theorie was the reason that i got good and that i could discover even more channel like markiplayer or mrbeast. Thanks you for everything. Mais c'est juste une théorie a game theory.



i am saying this as a kid who's growth up with youtube from 2014 before the real big boom. and it was really a time. i didn't always have much of any friends. from a small town in Norway. where everyone knew eatch other. so when bullied i had little to none. but i had you. never failing too make me smile and learn something in this world. you made this world much better then you could ever imagine matpat. and the impact you've had on my thinking in general. you're a inspiration. a guideline. its sad too see. but some things are just natural. and that's for it is. i am not just saying goodbye from myself today. i'm saying good by from 2017 me ect. very year of me thank you for role. i never thought i'd make it this far. and now i can say i have. again thank you Matthew hope we see eatch other in a other. until then. hey that's just a thanking theory. the thanking theory thank you for reading.



Goodbye MatPat, thank you for years of amazing and wacky theories. You've created a community of such amazing theorists and now it seems that you are becoming one of us, just another watcher of the channels theorizing about every aspect of life. You're absolutely amazing and I will miss your "but that's just a theory" I am excited for this new chapter of the channels. Even though you won't be the face in front of the screen anymore



Goodbye, MatPat. My childhood was shaped by your videos. In fact, the first YouTube video I ever watched was your first FNaF theory. I hope you have a good retirement. Thank you. For everything. Sans is ness.



I've already written my "goodbye" on the subreddit, "MatPat Changed My Mind," so here I wanted to do a fanart sign off. It's who would Mat be if he was a Disney character, which I haven't seen anyone draw, so I did it myself. 💚❤️💛💙



From the bottom of my heart MatPat, Thank you. Thank you for all the laughs. All the information. Even all the cringy moments. I enjoyed every moment of it. I remember the first time I came across your channel and funnily enough, it was a fnaf theory. I remember clicking on the video thinking, "I wonder what this is about". Looking back at it now, I'm so glad that I clicked that video and I'm happy I got to be a part of this amazing community. You all inspire me to do better in life. Not only did that video spark a love for fnaf, it sparked a love for horror games in general and I want to thank you for that as well. You honestly brought so much into my childhood and it sucks to see you go but at the same time, nothing good lasts forever. I'm really going to miss your cringy dad jokes that always made me laugh and your wittiness. You're like family to me now. The whole community is like my family. So thank you for over a decade of amazing fun content. Thank you for being there for me during hard times. Thank you for everything. Goodbye MatPat. You'll always hold a special place in my heart❤️.



Thank you Matpat, for some of the most entertaining videos I've ever seen on youtube. You have brought joy to me, as well as millions of other people around the world. You will not be forgotten.

Thank you, for everything. We will miss you.



you'll always be in our hearts, geez this sounds like you just died lol. bye we love you



hey matpat i have been watching you videos 4 years an m sad 2 see u go



Thank you, MatPat. I've struggled with my mental health for basically my entire life and your videos and silly jokes always helped me, even if my mental state was particularly rough. I've also always been interested in science, and your theories and ideas have fueled my interest and love for learning. It's going to suck without you and I'll miss seeing you on screen dearly, but I'm sure the new hosts are going to do so well. I'm very excited to see what you'll be doing in the future. You've had such a positive impact on me, and you'll always be in my heart. So, again. Thank you for everything, and goodbye for now. I hope you have a lot of fun with your family. :)



Just wanted to say a huge thank-you for being an amazing part of my childhood! Be it another FNAF theory or even the 'Cake Being A Lie' you truly were and are an icon! I wish you the best with life and hope you have a nice retirement(ish)! I can't wait to dissect your lore, your sort of having a villain arc now with your podcast and whatnot.

Thank you for being simply amazing.

Status Offline



Goodbye MatPat! You and the Game Theorists channel are the reason I love as many video games as I do. I started watching your channel back in 2014, after you posted your first FNaF video. While going back to watch that video is really difficult because it's pretty bad, 9 years ago I thought that your analysis of games was the coolest thing ever. The effort you put into even your earliest of videos is inspiring and your content has changed my life forever. I have been watching your videos since I was 5 years old and since then, I've gotten even nerdier. Thank you for making my childhood what it was and have a great retirement! -Star Boy



I've been watching you since I was little and all through middle school, and it was almost an out of body experience to hear from my friends about how you were leaving. I remember watching your theories on late nights in middle school alongside Markiplier's playthroughs, watching GTLive as much as I could over the summer and just living off your humor. If anything, you became one of my Youtube role models, someone I could always count on to cheer me up when I felt down. ( You are the entire reason I know the screwed up FNAF lore, so thank you for that :) ) I hope you have some awesome adventures while you're retired and that Game Theorists carries on your legacy! It will be interesting and weird for a bit to have anyone other than you running the channels, but enjoy your free time now that you'll have it! Bye MatPat <3



Goodbye MatPat! I started watching you in 2014 and you helped me understand concepts I was learning in high school and middle school at the time with some of your theories. You're videos have kept me company through late nights especially at the lowest part of my life. Thank you for everything! Every theory, lesson, short, and sprinkler times. I hope you accomplish all you wish too. I can't express you much joy your videos have brought.



I hope you enjoy your retirement MatPat! I am so glad that you got to be a major part of my childhood, i always loved the energy you put into your videos. Go and enjoy life with your family, and Thank you for sticking around all these years! - Reanu



And this is the end of another one of our dear soldiers, now don't get me wrong ok? This soldier is not dead, He is just in the part of the story where he lives happily ever after. Goodbye MatPat, I loved your theories. Goodbye.



Goodbye MatPat! I am NOT an OG like most people here but I immediately loved your work. And your announcement of retirement was a huge shock to me but I want to say a last thank you for all the great theories that you have shared with the internet. You will always have a place in my heart. The theorists are one of the last long form videos I still enjoy watching and they provide me with a weekly dose of joy. I hope you have a great retirement and hope the best for you, your family and the team!



I have been watching the theory channel ever since I moved to Austria. I knew he would eventually retire, but I had not expected it would be so soon. All the love to Matt, Staph and Ollie. P.S: Ollie will absolutely whip Matt in every video game in 5 years



I don’t know if this’ll be read by anyone let alone Matpat but I thought I’d leave a message anyway.

I want to thank you Matpat. Growing up when YouTube was becoming increasingly popular it was important that I watched videos by positive influences as it’d shape the kind of person I’d grow up to be, lucky for me I grew up watching Game Theory and have been an avid watcher for 10+ years. Your endless positivity and excitement for learning told me that it was ok to have fun when learning and that being a “nerd” isn’t a negative thing at all. You’ve taught me to think critically about all the different types of media I consume and have provided me with countless hours of entertainment over all these years through all of your channels (especially GTlive) and for that I will be eternally grateful.

I hope you have a lot more free time Matpat, you deserve it. Enjoy the rest of your life, pursuing passion projects and raising/spending time with your family, you’ll always be an internet legend to all of us who knew you. Thank you.



Goodbye matpat, I've watched and loved your videos for so long, goodbye and have a great life!



Thank you MatPat for all you've done. Have fun and enjoy your new life!



I'm going to miss MatPat, his theories make me feel sad and remind me he's leaving soon. I hope MatPat goes on to do more things on YouTube or just in his life



MatPat, thank you for keeping me company on my loneliest of days. At times where I felt at my lowest I'd turn on a Game Theory or a GT (not) Live and it felt like sitting down with a friend after a long day. While your videos have been with me on good days too, it's those times when you made me feel a little less alone in the world that I want to thank you for. Enjoy your new adventure. You've truly earned it.



Goodbye, MatPat, the theorist team, and everyone who ever helped on your videos, I know the channel won't end and will be taken over by head editor Dan. Still, it feels like this is the end... like it won't be the same, and it won't cause our favorite GOAT of YouTube, MatPat won't be there anymore... but it's not like he was an NPC, he was bound to leave eventually, which, is completely understandable. I mean, working such a tiring job, and having a kid? Sounds like you wanna have a bad time, so, thank you, for the last 13 years, when we started watching you, all of us, it feels like yesterday... it's funny how one guy with a passion for analyzing details in games affected so many people for the better, honestly, I'm not far from crying at this point, so I'll cut it short before the waterworks go, thanks for everything MatPat, hope you'll live a nice life with Steph and Ollie, I'm sure that all of us, your loyal theorists, hope from the bottom of our hearts, that you will live a beautiful life, so, good luck, and don't wreck your brains on FNaF, that's Dan's work now, bye, Matthew.



Thanks for the memories, Matpat. You made my childhood better and I’m excited to see what’s in store for the future, both with the channels, and with the plans you have of things you want to do and make going forward. I’ll miss you, as will countless people, but I’m glad I got to be here while it lasted.



bye and hope you complete your goals.



My first video of yours is the “how much damage could a bullet bill really do?” I just checked the release date of that video, and was kinda shocked that 9 years have passed. I just turned 18, meaning Game Theory has been part of my literally half of my life, which is certainly a thought to think about.

But anyway, thank you. You, Steph, and the rest of the team taught me that it’s ok to overthink things. You taught me to look for deeper meanings of things, even if they might not have them. But most importantly, you taught me that being a nerd could actually be really cool. And for all of that. Thank you. I hope the next stage of your life fills you with as much joy as your videos did for me.



I’m not really good at writing long paragraphs so I’m going to keep this short and to the point. Thank you for everything that you gave all of us over the years, thank you for every theory from the very first to the very last. Thank you, and goodbye.



Hey Matpat! I found your channel back in 2014-2013, I wasn’t even 8 and was just getting into gaming. Now that I think about it, I probably found you sometime after the “How Much is Minecraft Diamond Armor Worth?” I remember coming home and always looking for the next upload, I specifically remember coming home one day and turning on my Xbox 360 onto YouTube and seeing “Portal’s Companion Cube has a Dark Secret.” I was so happy that you covered my favorite game and I can’t tell you how many times I rewatched each episode after the newest release.

You played a major role in my life and I even quoted you time and time again to my friends thinking I was the man for knowing something others didn’t even think of. Hell you inspired me to make my Science Fair project about Link and his potions! I didn’t win but I had fun and made memories I won’t forget!! I know I was an unusual kid but because of you I made a few friends and although I haven’t talked to them in years, the times I had with them is precious and I fondly remember talking to them about “The Game Theorists” more than once. You made my childhood Matpat and helped me through a lot.

Time to get a bit more personal, I lost a good highschool friend and his brother to suicide this past year and a half and after a bit of feeling lost while playing some “Tony Hawk Pro Skater,” I thought back to Ronnie and how he impacted you guys and the channel. I came back, head hung low, to all the channels after a long hiatus and even though I didn’t really enjoy the theories of Garten of BanBan, I enjoyed the company and comfort the channels brought. Your voice, the passion, script and even some childhood memories all came flooding back and it helped, even just a little, to cope with my friend’s death and his brothers’ death 11 months afterwards. You helped turn a horrible ending to 2022 and 2023 into a sweeter ending that allowed me to grow as a person and get closer to my friends from trade school. I really can’t thank you, all of you and I mean everyone who has been working on the “Game Theorist” channel, enough.

I didn’t watch much after 2019 but I’m glad I could be here to send you off Matpat! I can’t wait to see who tries their hand! I’m glad I could be apart of this channel and community for over a decade, even though I haven’t talked to many others in the community or have been around to watch you consistently for a few years the entertainment you brought is unmatched!! You were a bright light in the world we call YouTube and I can’t think of YouTube’s growth, especially certain gaming genres, without you.

You and Steph deserve the best and I’m glad you have the confidence to leave the internet and focus on your life! Even more so since you will be giving the channels to people who you think fit them well. There’s so much more I want to say but I really don’t know how to put it into words. Simply put, it has been a fun decade (and some change) so I can’t wait to see what’s next for both you, the team and the new host’s to this wonderful community and theorist world!! I love all of you guys, community and theorist team, you guys will forever have made a mark and I can’t thank you enough.



I think I say this on behalf of everyone when i say that you were the biggest inspiration to me and millions of others. I truly loved the touch you added to all of the videos you ever appeared on and with every passing day you are gone, we will miss you like you were here for all of our lives. because to tell you the truth, you where! you where there for me and others when life was in an all-time low and through all you have done, you have lit a spark in me that I never would've found without your videos. I wish you the best of luck on your journey on the sidelines with your family.

again, on behalf of all of your loyal theorists, thank you for being... YOU!



Thank you for all of these years of content and theorizing you have brought me and many others. I have watched you for a long time and while your theories are fascinating, I like you just for you. Your personality, your humor, your, everything. I'll miss you, but no doubt I will stick around till the day I die. By the way, if you see this, Walten Files 4 just came out, so have fun with that! <3



You are, and will always be, my childhood. not only did you create videos, but you also molded millions of peoples childhoods. Thank you.



Thank you for the amazing years, for completing everyone's childhoods with your theories. I used to watch your fnaf theories with my friend that didn't know shit about it, but we still liked it. I'm going to miss you so much and i hope you have an amazing life after your last video


MatPat, I’ve been watching your theories for over a decade. You’ve helped change my life in various ways and expanded the ways in which I think about media. I will miss seeing your face on Game Theory, but I’m happy you get to retire and focus more on your personal life. I wish you the best!



i don't have anything long or too crazy to say but i will say that i grew up watching game theory and now it's just. kinda crazy to me that matpat is stepping back now wishing him the best with his new projects behind the scenes @ theorist hq !! :]



Thank you matpat. We all give you,steph and ollie the best wishes for the future to come, this has been the best 13 years. Thank you ❤️



Truly the best youtuber to grace the earth. Sad he is going but hopeful for his replacements. Good bye mat have a wonderful retirement.



I'll miss you a lot matpat. i dont think i'll ever have another online persona that i respect and genuinely like so much. who knew a parasocial entity could mean so much right? i know that over time the new hosts will matter to me as much as you do (tomrob already does sound like matpat) but i dont think anyone will make as good of an internet grandpa. I've been watching you for 5-6 years now and i've been thankful ever since. You've rekindled my interest in science and natural curiosity during a time where school had failed me. I've learnt so much from your videos and found so many great people through your community. Thank you so much for all you have done. I look forward to the new regime of Amy, Lee, Santi and Tom. Goodbye, Matpat



Thank You MatPat </3 MatPat know we've never met, (other than Jirad the Completionist sending you a picture of me in CatBoy MatPat cosplay) but I want you to know I've been so eternally grateful for the last 13 years of content. You've been a staple in my home and life. I can't count how many times I've watched your videos, how many fandoms you've gotten me into, how much silly lore now retain and how much appreciate how much you've done for this community. Keep being amazing MatPat, go on to do wonderful things and still follow you through your journeys and support however can. Thank You -Dorian <3



Farewell to a Mentor: Saying Goodbye to MatPat

Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when it comes to bidding farewell to someone who has been a guiding light, a mentor, and an inspiration in our lives. For countless individuals in the vast landscape of the internet, Matthew Patrick, better known as MatPat, has been that beacon of knowledge, entertainment, and empathy. As we prepare to part ways with this titan of online content creation, it is only fitting to reflect on the profound impact he has had on his audience and the legacy he leaves behind. MatPat's journey into the hearts and minds of millions began with humble origins. With his keen intellect, insatiable curiosity, and unwavering passion for gaming and theory-crafting, he carved out a niche for himself in the digital realm. His YouTube channels, most notably "The Game Theorists" and "Film Theory," became virtual classrooms where viewers eagerly tuned in to learn about the hidden intricacies of their favorite games, movies, and pop culture phenomena. But MatPat was more than just a purveyor of trivia and speculation; he was a storyteller, a teacher, and a friend. Through his charismatic delivery, meticulous research, and boundless creativity, he transformed mundane topics into riveting adventures, inviting his audience to explore the depths of their imaginations alongside him. Whether unraveling the mysteries of the FNAF lore or dissecting the science behind superhero abilities, MatPat had a remarkable talent for making complex concepts accessible and engaging to viewers of all ages. Beyond his intellectual prowess, MatPat's impact extended far beyond the screen. He fostered a sense of community among his fans, creating a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds could come together to share their love for gaming, film, and everything in between. His genuine interactions with his audience, whether through livestreams, conventions, or social media, demonstrated his profound appreciation for the support and enthusiasm of his fans. In doing so, he not only built a loyal following but also forged lasting connections that transcended the digital divide. As we prepare to say goodbye to MatPat, we are reminded of the profound influence he has had on our lives. For many, he was more than just a content creator; he was a mentor who inspired us to embrace our passions, pursue knowledge, and never stop questioning the world around us. His departure leaves a void in the online community, but it also serves as a reminder of the impact that one individual can have on the lives of countless others. In bidding farewell to MatPat, we express our gratitude for the countless hours of entertainment, education, and enlightenment he has provided. Though he may be stepping away from the spotlight, his legacy will continue to endure through the countless lives he has touched and the lessons he has imparted. As we navigate the uncertain waters of the future, we take solace in the knowledge that the lessons learned and the memories shared will remain etched in our hearts forever. So, as we raise our virtual glasses and bid adieu to MatPat, let us not mourn the end of an era but celebrate the incredible journey we have embarked on together. For in saying goodbye, we also welcome the opportunity for new beginnings, new adventures, and new sources of inspiration. Thank you, MatPat, for everything you have given us. You will be dearly missed, but your legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of your fans for generations to come.



I know you wont see this Mat, but if you do, just know that without you, i wouldn't be the person i am today. Without you, many people would be completely different. Without you, a lot would be different. We'll miss you Mat.



Hey Matpat! Thank you for being here for as many years as you have been. I've been watching Game Theory for I believe a year before FNAF hit the internet and spread around YouTube. I haven't watched EVERY theory you've put out on all the different channels, but I've watched most of them. I remember hopping onto GTLive and watching you and Steph play games, joining in on the Sprinkler Time, back when that was a thing. I know you're not going to be gone completely, and I'm excited to see what ARG or other project you decide to put out, and I'll still be with the channels even after you step away, because I love the company you've built and the people you've chosen to fill those particular shoes. I hope you enjoy your extra free time, and though I WILL miss you and Steph being on screen, I'm also SO very excited for what the future holds.


Thank you MatPat for everything you've done for us all! Many of us have grown up with you so seeing you go is a new stage for all of us. Wishing you the best of luck in the future! It has been an honour to be one of the millions in your fanbase, and now we will all continue as theorists because of you!



Goodbye Sir MatPat, I've been watching the theorists channels since I was 10 I'm 14 now and even thought it hasn't been that long I could feel a connection between me and the Theorists,youve all taught me so much

But the best lesson you have given me Is to always look at obscure places and to think BEYOND the box So thank you



When I first started watching you seriously was the first Fnaf video while I was cleaning the house and gods by that I could not predict how deep the whole went but we've been on this ride for so long. Its hard to say goodbye, even now the news doesn't feel real. It has been a real honor sharing this ride with you for these many years. So Goodbye Matpat, for now at least. I look forward to what you cook up next.



MatPat you were the biggest inspiration to me, and so many other. It breaks my heart to see you go but it's nice you get to spend time with your family more and see what life has offered for you. Until we see you again Mat!



I'm sad too see Matpat go. Hes been a part of my childhood for a long time now. Hopefully when he quits he'll be relaxing after all these years. -Lex Levine Febuary 7th 2024



goobye mappat



Thank you Matpat........


I am 14 years old, so one year older that the begining of Game Theory, but i was 4 years old when i stumbled across FNAF, so of course my stupid 4 year old wanted some more, hence, me finding your channels, so thank you so much MatPat for being such a big part of my life



Thank you Matpat for all you have done. I love the videos younwatch and I wish you could stay forever. We will mis you!



Goodbye matpat ive been watching you dince 2015 and you are the best youtuber ever i wish you the best in the future with your family



I remember when I was younger, as soon as I get home from school, I watched your FNaF theories. I still remember how happy it made me, watching your theories. And, no matter what is going on in my life..I still always had the same reaction, even now. You helped make so many childhood and happy memories for so many people, including me. And I think everyone including myself thank you, so so much. I know my message isn't as big as the others, but I hope you know you mean just as much to me as they mean to you. We all love you, Matpat. I hope you have an amazing retirement. And remember, that's just a theory, a game theory! Thank you so much, Matpat, for everything.


goodbye matpat! you always had a sweet personality that no other youtuber had. whenever i wanted to learn the lore of a game i went to the game theorists channel. your ddlc theories especially entertained me so much when i was bored. hope you have a good and peaceful retirement!



I think I started watching in 2017 or 2018? I originally started watching Film Theory I think, for the Marvel theories, and the move to also watching Game Theory was natural. I loved all the scary game theories, because I wanted to consume horror content but was too much of a scaredy-cat to play them myself or watch someone play, but you going in-depth and explaining the rich stories behind the games always fascinated me. Your myriad of FNAF theories led me to my obsession with it, and I've made so many friends just talking about the lore. My favorites were always the obscure games like Petscop or Crow64. Seeing Food Theory and Style theory become the channels they are now has been so amazing, and it's become a family affair to watch the latest Food Theory during dinner and discuss anything that interests us. I've loved watching these channels for as long as I have, and I can't wait to see where they go next. Lots of love, Milo <3



HERE ME OUT THIS ISNT A HATE POST I know all of these are "I'm sad to see you go" and all but I'm happy you're leaving. It honestly makes me sad every time I see a youtuber with kids and there positing videos and playing games 24/7 for other kids to watch it makes me sad that they aren't with their family. so thank you, thank you for ruining our childhoods, but it's time to ruin your own kid's childhood.

see ya and thanks for both rotting and educating my brain.

thank you




Hey Mat, Started watching you when I was 11 and I'm 19 now. Just like you've done to many of these people you've taught me to be inquisitive, kind and you've instilled a permanent hunger for knowledge into my brain. And outside of that, my knowledge of English stems from you and your channel for a large part. So thank you, thank you for being who you are and doing what you do.



I'll miss you dearly matt, You were there during my downs and helped me a lot through time's of stress and low time's I appreciate everything you've done for me and all who watch you. I will be here supporting further, I'm excited to see the new hosts take over, although it will be a lot of pain letting you go. But like all things good it comes to and end and that's for it's best, I will miss you matt and on behalf of the whole theorist community, we Love you and we hope you stay GTLive GTLaugh GTLove <3



Goodbye matpat

Thank you for being there throughout my childhood, you’ve helped me through so many hard stages in my life and I’ll never forget what impact you made in my life, you’ve truly been a big part of who I am today. I hope you and Stephanie both get to enjoy every single bit of your retirement with Ollie, I only wish the best to all of you, thank you for everything, Goodbye Matpat.




Matpat has been my childhood ever since I was little and has helped me through really bad times today like bullying hurtful parents and so on, I'm just glad I got to watch him make videos while he was still on the platform and I wish him well in his time with his family as I will remember him not just as a youtuber but as a little piece of my childhood... thank you matpat for being there on youtube when I was bored or sad thank you



MatPat you have given me so much joy over the years with your videos the laughs the tears crying from laughing such interesting facts about the food industry that i never thought i would learn about all the amazing crazy game facts and stories i am going to miss seeing your face on youtube on a regular basis enjoy your time with your amazing wife and son throw the old pig skin around hit the baseball enjoy some amazing video games



Goodbye matpat you are making a very brave choice. You are one of my favorite youtubers and I hope you have a great life. As they say GTLive, GTLaugh, and GTLove



Yo, let me tell you 'bout a journey, a tale so true, Where inspiration sparked and my dreams grew, It all started with a guy named MatPat, so wise, Diving deep into games with his analytical eyes.

From Mario to Minecraft, he breaks it all down, Unraveling theories, turning heads 'round and 'round, With every video drop, my mind's set on fire, Thinking critically, my passion climbing higher.

MatPat, Game Theory, he lights up my soul, Inspiring my mind, making me whole, From theories to analysis, he paves the way, Fueling my dreams, every single day.

With a blend of humor, facts, and insight, MatPat crafts stories that ignite, A fascination for gaming, storytelling, and lore, Teaching us lessons we can't ignore.

Through twists and turns, he challenges the norm, Encouraging us all to brainstorm, To think outside the box, to question and explore, To dive deep into games, and so much more.

MatPat, Game Theory, he lights up my soul, Inspiring my mind, making me whole, From theories to analysis, he paves the way, Fueling my dreams, every single day.

(Bridge) So here's to MatPat, the man of the hour, With Game Theory's magic, he empowers, A community of thinkers, dreamers, and nerds, Uniting us all with his powerful words.

So as I journey on, my passion ablaze, I'll remember the lessons from those Game Theory days, For MatPat showed me it's okay to dream, To chase after goals, no matter how extreme.



Thank you, Matthew Patrick, for being a big part in all of our lives. Thank you for always teaching us differently. Thank you for helping our childhoods get better every week. Thank you for helping us get back up on our feet. Thank you for showing us that real life and fiction can use the same logistics. But now it's time for you to send off, for you to bring someone else who's hopefully as good as you were every episode. Things won't be the same without you because you have changed so many people. Goodbye, MatPat. We all hope you have a happy retirement.



I write this comment just to thank Matpat to help me throught my difficult moments and maked me more appasionate for videogames in general. For this two years I enjoyed watching his videos on Game Theory and on the other channel with the other members of the channels. Thanks Matpat! <3



Dear Matpat,

Thank you so much for being a part of my childhood. I was a very sad kid and when I discovered your channel for the first time, your theories your enthusiasm, all I could think was how I'd found my place. A place where I could think and theorise myself. You're one of the only reasons I got into FNaF in the first place, and seeing your theories about all my other favourite games like Undertale and Sonic were so interesting to me. It's sad to see you go, but you deserve a break. You've made a lot of peoples lives so much better just by doing theories and going crazy about the FNaF timeline.

Thank you, Matthew Patrick - A fan in Australia :)



Thank you so much for mostly everything Matpat. You have taught me so many theories and other interesting things, I have literally grown up with you and I'm still going to do so. You, your family, and the crew have a good one. May your ways of teaching & theorizing reach other generations, sharing the knowledge and fun.

And remember, this isn't a theory. It's a wholesome message and a thank you.

Thanks for being my teacher.



goodbye matPat thank you for everything you do to make us more knowledgeable about all of FNAF I continue to make more FNAF theories even though you won't share them anymore. Love you forever from theorist lover Trysten James Miller.



I'm not sure how to start this lol. But Ive watched your videos my entire life (not all that much being that I'm 15 but I digress) you were the one to get me hooked on fnaf, a comfort that I have latched onto for many, many years. Fnaf was one of the few things I had helped me feel better during an especially hard time In my life, my dad was not the greatest. He recently passed away and I watched your videos for comfort. You have been a huge inspiration and I would love to join the game theorist team one day. That's all, thank you, for everything



I started watching matpat when I was 9 years old, and he really shaped me into the person I am. He taught me so many things, and it really feels like a part of me is dying now that he's leaving the internet. I will always miss his eccentric voice greeting us in each video, and how excited he always was (and still is) about loreeeeeeeeeee. I understand why he's choosing to leave, and I respect his decision but I know deep down that I will always miss him, and probably watch old videos of his just for comfort. His videos were always there to comfort me after a long day, and I always get excited whenever I see he posted a new video, but now it's done. Of course I will continue to support all of the channels but I know deep down that it will never be the same, and I'm ok with that. Matpat, I hope you enjoy your life, thank you for making me the person I am.



Goodbye Matpat. I have been a fan for a while and its sad to see him go. I loved his videos and especially FNAF. He is one of the reasons I still laugh. Its sad to see him go. I, and everyone, will miss you Matpat. That's not just a theory. Its a fact



You were my childhood, you were the first youtuber I ever watched, I watched all of your videos, and I continue to watch you, thank you for everything you've done for your fans, and Youtube as a whole, you will always be my favorite creator, and your channels will always be my favorites, no matter what happens after you step down. Goodbye MatPat.



Thank you MatPat for everything you’ve done for us. You were a HUGE part of my childhood and the reason I started playing many games like fnaf or batim. The day you uploaded the video saying you’d quit I cried my eyes out. My friend sent me the video and I wasn’t believing it.. “Oh this is clickbait” I thought - but your first words were “This is not clickbait” It was really sad and the Grandpa part ABSOLUTELY broke me. I wish you all the best and I hope you and Steph get to do many things with Ollie without thinking about Theories! <3



Its been a long journey for you and us as a community. Though I still feel saddened, I wish you the best in life with your family and friends. I sincerally hope that whatever you do next and wherever life takes you, that happiness will follow. You've been such a positive light when the world seemed dark. You were like a friend behind the screen, even if we never met. I've been stuck in my room for years, never wanting to leave as it was my only safe space, but watching your videos made me feel like i was experiencing and learning new things in the world and in life. Thank you for all you've done on Youtube, in the community, and in people's lives. You deserve a much needed rest. We will miss you but will also be excited for you to find your next chapter in life. You touched hearts and changed lives just by being you. Thank you for everything. In best regards, Hina (Corie)



MatPat, I just wanna say how much of a big influence you are to me. You helped me see things from a different perspective and saved me from countless hours of boredom. Sad to see you go, but enjoy your life!



hi matpat ur probs not going to see this but, I woke up at five am saw that video and I cried to that video even looking at the title brought tears to my eyes i literally love your vids dude and honestly I'm happy for you getting to take time for yourself, and your family--- when i was 8 i loved watching your stuff and you've pushed me through hard times and to even make some theories of my own and you've inspired so many to do the same you are honestly my favorite youtuber EVER you taught me so many things and whenever the conversation gets boring I always bring up one of your theories to talk about, I love your ddlc ofc your fnaf theoriesfnaf dhmis and honestly all of your food theories ---i always pull up on of your theories when im bored even though new people are taking over the channels your videos will always be my favorite and i hope we still get to see you in further videos as maybe a little cameo or smt like that and maybe, we could get an annual mattpatt day on the channels where you voice a theory! (ofc not pushing you to do it lmao) anyway thank you for every thing and, take care 💞



Dear Matpat,

I want to thank you for all you've done. I found your videos in second grade (7 years), and I'm now a freshman in high school (15 years). I fell in love with how you expressed your thoughts and personality through the scripts and I couldn't get enough. Your videos had me talking to myself as if I was recording a theory, so I've always looked up to you. And when I found out you were a theater kid, I felt it gave a miniscule connection between you, I, and thousands of others. (You also taught me a lot about genetics from your Peach is Dead videos, haha.)

I'm sad you're leaving, but you deserve rest. You've helped "raise" so many of us. You were our childhood. I hope you'll have fun, and make sure to spend time with your wonderful family. Steph and Ollie.

But hey, that's not just a theory. It's fact. Thank you.



Goodbye Matpat :) Thank you so much for being with me through the tough times of my life. I'm in college now, and I still try to watch all of your gt (not) lives. I love what you have brought to YouTube, and I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Thanks so much for everything, and to Steph as well :)) -Logan



Thanks so much for everything Matpat! Your videos have helped me through so many hard times, I especially love watching Food Theory when I'm struggling to eat and GTLives (and GT not-lives) help so so much when I'm feeling sad and lonely! You've taught me so much in a way my neurodivergent brain can understand and you, Steph and Ollie have shown me what a healthy, loving family looks like and I appreciate that so much as a foster kid who's never had a family of my own. I hope you have a super happy retirement and I'm sending you all the good vibes for your future!!



Matpat, I hope you know that you brought me and countless others so, so many hours of fun and entertainment over the years. You made me realize that Math and Science could be fun and helped me through some of my darkest moments in middle and high school by making me laugh and giving me something else, that was/is very interesting, to think about. Also knowing you did theater inspires me to continue down that path into college, which I will start this fall in case you wanted to know. You inspire me to look closely at the little details and see the small, but surprisingly huge, secrets in everything. TLDR: Thank you for your time on screen making me laugh and inspiring me in many ways, I'm gonna miss seeing you on camera but I know you'll still be there, and that's not a Theory. Thanks for Reading



MatPat has seriously inspired my YouTube style! It'll be so sad to see him go, but I can't wait to see his Lo-Fi ARG, as well as where his successors take this whole thing from here!




Thank you for everything you’ve done. I will never stop theorizing.



Dear matpat, ever since I discovered Game Theory in mid 2015 (I was 6) I've enjoyed every video (including the dad jokes) its been an honor to be with you and steph for the greater part of 9 years game theory forever



good bye MatPat, I have loved watching your videos for as long as I can remember and I'm glad you have been a part of my childhood. I am sad to see you go but excited for what new things game theory and the rest of the channels will have to offer. I hope you, stef and ollie the best. Thank you.



Hi Matpat! I've never really written a good bye letter, well except to Technoblade, so I'll just say this, Thank you so much for teaching me to use my mind in ways I didn't even realize you were teaching me, you showed me how to assess a story at more than face value, you showed me that games aren't just for playing, that they can teach us all, and PS. I enjoyed your dad jokes, they were good



you and my dad are what got me into video games, honestly i dont have much to say but matt should remember that he has had a comparable level of influence on who i am to my dad.



you have shaped a generation. I Shall pass on your legacy. one theory at a time. I must share the gift you have gifted us.



You know, I used to think that you were a bit crazy when it came to your FNAF theories. Then came along your theories about Omega Mart and different analog horrors and ARGs that got me hooked. But as I grew older and kept coming back again and again for the different theories across Film, Food, and Game theory, I started to like the intros and the overthinking. And with your cameo in a certain movie, it felt like you had truly made it out there. A community of theorists from different sections of the logo have come together to send you off on a journey that's slow-paced and carefree. I am glad that you were part of my life growing up and good luck to you.

P.S: There have been memes about you and One Piece, so I'm wondering if you are going to make that into an ARG. Just questioning.



Thank you MatPat for everything. I will miss you so much. I hope you have a grand next adventure with Steph and Ollie and Skip. I have been watching your theories since you made your first FNAF one. I grew up watching your videos back when I was 13 now I'm 22 almost 23 and I still love watching your theories. So Thank you for everything ❤️

Yours truly, Abby



Thank you Matpat, for being such a huge part of my childhood. I've been watching your content for the better half of a decade. Game Theory, Film Theory, Food Theory, GtLive, and even Style Theory. I watch 'em all.

You really helped me understand as a kid that science and passion aren't two different things. Your passions ARE science, and if that's not clear you just need to change your perspective on them!

You showed me that not only is it okay to overthink and overanalyze, it can be a whole lot of fun too 😁

I probably will never make theory videos, but I still theorize constantly. When I'm playing a game or watching a movie, my mind is ablaze with all the things you and your team have taught me. Locking on to minor details, to certain colors, considering the world, etc.

It's just so hard to fit into a small comment how much you've meant to me Matt. When you said "You're not just numbers to me," it really got me. If anyone else had said that I wouldn't be able to believe. You've an unfathomably massive subscriber pool, how could we each ever being anything but a number to you.

But somehow when I hear it from you, I just believe.

There's so much I want to say, but you've got a lot of comments you're probably going through, so I'll keep it succinct.

I am a different and better person because of you Matpat. I may not even still be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you so much for everything.

And hey, despite the fact I feel like I'm about to start crying again, I am genuinely excited for the future of the channel. I know how capable the rest of Team Theorist is. This has almost never been a solo act.

You've given me, and all of us, so much Matpat. If you think it's your time to go, than go with your head held high.

Nothing would make me happier than to know my hero is living a happy life 😊

I hope it's clear how much restraint I have for not typing a 100 page essay 😭

But hey, that's just a thank you.

A heartfelt thank you from one of many people you've inspired. Thanks for reading.



Thank you for always putting a smile on all of our faces! You have always been one of the purest rays of light on YouTube and I cannot wait to see what you can accomplish behind the curtain! You have made such a massive difference in everyone’s lives and it shows. Every YouTuber holds you in high regard and your influence has supported so many others on the app. You have inspired so many and this will not change because you step off camera. Your personality and love for all of us has made being a theorist so heartwarming and special. I will never be able to thank you enough for all you have done for all of us! You’re a hero!



Game theory has made my life more enjoyable. I used to have nothing to really watch when I was with my ex(he watched game grumps and well I wasn't really a fan) but then we found game theory. It gave us something to watch and it now has got involved in my game playing and got me involved in more theory stuff. I am so happy I found the channel and to see it grow and make other theory channels was amazing to see.

Game theory has always been there when I needed it from needing to chill after a stressful day to calm down from meltdowns and recover from burnouts(I have ASD so I tend to get those often) and I thank you guys for that. I will still continue to watch but honestly...Thank you MatPat, I'd be lost without discovering your Game theory channel.

That's just a theory, A game theory! Thanks for reading (:

From across the pond(UK)



You taught me so much. I enjoyed every single one of your videos. I hope you enjoy your life and have an amazing and well deserved break. Many thanks for growing up with me.



Hello Matpat! I've been watching your videos for over a few years now, and in that short time, I watched many, many, many of your videos. It feels bittersweet to see you step away from the channels, but then again, I hope you can truely focus on what matters most to you; happiness, love, and your friends and family. You've done so much for the channels, and for everyone involved with the process, and I know that even when you're not here, we'll still remember you in our hearts, just like Stephanie. Let's look on the brightside, the new generation, Tom, Santiago, Amy, Lee, have been working for the channels for a few years, and I'm sure that the channels are in safe hands. So, don't worry, take a breath, and enjoy the calm, quiet life you'll now have with your wife, Stephanie, and your kid, Ollie.

P.S: Is it just me or has the time fly by so fast that Ollie is now, what, 5? Feels like time has passed so quickly.

Best wishes, Jocelyn



Goodbye matpat! I'm so happy that you went on this journey of lore with everyone! I'm so happy with all the memories you made with your viewers! I hope you have a good journey after you officially leave the theorie. I'm so proud of you! thank you for being here! thank you for being someone who makes people happy!



Goodbye MatPat! Although I have loved my time watching you as I grew up watching you on your channels, my parents never seemed to like you. I have always enjoyed learning from your videos and seeing video games, films, food brands, and even styles from a different light. You have educated me all these years and even when I was never allowed to play the fnaf games I still loved the series and the story it told that I knew through your videos. I love finding out how to survive in my favorite movies from statistical evidence. Hell I even learned if it was possible to survive the NUGGET CAVE!!



You are the reason I got into fnaf, ddlc, and so many other games! Even though game theory's motto is "ruining your childhood," game theory (and by extension, you) made it even better. I honestly don't think I'd be the same person if I didn't grow up watching you. I remember OBSESSIVELY refreshing your page to be able to be the first one to comment. Sadly it never worked (One day, one day😔) And although it is sad to see you leave, us fans are also glad to see such a big part of all of our childhoods move on to bigger (and hopefully slightly less unhinged) things! All the rest you get is rest that was long deserved.



Well it seem like your leaving, The indie and the video game industries will really going to miss you.



Hi MatPat, I've never really been a super big analog horror or big theorist but I've always tuned into your videos when I have time, since my brothers and I were little. you remind me of the good times I had with my family, and I hope you have a great time away from all the noise. I didn't always get along with my brothers but we all loved you and always sat down to watch your theories when we were all free at the same time, and now we're all grown up. I'm halfway through high school, and they're all finished university and doing their own thing. we will miss you, but we understand your choice and why. we love you MatPat. <3



Thak you MatPat for being there when I was younger hope you have a epic vacation!



I started watching Game and Film Theory way back when the first FNAF video came out and he was counting animatronic toes 😂. It's been an amazing ride and while I'm sad (read cried like 50 times) that Matt is leaving, I'm proud of his decision.

MatPat, may you have many fun and amazing adventures. Enjoy the time with your family 🫶

And hey, that's just a theory, a Game Theory!



11 years ago in South Korea, I accidentally found a YouTube video while I was surfing the web a Video titled "Game Theory: Why the Official Zelda Timeline is Wrong" and as a little 8/9-year-old boy, I was fascinated so I kept watching, and watching Game Theory and over the years I began to learn about physics, equations, geology, The Power of Anilizing and so much more (which helped me pass so many science classes and impress teachers Thx Matt).

I watched Game Theory for 11 years whenever I was bored, sad, walking to school or even sleeping (IDK why but Matt's voice was super soothing for me) I was so obsessed that I even got the audio files for several videos just so I could listen on my Ipod Nano (I was living in the boonies where at the time there was no LTE or 3G) so no matter what Game Theory was always there with me.

Now, at 20 years old, almost 21, it's sad to see Matt go because he had been with me for so many of my life's milestones. However, Happy for Matt, I love seeing how he's leaving to work on his passions and to be with his family, which was why game theory was originally created (we are going full circle baby). Over the years, I have seen Matt grow alongside His Channels, Theorist group/ Crew, and fans, the first ever GT live, and so many of Matt's Milestones and I am so proud of him.

I have yet to meet Matt in person; however, I hope one day I can meet him and thank him for everything because Game Theory changed my life.

Matt, if you are reading this, thank you for everything. Thanks to you, I was able to see that there were kindred spirits out in the world in this community that you created that I could connect with. You have changed my life for the better, and I could never thank you enough. I wish you the bestest luck in all of your future endeavors, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your family. Goodbye, Matpat.

Thank you so much, Matt

Yours Truly Sushi Val



Hey Matt and Steph, I just wanted to thank you for your years of hard work and dedication. Unlike many of your fans, I didn't grow up with you--I'm actually about the same age as you, so I felt like were were growing up in adulthood together. I was a broke 20something with you guys, struggling to figure life out, and now I'm an established 30something enjoying a more secure and stable life, and I'm so proud of and happy for you both that you've built such an amazing life together. I'm so happy for you that you are both going to enter into this next stage of life, where you get to work on new projects, travel and rest more (I know you love your travel!), and spend more time with your adorable son. He's lucky to have you both and I know you're going to continue to give him amazing experiences. I also definitely look forward to any future projects you might choose to share with us, whatever they may be. Thank you for being there for some hard times in my life--your joy and fun genuinely got me through some dark periods and gave me something bright and fun to turn to when everything else was rough. I wish you both all the best in whatever you do next. I know it'll be great, because you'll have each other, and you guys are amazing. Here's to the next chapter; I hope the best is yet to come!



The first theory that I watched it was a theory on FNAF , and this one gave me so much information on the lore of FNAF , it really helped me to understand FNAF and the lore himself Thanks Matpat , thanks for all these years of theory , thanks for all the precious information , I really appreciate watching games theory , action , creativity and information inside a same video Thanks you MatPat



Goodbye Mat you were mine biggest inspiration and favorite creator since childhood. Ollie has an amazing and a very cool dad. Enjoy your well earned retirement.



bye matty patty you will forever be a part of my life



Good bye Mat, Here's Some Art:

⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛ ⭐⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⭐⭐ ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⭐⬛🟩🟩🟡🟡🟡🟥🟥⬛⭐⭐ ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟡🟡🟡⬛🟥⬛⬛ ⭐⬛⬛⬛⬛🟡⬛⬛⬛⬛⭐⭐ ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟡🟡🟡⬛🟦⬛⬛ ⭐⬛🟨🟨⬛⬛⬛🟦🟦⬛⭐⭐ ⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨⬛🟦🟦🟦⬛⬛ ⭐⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⭐⭐ ⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛⭐⬛ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ PS - if this MatPat : Like your videos, and also Subscribe!!!!



I've been a fan of MatPat for a while now, as sad as it is to think that MatPat is leaving YouTube I am very happy for you to be finally taking some rest and getting some peace of mind from DDLC or FNAF, and enjoying your life with your loved ones. Thank you MatPat for introducing me to the chaos of that is Five Nights At Freddy's, thank you for ruining my experience with baby sharks, thank you for proving that one sock is the best solution, thank you for telling that lunch is best meal of the day, thank you for teaching me history, science, and math more than any of my teachers, thank you for making me a theatre kid, thank you for always making me cringe and laugh at your horrible but funny puns, and thank you for my amazing and unhinged childhood. Thank you for everything, hope you have a great retirement life, I am sure Gregory is a robot so have a happy life!


Goodbye, MatPat. Keep making those theories! But hey, it's just a theory, a Game Theory



Thank you so much for all the years of learning and laughing, and the community that you have created.



Thank you Matpat for all the theories and time you have dedicated to this and for helping me at a dark time because your content gave me something to look for. It's always been interesting, and fun, and I appreciate that you include metrics from outside the USA, somehow that detail made me feel "seen". I know you'll still be behind the scenes but that is a big change, still, I love what you did. Thank you, thank you.



Hey Matt and Steph, thank you for everything you and the team has done for me. I wish all the best in you guys future project and I am definitely looking forward to all of them.



For 1/3 of my life I spent my days and summer vacations watching game theory with the first video I watched being the Rosalina Unmasked theory... MatPat's Welcome Home ARG videos have inspired me to go onto the website and look for hidden clues which I found a lot of things he never discussed last time... I felt so proud of myself... This part of my comment comes from everyone in my Xbox club "Sonic News Network"... To MatPat: thank you to all your videos and helping us get through the tough times... In return we wanna help you get through all the sleepless nights of stress you've helped us go through... Cheers to many years of theorizing and decades more to come- The Members of the Sonic News Network


Goodbye, MatPat. You have inspired and fueled my love of FNAF lore, and Minecraft. I will miss you. But in the spirit of Unus Annus, I can't wait for what happens next. Thank you so much for not ruining my childhood, but providing a new spin on old memories. Thank you so much, and good luck moving forward! -Snoog



Amongst the sea of comments, I'd like to say that you have been one of the only people who got me to question and theorise about every form of media that I enjoy. Always asking questions about this and that, being happy when the theory you make is accepted and also ends up being what the story was all about. You didn't ruin childhoods, but you made them and you certainly made mine. I hope that this isn't the be all end all of you and that you'll pop back to the internet every now and then. Goodbye for now, make memories with your family and most importantly keep theorising! <3

P.S. I have planned to create a remix of the intro song that has been used for many years, I hope you'll see it someday.

P.P.S. Here is the link, forgot to link it, it contains all game theory and gtlive intros as well as every thumbnail from start till driving a tank.

Thank you



MatPat I have been watching you since 2016 and I want to say thank you. for the good laughs and most importantly. The FANTASTIC theories. my favorite video of yours is the video when you explained how Luigi is RICH RICH! All jokes aside I think you were a great YouTuber. Not only that but just a great guy in general we will miss you dearly as if you were our father... Piece Man! May we meet again...


Goodbye Matpat, thank you for everything. I was always excited to see a new video of yours and I'm sad I will never feel that again. Thank you for getting me into theorys with your og fnaf videos. Thank you for being the best youtuber ever. Thanky ou



Goodbye matpat, thank you so much for all your videos snd commitment. I can't say 'i watched you since the start' but i'm still pretty sure you were my favourite youtuber. I literally cried, watching the goodbyes internet video. You still are my childhood and i watch your videos every day while painting. I'm still happy for you that you're finally getting a vacation from all this, as you explained in goodbye internet. Despite being sad that you're leaving, i'm sure the people who worked outside of the spotlight, deserve this too and i'm excited for the new era of game/film/food/style theory. Thank you matpat.



Goodbye Matpat. I will miss you a lot, but I am very happy with the people that will continue your legacy and I have come to accept and get excited, but you will always have a special place in my heart.


Hey Mat! I wanted to thank you for the huge impact you've made in my life. I found your channel I believe in late 2018 - early 2019, when I was about to enter high school, through one of your FNAF theories. Back then I was still terrified to death of FNAF (being 13, after all), and barely knew any English (born and raised in Argentina), but I gathered the courage and watched the video nonetheless. That small moment of inane bravery changed my life forever. I continued watching your theories, which led to a developing love for themes in storytelling, media analysis, and creating stories with meaning. I now love horror as a genre and what it can provoke, what it can mean (yet I never stopped being a wuss). I want to study animation, with the dream of working on tv shows. I want to make a videogame at some point in my life, to tell my own stories. And, when reflecting on my life up to this point, I see the immense influence you had in crafting these dreams. I'm 18 now. I've been a theorist for the better part of 5 years. And all I have to say now is thank you, to you and Steph and the team in general, for making me who I am today. And now, that I'm about to step into the world as (somewhat) of an adult, I say goodbye to the person that shaped me in large part. With you I learnt English. With you I grew into an adult. Thank you, Mat Pat. May you walk off towards the sunset, into what really is not an ending but the beginning of a new journey, alongside those who love you and who you love back. Clap and a half for the Internet Legend.



Absolute legend, sad that we most likely Wont see a poppy playtime chapter three theory since they truly hit the nail on the head with the horror of it, either way, you have been here for so long with us and you deserve to take a lifelong break o7



Hello there Mr. Matthew Patrick. I just wanted to give a thank you for helping me realize something. It was to help me realize how much I enjoy stories. When I was watching one of your videos explain the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE of something(I believe it was one of your fnaf timelines) that helped me realize I enjoy stories and decided to start making one of my own. When I did I found it that I had a knack for it considering people enjoyed reading them. So thank you Matpat for not only helping share a part of myself but for realizing I had a skill. I hope your days are long,prosperous,and happy. You helped a lot of us be happy and as one of your fans I hope you’ll be happy when retired. Sayonara you fantastic creator.



Goodbye, MatPat. You are truly inspirational for a whole generation and inspired me to question and theorize about the content I have an interest in, and my childhood. thank you for 13 years of wacky theories. I hope you and Steph have fun raising Ollie and that he knows that his dad is loved by many and so is he. -Oliver



I cried for hours when I saw the video that you were retiring. I'm an og I've been subscribed since the low quality intro days. And I just wanna say thank you so much, I have grown up with you and I will never forget you. And I love how relatable you are. You are my idol and I look up too you. I will make sure they play the little theorizing song at my funeral. So goodbye matpat I'm gonna miss you so much.



You've been there for my whole life and ill really miss you. Your the only reason I passed multiple of my grades I will miss you matpat and thats not a theory its a fact your the reason I made my channel,my videos and you even inspired me to make videos about escape the backrooms all of this led me to 168 subs so for that im super thankfull its been my dream to work for the theorists and now I get to say goodbye in honor I will make an ARG but this isnt about self promoting. Ill miss you matpat and you'll probably have no idea I exist but hey thats just a theory A Game theory thanks for watching. YT channel Agent,VR When my gaming pc broke I thought it was the end of the world but it was just the end of an amazing channel.



Dear Matthew Patthew, My mind honestly still hasn't fully processed that you're actually retiring, especially on a high note. I personally discovered your channel(s) through FNaF. My friends and I used to be pretty young theorists, so you and Markiplier were a huge part of our childhoods with your videos. We were never really good at theorizing, but you inspired us to atleast try at the time. When we evntually gave up, we just watched you solve the new games far better than us and giving Scott Cawthon all the smoke lol. Nostalgia aside, I'd like to thank you for making all of those iconic videos and just starting this awesome format of theorist, applicable to basically anything. You are a legend to all of us, you impacted our lives so much, you helped us get through tough times, you also look genuinely great for 37 lol. Wish you and all of Team Theorist the best for the future. Buh-Bye Matt, see you hopefully at events!



Matpat, you have been the high low of my childhood. Its very sad to see you go but you have a life to attend to. You have a wife a kid and a community who supports you. You made life worth living in very tough times. Thank you so very much. Goodbye matpat!



Goodbye Matpat… I’ve been watching your theories for a long while and I hope you do great things 💗



Making my childhood since 2011, I may not have the best of memory, but your impact in my life has been unforgettable. I once hoped now that I am 22, I would get to showcase all that I have become to the people around me. Your videos led to to a path were I feel successful in my life amd furfilled, maybe calculate the probability of that but I believe the butterfly effect is a strong thing. Thank you MatPat, I hope to meet you one day by passing.



Bye Matthew, My first video I watched was probably the Companion Cube video from Portal. I think I was around 9 or 10 when I subscribed and continued watching through out. I am about to turn 21 this year, around the same time you are retiring from YT. I guess its gonna be a new chapter for both of us. I wish you well for both you and your family and also your future. I definitely was a fnaf kid, I mean I still am and with your videos you absolutely turn me into a theorist with coming up with my own theories for the third game and talking about it with friends with similar interests. Just thank you for the entertainment and the knowledge I've taken from your videos, I mean I still use your LA Noire video and thinking about where your eyes go when telling a lie or remembering. Can't wait to see you show up out of nowhere sometimes like your doing side quest haha


When I was 10 I found Game Theory because of the DYKG Portal video. At the time I wasn’t in school (I wouldn’t be until 7th grade), and like many other kids at the time had unrestricted internet access.

Game Theory and Film Theory had taught me elements of science and critical thinking which helped my eventual transition to school much easier. Throughout my school career you and Steph were role models for me as up till then I didn’t have many good adult role models in my life.

Prior to you announcing retirement I hadn’t kept up with the channels in recent years, but your guys impact on me has lasted beyond that. I want to become an art teacher because I believe that learning about art in all of its forms can teach us so much about critical thinking, history, empathy and culture among many other things; something which the Theorists channels helped to instill in me.

It’s a bit surreal seeing you retire as host after so many years but I wish you the best. Thank you to both Matt and Steph for all you have taught me.



Goodbye Matpat, i always have loved your theories. they were always very entertaining to watch and i will miss you very much. You have made my life so much more enjoyable. Thanks for the theories.



Goodbye Matpat, we will always hold you dear to our hearts ever since I watched you for the first time (the chicken nugget episode) I loved you instantly and I don't think anyone can attest to that.


Goodbye Matpat, your channels have brought a small light into my life that I never knew I needed, keeping me up in the saddest of times, every time I saw a new video come out, I got excited, knowing that it was going to be another video full of interesting ways to introduce me to topics I never understood beforehand, do hope that your life goes well and that you can enjoy it fully, stay safe, sincerely, Jellyloops



Hey, MatPat.

I just wanted to say thank you for the 12 years of fun and learning. For the 12 years of education and always feeding my growing curiosities. I won't forget when I first found your channel back when the barrel roll episode came out. I was sitting on the floor of my living room, laptop on a foot rest when I was playing an old flash based n64 emulators. I ended up playing StarFox and looked it up on YouTube after my SMOSH binge, and scrolled until I found what sparked an over 10 year love for thinking outside the box, and questioning what I saw. Your weekly uploads and new shows, like culture shock and digressing and side questing. I always LOVED what you and your charismatic energy had cooking, and loved that you gave those around you a platform when they had good ideas too. You are and will always be one of my favorite people on this platform, and I fully blame you and Steph for my unhealthy love of Cheerwine :P. You are a beacon of hope in not only my life, but many others in this growing community.

I hope to get to meet you some day so I can give you a hug and a very heart felt thank you. Thank you for making an entire generation pursue their goals and hunt for info, and possibly the final piece to their puzzle of life

While I'm sad to see you take a step down as the face of Team Theory, I believe EVERYONE you have to take your mantle will be just as good as you.

Thanks for the 12 years of good videos, and deep thinking

With a grateful heart, J



I watched maptat's theory videos about 4 months ago and now he is retiring. I should have known him earlier. I will miss you matpat :(




Dear MatPat, I am writing this letter knowing it make never reach you but i just wanna say... Thank you so much!! For everything you have done for all of us!! I started watching you during lockdown [Your gravity falls theory was my first one and been hooked ever since!!]. Watching you videos taught me a whole lot of things I could have never learned in school.. using real life science to answer the most bizarre questions know to humanity!! Man, the chaos.. And yesterday when i say your video about retirement.. It came as a shock.. and all I kept thinking about was how hard it was gonna be to say good bye to an old friend. But slowly I came to accept the fact that.. yeah of all the people in this world, you deserve to have the best life and I am so happy for you dude.. And I wish you all the best for your future!!

In the end, Thank you GrandpaPat, for being such an awesome person and teaching all of us so many things and opening our minds to all your wildest theories. Goodbye.. and we all love you!!



You will always be favourite conspiracy theor- I mean youtuber. Thank you for blessing us with so many theories and lore discussions over the past 14 years. Farewell Matpat.



There aren’t enough words to thank you for this goofy, fun channel you created, and the love of learning and critical thinking you helped foster in millions of people. Even at their wackiest every theory has been a treat, and it’s no exaggeration for me to say that for that past 12 years I’ve genuinely looked forward to when a new one would drop each week. It’s gonna be weird not hearing that classic ‘hello Internet’ soon, but I wish you nothing but the best as you step away and enjoy your retirement from all of the hosting duties involved in 4 fantastic channels. Thanks for both the memories and memes, and I hope we’ll get to hear from you again real soon. ^~^ It’s not much, but I did a little art piece as my way of saying thanks.


For MatPat: Thank you for all these years, the 12 years of gaming lore, science, math and history. You are the one for such an amazing channel, I hope you will see all of these messages and retire with hope. Thank you, Matthew Patrick.



I hope that you have more time to do other things and that you have fun with everything! You brought me, and lots of others into theorizing, and for me, into a lot of new games and tv shows/movies. Every time I would see one of your new videos, I would be happy for two reasons. 1, it's a new take and new perspective on something. And 2, you having so much fun making the theories and videos. You inspire me to make everything fun and interesting. I wish you a great life and hope that you know how much you impacted so many people! Goodbye MatPat, enjoy life to the fullest!



Dear MatPat, Thank you for making everyone's days just that much better. Coming home and watching the newest theories each week is so fun and entertaining. Without you, it won't be the same. Your positive impact on the internet, and at large the world, is immeasurable and everlasting. You will forever hold a place in the hearts and souls of the kids whose childhoods you've ruined over your long and honorable 13 years as GT host. We thank you for everything! -Sincerely, Sammy from the Gogurte Empire Channel!!!



its sad to see my childhood leave



Hey, Matt! This might be the only and last time you get to notice my existence - Right alongside you getting prepared just before the Streamy Awards. Time does fly fast, doesn't it? By the way, to this day Mark is being stolen of a godamn win. You know, it's funny. It's really not much the time that I've been seeing your videos religiously; there was a time before where I saw theories that other people made that, GET THIS, got them out of you. For a long time I thought the "Frozen and Tangled are connected" theory was an internet myth - hell I thought Sans is Ness made some sort of sense! Good days. These days I look on those videos fondly; not as a steal of your work (which they probably are), but also as a show of how much Game - and the rest - Theory have influenced YouTube as a whole. They thought your theories were so smart that EVEN with the language barrier they used them. (It makes my heart warm that you went trending for 1.5 full days here even if almost nobody knows you.) But enough about me. Thank you, thank you, and I will say it a million times over, Matthew, for thinking before doing, for trying, and for your enormous heart. Your videos have lighten up my darkest days, helped me push to a better path in life and just made me happier in general. You were there when I couldn't bother anymore. You were there when I didn't understand the world. So thank you; I'm sure many people that either can or cannot write that down would like to say those words. I hope Stephanie and Oliver are having a great time, send them my best wishes! Good luck with your new projects - I'm really intrigued about the TV show you guys have going on (try not to stress yourselves over release dates!)

And remember... be safe and away from diabetes :)



Dang, it really has been a long while, huh? Well, I want to say that WE WISH YOU WELL, MATPAT! It's been amazing watching your theories, and while you're going to still stay on the Theorist Team, it's like you've disappeared from our lives. Stay strong, Mathew. And remember, IT'S JUST A THEORY!



One of the Greatest OG's of youtube.

bye bye legend



Goodbye matpat, i hope you have a good rest of your life. you will be missed by everyone, and no one despises you.i started watching you when i was little, and now seeing you move on with life has made me simultaneously sad and happy. matpat i wish you all the best, but mat, you are the most inspirational person in the internet. and i want you to know that , you have earned a special place in my heart, and that i will never forget you.



I’ve been watching since I was just a young girl and it had made me the person I am today, Matpat has helped me at my lowest points in life which saved me. I don’t know where I’d be today without him. Thank you for everything Matpat, we shall never forget you.



me crying every night bcause matpats leaving. [i,along with others will miss you]



I allways loved your videos. Whenever a new video was out I was really happy.You were a big part of my childhood I hope you are happy for the decision that you made.also I have to say that I always will always remember you and you and your FNAF theories will stay in my heart forever. Hope you can spend time with your family and have Fun. Goodbye



Good by MatPat you have always been a role model for me it was you who inspired me to start theorizing. And now that you are leaving the internet is saddens that both you and stampy are leaving because you were the ones to inspire our young selves into what we do know you will always have a place In our hearts. Know that you are permanently cemented into the internet hall of fame have a long and glorious life God Bless you we'll miss you. Thanks tor giving me and all of the internet a great Child Hood👌.



Thank you for all the memories throughout the years, Mat. You were a part of my childhood for pretty much forever and every theory no matter how outlandish or wild was always a joy to watch. You and Steph and Amy and Austin and all of the crew always cheered me up on a bad day or brightened up a horrible time, and it was always a joy to listen to the theories and mistakes and skits.

Anytime i had a depressing day or awful day, id turn to a theory just to listen and escape, or any awful events happened in my life i always had a food theory or game theory (and recently style!).

Thank you, all of you, so much, and Mat i wish you fair winds and clear skies. Stay safe, and stay hydrated.



MatPat, thank you so mutch for 13 years of entertainment. You've earned your retirement and I hope we will hear anything about you in the future ; )



Goodbye MatPat English wasnt my first language but your videos taught me how the normal english speech is You were the main source of me learning in general But hey thats just a goodbye message A MATPAT GOODBYE MESSAGE



You’ve made a huge impact on millions of people’s lives. Thank you for everything! You will be deeply missed but I’m glad to hear you’ll be doing small side projects we still get to experience as your community. Goodbye matpat 👑 -MyCayla B.



It has been one hell of a ride, hasn't it? Matpat, I know I'm one of the many people here who will miss you, but what you and your content has helped me through has become a part of who I am. I'm glad to have been able to have witness these channels grow along side myself. You always gripped my attention and made learning fun. And now that you're leaving the channels, it feels like I'm losing a grandfather. I know that you're still going to be there, maybe not as the face of the Theorists and more like a guiding hand, but it does little to dull my pain. I'm glad to have been here to witness the rise of the Theorists. Thank you for being a part of my childhood rather than ruining it. But hey, that's just a theory, A GAME THEORY! Thanks for being there when I needed you.



Thank you MattPatt for raising me and millions of others. I will miss you greatly.



I have been following GT since I was like 12 or so, and now as an adult I remember to those nice (and cringy) times with a lot of love, goodbye and goodspeed MathiasPathias



Hey MatPat,

Words cannot describe how thankful I am for the last decade (and then some). As I watched many YouTubers throughout the years, you were one of 3 that I never stopped watching uploads on. You were there almost every week as middle school became high school, and high school became college. You got me into FNAF (even if I (read: my older cousin via my nagging) voted for for Slender those many years ago) and man. 10 years. Wow.

I remember watching that video and I had so many things to say but now I can't think of it. You made my childhood so much better. You helped spark my curiosity in things I didn't even think about before, which led to rabbit holes upon rabbit holes and now I just have so much knowledge in my head.

If only you taught us about taxes before you left, then we'd really be ready for whatever the world threw at us.

I'll really miss you MatPat. I'm already looking forward to all the Style, Film, Food, and especially Game Theory cameos post-host transition. I also can't for you to play Into the Pit.

See you next time.

That's not a theory.



Thank you for everything you have done. You made millions of childhoods. You are the reason the FNAF lore is so much easier to explain. You are the reason so many people know the origins of fiction's most mysterious characters. Thank you.



When the video first came out I wasn't very sad, more just thinking. I always just start thinking whenever an "end" to something happens like gravity falls and the end of the Cypher Hunt. I remember joining into the theorist community around FNAF 4-ish and I've always been a spectator when it comes to all of the ARGs until recently for when I joined the discord for the tally mark problem (I'm convinced it's going to be the modern equivalent to the foxy chart lol) and I realized after interacting with the discord that I enjoy this, getting to collaborate on this massive puzzle, it's a feeling I've missed out on for too long now. And I'm probably gonna be way more involved with these (I know it's not gonna be official but Lore-Fi hype!) Then the Stupendium song dropped and it honestly got me crying a little bit when I first listened to it, it just felt "final" and I didn't know why...But I have my answer now. Thank you Mat, we will all remember this legacy you are leaving us with. And thank you for all the memories. -Lad



Dear Matpat, Since i first had my hands on my own device, and access to youtube, i have watched your videos. I remember when I was really into minecraft (still am!) and i would come home from school and watch your minecraft videos. then when i got into fnaf, i would watch every single video religiously (and i had the psychic friend fredbear intro memorized) and got really into the game. i would get bullied for my "weird" interests and for being "nerdy" (because being smart is nerdy to people apparently), but all that mattered is that i liked what i was into. thats how it had been for about 7-8 years now (i lost count by fourth grade). your videos helped me through so much, and they always managed to make me smile at my worst. your energetic voice and your iconic png bouncing around the screen connecting the things i learned in science class to five nights at freddys was all i needed to make my day better, and not even mentioning that those videos taught me a lot more than school could ever even try to teach me. i recently presented a whole slideshow about HPP based off of the film theory video (and yes, i did use JJ as my prime example). when i tell you i screamed when i saw you in the fnaf movie is an understatement. i was so happy and i loved your cameo, it was honestly the best part of the movie, and the part that connected with my childhood so much. even though i cried for about a week after the announcement, i am so happy for you that you gets to spend time with your family now, after coming so far with the channel. you and steph are both such good parents, and i am so happy for whatever is next for your family. you deserves everything for raising a whole generation of people who didnt quite seem to fit in. so heres to thirteen years of theories, matpat. Thank you, for everything.



Started watching your channels before Food Theory was a thing, and have been loving every second of it ever since. Cheers from Brazil and the rest of your international audience. Have a happy retirement, you truly deserve it.



Thankyou Matpat for being a part of my childhood, and making going home fun just to watch your videos, thank you for everything Matpat, we all will miss you.. Love you and take care of yourself. (Here a cat pic)



Thank you matpat, for everything. I had no friends when I found game theory, and through it I met some of the most awesome people I know. I also relate to matpat and his story in some ways, and am infinitely grateful to him for teaching me how to GTLive, GTLaugh, and GTLove. He is an awesomazing person and his goodbye will be tearful, but I'm happy for him because he deserves it in every way.



MatPat- Thank you for creating content that makes the world a better, more interesting place.



hey matthew patrick game theory, thank you matpat for all the fun memories i made watching the game theorist videos. when help wanted 2 came out, i eagerishly waiting for each episode of gtlive to come out because i was unable to play the game, and i had a ton of time watching it. i almost always watch each new gtlive episode because it feels like we are experiencing it together. - still waiting for the 3rd piggy episode..

i wish matpat be successful in his future projects, and i will be there to experience them all, cya matpat 🥹🥹🥹


Hello internet, or whomever is reading this, anyway. I hope all of the people whose childhoods Matpat shaped remember him fondly, because I do, everyone here does. He was, and still is, a YouTube legend, who never strayed from his path and no hurdle was too big, someone whose retirement signifies a new era of YouTube, or even internet as a whole. Even if Matthew won't be the leading creative force behind the theories, I'm sure that in those times when he makes short appearances, or does something from behind the scenes, we will make many more memories. For him, and for ourselves.

But hey…

That's just a theory.

A game theory.

Thanks for everything.



Thank you for all the years of memories you gave us. We will all miss you and just know that you deserve some time with your family.



You were probably the best theorist and the best youtuber I've ever seen We will all miss you Matpat



Goodbye matpat you will be missed..



You're so cool. Hope you have lots of fun with your family :)



You helped me get through so much these past 11 years. You always brightened up my week and honestly it's gonna be hard to see you go but it's on a good note. And just remember it's just a theory a game theory. Andddd cut



Hey MatPat... I've seen your theories ever since I was 6... It was fun... But now, all good things must come to an end.... We've had fun... But hey! "That's just a theory, A GAME THEORIST!!!" Thanks for ruining our childhoods!!!



Thank you so much for the insight, education, community and entertainment you've given all of us. Your channels defined my childhood for over a decade, and I'll never forget the kind of joy these channels have shown me. The way I think, act and play have been changed by you forever, and I hope you have a wonderful retirement. Thanks for reading, goodbye Matpat. <3



I first discovered MatPat for a school project. I was researching the Mario Evil theory for a magazine I was making and found his video. I started watching his other theories and when COVID hit I watched him all the time. Since then he inspired me to learn FNAF, develop my own theories and even start working on my own lore filled horror game. It is great to see you retiring and that's not just a theory.


I started watching GameTheory back in 2012/2013, my freshman year of college. I loved learning new things through your videos through the lens of gaming. You lore videos helped me develop a passion for storytelling, and I consider you one of my inspirations for putting out my own content, even though it's just fanfics and fanart in the Sonic community currently. But thank you all the same. You will be missed. And honestly your theory about Neo not being the One in the Matrix series is still my headcanon. For now, while it was made for general and not necessarily for you, have an uplifting fanart with my Sonic OC.



Matpat. I and so many others will miss you a lot. I was essentially raised by you, watching theories from the tender age of 8 all the way until now. I will always cherish you and your content. It holds so many memories for me. I wish I could go back and discover you and your channels for the first time again. Just know, that, even now: as you leave to focus on other things- we will always support you. Wish you the very best. Thanks, dad. x



I've cried an embarrassing number of tears over this retirement. That being said, I'm so proud of Matt and so thankful for the years and years of content. I have watched in some form almost since the beginning, but this last handful of years I have been a very dedicated viewer. GTLive is one of my comfort shows. My four year old sings and dances with the openings of the Theorist shows.

I treasure what Matpat created. This community is something so incredibly special. Matpat is why I didn't just watch FNAF, but came to care about it. It's so special to me, and I have Matt to thank for that.

I could thank Matt for a lot, honestly. I could go on and on. So I'll end it here, with a sincere and heartfelt thank you.

Thank you.



If not for MatPat, I wouldn't have become interesting in all these different games and likely wouldn't have been into gaming nearly as much as I am now. I wouldn't have the same sort of conversations with my friends, and I wouldn't be so interesting in the inner working of all the fictional worlds I love. I find myself feeling sad at things ending recently, with Amphibia, The Owl House, Ash leaving the Pokemon anime. And now MatPat. But I'm glad that his legacy will continue throughout all the Theorist channels.

Goodbye MatPat And Thank You



Thank you MatPat for helping me through one of the hardest times in my life!



I didn’t discover Matpat until a few years ago, so I’m not a long time viewer as many other people are. But I still enjoy watching Matpats content more than you could ever imagine. I still remember the first video I watched, it was the Video about Portal 2 asking the question if Chell should have died at the end. Since then, I’ve been Watching his content. It always brought a smile on my face, even in darker times. And even though I didn’t watch him that long, he still helped me grow.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is: Thank you. Thank you for all the years of entertainment you brought me and many other people. I hope you have a great life outside of YouTube. You will always hold a special place in my heart.



I am very grateful to have found matpat very young. He helped me learn English easily. When i started to learn English it was wery hard but then came matpat sent from the heavens to help me. i love all the theories and personally think that they're awesome. matpat's theories helped me like games i never thought i would like. For example fnaf. he just makes any game sound interesting. Not only games movies too. Thanks to him i found so much interesting stuff i wanted to watch. Food aswell. i never could've guessed that someone could find lore in food :) there matpat was coming to prove me wrong. Don't get me started on style like how can you look at a piece of clothing and just say '' yup there's lore here'' it's just mind blowing for me and i am fascinated. Matpat is how i grew up and now even i am destroying my friend's game experience :) they always keep begging me to stop looking for lore but i never do. Once again i am very grateful for matpat's theories. they helped me with pretty much everything. Even survivng. when i had a traumatic time at school i would just watch a theory or 2 and i would be better instantly. Matpat's sense of humor could never disappoint :) I understand and respect his decision and actually think that is one of the bravest things he could've ever done



Thank you for everything you have done for the Internet MatPat. I can't wait for you to be like Bill nye and come back in a few year to yell at us for destroying the world of gaming for new players or something. I'm only joking but it would be funny. Any way I have enjoyed the theory content for years now and all I can wish is that you have fun and spend more time with your family. I can't wait to see the new faces of the channel fully take over.



Hey Matpat, we all love you're Theorie's and i am Happy that you can finally Rest, Play games with Ollie and spending more time being a Dad that you ever Dreamed off and to be honest althrough i am sad about it.. through at least you don't need to Theorie's about like the Genshin Lore or any other Compilcated Games Lore, like Monster Hunter and all of that Jazz either way, Rest, have a Wonderful day, and just enjoy what much time is left because hell Time is Faster then Freddy Fazbear but i might be Wrong haha, either way sweet time of Relaxation to you! and for now Peace out. - Undertale Fan and Theory Fan ^^



Thank you so much for all you do. You deserve to retire.

Also, thanks for helping me out of a severe depression many years ago.



Goodbye MatPat!

Been watching you since the first Luigi's mansion video. Thanks for all the videos and good times over the years, hopefully we will see you around.





Well I've been around since like 2016/2017 and surprisingly I started off watching Film Theory with the first video being The Location of The Simpsons. Since then I have seen hundreds of the Game, Film, Food, Style (was there the first day haha), and the GTLive videos and they will all be in my heart as the first generation of hosts. Have a great time making your game and with Lore-fi and a great farewell as the host of these amazing channels.



Matpat, when I watched your video I was saying, “Please say it’s just a theory” but in the end, part of my childhood disappeared. I understand why you want to retire, but I still will miss you. After all the theories you’ve made over the years this one has been proven true. I’ll miss you, Matpat.❤️😢



you've been a huge part of my childhood, and still make me happy to this day. i wish you well!



I'm gonna miss watching your theories. I know we don't know each other but I'm bummed regardless. Your videos got me through some pretty dark times; they helped me manage my depression and fear when moving to a new place and taking a job I was completely inexperienced with. They also helped me manage when my ex wife cheated on me twice (once in 2016 and again in 2019) where I was contemplating suicide. Aside from that your videos also got me through some of the darkest periods of COVID we all faced.

During the pandemic, not only was I scared to death for my family, I was pretty messed up when I saw all the death it brought, and on top of that I was going through an explosive life shattering divorce during lockdown with my ex who I was forced to live with. Your videos got me through it all, man.They made me smile and provided a very needed distraction from my dark thoughts. You don't know me, but you unwittingly helped me stay strong for me and my kids. Your retirement stings but I know you deserve it to be with your own family and for that I salute you. Thank you for everything MatPat; my only regret is I'll never be able to say this to you in person, but that's ok. You're a real one dude. I'm so happy you made it this far...its crazy to me that I was able to watch you (in the earliest days of your channel) evolve and grow the theory channel into the successful monster it is today. I'll miss you, dude.


while I am very sad that the games I wished to create with lore packed to the brim won't be able to be reviewed by matpat, I am so happy that this channel ever happened and it was really my go to place in any situation. Thank you so much and I am so glad that you are now able to have more time for you and your family



Love you mat pat you made my childhood I will miss u


I met you the day before my 15th birthday at Hamilton. You were so kind, you took the time out of your evening with Steph. They say never meet your heroes, but as I get older and older, the more I appreciate getting to meet MatPat.



For almost my entire life I have enjoyed your theories, no words can contain my gratitude. so I'll keep it simple Thank you, MatPat



I am an 13 year old who has listened to your theories since the dream theory days and you have been a part of my childhood for such a long time and I am usually someone who doesn't cry but you leaving left me sobbing. Thank you for the many hours of entertainment and education, Good bye 😭



I remember consuming so much (quite honestly ridiculous amounts for a 10-12 year old) Game Theory back when FNAF was beginning to take off; I recall watching Sans is Ness (and enjoying it), and now I'm almost 20 and getting a real career. This was one of the stable things throughout my childhood, and while I'm sad to see the old way go, it's just another part of life. Goodbye and good luck on your ventures, MatPat. Thanks for everything.



Hi MatPat!

Just saying goodbye underwhelms me, considering how you have impacted my life thus far. I discovered your channel in 7th grade (a better part of 2017), and one of the very first videos I watched from you was the Spongebob Genetics one. Since then, your videos have been a constant company that prevented me from spiraling when I study or do projects late into the night. I would put you in the background, and suddenly, I have a nerdy uncle who was telling me things about games, films, and shows I would probably know nothing of (because I don't watch or play often) if I didn't find your channel. Your way of doing videos has amazed me so much, as well as your method of finding answers to the different questions you pose each time (to the point that I have been inspired to do extensive research for the things I am passionate about). Your way of speaking has also been incredibly impactful to me because I applied the spirit you have whenever you talk about something to a few hosting gigs I did during my Senior Year. You helped me get closer to my little sister, who games often, as well as learn a lot of random scientific things (which in the end proved useful for my Junior High School days (Grades 7-10))

You are an amazing human being, and although I will miss you hosting the Theory Channels, I hope you get a lot of rest and a very much-deserved relaxation. Goodbye, MatPat... thank you for being you. ^^



Farewell great theorist! While I will be sad, I'll also get over it no matter what. You inspire me and all of my friends. Just know, you will be missed.



I’ve been watching you since 2014 when I was only 10 years old and I’ve loved every crazy theory you’ve made. This year I’ll be turning 20 and with you leaving it feels like an official end to my childhood years. I want to thank you for making these past 10 years some of the best experiences in my life. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you and your theories inspiring me each and everyday. It’s sad knowing you’ll no longer host but I hope you and Steph have a great time working behind the scenes and being an awesome family. Forever a Theorist, I look forward to seeing what Tom and the other new hosts will bring to the channels! We’ll miss you so much!!! And who knows? Maybe you’ll make little surprise appearances in the future.



Hey Mat, Steph, and everyone who works on the theory channels! I've been an avid viewer for 9 or so years now, and have literally grown up through my teens and into my 20s with you as my go to channels on YouTube. I remember the days of being so hyped about the next Sister Location theories, and watching the Impossible Quiz streams over in archive-land. To this day I still love to go back and re-watch old streams for comfort. The days when I finally was able to catch your streams before going to dinner, desperately hoping sprinkler time would happen before I had to go. Through all the clap and a halfs and weekly waiting on theories.. it was amazing. I realize after typing this a lot of my memories are tied to GTLive primarily.. but in the same way going through Steph leaving the couch felt like it was gonna be impossible to stop crying about, so the same will be for this. I'm so thankful for everything you've done, and I can't wait to see what the future holds in this new era of Theorist!



Thank you Matpat! Thank you for building my childhood and making me more curious and fascinated about things around me, looking deeper into things, other people and most importantly myself.



Thank you for all the great theories over the years Matpat! I loved watching the fnaf lore for what, over five years straight now? Around there? You raised a whole generation pretty much with your content from not just game theory but the other channels as well and we hope your doing great 💚💛



Goodbye Matpat, I've been watching your channel ever since you uploaded the first few FNAF theories and I've continued to watch from Doki Doki literature club to Poppy playtime, if I were to have favorite theories it would the Warframe episode, Splatoon episode, and the duck season theories. These past 10 years watching your content and growing up with this channel have changed the way I view games, movies, fashion and food for the better. I just wanna say thank you Matpat for making content for this long and continuing to find ways of making it entertaining during your youtube career the amount of time and research that goes into each episode of a theory is amazing. I hope you, your family and friends have safe and nice lives.



I will miss you matpat thanks for all of the wonderful game theory you made me understand what the games are about before I watched you I didn't know about the lore of games but thanks to you you made me filled with lore especially fnaf



Hi Matpat. i started watching in around 2020,but it was so addicting, I watched all episodes during quarantine. Your videos are so much fun. I tried to get all my friends and family to watch them. I loved all your works and events you created and hosted. Your chemistry with Steph is just perfect. These channels have been a big part of my life in these last few years. It won't be the same. Goodbye Matpat. Enjoy your hard earned happiness



Goodbye Mat. You gave me my childhood at a time when I had none, you provided entertainment in times of stress, and I join the thousands, maybe millions that will miss you long after you're gone. Thank you so much. Enjoy life with peace and joy in knowing you provided countless people with happiness, and you now get to experience that. We will miss you Matpat!



From being introduced to theorist side of youtube, to further enjoyment of it in the later adult now life, i thank you for everything you have done both on youtube and other places. I am happy that i was here to experience it, be a part of it. Now that you move on i wish you the best in life and hope you are happy. Thank you for making my life brighter.



I've been watching since 2014/2015 and while i mainly joined via the fnaf theories the first theory i ever saw was the fear toad one. Matpat has been a part of my life for almost a decade at this point...and while i am sad he's quitting...i know he'll never be truly gone.

Thank you mat...for everything. I know that whatever you do after the theory channels will be great. We'll miss you man.



I found this channel 4–5 years ago. and I loved every bit of MatPat content. I think everyone will agree that it’s extremely, and I mean extremely, sad to see him go! But hey, as the man himself says, But hey, that’s just a theory, a game theory! Thank you. Thank you for watching! We will miss you! You started making videos the year I was born. so you will always have a special place in my heart. Gooddbye Matpat



Hi Matpat, thank you for the hours of joy you brought me and so many others as a kid. You played such huge role in my childhood and even though you're retiring, I will never forget you. I watched GT Live, Game Theory, and Film Theory almost daily and probably will still continue to. It's sad to see you go, but you really deserve this time to take to enjoy yourself with your family after sacrificing so much to just bring a smile to our faces. We'll miss you (a lot). - aixelotl



Hi, Mat.

You don't really know me. I honestly tend to avoid social media as much as possible and I don't really interact with this community as much. However, I am one of the millions of subscribers you got out there. I've been watching game theory since the FNAF era and ever since then, you never left my subscription feed. Something I prefer to control. All your channels are in there: game, film, food, style, and GT Live. Part of my daily routine is to watch every new upload on my subscription feed, and let my mind absorb information like a sponge. Mat, your content is everything I look for in a YouTube channel and more. Food theory and style theory especially, are the channels I've never missed an upload from.

I couldn't help but smile and cry a little when the announcement video came out. I'm not good at dealing with change personally, but this one for some reason didn't sway me as much. I knew you deserved the world, and that you'd find some way to carry on the mission of edu-tainment and media and such. And hey, to the four new hosts of the channels, I'll be sure to keep watching and open my mind to whatever you have cooked up!

Over the years, I've watched you grow on the one platform I check every single day. And I promise you, I'll be one of the millions of people who will keep seeking you out and what you have in store moving forward. Again, you don't know me.

But thank you.

Goodbye, MatPat. Take care, always.



When i was around 7 i watched my first game theorist video ( is mario communist ) and that video was really funny and i loved the nitpicking into tiny details , thats also coincidentally when i was becoming a crazy fanf kid and wondered if he had done anything on fnaf and to my shock he did , from then on i was hooked anytime a game theorist video appeared in my feed i watched it and i tuned into the occasional GT live , when film food and style theory releases i was hyped and enjoyed all of them.

When i first heard the news it was actually my birthday (17 now ) i had come home after me my mum , step dad and grandparents went bowling when i saw the notification on my phone i knew what was happening almost instantly. When i went to bed that night i watched it and it was devastating , i cried for a while a looong while.

Matpat taught me to see the smaller details in video games and life how it all adds up to make a bigger picture , he was there for me when my parents weren’t he comforted me when they fought, for a while he was my father figure when my dad wasn’t with me.

He never failed to make me laugh and help me get back on my feet and great each day with enthusiasm and determination.

I hope one day i will be granted the opportunity to thank him in person but if not , thank you matpat you are amazing and thats not a theory thats a fact ❤️.



Hey MatPat

For me and many other of your fans we were shocked to hear that you were quitting YouTube, because you brought me and so many others so much theories. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears but facing reality I finally understood it was real. Have a great time of YouTube with Ollie and Stephanie! Thank you for making a my childhood like it was❤️🫡


Goodbye, MatPat!

I've been a loyal theorist since I was 12 years old, and it was the first community I really joined :). I'm 21 now (or well, 22 in like 2 days after writing this lol) so you've been a huge part of my childhood, teenage years and young-adult years! I remember binge watching all previous theories when I first found Game Theory. I remember the launch of pretty much all other channels. I remember staying up until 1am in my timezone every single weekday to watch GTLive and happily tweet along on Twitter (despite having school the next morning!). You made me able to still smile and laugh even in the most difficult of times, your channels (especially GTLive) were a place where I could forget all my worries and just simply have fun for a bit, and I will forever treasure those memories. Your channels helped me more beyond just that, too. English isn't my native language, but I'd like to think that watching your stuff really helped me develop my english a lot more than I would've in just school alone. I've also met so many awesome people and friends through your channels, your videos and livestreams are still something I can bond over to other people. My favorite memory related to you is when you attended Vidcon Europe, in the Netherlands (where I live). Me and a friend were planning to go to meet you, but I ended up being unable to go because of a surgery. I was so bummed out, but my friend who still went recorded me a personal video message from you, wishing me a speedy recovery, and I will forever be grateful that you took the time to do that. That video was, and still is, something I occasionally watch when I feel down, because it just makes me so happy. I still really hope I can meet you in person one day, simply just to thank you for everything you've done.

Thank you so much, Matt! Thank you for everything 💜


Thank you for all of the great memories. I will NEVER forget you. (how could I?) See you in a clap and a half.



I grew up watching your channel, I remember back in the days, I used to just put your videos up on the TV and just watch them all day with my brother, you're a one of a kind YouTuber, and there won't ever be anyone just as captivating as you were. I wish maybe one day I could've met you in person or something, you seem like a cool person to be around. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication to making the Internet a better place. You inspired me and helped me grow as a person, there's so much I want to say but I don't want to turn this into another essay, I'll miss you matpat, thank you, for everything...



you're the best matpat without you my grades would be lower I wouldn't have learned so many things, because of you my childhood is complete, I remember all the way back years ago when I watched my first video made by you it was the first video you made about omega mart on food theory even though I knew it was fake it still got me thinking that was when I first became a theorist, I also want to say I always loved yet hated your motto "ruining your childhoods since 2011" because you always just made my childhood better, plus you're one of the two only people who are leaving youtube that i'm sad about, ever since I first started watching you, you never unimpressed me on all of those sad days when we needed just a little sunshine you were the sunshine that would always brighten up my or anybody else's day, you really did help me get through some sad times and helped me learn so many things, you were always and always will be the OG theorist, nobody or anything could replace you without you game theory, food theory, film theory and style theory won't be the same, goodbye matpat I wish you a happy and fruitful life with steph and ollie but that's just a theory a sad "ness" theory goodbye - your biggest fan and best friend floweyth-gregory caiazzo



tysm matPat for all you did for people you were my childhood and still are i love all your theory videos and TYSM WE WILL ALL MISS YOU



Watched you for so many years, I'm sad to see you go and you will be missed, but you definitely deserve this. Thanks for hosting.



Matpat was my childhood, I'm gonna miss him count animatronic toes to solve the fnaf lore. See ya on the flipside, Matpat!



Goodbye matpat! I've been watching your content since you started doing those silly fnaf theories all those years ago, I will miss that a lot. Take care, Matthew.



matpat you were my childhood when i watched the video about you leaving i got a flashback to my favorite halo game, Halo: Reach the feeling of seeing all of noble team die before you then that last mission lone wolf seeing noble 6 die out a hero is the same feeling i felt knowing that you were leaving you went out a hero, a legend on par with noble 6, my legend OUR legend and i wish you the best in your future and thank you for being there when times werent so great for me, thank you for being the absolute chad that you are, and thank you for bringing back the old intro with the 4th quadrant colored, but getting to the point goodbye matpat, but thats just a theory right? a real life theory. but maybe not this time goodbye matpat and live a long life out there



Matthew 1st let me say thanks for everything you have done for the community YT in general and theory discussions, 2nd let me say thank you for putting up with your Schedule. I can't. Imagine that Balancing everything was easy and I hope that you and your family have a great life together and lastly let me say that you are going to be missed by all I have full confidence in the 4 you have Chosen I will never. Forget you -pkmn trainer k.



Thanks for introducing me to this amazing community of theorists and to all the wonderful fandoms that I didn’t know about , and of course for creating all of the channels and I hope they still continue to be as incredible as they are and will always be! Thank you so much Matpat!



bye bye. its has been a while when you have made theorys and now your retiring, what a tragedy, i was gonna make a game with lore, and your replacement has to solve it



I will miss you MatPat, but I wish you best for the rest of time. Your channel has made me want to explore and question everything-- I hope it has for others as well. When I watched your videos, it made understand more and more of what people do to make entertainment. You also made me realize that everything has a story, and that you just need to look at the tiny details and then you have more of the picture. I have watched since I was I believe about 7, and you content just clicked with me. I will miss you, but I respect your decision. So I hope that you and steph and ollie ( that is your kids name right) can have the break that you all deserve. Just know that your theories helped people understand not only the video games, but the world around them. I will forever remember the sentence spoken by a man of knowledge: "But hey, thats just a theory, a game theory!"


Thank you MatPat for all these years of fun and learning together, we hope to see you again soon and inpire other to do more theories! (i became one thanks to you) and remember "That's just a theory, a GAAAAAME THEORYYYYYY"



Oh, man.. when I saw you left, it hurt me. I've been watching you 4 as long as I remember. I'm happy to see you go, but still sad nonetheless.

Much appreciation, anonymous



We will miss you MatPat, you've been such an iconic YouTuber for so long and we'd hate to see you go, but I understand it must be exhausting. I'm Toasty, by the way. We met outside of Anaheim VidCon 2023. I started watching his videos since the 'OwO monster in the comments' video. I hope you have a good rest of your life, MatPat.



Just wanna say, thank you. I've been watching you since about 7 years ago, and your theories have all been amazing! You were the one who made me understand all the confusing lore for fnaf. I'm really gonna miss that upbeat energetic nerdy voice of yours. Have a great rest of your life man, and a good retirement.



ever since i was young, i would spend my time watching game theory, half the time me and my dad watch food theory to get to bed! you played a pretty big role in my life man, and seeing you leave.. the video genuinely made me cry

this entire community has an almost familial love for you, and while yes, you may not be the one entirely writing, you put a vigor into the theory channels that i truly believe nobody can recreate, goodbye matpat, we'll miss you.



Goodbye internet, thanks for ruining our childhoods since 2011.💚❤️💛💙



Welp I may not have watched you and the team for 13 years but everytime I watched one of your recent videos I was like dang that’s good ! BUT I’ve known you for a long time and another reason which is the memes about you.I started to watch your videos after I‘ve seen a meme with the caption “guys I have a theory” and the pictures of the incognito mode logo and Walter white with his hat while the remix of science blaster was “blasting” (joke please laugh) in the background that’s when I looked up what was the name of the music because it’s a banger and saw that it was actually the theme of the game theory show so yeah I started watching you because of a meme of a guy having a theory about the incognito mode icon and Walter white being the same person .We will be missing you but we all know you’ve deserved some holydays.Goodbye Matpat.



I have only been around for a few years, but in that relatively short amount of time, MatPat has had such a huge impact on me. Even when I didn't like or haven't heard of the franchise, I would watch his video. From getting me into FNaF, to making my days with Godzilla theories, his videos are always enjoyable. MatPat is one of, if not my favorite YouTuber. And that's not a theory, that's a fact. Happy retirement.



Hey matpat thank you for everything i was 7 when you started game theory and 10 when fnaf came out and watching your video gave me a spark that no youtuber could and you inspired me to become a game dev and also when i play games to look at the LOREEEE!!! but all jokes a side you are amazing and its an honor to be an original watcher of the channel and watch it grow and your dream of helping the world you have nailed it and helped so many and brough so many different aspects of the world together with game industry the food industry, film industry and style industry and no one will ever be able to do that like you so from the uk and from deepest part of my heart thank you and just remember your loved by us all goodbye matpat if you need a games designer im always here

Bobby limm



Thank you for the years of entertainment, MatPat. You created something special with these channels, and I'm glad to have grown up watching you explore these wacky worlds, coming up with all these theories and teaching us lots of things along the way. Thank you for making me into the annoying kid in class who talked about plasma a year before everyone else, you made learning a truly enjoyable experience. Thinking about not hearing your voice when watching the FNAF theories anymore is absolutely baffling to me, and I might never get used to it honestly haha. I wish you the best in all your future endeavours, and your family well.



Goodbye Matpat, you have changed the internet as a whole lot.



I really don't know what to say, man. I have never had a way with words, but I feel like I have to write something now that you're retiring. I was just so surprised to see you leave. I can't really think of anything to express how I'm feeling about all of this. There is so much I could say about how you raised me just like the millions of other people you have reached through your theories. I wish you the best. (PS, I know the only reason you're retiring is to be with your secret lover Scott Cawthon. Your secret is safe with me)



Thank you so much MatPat for all the years you've spent making these theories for us! Wish you the best of luck after you leave.



Hello, I always watched your content, you were always my inspiration. From the moment I found your channel, the theories and childhoods team theorist has provided to me, to us, are irreplaceable. I am honoured to be able to say this today. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today. Every single time I felt down, the game theorists always cheered me up, from the darkest pits of my life, there was always some shine in it. I want to thank youz for years of duty. And even though you will still be here, working on everything behind the scenes, we will miss seeing you every week. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Matthew Patrick, and the game theorists.



You were everything



Goodbye Mat, I love your videos! I love all your channel and I just want to say thank you for everything you do for us and everyone. This is a message to all of youtube, and you, youtube will never be the same without you. thank you.



Goodbye MatPat. From the first time i watched your videos, to when i will watch your very last one, i will enjoy it. It's been a long road for everyone, but you've made it a feel a little shorter. You've helped me through tough times, hearing you end with your iconic line, and also given me the ability to rant about things for way too long. Goodbye friend. Get some rest.



Goodbye Matpat, I've been on this journey with the theorist channels since FNAF 6 came out. I might not be original, but I watched all your videos and loved each single one, But I want to say, I heard rumours that March 9th (bye Matt Day) is called March fools? Never heard of it but if it's real we all know that Matpat isn't going to retire, But I don't think this Community is for more theory's, it's for goodbyes, so, Bye bye Matt. Hope Tom doesn't ruin your legacy. Hope to see you in your Future Projects. I will really REALLY miss you. Bye best Youtuber ever.



Goodbye Matpat! Without you, my late childhood up until now would have been very very boring, and my critical thinking skills would not be as accurate. I’m going to miss you, and so will the rest of the theorists, no matter what aspect. You have touched the lives of everyone through the 6 degrees of separation, and have enriched the world with your enthusiasm for knowledge. Good luck with whatever happens next!


We love you MatPat! We're gonna miss you!



my first time finding out mat pat and game theory was doki doki literature club first video, after watching the videos i said only one word and it was... cool. after that i didnt follow the channel for a while but suddenly a year later i saw fnaf theory video recommended by youtube and i said yeah why not its fnaf video after all (at that time i just played fnaf 1 and didnt even know the game had lore... yeah i was dumb) so after watching the video i said damn i like this theory and after nearly 5 hours watching all previous fnaf theories i just realized game theory and mat pat is my 3th best youtube channel and youtuber (pewdiepie was first and vannos gaming was 2th) after that i just followed most of the videos uploaded on all channel mostly film theory game theory and GTLIVE (yes i watch style and food theory too dont worry) and to this day game theory is my 2th best youtube channel and i cant tell how much you helped me through some difficult times and Brought joy and happiness in those situations and im very thank full for your hard work and love you put on these channels for us. love you from one of your huge fans and maybe a friend. ohh in case you are asking who is the 1th best youtuber for me when now the 2th is you well sadly pewdiepie is not the first anymore its vanossgaming and felix is the 3th or maybe 4th i donno i haven't decided yet.



I can't remember exactly when i started watching the channels, but they (and you) have grown to mean so much to me. Thank you for the laughs and tears and smiles that you have brought to millions. Not gonna lie, i cried for a good 5 minutes when i saw the announcement video, but i realized how lucky i was to be a part such an amazing community of theorists uncovering the secrets of gaming, cooking, fashion and film. No number of crumpled tissues could ever show how much the theorist community and everyone at team theorist (especially you) mean to me. Clear horizons, matthew patthew, and matthias patthias, and matpat and whatever else you're called. In your words, "THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY!", thank you for making these videos and memories that have shaped countless people. Thank you, truly. <3 -hypocadet



Hello, my sister and I have been going though many videos on these channels and it has been an amazing, wild roller coaster to be on. We all are excited to see the future of the channels and the many projects to come. We wish Team Theorist and everyone involved, the best. But, hey, that’s not just a theory, it’s a fact. See ya, MatPat



Hello, there MatPat, I just wanted to say thank you for making my childhood, I don't remember when I started to watch your videos (Mainly because of my epilepsy back in 2015 maybe around 8 or 9 now I'm 20.) but I do remember watching you before you started the FNaF theories and now I'm a high school graduate, and I always loved the watch your videos coming back home from school. I love to learn new subjects I even started to do theories on different subjects (would love to share some of those theories with y'all) but now it's time to say goodbye to you and hope for the best for you and your family.



I will miss you so much MatPat because you were my entire childhood. I looked forward to your new upload because you felt like a friend or uncle or something that always just came around every week, no special occasion required. Your goodbye video was one of the only videos that has ever been able to make me cry. Although, if your stepping down is going to lead to so much more better things to come along, that will add a sort of silver lining to it all. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being here on the internet and existing Matpat.


Several years ago I used to think that thinking too hard about video game logic would ruin the fun and whenever I did most people would tell me that "its just a game don't think too hard about it" until I discovered Game Theory and realized that there's other people out there doing the same thing, an entire community built around over thinking video games and I didn't feel like I was the weird one anymore. I believe its part of human nature to fear change which is way I for one wish for Game Theory to forever stay the same but I think a part of me knew that this day would come eventually. The past few years have been a blast Matpat, you've built several great channels, an amazing community, and have made amazing content; words like this could never be enough to convey my gratitude for all that you have done, I believe you made the right decision to take a step back and focus more on the people around you even if that means your community and I are going to miss you. Thank you for everything and god speed to all your future endeavours.



Goodbye Matpat thanks for theorizing for us we will miss you.



I started watching Game Theory back in 2020, when COVID struck and schools had to transition online. I loved the content in Game Theory, especially Matpat. While it is sad that Matpat is taking a step back from his channels, I wish him the best in his new journey in life. Thank you for introducing me to the lore of FNAF and other amazing games!



Thank you, MatPat. Thank you for getting me into FNAF, thank you for giving me something to watch on long car rides, thank you for caring for your community so much.

Thank you.



Hi MatPat! You are one of my favourite youtubers, and I wish you all of the best in your future, as a GrandPat :D. Not gonna lie, I cried with you, watching announcement about you retiring. You DID left mark on me. Sometimes, when I spend a lot of time with someone or just meeting someone, it changes my personality a little bit. Just like all events in life. So when I watched you for some while, I noticed I am starting theorizing (and overthinking) about things, just like you! You teached me this! And you teached this so many more. Somehow I know, that you aren't just faking yourself, like some youtubers do, to gain views. Not only that I liked to listen to your theories but even some of your personal stories. Saving life by befriending someone is heroic to me. Standing with someone side to side, to help friend with their struggles 'till their death is also heroic to me. You are a hero as for your friends, so to us. Keep doing heroic deeds. Thank you so much for being here with us and teaching us. Your fan, Aliren



GOODBYE MATTHEW PATTHEW!!! the game theory and film theory channel have been my favourites out of the bunch, and i hold gtlive very dear to my heart - i’ve rewatched old streams of kindergarten, TJoC, and fnaf so many times over. a core memory i hold is being shouted out when i was younger - slappyAJ, at the end of a stream i caught the tail-end of. you were probably a big part of me picking up the fnaf fandom and kick-starting my love of horror which has been SUCH a huge influence over my life and art. ill miss your character so much you terrible man.



I’ve been a loyal theorist for nearing three years now, which I know isn’t the longest, but MatPat’s Theorist channels genuinely gave me strength, laughter, and something to look forward to each week during a very dark time in my life. I had so many theories to catch up on when I joined the theorist community and I spent every moment of my free time binging the videos which brought me not only entertainment but also, through the Discord server and just seeing other people who were fascinated with nerdy LOREEEE and science and theories, a sense of community and belonging. I am very sad to see MatPat go, but he has in every way earned a happy retirement from YouTube and I wish him and Steph the best of luck on all their upcoming adventures!



goodbye matpat; thank you for everything. i first discovered you back when i was in 6-7th grade and i loved all of your videos. i subscribed to all of your channels, watched almost all of the gtlives, etc etc. when i heard of your stories of your childhood, it made me less afraid to be myself, and outwardly express my like for dorky, nerdy, science-y stuff. whenever i was watching your videos, it made me feel like all the world's problems just faded into the background. you & your content felt just like a safe space for me. you made me feel like i had enough space in this world to be myself, and to not shy away from that. you've shaped me into the person i am today, from the way i think and go about things to my love for research and theorizing. so, thank you, matt. for everything.



Matpat and steph you we're their when no one else was. We appreciate you so much, whether it was FNAF or Kirby you taught us more then most the American school system has. You are like internet parents even before philza, you where always their, thank you so much for everything. You got me into learning game lore, and understanding puzzels better, im officially proficient in decoding and putting stuff into a code now. I made my boyfriend a box that he has to use codes to get into, and their all references to you cause i met my boyfriend while he was watching your kirby game theory in class,and that's how we bonded. Thank you so so so so much forever thing you've done whether you are aware of it or not. Cant wait to see your next projects, and ollie is getting to big i remember when he was a tiny bean 😁✨️💜💜💜



I remember in the beginning, GTLIVE had just started and I had yet to realize I had depression. Though I also watched most of the theories it was the daily streams that got me thoroughly involved with this community.

It saved my life. Multiple supportive speeches(on separate videos sometimes), lots of uplifting streams and a community/hosts that made you feel welcome in a world that, just, didn’t.

You deserve the rest Internet friend, you’ve done the world so much good, you and your team. We’ll miss you.



Goodby Mat! I love what you and all the other theorists from all around the world created, your videos make my day, in fact I follow all the theorists channels and love being in this wonderful community. Goodby Mat from all the theorists❤️ But hey, that’s just a theory!


Matpat was one of the best things that I found when I was young. Sure, he ruined my childhood but he ruined it in the best way possible, he made me realize so many things can be hidden under our noses and sometimes it can be just there. I am so excited to see how the holders of the channels keep our interests.

I'll still draw these theorist brothers, I love these lil guys!



Thank you so much for making my childhood. You’ve connected me with people who I would have never become friends with and you’ve been a comforting constant within my life all throughout my teen years when things were always changing. I hope you enjoy your next chapter of your life and feel good knowing how much positive change you have made



Thank you for so many wonderful memories. I remember stumbling across Game Theory from watching the Did You Know Gaming on Portal. That Portal theory, about the companion cube, still holds a special place in my heart from being the first Theory I ever watched. I remember seeing the Link is Dead Theory in my subscription feed, another of my favorite theories. MatPat and the theories got me through my last year or two of high school, and through seven long years of college. Thank you for all these memories, and introducing me to games I never knew about.



Here's to many years of great moments, and to many more with your successors. I won't say goodbye, since I'm certain we'll see you around. I'll just say congratulations on a job well done. On to the next adventure.



Matpat, you are my favorite Youtuber. I've been watching since 2013. I remember all the milestones. I remember being a freshman in college watching GTLive when it first started while eating lunch every day. I remember when all of the other theory channels launched. I remember all the ups-and-downs over the years. I remember when I first started watching YouTube as a kid, looking at all my favorite creators make a living for themselves and wondering how long they would be on their channels entertaining people. Would they eventually lose retention and be forced to leave? Would they eventually decide they've been onscreen for too long and make final goodbye videos? Would they be making videos until they grow old and pass away? Would they pass on their channels to their children or someone they trust? In a way, it was kinda satisfying to see your farewell video after over a decade of watching creators come and go. Thanks for giving us a warning btw, so that we could have time to say goodbye and celebrate your retirement with you. Thanks for caring enough about the channels to grow and train your staff, to leave everything you built in good hands. You started out just trying to find a job and you left with a whole empire, with nothing but good memories of success and accomplishment, with the completed logo of top quality channels, with millions of fans, with a great staff. You left a legacy. You got to leave on your own terms, in your own time. As painful as it is to see you go, I am so happy for you and Steph. Yes this is for both you and Steph. Because where would Game Theory be without the support she's given you? Because you've built all this together. So thanks for everything you've given us too, Steph. You both have worked tirelessly for so long, and now it's time that you reaped the rewards. I'm glad you guys finally get to rest and spend time with your family and enjoy life. We're so happy for you. We're really gonna miss you. Well, I'm also glad you won't disappear entirely from the internet. I really look forward to seeing your future endeavors. Here's a clap and a half to you.



MatPat, You have been such an inspiration to so many and to me. From holding to your values through thick and thin, from being a role model, a teacher, and an icon of the ages, you are someone I aspire to become. The world has been touched by you and changed for the better because of it, and that ain't a theory. Never stop pursuing what you love. God bless, -RunestoneFox



I would just like to say thank you Mathew pathew...for everything

I remember my first video I watched from you with my brother years ago (the first fnaf theory ever) and how you started my fnaf journey from that point onwards which made me also become a have brought so much joy and happiness to me, my friends and the community these past 13 years and it's sad to see you leave us.

You have brought me some catchphrases I say a lot now like "MUSIC MANNNN" and the classic "That's just a theory...A GAME THEORY" and i will still use them in your honour as a good game theorist will

Also I appreciate all you've done for everyone like charity streams and making this whole community

We will miss you matpat and hope to see you again soon



Farewell MatPat, we'll miss you dearly. I've been watching your videos for years and still remember the launches of food theory/style theory. It's gonna be really hard seeing you go. Your videos have always been a sort of "safe area" where I can just relax and listen to some theories. Wish I could've met you in person, you're the childhood of thousands. I'll always be a theorist.



Hello MatPat. I felt that I should leave a message since your channel is definitely my favorite channel ever. I think my first video I ever saw was around 6 years ago. I remember it was "Can nuggets save your life: Kindergarten" or something like that and, I instantly fell in love. I love your Pixar theory's especially. The wall e cannibalism theory is one of my favorites. I saw the "Goodbye Internet" in 5 minutes of it uploading and I was devastated. Not to say I am now because I understand this opens up a lot of opportunities for you while stepping away from the spotlight. I am excited to see what is coming next to say the least. To wrap this up I just want to say thank you. I think someone said it best: "Thank you Matthew for both making our childhoods and ruining them simultaneously." Lastly, thank you for being The Theorist. You have changed the landscape of theories and gaming as a whole. If there's anything you should always be known by its that. But I guess that's just a theory. - Your loyal theorist, debbyryan4life



Thank you matpat! I've been watching videos since the creeper video in 2014/2015 and religiously since 2018, these channels are such a big part of my childhood. Though not much of a gamer myself (never really had the time nor money to actually play a lot of games) these videos never failed to entertain me regardless of the topic, especially the science ones which made me feel real smart when the things I learnt from videos actually came up in lessons! Once again thank you for all you have done for me and for the community, and can't wait to see the channels' future with tom, amy, lee and santi (I loved all their appearances, esp on GTLive, can't believe tom is a moon non believer :( as a fellow brit im dissapointed/lh), also can't wait to see the future projects you've mentioned in your goodbye vid! Best Wishes, Rin Z



Goodbye Matpat. You've been a part of my life for close to five years now. It'll be really hard knowing that the theories I watch won't be voiced by my favorite internet dad. I hope you do well on all the other projects and ideas you have planned for the rest of your life, and I'll be looking forward to seeing how you succeed in them. Thanks for everything you've done for me, and for the part you've played in forming who I am now. I think I speak for all true theorists when I say you will always be in our hearts. But that's just a theory.



You have been the absolute best. I don't think I can say that enough. You will always be the biggest part of my childhood and remain there as I continue to grow as a person. You've helped through some really tough times with your amazingly comedic and informative videos on the amazing games, movies, clothes and even food I enjoy. I'm going to miss you so much and so will the whole community. We love and you and wish you the best on your future journeys ❤️❤️❤️



Goodbye Matthew, you made all of our childhoods, but in the end, remember that it's just a theory.



The Game theorist and Film theorist channels were some of the first I watched on YouTube. They made me discover my hunger for knowledge and learn my love for psychology, as well as view the world and consume media with more critical thought. Adversely, Matpat didn't ruin my childhood but was an important piece of it, as it was to many others. I carry myself proudly as a theorist with solving a chunk of the first quest jacket with some Reddit friends (before it came out, with just promotional photos) as one of my favourite memories. Thank you Matpat and Team theory in general, for creating content, sharpening minds, and continuing with the next era of theorists!



Goodbye Matpat! I don't remember the year I started watching, but Film Theory was still quite new when I did. I've enjoyed all the theories over the years and also the merch when I can afford to get it. The wallet years back was my favorite thing I got. I hope you enjoy your retirement and I will miss you. I hope to see you drop in from time to time! -Jacob



Goodbye Matpat, Hope you enjoy whatever life brings next. I’m glad we got to see the channel grow along side you and now here we are at the next chapter.



Goodbye MatPat i hope you are doing well you made my childhood because i've been watching you since 2015 so to me it's really saddening seeing you go atleast we still have time till Doomsday (March 9th) and i hope your retirment goes well but hey that's just a theory a Game.Film.Food and Style Theory thanks for everything



Heyooo Matpat ! Good bye, good luck and have a great day ! Your journey on the Game Theorist was the best thing that could ever happen in the existence. Even tho i tought that i will be the one that will escape the "ruining your childhood" part of your channels, i actually got theoristed by the Cars video on film theory. I dont have much to say so i will go with the most famous catch phrases like - SANS IS NESS - THE LOOOOOORRRREE - I FINALLY SOLVED THE FNAF LORE - DONT TELL ME HOW MUCH CALLORIES I NEED - BREAKFEAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY - and last but not least : " IT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME/FILM/FOOD/STYLE THEORY

As we say in france slangs, i was "Chockbard de BZ" when i saw you in the FNAF MOVIE. The guy who dubbed you was the best.

Yet again i dont know how to conclude, so i will say a particularly important stentence for the 45 centurys to come : "T'as des piles ?"

Your trully: Tilted Stars



thank you for everything matpat. you truly are the best of the best



I cried a lot watching the retiriment video, way more than I'd like to admit (Spent like a week crying, the grandpa analogy broke me🚶). Over the past god knows how many years I have been watching matpat. He has been one of the youtubers who made me who I am today, I grew up watching him so have probably a good chunk of the community. I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me these past years. You and another youtuber introduced me to fnaf (being one of my favorite things ever now) and I couldn't thank you enough. I grew up watching almost the same 5 youtubers, one of those being matpat. He was a big part of my childhood and almost some sort of father figure to me. Though it is sad to see him leave, I'm glad he finally found comfort to retire and to move onto another chapter of his life. I'm exicted to see what the new hosts come up with and all the new theories and perspectives.

We will all miss you o7. Thank you matpat for being part of the past 8 years of my life and we all wish you the best !! And don't forget y'all... it's just a theory.. A GAME THEORY.



Thank you so much MatPat for creating the wonderful channels you did. I've been watching Game Theory since Middle School, and even introduced my dad to Film Theory when it was created, which he mildly enjoyed. You really inspired me to take a deeper look into things that I enjoy, and you 100% spawned my FNAF phase in middle school. I hope you have a wonderful retirement, and I wish you the best. Thank you MatPat, see ya. Sincerely- Silver



I think everyone agrees that you, Matpat, are an amazing YouTuber and person.Thank you for all the theories, even the ones that talk about Sans being Ness (if it makes you feel any better, I thought it was a pretty good theory). What you’ve accomplished in your time with the theory channels is amazing. We thank you for everything, and we’ll be waving goodbye as you simultaneously whip and nae nae off into the sunset.


From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of the lore, from the endearing love of your theories and everything you've done for us. Thank you Matpat for being such an inspiring, funny person to the community and Thank you for being with the theorists community for over 13 years. Enjoy you're deserving break and at the end of the day, it's just a theory. A Game Theory.



Goodbye matpat, we will miss you and you will never be forgotten. We do know how hard it is, and that you need to retire for personal reasons. That's fine it's your choice! You're amazing, creative, and interesting! Even if you're still gonna work behind the camera, we will still miss you! But even if we miss you, I'm sure Tom will do a great job too! All of the cast are great, amazing, and special in their own way. Thank you Matthew Patrick!



Mat Pat was one of the best if not the best creator I have ever seen it was a long journey that took over 5 years for me since I was 8 years old I was watching him I cried and laughed and I started to feel like I was not alone when I am rewatching a movie for 6 times to find lore or easter eggs I found ou there was a whole community who did the same thing I felt happy and continued doing what I like if it wasn't the problem that I am not in America I would have worked with you mat



I've been a part of the theorist community ever since my obsession with fnaf begun (which was probably around the release of fnaf 2) and I have enjoyed every theory since. I've always been rather scared of change, and not seeing the iconic MatPat png on screen teaching me more than my school has taught me for all my ten years of being there will certainly be a huge one, but I know it's for the best. I know for certain all the new hosts of each channel will do amazing and I cannot wait to watch them grow. I hope you have an amazing retirement MatPat and I hope the new hosts have fun getting to obsess over the tiniest of details of everything they come across. I think now would be a good time to make my dad watch the theory about lunch being the most important meal of the day since he didn't believe you when you said that in the movie. Can't wait to introduce all the channels to my future niece, I'll make sure she too becomes a loyal theorist. You really have changed my life for the better, and for that, thank you. Goodbye MatPat.


Matpat, you have truly been here with me all over the years. Since I discovered your channels ( and me being there when you announced style theory) back in 2020, i have been astonished at what you have become. you deserve this vacation. thank you.



Goodbye MatPat! I have always loved your film theories and it has inspired me to be a lot more than I would have been without you. I wish you the best with your family and hope we can see you again soon!!!



Thank you, MatPat, for 12 years of theories. We all still love you, and hope to see you at future events and on the channels! <3 :D



thank you matpat for helping me when i needed it, and teaching me and others so much even when some of us don't watch it, i wanted this message to be a final message for you, i wish i could make this More interesting but i can't do much, so the only thing i can do to make it feel right is to make it a puzzle.

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You were one of the first YouTubers I ever subscribed to and though I'm sad to see you go I know you are off to do bigger and better things myself and all the other theorists will miss you dearly; Thank you



Dear Matpat,

I wanted to say thank you. You always say that you are ruining our childhoods, but you made mine. I support you leaving and I support who you are giving the channel to but, while us long standing supporters will remember you, new viewers will know you as the old host. Can you at least do some GT Lives with us sometimes? I’ve never actually seen one live before. I cried while watching your video, as did almost everyone. It hit hard when you said “ It’s just a theory, a game theory” at the end. No matter who comes after you to run the channels, it will never be the same.

I know you love your audience, but I also know that you probably won’t see this.

If you are reading this, I love you and your content. Just wanted you to know that.



Goodbye Matpat,I will miss you.your videos would always make me happy.



matpat you were a huge part of my childhood and your videos always make me happy and excited to watch and learn more on whatever you’re covering. i’m excited for the new era of theorist and all of the new videos to come! i do wonder though what’s going to happen to gt live; is tom going to take it over? i hope you enjoy the well deserved time with steph and ollie that you’ll get soon.



Heya, just wanted to pop in and say, thanks for everything Bye Matthew Matthew!



Not entirely sure how to start this but, I would like to just come out on here and say thank you MatPat for everything. And not just MatPat but the entire Theorist team. Thank you guys for absolutely everything and all the wonderful adventures and theories over the years. Every Style Theory, every Food Theory, every Film Theory and of course, every Game Theory. Many of us here have grown up on Game Theory, some of us started watching the channel as far back as grade school. And many of us still watch this wonderful channel to this day. I think I can speak for the community as a whole here and say that we are so very proud of how far you have come and how much you have grown as people, as a team and as a family. And right now, it seems like the adventures are coming to an end, but this. This is just the beginning. New theories and new adventures are just around the corner! Even as we grow up, we will forever keep MatPat and this amazing channel that he and the awesome team behind it all forever in our hearts. As much as we will all dearly miss you MatPat, we are all so very excited to see what you will do next and, once again, so very proud of you for how far you have come. And with that being said, thank you Game Theory. Thank you MatPat. For everything. But hey, that’s all just a theory! A Game Theory! See you all on the flip side with a good ol’ clap and a half on the way out!



see ya at the next reunion gramps, thanks for the good times



I’m so glad I found these channels when I did (that’s less than two years ago lol) because they really helped me feel like a part of a community when I was very lonely. I remember just watching random videos about marvel and stumbling upon film theory, I immediately fell in love with the videos. I’ve been watching all the channels ever since but my favorite is food theory because of how accessible it is. Now you are going away which makes me sad but I’m still excited to see the new era of Theorists and waiting for all the projects you’ve teased. Thank you MatPat for the wonderful community you created and the amazing videos you made. I hope you will enjoy your youtube retirement and spend time with your family and friends. 💚♥️💛💙



Hi Matt! I just wanted to come on here and say thank you for all you’ve done. I’ve been watching the channel since I was 7 and it’s crazy to look back as a now adult and realize how much things have changed, me watching your videos after school changed to me watching after work, you’ve changed my way of thinking for the better and made me stride to always be a better person and a better theorist. These channels have been such a huge comfort for me over the years, a lifeline at times, and have faith the channels are in good hands, I love the people taking over now, but if I’m being honest it wasn’t game theory that raised me, it was you and Steph. It’ll never be the same and we’ll miss you so much but I know Tom and the gang are paving the way for a new generation of theorists, and they’ll be the ones to raise those kids like you practically did to us. I wish you, Steph, and Ollie the absolute best on all your future adventures!



Thank you for all the videos!



Goodbye, MatPat! This is something I need to say that I regret SO MUCH. You remember that state fair video, right? YOU PARKED NEXT TO ME AND I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING. I could have at least said hello, but I was too shy. Hopefully you see this. We just parked and I looked into the cars' next to us window, and I saw your face and felt mine light up. My stomach felt tight, too. I'm happy to get it off my chest, and I hope for you the best. I didn't mean for that to rhyme.



I’ve been a fan for about six years now, and your theories were and still are legendary(even the wild ones do sort of make sense). I can totally understand your decision to retire, 13 years is a long time. Nevertheless, you were really special to me. Thank you, MatPat, for all you have done for us and for being a piece of my life. You were always the guy I would look forward to whenever I logged on YouTube. Goodbye, MatPat, and again-thank you.



Heya, I have been a big fan since I was 8/9. 10 years later and I'm still a fan. A small memory of mine is running home from school, swinging on that front door to open it. Dumping my bag and running to my mom to ask for her computer after dinner. Then it was on to find the latest game theory or film theory. I loved the fnaf ones but salad fingers all caught my eye, along with bendy and Undertale (SANS IS NESS?!?!?!?) As time went on I would use your vids to study things that didn't make sense like maths and science and make sure it was on the topic I needed, because you where the only one who could explain it properly in a way that i could even understand. In fairness I got high test results so thank you. When I first started secondary school your videos where even played in my science class. I think it was mario cart aswell. But anyway. 10 years of theories and memories and saying good bye to that is difficult. I understand you now have the four horsemen of theory comming but. I will miss you, YouTube will miss you. You where the one that got me into theatre and singing, science and maths, arts and critical thinking. I love your videos and I am inspired everyday by them. So to you Mat Pat, Stephanie and Ollie (I hope I have your son's name right) Thank you, thank you so very much for the memories that you have given to so many people out there and so many people who are inspired to be just as detail orientated as you and maybe slightly crazy lol.

Thank you Mat



Hope to see some cameos on one of the channels once in a while! Thanks for all the hype videos and hope you'll look back on them fondly!


Found Your channel thanks to Markiplier, at first your content isn't really appealing to me since i'm not really into FNAF all that much. Since then, i only watching you when all of your sudden you sat on the couch and goes "Kitchen Nightmares" mode (without swearing) on the Youtube platform itself on how awful their service as the time goes because I saw you as the "Youtube's Expert/Advisor". Things changed when I saw a Youtuber's Reaction compilation on DDLC and noticed that you also had a Gaming channel called GTLive. I searched up and tune to one of the handpicked VOD's that's on the playlist. It suits my taste and how chaotic it is until I realized that i've been binged to your old VOD Streams for hours, and that I decided to subbed to GTLive at the Early 2022. Along the way, I met (and lost) some new friends, made an artwork based on the videos (one of them got featured on the fart-wall which i'm honored and proud to this day, even though the drawing itself is sort of a parody shitpost), and stayed with me during my hard times where i've been unemployed for almost a half-decade and parents peer pressure to get income is getting on my nerves because of the debts that they're dealing with. Since then, it has been my comfort channel for me (Food Theory was the 2nd because FOOD is the universal language). So, when in 9th of January (10th of January for me) he announced that he's retiring from Theorists as a host, it saddens me even though i've already dealt with Youtuber retirements couples of times and accepts what it is. I'm gonna miss the sus, funny Theory Man at March so much. Godspeed MatPat, hope you have a great time with your fams and your new experiences and Projects,

We will be waitin'.

Even though it's probably Impossible to meet you just once at some con, you seems like a cool dude to meet, nerd out, and talk to.




When I first got recommended one of your early Minecraft theories by a friend of mine a few years ago I never expected to end up coming back as a full-fledged fan of your style of content, it was even going to be a while before I realized that the same guy who made that video was also the one who made a Poppy Playtime theory that just happened to show up in my recommended feed when I was intrigued by the premise of the game. And I’ve essentially just been drawn into this whole world of detail deciphering and mystery solving ever since, and I’m really glad that it has. But to avoid me deviating from the whole point of this post, I’m just gonna wrap it up here and say thank you to MatPat for helping me find the excitement of embracing my inner theorist (and for prompting me to look back at your first FNAF video and realize how maddening it had to be to go from “Trauma-inflicted nightmare” to “A humongous mess of supernatural nonsense now mixed in with weird AI ghosts”).



Everytime you post a FNAF Theory, I immediately rush to press the video so that I am always updated to the latest theory, everytime that I watch your videos, I immediately look for you specifically and that sweet Loooooorreeeeeee!!! Even with the intro rolling afterwards. Now I won't be able to see that sweet sweet image of you talking about every theory but I will miss you my one and only Matpat. It's sad to see you go but goodbye for now my Favorite YouTuber and as always it's all just a theory, a Game Theory!! Thank you Matpat



I got nothing to watch while eating now



you know I may be young and probably you had much less effect on me then these other people but still thank you without you I would never have even thought about the lore of any game but you made me realize that it's fun and you also introduced me to fnaf which basically changed my life so matpat seeing you go makes me not just sad but also feel bad for those who don't get to experience you as the host man I stared crying just writing this but well thank you I don't feel as those thank you is enough but I don't know how to express my gratitude more further I will never forget you goodbye and have a nice no not nice amazing retirement.



Your my childhood (and still are) and it’s sad to see you go, and I’ll miss you forever, however I wish you lots of luck for whatever you do next and raising and spending time with Ollie!


Goodbye MatPat. I'm going to miss you more than you know. You changed the way I look at the world and made me realize that not every situation is what it seems on the surface. I absolutely cannot wait for what you do next.



Thank you for giving my son and I something to bond over! We'll miss you but we'll support the channel forever.



Not much to say that has already been said. Its sad to see you go but its good to see you catch a break and spend time with your family. I've watched you for over 5 years and no one does YouTube better then you. Here's to the end of an era, and the beginning to a brand new, even better one (i was gonna put that one champagne clink emoji but I don't think I can). Keeping this short and sweet because I have a C- in Health and doing homework. Keep winning God loves you Cheers -Jordan


Thanks a TON for everything you’ve done for gaming, the internet, and critical thinking in this space.

Wishing the absolute best for you and your loved ones ❤️🫂



Goodbye Matpat, thank you for all of your wonderful theories throughout the years. You always kept me entertained and you were one of my favorite youtubers to watch while I ate dinner. You were my childhood, and I will always cherish all the fun things I learned from you. You did so much good and you deserve the world, I hope you get to have so many more special memories with your family <3



I’ve watched since the day I was 8 my first I watch was peach being dead. It’s hard to say goodbye but goodbye Mat Pat we will all miss you.



Hi Matpat, It hurts to see you go, trust me I cried over 6 times watching your farewell. Matthew I grew up watching you every day. I remember going home everyday after school to see you on YouTube whether on game theory then later film theory. You were like an online father figure to me, so hearing you say goodbye hurt since it made me realize that I’m growing up. I remember when I was like 6 or 5 watching a video of you determining if Rosalina was Luigi and peach’s daughter using the punnet square, and realizing at a young age what I wanted to be when I was older. When my family were banning me from watching YouTubers, I FOUGHT to watch you like I defended it with my life. So thank you Matthew, of all childhoods I could’ve have, I’m glad you were the main part of it. So thank you Matthew, even when I have dementia I’ll remember you.



Goodbye MatPat, and thank you for everything. Growing up I watched your videos and I was fascinated by all the puzzles and cryptograms and little secrets that people put in and how you found them. Your videos taught me to think outside the box and try everything possible to solve a problem and made me who I am today. You were a great host who tackled complicated problems and issues and explained them in a way I could understand. You were so energetic and watching your videos made me so happy. I even started my ARG using all the things I learned from watching your videos. Once again, thank you for everything and I hope your retirement goes well

Take care - Ducky p.s. I made this build for you, hope you enjoy :)



i dont really have much to say... most of my family has watched the theory channels and i watched the "Goodbye Internet" video 30 seconds after it released and actually cried the whole way through

goodbye matpat



Thank you Matthew for being the background that helped my anxiety. You taught me it's okay to be nerdy and you also showed me how to be a better person. You molded my childhood and I can't thank you and Stephanie enough. Your relationship and personality and kindness is something I thrive to have. Thank you for everything




I’ve watched you for a long time now and love your videos, it is sad to see that you are leaving, but it is for your benefit. I hope you do well and your successors do just as well as you. You will be missed



Game theory was such a big part of my childhood. In fact, the theory channels are what got my through the pandemic. I guess I never realized that all good things must come to an end. I haven't been watching since the very beginning, but I have been watching long enough to cause tears while watching "Goodbye Internet." One of my favorite quotes is: "How lucky I am having something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh. This truly applies to this situation. Saying goodbye is going to be hard, but it's necessary. Thank you, Matthew Patrick, for all the memories and theories. You will forever live in the hearts of countless people.



Thank you for food and game theory, I often watch food theory eps as I eat and watch game theory when ever I play games. Thank you of all of the topics I can discuss with my friends and me and my partner plan to rewatch all of the fnaf videos when out schedules permit. When the goodbye internet video came out we both cried are eyes out, we hope that wherever you are we hope that you get time to relax in rewards for all you have done for us. Sending hugs to you Steph and Ollie, as well as the team who'll be taking over.



i always watched matpat, even if someone else made a video. i cried when he retired but everyone needs a vacation. love ya matpat but thats just a theory



Goodbye MatPat, It's been a wild ride. All those decades of ruining our collective childhood memories and coming up with crazy and plausible theories that minds like ours can only concoct. All the overthinking and clues that keep us awake at night, nagging at the corners of our brains. Thank you for all the fun, fnafs, timelines and sometimes cringe stuff; they have now all been a part of our collective memories, and for me, like you an adult, these memories are now part of the history of my adulthood. All the best and enjoy your next adventures! Regards to Steph, Ollie and the Theorists crew.



Goodbye, MatPat! Game Theory states to have ruined my childhood, but Game Theory was my childhood. Watching you talk about all of my favorite games, and then movies, and watching Food Theory and Style Theory start up and become giants in their own rights has been some of the best memories I have. Thank you, MatPat, for everything you taught me, and for shaping my childhood since 2011.



I have been a loyal theorist since the first Undertale video, which I think was roughly seven years ago. I grew up on this channel, and I think it's the reason why I'm so curious and always looking for LORREE whenever I can. While it is sad to see Matpat and Steph go, it is reassuring that the channel will still run. I think it is generous how Matpat in a sense, is passing the torch and as he explained in the goodbye video, giving other people a chance to shine too. I can't wait to find out why the moon doesn't exist, and I can't wait to experience the new style coming to grace The Game Theorists channel.

We wish you the best, Matpat and Steph. Good luck with your new endeavors. :)



I was 13 years old when the first theory dropped, and while I wasn't a fan right from the beginning, I quickly discovered and followed the series to this very day. I am currently 26 years old. The Theorists channels and community and YOU have been a part of my life for literally HALF of it.

When you and Steph called out my weakness chart for Mega Man Unlimited on GTLive was one of the happiest moments I can remember (even if you guys mispronounced my last name XD)!

Thank you for everything MatPat! You've introduced my to so many new games, experiences and ways of thinking. My siblings and I will miss you! ENJOY RETIREMENT!!

The XtremeBolt Guy (Formerly: @MarioMaster1985)

PS: Here's the link to that weakness chart!!



I remember the first time a gametheory episode popped into my recommendation, some 10-11 years ago, when I could barely understand any English. My teenage years spent theorizing and "neerding" about sciences and games! All I learned, discovered, etc, ... Thanks to you, are now forever part of who I am. I thank you, MatPat, for the happiness you brought me, during the good and especially the bad times. I sincerely wish you the best and hope you have a great retirement!


Hey Matpat,

I know I’m just another fan in the crowd, but I wanted to let you know how much you meant to me and my family. I’ve been watching for almost 10 years now, and your videos have always been a family activity. Sitting on the couch, watching your theories has been some of my favorite memories with my family, and I will always treasure them. It means the world that you were able to create these moments with such genuine care and excitement (which isn’t often seen).

Likewise, your charity livestreams have also been a big part of my life. And I wanted you to know that you’ve done so much good over the years. This isn’t just about you, this isn’t just about your fans who like your silly jokes. It’s about one of the most amazing and important careers I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

And something people aren’t focusing on—it isn’t over! And I, for one, am ecstatic to see what you do next! Your new IP will be something I watch with interest, and I can’t wait to continue with you on this new journey!

Thank you for all the theories.



Bye Matpat. Your videos are one of my favorite past times. No matter the video or the topic I always learn something new and interesting. I haven't been around since the beginning but I did join before the golden age of your content. Giraffe Town is my favorite video series, it always calms me and is my favorite sleep aid. The St. Jude charity livestreams were usually on my birthday so it's felt like a birthday present from one of my favorite content creators. I've loved finding out when you've made videos on my favorite series and hearing your solving of the puzzle. I will always enjoy your videos and I hope you enjoy your retirement. You've earned it a thousand times over. Thank you so much for all you've done for the community, not just on the channels but for YouTube and the world as a whole. Goodbye.



Hey Matthew and the rest of team theorists, first off I wanna say this is a very special message that took me long to write, I even lived an irl car persecution for 3 minutes straight while I was starting the text, and I literally tried for hours to make it get to you, through reddit, twitter, instagram on another account, but it always just broke and didn't send or my accounts had errors, this is my last chance, I've even sent this to the team theorist account too, so I just wanna say, thank you if you do read this, and sorry for bothering...

A message for Matthew:

Hey Matthew! I just wanted to say, I'm a very big fan of what you have been doing in the past years, I've always loved your content, you and the rest of the gang always did a great job, and I wanted to say that I respect your decision, I watched your video yesterday night and I wouldn't stop crying, you've done so much for so many people, me included. You've done so much, it's just amazing, I wish you the best and to have as many good moments with your loved ones as we had with you and you had with us, I swear right now I would just love to meet you and give you a hug, you're incredible, you're so much more than just a youtuber or an entertainer, for me, and I'm sure that for many others too, youre just like part of the family, and I really would love to be just like you, not because of how many followers you have, or how many memes are out there about you, I wanna be like you, because you're special, and the way you affect people's lifes is special as well. And I'm just glad to know that everything will go alright for you, and that from time to time we will still get to see you, and that you'll be just like Scott moving the strings even if not in the same way as before... We will miss to see you around, but at least we can all be glad that the KING OF THEORIES didn't just fade away slowly with nothing more than just a broken dream, you reached the top, and no one ever would be able to do the same, I specially think the channels will be in the right hands, and I understand why you wanted to do this.. And one last thing, you said something after your legendary phrase (which I followed along) when you said that "thank you, thank you for watching", that literally made me burst into tears, and I feel like the right thing to do is saying thank you, thank you for being there for us ❤️ and thank you for being so great and generous, for giving us your time and for actually putting an efford into trying to make us enjoy our journey with you. Once again thank you for changing so many lifes, mine and others, you've literally teached me most of the English i know and teached me how to not get scared of talking to others, you've literally been an example for me to learn how to socialize for years hahaha, so thank you, have a great time, i hope you someday read this, seeyou soon hopefully, lots of love and support from this Spanish little shy fan haha ❤️❤️❤️ and even if it doesn't make sense in the context of the message: but hey, its just a theory, a GAAAAME THEORY, thank you, thank you for always being there for all of us ❤️❤️



Well this is sad all i have to say is that this guy has made my child hood and not just mine but apparently a Lot of other people. This was fun! with mat... I hope you have a good and relaxing life forwards. this wonderful man has LITERALLY made my child hood and basically raised me up i remember when i came form school and i would see a new video about matpat struggling to play fnaf these videos made a smile on my face even if i was having the worst possible day. my favorite line is "WHOS THE PRINCESS NOW B**CH" probably because i didn't see it coming. I love matpat,ash,and the entire theorist crew . and in the end its all just a theory.... A GAME THEORY

Also when are we gonna get a theory on matpat? it would be amazing to see the people who are taking the channels over talk or discuss about a theory on mat( would be hilarious just saying)



Dear Matpat, I want to thank you for the years of joy you’ve brought me and my friend group. I’ve been watching you since I was 11 and I can’t thank you enough for the communities you’ve introduced me too, the eye opening world of theorising, and the inspiration to put more detail into my own personal projects. I can’t imagine what my childhood would be like without you. I’m so happy that you’ve decided to give yourself the space and time both you and your family deserve. You’ve been working so hard over the past decade and I want to wish you the best! Thank you for entertaining us and ruining our childhoods. I don’t know how to end this message, Key :)



Matt.... thank you. Thank you SO MUCH for everything you've done, sir. Watching you has helped me in some extremely tough times. I know it sounds weird, but you are like an uncle to me. So...... go have a good life with Steph and Ollie. You've earned it, man. o7.



Goodbye, sir Matthew Patthew. we shall miss you but we respect your decision to, you know see your family :0. Anyways thank you for the years of theorizing you did for us but now it is time for us to do it, and by us I mean Tom, Lee, Santi, and Amy. Thank you for basically raising half of us.



Never thought I'd see the day we say "Goodbye, Matpat", yet here we are. Gonna miss your silly jokes, and personality. You're the reason I got hooked into a multitude of games. I started watching you probably in my early high school, or late elementary, and now I'm a working adult, who probably gets too into the story and lore of games, shows, and movies. You've probably influenced me too much in that aspect. lol Goodbye, Matpat. Take care, and be happy and healthy with your family. c:



Goodbye matpat, I know the channels will still be up I’ll still be watching it won’t be the same but I’ll still be here Yiu Dan my childhood with other YouTubers and I want to thank you for inspiring me to be a theorist/ YouTuber or a streamer I may not be popular at the best at what I’m stsrting out but that’s just a theory



Matpat i really started watching you with your inscription videos and since i watched all the new videos, iknew you even before because of your probably least favourite game by now (fnaf) and knowing that you leaved made me feel real sad



Good bye matpat thanks for being there posting ever weekend. Thank you for introducing me to a fandom I would of never found without your game theory video of the dsmp and all the amazing friends I made because of it. I hope where ever life takes you, You know you have made so many people life's better. But remember that but a theory but I fact a game fact thanks for reading



Thank you so much for making my childhood. Im gonna miss hearing you saying its just a theory.



You were my childhood matpat. It is sad to see all these youtubers go and you were my comfort streamer (youtuber). wherever you will go i hope luck follows you. you taught me many things from how to eat a tree to peach being a star. I started watching 5 years ago which compared to others isnt long however, you have made my day every time you make a new video. whenever i see the word lore i always say LORRRRREEE and i will continue to always say thats just a theory... A GAME THEORY. And as always, thanks for reading and thank you matpat for being with us in all these years.



Goodbye MatPat, although I never really watched you a ton as a kid, I really got into your videos over the years. I want to thank you so much for everything you’ve taught me. I’ve never been more encouraged to ask questions about the world around me. Thank you for everything, please take care.



Hey Mat, idk if you'll read this, probably not as there are heaps of these, but thanks for making my childhood. I'm excited to see where the channels will head to with the new hosts, and I'm glad to see you finally get your well deserved break. I don't watch your theories as much anymore, but I love watching GTLive, just seeing your personality is so fun. I'll miss you, but at least I can still watch your older vids lol. I hope you have an amazing time with the rest of your life, and am excited to see any sort of projects you do in the future



Goodbye Matt! Feels surreal to see you step away when theories and your voice are synonymous in my head haha. I know team theorist are an amazing bunch, and I'm excited to see what they'll do, but if I'm completely honest it'll be rough without you, at least for me. I want to thank for all that you've done for me and many others. I first came across your channel and was hooked, becoming an avid follower since. BUT, what was truly special to me was GTLive, the livestreams where you and Steph would get up to all sorts of goofs alongside your community. I truly respected (and still do!) the warmth and care you both put into everything you do, your strength to push through anything, and most of all, your integrity. I've had to step away from the livestreams in recent years, life had to take priority, so I can't exactly blame you for wanting to spend time with family and loved ones. But I want you to know I'll always cherish those memories of raging at the impossible quiz with spoonfuls of mayo, the ever convoluted hello neighbor puzzles, the sprinkler time dance parties, and just the love you all showed us. This isn't even going into the GTARG and all the memories (made it to the position 182 whooop! Although the medal got lost in transit ;-; ), I've never seen someone make such an effort to connect and have fun with their community, and might never see something like that again. But anyways, THATS JUST a comment, a goodbye comment Thank you Matt, Steph, Skeep, Ollie, blameJason, Chris Paul, and team theorist, for everything (sorry if I neglected to mention some, but my gratitude extends to you all) love you all like a second family



Goodbye MatPat, you've been such a warm and comforting presence in my life and it's sad to see you officially retire. I haven't been active in most places, I don't even comment on most videos I watch. Sometimes I wish I had made my own presence known throughout the years, but I was still there. Things are definitely getting better with my own journey in life, you've helped me through my tough times and I've grown up now. It's time I accepted stuff like this will happen, even if I never want it to. It always hurts to say goodbye. I just hope your journey through life can get better too, new adventures await you outside the online realm I'm sure! Keep being yourself, you're a one of a kind individual you know? That's why so many people are gonna miss you, me included. It's been fun theorizing with you, even if I was wrong sometimes lol. Hopefully someday I can meet you still, I've grown up with your content and it's made me happier. I am proud of you, for being able to do this for so long. I'll definitely miss you. So long, and goodbye.



Dear Matpat, It's been a wild ride as a fan, with videos from ranging from murderous animatronics to eating Christmas trees . Thank you for your hard work, and I hope you and Steph enjoy your well-earned retirement!



Man, this announcement hit hard. I was growing up watching your theories. I know you will still be there but it won’t feel the same. You were the reason i was so happy to learn science and be happy thanks to you i could actually enjoy my life. Enjoy your time with your family and deeply from my heart Thank you….Thank you for everything Mathew. o7



Mat you were my childhood. I followed the theorist team for over a decade and never stopped enjoying a video! I will definitely bawl my eyes out during the finale. Hope the future holds great things for you!



Bye mat :) hope you take a lot of rest time and drink lots of diet coke, you deserve it. Looking forward to all those other projects you mentioned, they sound sick!- I hope to see you around on gtlive as well (you leaving that channel is really the most painful thing lol)



I've watched you as I grew up, so it feels so wild to see you retire. Make sure to have your best days with Steph, Ollie, and Skip! You deserve to say yes to every day with them. Can't wait to see more of Team Theorist emerge from The Dungeon and grow along with them too. I'm excited! - A Ren in the corner of the internet



Goodbye Matpat.I will miss you alot. I was watching your channel since I was 4 (I'm 13 now). Its very heartbroken for me to see you go. Please, in the future, appear again in one of the the new Game Theory shows, you do not not know how much it will mean to us, for you to sit on the couch next to the new hosts of the channel.



I cannot put into words how much this channel means to me. I first started watching in 2012, during the time when Star Fox were using aileron rolls and jynx was racist. I felt the most love from matpat when GTLive first started. It was hard, but I tried to catch every stream. I really enjoyed the Mario Odyssey playthrough, since that was during my first year of uni and being away from home and general environment of college heightened my depression. Watching these streams made me feel a little less alone and less likely to do something I would regret (if you get my meaning). You have been there for my childhood and continue to be there for me now as an adult.

Thank you, matpat. I truly feel the love you exude in everything you do. I hope my small message can do the same for you.



MatPat, Thank you for the past so many years of theories and excellent content. I discovered game theory when the first FNAF theory came out, and have been watching ever since. I always looked forward to coming home and watching the videos, new and old. They taught me things, entertained, and brought a lot of joy. They helped me bond with my brother, and even encouraged me to make my own theories on games. It’s been a great run with you as the host, and while you’ll be dearly missed, I hope you have a wonderful future with your family. You deserve it.

lots of love xx



I remember the first video I ever watched of yours was the theory about Rosalina being Luigi’s daughter. And since then, I’ve been following this channel for the last nine years. It’s been a long road, and I like to think I’ve been here for a lot of things. I was touched deeply when MatPat first announced the St. Jude’s streams, even if they are no longer a thing, because I was a very sick kid myself when I was little. And it made me happy to think that kids would be getting so much support from a man such as MatPat. I’m going to miss you a lot, and it won’t be the same. But I know that all good things must come to an end someday. I’m sad to see you go, but I’ll remember all the times that your theories made me happy and taught me things, such as punnet squares and genomes. Goodbye, MatPat. And once again, thank you.



Thanks a LOT for ruining my childhood, Matpat and Live a Happy Life with Your Family I'll Miss You SO MUCH Goodbye!!!



Goodbye MatPat, and have a well deserved break!



Thanks Matpat, you were and still is such an inspiration for me, to strive to be curious and to question my surroundings and always filling my head with new information every day after school. This retirement is well deserved and I hope you are proud of what you have accomplished as you should be because you inspired many generations to come and made such an impact on our lives. The FNAF torture is over, as Henry said "It's time to rest", Goodbye Matpat.



bye bye matpat, i love your videos and i have for a LONGG time since i was about 9 anddd now im older and they still spark my curiosity everytime i watch them. thanks for EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE, good luck and best wishes. :3



Thanks matpat for being the goat. W vids.



Thank you Matpat for the best childhood, and in my opinion, your fnaf timeline is the true fnaf timeline. Thank you for being a YouTuber, and thank you for being the best fnaf YouTuber in existence. But hey, that’s just a theory, A GAME THEORY! Thank you, thank you for everything. - TravTube Official (@travtubeofficial on discord), (@travtubeofficial on YouTube)



Matpat, I look up to you so much. You care about your family, friends, coworkers/teammates, and the millions of fans that you have and have not met. You put time and effort into making content (and quality merch) for others, and i hold that in the highest respect. You even unknowingly made me what I am today. I discovered the FNAF franchise through the Game Theory channel, and that led me to become interested in my favorite hobbies, and meet some of the most important people in my life. I really owe the last 6 years of my life to you. While I will miss your constant presence on the theorist channels(your voice is comforting to listen to for some reason), i understand and respect your decision, and am happy that you chose to do what's best for you. Thank you for your dad jokes, for your controversial theories, your ridiculousness and unpredictability, your talent for acting, and the passion you put into all that you do. Thank you for everything.



I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the joy and support you have brought me over the years. You have been one of my favorite YouTubers for a long time, and your content has helped me through some tough times. I appreciate how you have encouraged me to learn and explore new topics, including math. I will never forget the valuable lessons I learned from you, and i will never forget how to use pixel measurements. Thank you so very much for all the good times you have given me



Goodbye MatPat Thank you for the great childhood you gave me (even though you were trying to ruin it) I love your videos and will forever remember all the cringe dad jokes you said but it was always funny. Good bye Dadpat We all salute



I'll never forget when I found The Game Theorists, I had just gotten done watching one of Markiplier's playthroughs of FNAF and was interested in what other peoples' theories were. I came for the theories, but stayed for the love and support this channel gives. I'll never forget the late nights I spent rewatching old theories or making some up myself. Or when I'd have a bad day at school and come home to a new video. Nothing could have prepared me for this day. Goodbye MatPat, I'll miss you. ❤️



hey matpat you have been the best tese years ive watched you when i watched your video i cried and i know many others did. your the best stay safe and enjoy your retirement. i will never forget you- Brandon



MatPat, I truly don’t think I’ll ever have enough words in me to say thank you for everything you, Steph and team theorist have done for me. I became a regular watcher of the channels back in 2020 but have been here a lot longer than that watching you and Steph on gtlive. I loved getting to laugh with the both of y’all as well as Jason and Chris and every other person who’s come behind the camera. I’ve seen the channels go through so much and to see y'all accomplishments has always made me smile. I love every channel but gtlive always has a special place in my heart I think because I was truly able to see the amazing person that you are. You and everyone else on gtlive were always able to put a smile on my face, and always made me so excited to be apart of this community. You and your channels have truly gotten me thru my hardest and best times and I don’t think I would be the person I am today without you! Goodbyes are hard but I’m so incredibly happy that you and Steph are able to take a step back and enjoy retirement because both of you deserve it so incredible much! Thank you for making my childhood and everyone else so much better just from you being apart of it! <3



Thanks for teaching me so much about how to view the world around me and think outside the box in such a fun way. You tricked me into learning all this time! How dare you!



You don’t know me, but I felt a need to express my thanks to you Mat, and Stephanie. I wanted you both to know how grateful I, and millions of others are, for creating something so special. Something that makes people happy, and gives an opportunity for people to come together and make all these amazing memories. Your videos and streams have never failed to make me laugh, even at my absolute worst. You two mean so much to all of us, and I sincerely hope that you both enjoy spending as much time together as you can! You both deserve it!

We all love you both! - moon



Hi MatPat, I just wanted to say to you: THANK YOU. Thank you for these 10 years of great videos and, most importantly, memories. Your videos gave me a lot of joy and continue to do so, including ARGs that I didn't sleep through the night because of time zones, watching Game Lab, and trying to get YouTube Premium when there was no such service in Poland yet. Your livestreams on GT LIVE, charity livestreams, videos on Film Theory, Food Theory, Style Theory and many, many great memories. I have been watching you since I was 12 years old and back then I barely understood English. You were my childhood and have always been with me in some way, even now that I'm almost 22 years old and almost out of college, I still watch you whether it's another theory about FNaF books and Faz-Goo or the dark secrets of the Companion Cube from Portal. Once again thank you ❤️



Damn it Matpat. Instead of ruining our childhoods, you became them. And that, my friends, is not just a theory.



Thank you MatPat for everything. I'm sure you have seen that a lot so I just wanna wish you the best in your future endeavours, wife and kids and more. 😭


To the longest running theorist host.. have a good one!! :D


Good bye Mat thanks for the many years of entertainment and being a pillar of my childhood, we will miss you Steve Bur- I mean MatPat.



Bye Mat! Thanks for ruining our childhood! We sincerly hope you are happy with what you continue to do and please remember that you'll always have our support, as well as the rest of the communities!! Have a good time <3



As I become an adult, the people who raised me in my early and late childhood seem to moving on, I can't and won't try to stop them, I am currently 17 I started watching near the begining at 5 or 6. So I find it fitting that as my life is about to change, and turn to something unknown and frightening, things start to become unfamiliar. Matpat, thank you for entertaining, teaching, and loving me and every single one or your subs, thank you for truely raising us, and as soon to be one adult to another good luck with what comes next, and know that you have a great some of respect from me, thank you so much.



Hey Matpat!

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and always cheering me up even if you didn't know you were. I only discovered Game theory 4 years ago but I am glad i did because Matpat is the sole reason why i LOVE fnaf to this very day. I watched one of his fnaf videos in 2020 and it made me and my best friend binge watch every fnaf theory dating all the way back to 2014 when Matpat thought the purple guy was phone guy. Matpat and Steph were my favourite youtubers then on and i always loved going back and rewatching every silly GTlive video whether it was Matpat with Steph, Matpat with MirrorMat, Matpat with Ash, Matpat with Tom etc. GTlive and Game Theory always knew how to make me laugh and smile and i am sad that Matpat is retiring but i am so happy for him. I have to say, my favourite videos were the piggy ones where matpat and ash would continuously try and try again to beat a silly roblox game. I can tell you this now that when me and my best friend watched the fnaf movie at my local cinema, the whole cinema began to buzz when you came on and you said your line. In honour of your retirement i wanted to design a piece of clothing which could be worn as merch or everyday wear. I am very excited to see the fashion show you have in plan for april and i want to finish off by saying thank you Matpat and kudos to you for everything.

(but does matpat always come back? thats a theory for another day)



I think my first ever time watching Matpat wasn't even a game theory. It was 2017, and I was scrounging around for any possible playthroughs of a game I liked. Thus I found GTLive.

Since then, I regularly watch Food Theory with my fam, infodump about Film Theory, take advice from Style Theory, and fall into little conspiracy holes with Game Theory. 2017 was seven years ago. I was a child. Matpat practically raised me, regardless of if he wanted to or not XD.

It was such a big part of my life, but I know that nothing is supposed to last forever. We'll all miss you, Mat. But we're all glad that you're taking this next step in your life.

Say hi to Steph and Ollie for me, old man GrandPat.




When I saw the video for the first time I was shocked, I'd recently gotten into a new binge of all the food theory videos for no particular reason but a new hyperfication of the month though I think I somehow knew it was coming. I cannot thank you enough for all of the work, time and effort you put into your videos and channels, every video is filled with passion and care and is one of the many reasons we all keep watching. I've been a long-time fan of your channels although a quiet one, I don't comment much or engage too much on other platforms but I cannot truly express how much your videos mean to me, they've been one of the most consistent parts of my life for so many years now and I'm ever feeling like I'm lost, an old theory video will always ground me and comfort me. Thank you. I hope you're looking forward to the future and though you'll be missed I think we're all exited to see your next steps and the future of the theorist channels, now go and enjoy your time, you've more than earned it <3


Matt, when I was younger there was a man child on the internet talking about the "physical attributes" of a video game character. I had so much fun watching your videos, now across 5 channels. I'm going to miss you very much, though I am interested in working for Theorist in the future. I wish you, Steph, and Ollie the best wishes and luck for all of your future endeavors.

~Brian M.



Hello matpat, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for keeping me company all these years, when I was alone and had no one. Thank you for all the laughs you gave me, for all the jokes and for ALL THE THEORIES. I wish I could pay you back (I will definitely buy half your merch when I have the money). I've loved your doctor who videos and I literally learned English (I'm from Italy) just for you and a few other creators. I want to carry a piece of you always with me and act as a tribute to your work, so I dedicate my watch to you. From the bottom of my heart I wish you a good life. We'll meet again, Matpat But that is just a theory, a sad theory... And cut!



I love your planning!! Mat and Steph and co did a FANTASTIC JOB!!!!! Like first with Lunar X and then the hosts (not a word of a lie thought Lee was new - never knew he has been here for 10 YEARS!!!!! THAT'S INSANE!!! 🤯). I would always ask myself "why do you keep telling us these are the creative directors - we already know this!!". I think even just for a split second I thought "are the creative directors going to take up a larger role???" - Never knew they were the new hosts and Mat was retiring!

Oliver has two wandaful people as parents, like he is literally so lucky. Not because you are some famous Youtubers, but because you genuinely care, you honestly want the best for him (that is literally what I see whenever you both talk about him) and I hope you have communicated that to him and I hope he receives that communication clearly.

I just want to say Steph's valentine present where she took over the channel is the only video I've actually clicked that like button on - I was like this is literally one of the nicest things ever. Steph, it was amazing!!!

OMG when Mat talked about late nights I was like - you know what, have a great retirement I don't want anyone dealing with that 😂. If that was literally the only reason for retiring (which I'm guessing it's not), I would be like cool that's fine. With that said...

HAVE A NICE RETIREMENT MAT!!! (and Steph, I assume, you already had your retirement I guess when you left GTLive but hey, I hope your "retirement" (????) has been good so far and continues to be awesome) 💚❤💛💙



I was there when you made it and now I am here when you leave. All I can say is thank you, thank you for all the theories of FNAF, Undertale or anything that comes out. Whether it is from a Godzilla analog horror to when I first watched you live of GTlive playing Mr Hopps Playhouse. Thank you and have a good life with Stephanie and Oliver.



You and Stephanie created something that provided dozens of jobs. Here is a list of things Game Theory was with me through; when I flunked algebra and was suffering from depression, trying to understand romantic relationships, my first dog dying, my second dog dying, my stepfather leaving the family when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in the hospital, a school play that didn't go well, graduating from high school, getting into Community College, my grandfather dying, graduating from community college with my AA, wanting to quit college, getting my bachelors degree, getting assaulted, navigating the trauma of my assault, COVID-19 getting and my Master's degree finally figuring out how to drive and get a job at the age of 27. This channel was with me to escape and have something fun to talk to my friends about as I navigated life. Now I'm finally starting work as a crisis counselor.

Goodbye Matthew and Stephanie.

Thank you



Matpat was one of the many legends of youtube And like most legends he was great.

Au revoir. Mattrick Patthew



Thank you for all the good memories MatPat! I remember watching you since elementary (I'm a high school senior now) so that means 6 whole years of theorizing with you! You were a big inspiration when it comes with introducing me to science, math, and puzzles. I won't forget all of the joy you brought to me with your whacky theories into my childhood. Thank you.



Over the years you inspired me and showed me that games can have secrets behind the closets and have purpose to play them again and making stuff with it. I loved watching you with my friends and theorizing and was always hype when your newest theorie dropped. Over the years I was that much motivated to even started been a Showrunner/Storyteller/Scripter and start writting my own stories like Kids Zone what I was taking big inspiration and was trying making secret stories and more like you love to decoding XD. From horror to adventure stories, you was my big inspiration. Enjoy your free time well with Stephanie and your son too. I am already excited what you would be cooking behind the screen and cant wait what it will bring. I dunno what to type more so only thing what I can end this is saying..... Cya- on flipside. 💚



Good bye matpat I always watched your videos in school when I was bored and once I got home I would watch them for hours. Hope you enjoy whatever you do after game theory



you were incredible, so many amazing videos

such a shame food and style theory didnt get that many videos



A few years ago I had a nasty operation that left me bedbound for over a month. During that time, your videos were a massive source of joy for me, during a time when I didn't get to go out or see many friends. Your videos, as well as yours and Stephanie's live streams kept me sane during that time. I have been a part of the theorist family ever since. A clap and a half for everything you have done for all of us. Thank you MatPat, and so long!


this is going to seem sappy and dumb, but it's all true.

hi, my name is valeria, but i go by sertraline and cyanide online. matpat, you have honestly saved my life. there have been so many nights where i was contemplating committing suicide, but haven't because a new game theory, GTLive episode, etc, etc, dropped that i just HAD to watch. i honestly saw you as like an internet father, like some people do to Ph1LzA. you and your theories were such a comfort for me, and i am so glad you made the decision to make all the channels and it honestly hurts to see you go. i cried for days on end, and still do when i remember that eventually, this will be over. maybe it sounds kinda parasocial, but you really mean a lot to me. being able to see you, and the channels, grow has been a delight. you, steph, and the team are funny, and it always makes my day/night when you upload. if it means anything, you have my best wishes.

stay safe,




Goodbye Matpat you were always powering and ruining my childhood!



Matpat, I've been watching your videos since I was about 9 years old or so (I am now 18, almost 19), and I still love watching your videos while drawing or just relaxing. Years ago, I loved coming home from school and watching your videos; now I love coming home from uni and watching your videos. English is not my first language, and I learnt it mostly through gaming and Youtube, and I'd say your videos are a big part of why I am now pretty fluent in English, as your videos were part of what kept me interested in learning to understand and speak it, and of course also were a big source of my knowledge of the language. I also have been introduced or at least stayed interested in a lot of my favourite video games, such as Bendy and the Ink Machine, FNaF, and many others, at least partially because of your videos. You also kept me interested in many science topics and taught me incredibly many things through your videos. I also have been introduced to many fascinating web series through your reactions on GTLive and your Film Theories, such as the Mandela Catalogue. Your videos also kept me motivated and helped me get through some tough times. You have always been a staple of the internet to me, so your announcement that you'd retire surprised me a lot, and it's difficult for me to imagine Youtube without you. Regardless, I think you deserve to retire after how much you have done for the internet, and to spend more time with your family, and I wish you only the best going forward. Thank you for creating content, teaching us so many interesting things, and giving me a great childhood, and generally for everything you've done for the Internet.



MatPat has been a big inspiration for me. Teaching me real science that has helped me in real life. Easily my favourite youtuber. Enjoy your retirement!



Hope this meets you well. I have been watching you for 10 years now. Time flies. You have remained a constant in my life all these years… through all the hardships. English is not my first language so I actually got better by watching your videos. They say when you are young you learn the most… and so your earlier theories remain indebted in my head eg. Peach is dead, and Sans is Ness… I’m so happy to see your retirement is of your own choice. Thank you for bringing the FNAF franchise to my attention. Thank you for coming up with all these crazy theories. When you mentioned wanting to make a difference in this world - I’m sure you already know that you have succeeded. I will never forget those late nights I spent rewatching my favourite theories - got me through quarantine, boarding school and so much more. It’s crazy to see how much the channels have grown. What you, Stephanie and the team provided for me I will cherish, these past 10 years, basically half of my life (turning 20 next month), I will hold it close to my heart. It’s crazy to say you have been watching the same Content Creator for a decade, but it does not seem so farfetched when it comes to your channel. Thank you Matpat, Stephanie and the GT team for being a part of my childhood. I’m so excited for the new hosts because I have already really enjoyed their presence and wanted to see more of them… it is bittersweet that my wish has been granted in this manner. I will continue to follow the channels and give the hosts the welcome they deserve. I hope you enjoy your retirement Matpat, I hope you get to spend more time with your son and family. You deserve rest after pumping out high quality videos every week for us to watch. Should I miss your narrating, I can simply rewatch the catalogue of theories that span the 4 channels. Looking forward to LORE-fi and last but not least. I still await the day you get invited to Hot Ones (come on Sean)



Dear MatPat. Thank you for the years of education through play and fun. My parents were always concerned with how much youtube I watched, until I taught them Punnet squares and DNA splicing before I was in highschool. Your videos always brought a smile to my face and changed my outlook on so much. The first one I ever watched were the Rosalina series and the Mario is mental ones, amongst so many minecraft ones too. On my 16th birthday, I got given the first run of the GT hoodies, that I still wear to this day. You defined my gaming life and introduced me to so much. I just wish I got the chance to go to your meet and greets and see the person that changed so many lives.

Take care, and we wish you all the best. We’ll miss you so much!



I can't remember the first time I watched a Game Theory video. All I know is that I walked in on a sibling watching. It became a household name next to CaptainSparklez, one of the few channels where we would all huddle on the couch and watch together. They were there for the lore, and I was there... well, because they were. The truth is I never really understood the theories back then. I was just there to laugh with them. Time went on, and I eventually forgot about the channels- well, not forgot, but they drifted into obscurity as my siblings found new interests. It wasn't the same without them, watching a cutout ramble about things I didn't quite understand, so I stopped watching. One day I was scrolling on YouTube, and a Game Theory video came up. Didn't I use to watch this guy? So I clicked. Ended up watching the entire FNAF playlist in the next week, and man, it hits different when you understand what the cutout is saying! I finally understood why my siblings were so into the channel. Subscribed to all the channels and watched every new video since. I got to be there for a few milestones- the Style Theory launch, the FNAF Movie cameo, the Stupendium music video- and then "Goodbye Internet" attacked. I felt bitter in a way. Even though I could technically say I was there in the early days, it would feel dishonest to say that. Back then I was just there because my siblings liked it. Well, even though I don't have as big a claim as many other people, I'm just glad I'm here for the end. There's a silver lining to all of this: I have years of missed videos to watch! And each time I watch one, I'm reminded of the time I spent huddled in a blanket with my siblings, which is awesome. So... Thanks, MatPat, for those fun times on the couch (Even if I didn't know what was happening). :>



Hey Matpat, I watched you for a long time now, the FNaF and Pokemon theories I loved the most, I loved the videos and stopped coming for some fnaf lore, but for Matpat himself. Sad to see you're quitting, but I fully respect the decision, truly deserved to retire after giving a 100% from yourself and smashing theories for over a decade now. Hope to still hear from you and thank you for all the entertainment you've gave us over the years. Wish ya the best <3



Thank you for so much joy and entertainment you have created over the years. Your channels was quite literally part of my young teen high school years, all the way post college and even during my early careers in the workforce. My most memorable moments were staying up late at night all the way from the UK watching GTLive since the beginning and seeing a side to you and Steph that wasn't shown on the main channel.

It makes me really proud and happy to see your journey on YouTube. All the way from 15k subscribers to 100k, 500k, 1 million and way over that now across multiple channels. To be able to build a team to sustain 4 different channels is phenomenal. I am glad that I was a subscriber and viewer to have been part of this journey as well. Even after the final theory, I will still cheer on the team to carry on the channels. Once again, thank you so much for not just the scripted content, but you, Steph and team theorist for building this up together.



Honestly so sad to see such an incredible, passionate creator go, but you deserve it, matpat! Your videos are the reason I even joined the fnaf fandom and thanks to you, I’m now in such an awesome community. Hope you have an amazing, restful retirement. The internet will very much miss you!


i think i started watching matpat in 2020. i dont remeber the first video i watched but im sorry to hear that. goodbye Matpat, Ness. :green_heart: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart: :heart: :green_square: :regional_indicator_g: :regional_indicator_o: :regional_indicator_o: :regional_indicator_d: :b: :regional_indicator_y: :regional_indicator_e: :green_square:



Bye MatPat. You were my favourite childhood youtuber and I just wanna say goodbye and thanksmate for everything



I only started watching a couple of years ago. my only regret is I wish I had started earlier.



Thanks for Everything you did!



Even though I only started watching MatPat's videos in late 2022, he still has been one of the most influential content creators, and he has made me realize that you can theorize about almost anything, Goodbye Mat, The theory channels won't be the same without you.



Goodbye Matpat, you've helped me get through alot throughout my childhood, and its sad to see you go. Have a good time with your family, and we all hope to see you soon. - sans2



Goodbye matpat, we will miss you. i really liked the fnaf theorys, to be honest, anything. thank you.



Thanks for the FNAF stuff, really took up a good chunk of my time when I was younger haha, wishing you the best!



Matpat made mine and so many other's childhoods, and just to make this short, I hope you have a great time with your family. The internet will miss you, and so will I.



Good Bye old friend. . . Ik i am Just a User but Look for all the Users (includeing me) you oppend our eyes for sience and don't forget the LOREEEEE behind the Games but still think you for the gfff theory (Game/Film/food and Fashion theory) Good luck . . .



I don’t think I would’ve discovered my favorite games and said my favorite things without you matpat, so long partner



I found this channel 4-5 years ago… and I loved every bit of MatPat content… I think everyone will agree it’s extremely and I mean extremely sad to see him go! But hey… as the man himself says… But hey that’s just a theory, a g-game theory…! Thank you… thank you for watching! We will miss you! You started making videos the year I was born… so you will always have a special place in my heart… the centrepiece of my heart is The Theory Channels…



MatPat, thank you both so much for the time and effort you've put into all of your channels from the very beginning. Thank you for trying to make a Legend of Zelda healing potion, for presenting a fix to the Zelda timeline for BotW by including Hyrule Warriors (that I have added to my own headcanon), and for introducing me to the lore of many other games and shows I ended up really enjoying. Thank you for spending the time to play games both on and off stream and engaging with the chat, which helped keep me company when I really needed it. I'm going to miss seeing you, but I'm glad to know that you're getting a well-earned retirement from an extremely busy schedule, and I hope that from now on you'll have the time to enjoy everything to the fullest.



Goodbye Matpat I will miss watching your videos. I think my first video was the one where you said Rosalina was Peach’s daughter and i was like 5 or 6 years old when i watched it. I watched your videos all the time and i remember when there was a portal theory that i think was about the boots (sorry i haven’t really played portal so i dont know what they are called) it had some other guy that wasnt you so i didn’t watch it. After my dad died i would watch you all the time and you became like a second father to me. I’ll miss you Matpat and goodbye stay safe dude. And guys dont cry cause its over smile cause it happened.

-From yours truly, PikaQuin



Loved ya content since I was a kid matpat. Loved all your arg videos especially the walten files ones. You've earned Ur break mattpatt goodbye.



uhhh everyones doing these long paragraphs im just gonna say that matpat is very cool and funni and i watch him for long time so bye bye (i dont cri because 😭😭😭❌❌ i am cool 😎😎🤯🤯🤯) wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭



Matpat, I first found the theorist channels when I was 12. It was a really difficult period in my life, but having the channels (and especially GTLive) gave me the ability to keep going. I remember being just as stunned as you and everyone else about the Sister Location troll or Stephanie’s truly spectacular nugget voice. Now, I’m about to be 21 and, while I am going to miss you, I’m excited for the new chapter in both our lives. I hope you enjoy your retirement and that you know just how many lives you have made an impact on.



Thank you Matpat for being a beacon of light within Youtube. I only started watching you over the past year, but I immediately loved your videos, and I’m very sad to see you go. Hope you get to spend the time you want with Steph and Ollie!



Matpat, I don't think you even realize the impact you've made on everyone's life. You got so many people (including myself) into theorizing and trying to find hidden details in games. Chances are that people aren't just doing this because it's a hobby of theirs-

They want to be like you, MatPat.

You are a role model to so many people and I hope you realize that the internet will never be the same without you. You've inspired me and so many others to make YouTube series in hopes of you even seeing one of them. I really did appreciate the time we spent together as a 'theorist family', if you will.

I'm happy you're leaving on your own terms.

Good bye, MatPat



THANK YOU MATPAT!!!! I have watched your videos for over 8 years now and you have become part of my everyday life. It is sad to see you go but you deserve it.



Thank you for everything Matpat! I've been watching you ever since 2018 and I can say that you were truly one of a kind. You were the reason I got into FNAF and it is now one of my favorite franchises. Your theories always filled me with joy, laughter and I learned things that I never knew. It also introduced me to new fandoms that I'm currently a part of. I'll miss seeing you everyweek, but I hope you enjoy your retirement with your family, you definitely deserve it! ❤️


Matpat, you raised me. you helped me through my life and i'm so glad i grew up with you. this isn't selfish. this is for you and its gonna make you happy and its better for you. you were there for me when i was at my worst whether you know it or not, now i want to support you through something. i'm happy for you. can you at least visit every once in a while? you are my hero and will be forever. all 18.3 million of your kids will miss you, me included. thank you for everything. 💕💕❤❤



Goodbye matpat, We will miss you. You are a wonderful person. We all love you and will miss you.

Happy Retirement!!!



Thank you, Mat for running my childhood until the very end. Thanks for being the best YouTuber that I ever watched. From your Mario theories to your Zelda theories, almost all of them were amazing and entertaining. I wouldn't be the knowledge-hungry person I am today without your videos, so thanks for the memories.



Matpat and steph, you guys saved my life. Through every horrible day you guys were there and made it better. Thank you so so much. I hope that you have a great life, both of you. 🫶



Goodbye MatPat! Having watched the channels for the past ten years, it felt like you raised me over the past ten years. Through every stage of my life you and your videos were there and I’m really thankful for that.



It hurts me a lot to see him go, especially after all that he has done for many fandoms and many people. I can’t remember when I started watching him, or when I grew so attached. I was probably very young, watching film theory videos about various things. He has played a big part in my life, as well as for many other people. I cannot convince him to stay, I know that and I respect his choice to quit. All I can do is wish him a happy life with his family and all the best for them in the future. I’ve never been good with words, or with my own emotions, so sorry if this is a bit half-baked. Best wishes and…goodbye, MatPat.



Matpat and Steph. Thank you for saving my life. I found you in one of my darkness days. I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 15. This threw my life into a tailspin, and it was your channel Game theory that helped me see there was more people out there like me. People who no matter who you were or what you loved doing there was a community there to help. For the first year I watched whatever was uploaded. Now I just binge old episodes whenever new ones come out. My younger brother and I got closer because of your Mario theories. My favorite part of the channel was Ronnie's digressing and sidequesting. It was my go to after school or on days I had to visit the hospital for testing. It helped so much with my anxiety whenever I had to do tests or see a special doctor. I fall to the floor and broke all over again when Ronnie left the way I almost did. Your mental health stream that year seriously helped me see it was okay to struggle and have bad days but that there was a community that had people like me inside it. Because of that I can say my son is growing up chillin on the couch with you, ash and I watching gtlives(even though they're not live ) Steph, thank you for being a fellow stem woman and mom. I dont think i would have enjoyed science and math more if it wasnt for you. As a new mom it was a lot of things you did for the channel that has helped me a lot. Sleepless nights I would watch old videos of gt lives and whenever you took over for mat when he was sick, it helped when I needed comfort knowing that it was okay to be a nerdy mom and still have a passion for the stems. MatPat Thank you so much for being the Nerd and cool older brother I needed when I felt so alone in my own little world. I appreciate you and Stephanie for showing me a world I'd almost never found. I wish you all the best of luck with your new adventures. Thank you for a wonderful 11 years with me. Thank you for everything. But hey that's just a theory, a game theory. :) Warrior



Thank you, MatPat, for combining both education and gaming into a form of entertainment that has been a part of my life for many years. While the theories made a huge impact of my life, it was really the livestreams and on-the-couch videos that helped me the most during my lowest. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I probably wouldn't be here today if not for Game Theory and GTLive. I wish all the best to MatPat and Steph, thank you.



MatPat, you are easily one of the greatest YouTubers of our time. I am so happy to have experienced you and your channel for all these years. You have truly left a mark on the platform and I hope you find happiness and pride in your future endeavors. "But, hey, that's just a theory... a GAME THEORY! Thank you... thank you for watching..." - MatPat, 2024



When I heard about MatPat leaving, saying that I was shocked is an understatement. I was truly saddened by this. Matthew has always reminded me of that one cheery uncle that you always wish you had and seeing him leave so suddenly…it’s just heartbreaking. I’m happy to share these last, wholesome moments with him. Good luck MattPatt..and as always, thats just a Theory…a game theory.



Goodbye Matpat all the years of joy and theories you brought us will never be forgotten we all love you and hope that your well earned vacation is worth it. But you know as they all say IT'S JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY Bye bye



It’s funny that the channel that jokingly “ruins your childhood” was the literal foundation, if not the earth’s crust that so many were forged! We all know it’s not goodbye forever, but it sure feels like it. And before I end up crying I just want to say, everyone here just wants you to know that we will do our best to remember you and your legacy until the heat death of the universe, or inter dimensional black hole caused by a rogue warp engine…which ever you fancy.

But hey, that’s just a theory.



Matthew and Stephanie, Thank you guys for so many great memories, it's crazy how important you really are guys in my life, because I watched this channel half of my life! I will miss your awesome theories, The Witty Banter - discussions , funny & cute moments, mysteries and your confidence, Matthew, It was very sad when I saw that you're retiring and I really gonna miss you, really a lot, but you will be always in my heart! just like Stephanie<33 I love you guys, and I'm proud that you made this hard decision, Thank you once again, and I hope for you guys - all the best! Make sure to rest and spend a great time with your family<3 Goodbye MatPat and Steph! Stay awesome;)



Goodbye matpat!! We will miss you so much!our matpat is saying hello myself take care of the kiddo!

We hope you can come back sometime..maybe When we watch you we forget everything that was happening in our life tbh you help us thought hard time!(and helped us sleep as well) we hope to see you soon!



Good bye Matpat! and thanks for everything.



My name’s Moxxie/ReMockz, been a fan of the game theorists ever since 2015 and haven’t stopped being a fan since Matpat has brought me enormous amounts of entertainment, bonding and light throughout the years The content I enjoyed the most came from you, and I dream to one day do the same thing you did It’s really upsetting to see you stop hosting, but I’m just as excited to see how the others will do in your place for I’ve grown an attachment to them over the years of their appearances on the channel But Mat YOUR iconic hosting will definitely be missed, you’ve had an impact on my childhood and teenhood and it was definitely not ruining it But that’s just a theory, a GOODBYE Theory. Thank you MatPat.



I can’t remember when I first watched the Game Theory videos, it was there all those years ago in my childhood. But I do know that whenever a new episode was released, I wanted to watch it ASAP - even though I don’t know which game the theory is about, the theories were always fascinating to watch! It even made me make my own theories on games. And with the addition of Film, Food, and Style Theories coming, I had many videos looking forward to watch every week. I’m sad MatPat is retiring, but I am happy I was in the Theorists’ journey. It may not be much, but to the man who raised all of us to have fun learning and theorizing, I give MatPat with the ‘Best Theorist Award’ (in the Image URL). Thank you for everything MatPat, and good bye 💚❤️💛💙



Wow I never thought this day will come, I started watching MatPat around 2019 and became a huge fan especially ARG games. But for real, this 5 years are weird to me, since Gen Alpha just started to haunt us. But MatPat is like one of the youtubers i constantly watch over the weeks. When MatPat announced his retirement, I was slightly confused, I am going to school when I got a YouTube notification, I quickly watch the videos, read the comments and go to Twitter (I ain't going to call that X) to read all of MatPat and his family praise message. After MatPat retirement, I hope his family are able to enjoy their life forever and not thinking about myths or lore. This will be my farewell message to Matthew Patrick. This message was written on 22/1/2024 (MYT)



I remember the first time I watched a game theory video, and just thinking where does this guy(matpat) get it from. And from that point on I got hooked on all the theory channels, my childhood probably got ruined in the process but that's what it is. A big thanks to matpat for changing my view on video game forever.



I just wanted to say, thank you so much Mat, your videos have always put a smile on my face when I needed it. I may have only joined your wonderful community back in 2021, but since then your videos and content, from lore breakdowns to exploring science, math and logic, have always been there for me. You have always been there for me MatPat. Us Theorists will always love and be there for you, so, adios. Goodbye Matpat.


Thank you Matthew Patthew for an amazing time! I don't remember the first vid I caught of yours, which should say something about how long I've been...just a HUGE fan.

May you have the best life away from all the theories, and with your little theory family!



I watched Matpat as a young child and then stopped for a few years. So when I stumbled upon a video of his, I remembered him and was very excited to have rediscovered this amazing YouTuber. I can proudly say now that his videos have shaped my life in my interest in FNaF to one of the reasons why I am pursuing a STEM career. So I want to say one final thank you to Matpat for all he has given me and so many others. Thank you.



Thank you for everything matpat! We share the same first name! I hope you have a great time with whatever you do after game theory!



Hey Matpat. I just want to say that it has been a pleasure to watch and understand the plethora of theories you've made in the past 12 years, and I'll never forget all the fun times there have been. I hope you do enjoy retirement since you've clearly earned it. I think that the work you've done on youtube as a platform will never be forgotten. " But hey that's just a theory. " Thank you for everything, and goodbye.


Hello from France, MatPat. I've always enjoyed your videos. Even if some theories were a bit out there, I usually found them interesting, and if I didn't, you usually knew how to make your videos enjoyable. It'll be sad to not hear your iconic voice in the Theorists's videos, but hopefully, the future voices will become as iconic as yours. Goodbye MatPat. That was just a career. Your career.



Goodbye matpat, I’ll miss watching your fnaf theories and streams and Ddlc stuff. You have a place in my heart and you always will. I love you forever <333


Goodbye Matpat!! Thank you for everything. :)



Hey MatPat! I've been watching you as far as I can remember being on YouTube. As you said you've spent a third of your life doing this, well I've spent at least a third of mine watching you do it. Basically what I'm trying to say is thank you for being such a huge part of my life and helping me grow my theorist mind.



Hello! All I just want to say is thank you for being a part of my childhood for over 9 years now. The theory channels honestly helped me think of things in different perspectives and they helped me through my high school years and hey, I learned some new things because of the ARGs, haha! What an absolute blast things have become. We'll miss you, MatPat. And once again, thank you.



Thank you for everything, Matpat! You've been a huge part of my childhood, and I'm sure many others can agree on that. Whilst it's saddening to see you leave, I wish you the best of luck with the future! Goodbye, Matpat ❤️



Goodbye my internet father. We will miss you.



I like the way you put it in your goodbye video. You’ll become a granddadpat and you know what maybe this isn’t goodbye but maybe it’s see you later. So in conclusion I guess I’ll see you around Granddad.(but that’s just a theory a game theory)



thank you matpat all the best for you in the future



Bye Matpat, I'll never forget the times when you burst down the wall with a flamethrower, when you made me have nightmares as a child, etc. I'll miss not hearing you say "That's just a theory!"



Hi Matpat! I just wanted to thank you for all these hundreds of theories that accompanied me through my teenage years. Your videos were my first English content ever and I like to believe that it helped me quite a lot regarding my language skills. I cannot thank you enough for what you made, as millions of us feel grateful for the sacrifices you made and the videos you created along the way, I've seen your content evolve throughout the 2010s and I'm really proud of where you and your channels stand today, as you probably are too! It's been a wild ride, really.

So yeah, for the last time ever, goodbye!



It's been a damn good run Mat. We'll see you on the flipside. o7



Thank you so much matpat,the amount of effort you put into the community is astonishing and the video never fail to make us think but also smile ,youve been such a large influence in my life for so long,again thanks for all you've done and enjoy your time with your family



Thank you for everything you've done. I found you through Five Nights at Freddy's back when it all began. Due to this, I was able to watch both your channels and the franchise grow and it has been amazing. Watching your videos have been insanely comforting and relaxing as I would look forward to another theory about a series I'd be passionate about. I've been able to talk to people and connect with them because of these videos. My best friend is one of them. She has told me that she has seen every video. This shocked me. She's a long time, avid fan as well. So thank you. Thank you so much for making my childhood memorable and for allowing me to connect with others. Also, the Unus Annus references were amazingly added to the goodbye video. Just as that series ended to remember that everything comes to an end, I'm glad that you also gave us time to know that the end was near. I hope you enjoy time with your family and enjoy life. I hope to see you in some of the videos in the future as you've said would happen. Above all, we shall miss you and we all love you. Thank you. <3

A Fellow Nerd


Goodbye MatPat, thank you so so much for being there for me when I needed something fun, interesting and genuinly educational. But i'll still be there watching GTLive.



Thanks for everything MatPat. I really hope you enjoy your retirement and keep doing what you love. You've inspired millions of people, and that is an amazing achievement that we will never forget.



Thank you MatPat for all the awesome, wacky, and funny theories! We will miss you! Your passion for content and sharing these cool theories and ideas on so many things is amazing, and we are so grateful, just like how you are grateful and blessed to have this wonderful platform. This wonderful platform where you can cry, laugh, joke, theorize, and discuss about all sorts of things, from gaming, to food, to film! You are the GOAT and really influenced YouTube in a big way. Take care, enjoy the deserved rest!



Goodbye, MatPat! Thanks for years of great theories. It's been pleasure procrastinating while still using parts of my brain for years. Enjoy lighter work load and, hopefully, more time with your family!


I should have drawn this before your leaving of the channels...but oh well, better late than never! Drawing it made me laugh Seriously tho Thanks for the theories Can't wait to see what else you do!!



Goodbye my no1 creator from YouTube, everyone will miss you and goodbye -Marsh2.0

Ps hope we will get a very good theorist! :)



Press F for respect.

I've been a fan since the Game Theory channel was maybe 2-4 years old. Some very interesting theories and some off the wall, but all very enjoyable.

I'm LDS and the channel was created the same year I left to serve my mission. Two years away from everyone. I found him while I was still fairly fresh from coming home and I'll treasure all the highs and lows.

A legend is leaving and I wish him and his family all the best.

Goodbye, and thank you.



We shall miss you. I haven't watched your content as long as others may have, but you have brought joy unto me and many others. Me and one of my closest friends have bonded over your videos. Goodbye, and hopefully we'll see you in other works!



MatPat you are amazing!! One of the most clever people that I ever seen... I'm pretty sure that you're gonna miss me... But hey I have a memory of you: you change me in a better way (yes your ARG too..) but hey... That's just a theory: A GAME THEORY thanks for reading... And thanks for what you have created: a world with smarter people than before



Goodbye, Matpat. It will be weird watching a game/film/food/style theory video without hearing you going HELLO INTERNET WELCOME TO ____ THEORY. Toodaloo matthew patthew



Hi matpat You probably won't see this comment out of the millions made but I just want you to know that you are awesome. I was a bit late to the theorist train as I discovered you in the pandemic in 2020 when I was 11 and loved you ever since. Every week I would eagerly wait for one of ur channels to upload. You helped me out of some dark times man. I'm probably still alive cuz of you. It hurts me to see you go but you deserve rest my guy. I made a tribute to you on YT here it is:

I'm 14 now (turning 15 in a few months) and I just wanna say thank you. You may say that you have ruined childhoods but you sure as hell made mine So long legend..



Goodbye, I didn't watch since my childhood but every time after I discovered your channel i watched your videos every day.



I love you matpat have a great time



12 year strong. Will miss you buddy.



Game Theory was one of the first channels on YouTube that I found myself actively watching. The lore videos are my favourites, they made me want to delve deeper into the stories that games had to find. It made me start writing my own theories out which led to me writing my own stories. Now I can look back on many of my old writing projects and see the influence that Game Theory had on them; specifically the flow of the writing and certain plot points. I still love going back to the old videos just for the memories that come with them. Matpat, I don’t know if you’ll see my comment but you were quite the inspiration for me and made me want to pursue my own storytelling skills. I will miss seeing you around but I’m glad that you were there to bring together this community and inspire us. I wish you all the best in future endeavours and with your family. -Terra



Even if I haven't been watching you since childhood, your videos inspired me to enter fandoms and communities and allowed me to be who I am today, thank you for that. You've inspired me to do things I wouldn't have imagined doing in the past. Good luck, Matpat.



It's sad to see you go, Mat, but you deserve a nice vacation. Goodbye, Matpat – it has been a great ride.



Hey mat, Steph and the whole theory team/ community i started watching game theory 8 years ago and i got to say watching matpat career slowly develop into what it is today was amazing he has help so many people not just with charity steams and stuff like that but by just making theories for instance the first theory I watched of his was the Rosalina is peach’s daughter/peach is dead and I had just entered year 7 where in Australia is where we are meant to learn about punit squares(i can’t spell) and I blow my teacher’s mind when I walked into the class already knowing everything thanks to the one game theory video so I just wanted to say thank you for making entertainment educationally it does really help and to thank him I did make something at post it on the reddit so hopefully mat will see it



Heya MatPat and Steph, i'll be honest i discovered you only two years ago but honestly your energy ,motivation and joy made me and my best bud really happy.

Thank you so much for me for him and for the incredible advancement you made possible in the world of content you motivated a lot of incredible people to start and i think that you motivated me too (who knows maybe i'll help solve FNAF someday)

I will be watching the channels as long as they lives because i like them as much as ya too and the team, two years wasn't a lot but was enough to convince me of who has the best team theorist and that i'll grow with them in the future

Bye and have a nice visit of free time(in my opinion there's a lot of good views there i promise but hey that's just a theory :)



Goodbye, Mat-Pat!

Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for ruining my childhood, and thank you for being a rather large part of it.

When I first started watching the FNAF theories, I was pretty young, and I was TERRIFIED of the animatronics (especially chica), your videos allowed me to enjoy the franchise without all the jump-scares.

I’ve always wanted to be part of team theorist, and this is a long shot, but if you ever need a blender nerd who “programs” then, well…

Thank you, Mat-Pat, for all the memories, and may you simultaneously whip and nae-nae into the sunset for as long as you need.



Apologies in advance this is probably gonna be pretty long.

Dear Matt and Steph,

I have watched you since episode 2 of game theory (Mario pipes) and I have never stopped watching since then. You have inspired me to take risks in life and push myself out of my comfort zone, you have introduced me to so many new and exciting things that I probably never would have bothered with if not for you. You introduced me to anime, and still to this day My Hero Academia is my favorite anime (I'm sorry but it was my first) but I never would have watched it if you hadn't peaked my interest with your episodes on it. Now, thanks to that introduction I'm nearing the end of One Piece. So many things that I see as a huge part of me started with you guys.

Then the unthinkable happened and I got sick with Aplastic Anemia. It was terrifying, and I struggled with a lot, but I had you (and all the cool stuff you had introduced me too). Through watching you I was able to laugh when everything sucked. Then you partnered with St. Jude and you showed me just how strong laughter and fun is in the face of the unthinkable. I started to enjoy my time in the hospital, and I made it a point to make the people around me laugh. All of a sudden this terrifying place was a place that I enjoyed. I got to make my nurses and doctors happy after they lost a patient because of this mentality and I will forever be proud of that, but at my core I was able to smile because I had your videos to watch and to help me continue to see that there's more out there.

I got better, went to highschool, got sick again, had chemo and a bone marrow transplant and got better again. Then after graduating from highschool the unimaginable happened and I got to meet you thanks to Make a Wish. Now, I always knew that I wanted to do something that would make people happy, but until meeting you I didn't have a solid idea what that was. I had plans for a cartoon but I was struggling. Then I met Matt and I instantly understood that I wanted to be able to do what you did for me for others. Just like that a fire was lit under me that remains to this day. You helped to show me yet again the power joy can have and I strive to make stories that you and everyone in this community will enjoy and be able to theorize over. Thank you. I will never forget when you passed me while racing go-karts you did the Luigi death stare.

Now you are retiring and I couldn't be more sappy (that's sad and happy) about it. I am so happy for you both to finally be able to relax and I'm so glad that your doing what's best for yourselves, but of course I'll miss you both so much. I'm excited to see what you'll do moving forward and I hope that someday in the future I'll be lucky enough to count myself as someone who was able to do the kind of amazing things that you and all of team theorist have done. Thank you for everything. The world is just that much better thanks to you both. Enjoy your lives, I doubt I'm the only one when I say that I want the absolute best for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

All the love, a fellow theorist💖



Thank you, matpat, for the best childhood I could ask for. Thank you for being there since I was a kid, but all of us have grown, haven't we? And just like our growth stages, there is a moment it ends and we have to say, goodbye. Wherever you are, wherever you go, remember, you made all of our lives a better moment, and place, even if it was through a video. And that, is not just a theory.


I want to wish you the best, Mat. Truly, you have been such a massive part of my life. I remember the day I was shown my first theory. I was in 6th grade, eating lunch with my best friend when he showed me "is mario evil". That one video started it all. I've graduated high school, am a sophomore in college, and have a job, I go to 5 days a week. To think... of the time that has past... its mind-blowing. To think of not seeing you, or hearing your voice hurts. I won't lie there. However, I know you deserve the best in the world. From all things in life, for you, Steph, and your whole family, you deserve the best. So... Matthew... I can't stress enough how thankful I am for all you have done. Thank you for being part of my childhood. Thank you for being that voice I can come home to after a hard day and laugh. Thank you for the community you have made and the hearts you have touched. You are a staple in this wacky place called the internet, and while I know you won't be doing theories anymore, I want you to live and do what makes you happy. Thank you, Mat. Thank you so so much. I will never ever forget you and will always hold those videos, streams, and merch close to my heart. There is no theory to explain how amazing you truly are. So long friend, and safe travels. I hope to one day see you again. Love, Zathanb



Matpat, my childhood was you so it's sad to see you go. But you're a human just like us so this day would come later too if you wanted to keep going. All I got to say is the bye and thanks for making up my childhood



I’m going to miss you so much! Thank you for being a daily part of my fiancé and I’s lives for the last 8 years 😭❤️



I've been watching him for at least eight years, been watching one gtlive every night for a few months now because they're so comforting and warm. MatPat is an inspiration for me, to see someone become truly content in life through his authenticity, his genuine kindness, it gives me hope for my future. So much of who I am now is because of him. The stories I love and the ways I think, overthink, laugh. No man has impacted my life more than him.

A lot of the stories I consume come from me first discovering the things I liked because of MatPat. Thinking about pieces of media on such a deep (sometimes too deep) level was because of him. I don't think I would be the same person or if I would even be alive if it wasn't for him.

Not to get too personal but MatPat saved my life. No matter what, despite the struggles I was going through, he was always there. A kind and caring person who loved to ramble on about games, films, food, and fashion styles.

Him, Steph, and the rest of Team Theorists have changed my life for the better and they should be so proud of themselves to have changed the lives of millions of people, some they will meet, and many they might never meet. They've done the most beautiful thing that human beings can do, they gave hope, they gave love, they saved so many people.

I don't cry often but I'm not afraid to admit I sobbed with him. I'm not mad, I could never be mad. I truly and sincerely understand, he has worked so hard for a long 13 years on the platform, adapting and growing to create a beautiful thing. He has worked enough, he deserves to sit next to his friends and talk about random things without worrying that they need to be on schedule for multiple channels videos. I am truly grateful for everything he's done for so many people.

Thank you for inspiring generations of people and keeping our hope alive. I will never forget what you did for me. Change is terrifying but I know he will continue to make amazing things, ARG's, Video Games, no matter what he does. I will be there, excited to see my Grandpa-Pat. You're my hero Matthew. Thank you for everything.



Thank you, MatPat, for everything. I have been watching Game Theory for years now, and it has been an important part of my childhood and who I am today. Your silly theories have helped me through the ups and downs in my life and taught me to pay attention to the little things that might have a huge impact (like counting Freddy’s toes). You have made me love learning, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I will miss you so much, and I know that you have impacted so many lives, including mine. You deserve your break, and I’m excited for this new chapter for the channels. Thank you again <33



Goodbye matpat! You know, I think my first ever time watching you was a kirby video, kind of wished you did more... But, nonetheless, I'm Sad, but happy for your retirement! I'll miss you, and you've inspired me to want to make my own horror/adventure franchise called the inverted world! With lore probably more confusing than fnaf. So, if this is truly goodbye... Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to find a distraction from all the bad things happening right now. 2020-present just sucks. Bye mat!!!



Hey Mat, it's hard to overstate how much you've done for me and how much you mean to me. I've been watching your videos since 7 years and since then I've never missed missed a new upload because I'm guaranteed to be entertained and learn something new. You put the hunger of theorizing in me. So thanks for everything Mat, you deserve this. I'll never forget you and I love you



So long Matpat! It's just not a theory, It's your life's work :D



From the day I've watched your Theory videos, You entertained people with everything that you throw at. Even in the pandemic, you still went strong on your channel and your video quality and editing practices had been improved over the years. While you're stepping down as a main host of all of your 4 Theory Channels, I still think you can still be in the spotlight as an assistant, and also, have a nice time with your family. From the Bottom of my Heart, Thank you Matpat for all of the theories you created (P.S: My favourite theory video was Doki Doki Decoded). Goodbye and have a nice time of your rest.



I still barley understand the FNAF lore it's been like 10 years, I did learn that Wario is 8ft tall. been watching since like 2013 enjoy your retirement



Thanks for all the experiences, friend. You taught me a lot of technical nerd stuff, but also a lot of genuine life skills that I'll use for the rest of my life. I hope you enjoy life while the cameras aren't rolling!



hey matpat ! 💥 though you may not read this, i just wanted thank you so much for all the memories, happy times and laughs you've given each of your fans! namely, me. i had content creators online in place of parental figures as a youngling, so you were practically one of the building blocks to who i am today. you mean so much to us theorists and you'll always have a place in our hearts 💚🖤 i wish you and your family so many diet-coke and exotic butter-filled adventures and happy times moving forward, you absolutely deserve this vacation! love forever, markdoesarts / phone guy :) ☎💙👁‍🗨



MatPat's theories make most of my years the best, allowing me to use my imagination and intelligence to create my own theories, Now that he's leaving, it's a new beginning. But MatPat will never be replaced.

Ray Fay (RH)


hey Mat, you were, and still are, my favourite youtube channel while i was growing up. i remember those "Game Theory Marathons" i did, every weekend. i used to watch you all the time. i even made my mum watch some episodes as a "bonding time". i will miss all those FNaF theories, all my favourite video game franchise theories, i learnt about a million new games from you. i almost cried when i saw that video, not because you were retiring, but because i was reminiscent. i appreciate the journey you've been on, and i hope that you keep thriving forever in life, and never lose that charm. goodbye, MatPat.



I can’t remember when exactly I began watching MatPat and his channels, but I do know that I was 8 years old when he started on YouTube. And now I am almost 23 years old this coming March! It’s hard to pinpoint when I started watching him, but it must’ve been not that long after he began uploading his videos onto the Game Theorists channel.

I created my own Google/YouTube account in 2011, two years after he joined YouTube. I do remember some of his older videos and how much I enjoyed watching them. I started playing video games from when I was around 5 to 7 years old, and I used to not care about storylines or plot or lore or anything like that. But even as a kid I was always interested in writing my own essays, novels, and I enjoyed creative writing so much both in and outside of school!

And because of that love for stories, I became obsessed with finding out the lore of some of my favorite video games, such as Halo: CE, or any of the Mario games that were out during my childhood, or Tetris’ falling blocks, or Minecraft’s cubic and physics-defying world. And the older I got, the more mature I became and the more YouTube I watched as I grew up and went through grade after grade of school. My love of stories never disappeared and I was always hungry for more to learn about them! I loved hearing people talk about my favorite characters and the worlds they lived in, and the mysteries that surrounded them that led to many theories being made from people, including some from MatPat himself!

With that being said, for both me and for Matt himself, his biggest breakthrough was FNAF! If it wasn’t for him and Markiplier, I don’t think I would’ve even known what the games were or what they were about (because I found them very confusing back then!). It even took me a longer time to realize that the main plotline followed the deaths of 5 children in a children’s entertainment pizzeria similar to Chuck E. Cheese, a place I’ve been to many times as a child myself. As well as their ghosts who haunt the animatronics that their bodies were stuffed into. Matt’s explanations and theories for each and every FNAF game, book, and additional content helped me understand the story SO much better. And Matt made me realize that the story of the whole FNAF franchise was deeper than I thought it could be!

What I’m trying to say is this: MatPat, his wife Steph, their adorable son Oliver, and the rest of the Theorist crews did awesome work all of these years later! Even if I didn’t agree with every theory that came along, I still enjoyed watching the videos and seeing Matt pick apart the details. In a way I really did grow up alongside with the channels, and now here I am finishing college while Matt himself has a kid! It’s kind of insane how far we all have come, which makes it all the more bittersweet that Matt is finishing up and leaving soon. But he deserves it, and I want him to have more time to spend with his family! He’s been doing this for over a decade, so I think he deserves a very well earned break for a long time! 😁

Thank you for everything Matt, I’m so happy I live in this timeline where I was able to watch your videos! And I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come, and how much you have achieved. You’re an amazing person and you deserve the whole world! I will always be appreciative of the work you have done 🥹😊

I’m a little sad as March is my birth month, but it’s ok! I’m still going to watch the channels even after you leave, and I know it won’t be the same without you. But I’m really excited for the new crew members to come and host! They have big shoes to fill, but I know they’ll be able to do it as they have been for a long time now 😄

And remember, that’s just a theory, a GAME THOERY!!! 👾 Thanks for reading my post about this 😁 See you all in March!



I remember when I first found The Game Theorists and I was lured in, not because I played games, but because I liked to watch other YouTubers play games but I always noticed that they would speed past the LORE and someone else was finally getting into it. I was a child obsessed with mysteries and puzzles and hidden messages and ciphers, and I finally found my people here on the channels. Even if I never played a single installment of FNAF, you can bet I knew every single piece of that jumbled mess of lore.

I wish you the absolute best with your family. It's been so long since I was sneaking my phone past my bedtime to watch your videos. Now I'm in a top university for STEM and applying to med school soon. You've done your job, you deserve to rest and enjoy your life. There will always be those of us who will recognize you and think fondly of MatPat. I personally will keep watching the videos, even if it became your voice that I was most calmed by, that trip back to simpler times. I trust your team and I trust that this decision has been well thought out. You will not lose a fan in me. I hope you gain back peace and joy in gaming, because you of all people deserve it.


Bye man. Gonna miss having you, Steph and Skip round. (Unless he's still gonna be around?). You've shaped my childhood just as much as you've ruined it. Even if some of those theories kinda sucked, they also came alongside bangers like the Rosalina multi-parter, the 3 Jokers theory, and even the measurement of the Pokipede in Luigi's dungaroos. Gotta remember the good with the bad after all. It makes us human after all. Clap and a half man. Clap and a half. 👏✋️🤚



You were a big part of my childhood I will miss you



I understand why you must go, but it will hurt. I understand you want to give your amazing experiences with the rest of your team, and that's so sweet! Obviously it will never be the same without you, (no shade to the rest of team theorist, you all are great but this man in particular has been my childhood since I was 7, and I'm turning 16 think year.) I really want you to spend time with Ollie and Steph, and I can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll continue to do in the near future! But just know, you will be missed. Thank you, MatPat, for everything you've done for us all. You've helped me in so many ways. You always have a place in my heart, and you'll always be one of my top favorite people ever. Thank you so much ❤️



Dear MatPat, Thank you for inspiring me to involve thinking and logic in all areas. You’ve taught me many things, including how to make the perfect British tea (which thanks to you i still drink to this day), the reason Oreos are kosher is because of a family dispute, how not to eat a tree and so much more. You taught me to reason with all things in all areas, and i still catch myself saying ‘it’s just a theory, a ___ theory’ from time to time. Up until a couple of weeks ago, you were the only creator I stuck with watching every week for 10+ years straight. YOU are the creator that stuck with me and had an impact on my life. Half the random facts and roundabout reasoning i use daily is in large part thanks to you, and in that I owe you my gratitude. Thank you for all the silly jokes, serious topics, life lessons, random facts, and education that you’ve provided me for the past decade. I hope you carry your fans (read: students/disciples) with you into this next step. You’ve made such an impact on so many people’s lives, that you’ve literally changed millions of people. You kept me crazy and paranoid (in a good way) and you ‘ruining my childhood’ really MADE my childhood. Thank you for all of that, I really can’t repay you. You made me scream ‘LOOOOREEEE’ in my head every time i see the word. The word theory was forever changed from you. I wish I could give back for all the years you’ve taught me things putting yourself through stress just to make content for the community. Thanks to you I look deep into everything (which is perfect for Gemara learning so thank you), and I leave no stone unturned because you taught me to. I can literally give you credit for a large chunk of my previous and current school work. Even if I’m the only one, you changed me forever, so thank you. You are the reason I kept watching your channel for over a decade, because you made an impact. In short, thank you Matthew Patrick for all the science, math, physics (still failed the AP lol), history, literature, culture, law, LOOOREEE, theories, etc. You will always be thought of and remembered on the internet. You had an impact and made the world a better place. With best wishes ~GS



Bye mat!!



I am sad to see you go, but happy and excited for all that you Will now be free to do, I have watched your videos pretty much right from the start and what a ride it's been! Best of luck and remember, that wasn't a theory or a video, but it was a comment.. a comment for you. SEEYA!



Bye matpat thank you for everything and have a wonderful retirement



Thank you MatPat. You’ve been an absolute joy to watch whenever my down-time and inspiration allows. When you started announcing yourself as “ruining your childhood,” I was new to YouTube and was discovering the things I enjoyed. Your videos and theories helped childhood me discover various sciences and my love of stories. In the past few years, I graduated high school and quit college after a year of it. You’re one of few creators I respect and admire enough to call a “long distance” friend. After 12 years of YouTube, you absolutely deserve your vacation. We love you, dude. Thank you for helping make my and our childhood!



Thanks Matpat for filling my brain with, in my parents terms, useless information about yellow robot bunnies. Hope u have a good time- Me



Dear Matpat, thank you for everything. You were my childhood, and I will always remember you in my heart, as many others will. I wish you only the best in life, and that you might be able to solve the lore of FNAF with your new free time



Hello MatPat!

I saw your video that you are leaving Game Theory. I for one am going to miss you. I didn't watch as much Game Theory as I would have liked, but Food Theory is a channel I've loved since it first began. It's going to be odd not hearing your familiar, hyped energy in future videos, but I totally understand the need to be with family, and wanting to leave your legacy with a bang.

My friend, I have a simple question for you. If you were just starting Game Theory at your current age, what advice would you give yourself for motivation and to ensure your success in the current media environment? I ask this as a creative person myself. I am an aspiring author and visual artist seeking to leave my own legacy, and seeing the passion and energy you put into the Theory name made me feel that you are the right person to seek this advice from.

Mat, I hope you get to see your son grow up to be even more intelligent and passionate as you are even now. I wish you, Steph, Ollie, and all of the Theorist team the best to you and yours; you all have left an impression that will not be forgotten for many years to come.

God Bless my friend!


Placeholder image


Goodbye MatPat! I’ve been watching these channels for nearly a decade, and it’s sad to see my final childhood YouTuber gone. These channels have helped me through so many hard times in my life, and it’s sad to see that they won’t be the same anymore. I remember the day he posted the Bill Cipher is Alive theory. That was one of my favorite videos ever, it was just the right amount of nerdy and funny, like everything this man puts out. Farewell Matthew Patthew, and enjoy your turkey.



I first discovered MatPat through his wacky FNaF theories, almost 10 years ago, when I was 5, and seeing myself grow up with this community, it makes me feel like I'm not alone in this world, Goodbye Mathew Patrick, i hope you and your family have a good life



Hey There first of all thanks for over 1000 theories over the past 13 years I have watched you since 2016 and you gave me something to look forward to in middle school and high school you helped me out of some dark places and i thank you for that. Anyways I wish you the Happiest retirement and you having the best life with steph and Ollie



to matpat & the game theory channel

goodbye matpat! i have been watching those videos since 14 or 15. i remember my first video was film theory, then i got more interested and watch more. the really weird part was matpat actually taught me biology and it was the genetics chapter (rosalina theory), even since, im interested in that chapter alone. usually, i will refresh the game theory channel when there was a theory video on a new game. i watch game theory because of the great editing and the great narrations (meme) of the video. the fnaf theories playlist is my favorite so far, i already binge watched the entire 67 videos in the channel. its been 13 years since you hosted game theory (and many channels), you really deserved to take a break and spend more time with your family (gonna miss you hosting game theory so much). wishing you and Steph for the best!! thank you for making a part of my childhood!! hopefully i can meet you in person in the near future!!

from jolin who lives in a southeast asia country



Thank you MatPat for everything



Hey Matt thanks for all the theories and love you gave all of us and I have been watching you since day one of the channels and I made a video so here it is.




Thank you for all that you’ve done Matpat! Your theories always made me happy and were a special part of my week. Me and the theorist community are sad to see you go but hope that you enjoy time with your family. <3



The retirement video made me so emotional. I first heard about Game Theory from a Markiplier video when he referenced "it's just a theory!" in an old compilation from 2015. (Well, I didn't know about the channel, I just knew about the line) Then, 4 1/2 years later I started watching The Game Theorists more. Along with your other channels. I've only watched your channel for three years and I've gotten so attached, even to the point where I would make a lot of "it's just a theory" references in public lol. It has been an honor to be apart of your YouTube journey.

I just want to thank you for being who you are, and for what you've done! I'm so happy for you, but I'm really sad to see you go.

One last time, It's just a theory..A GAME THEORY!!. Thank you for everything.



You have made my life the better for the good. You were the one who inspired me to know more about video games and how I should rate them. Thank you, for all the years that I had to go through, and you were there. I hope you will have a good time with your family and the respect you should be given. Even the times where I wasn’t really that into video games and getting bullied in school, I watch some of your content that you respect everyone no matter who they are. So, I kept going, because of you. Thank you, MatPat. Thank you.



Thank you for helping me through the hardest times in life. Your theories were an escape and a place to relax and learn interesting things. I'm going to miss watching you and steph messing around on gtlive. Your guys are two of my biggest heroes and I wish you all the luck in the world.


Thank you for all the years of deep thinking, theorizing and everything in between. From scary bear game theories to simply Let’s Play type videos, your (and the rest of your team’s) presence has been an absolutely incredible experience. I’m sorry to see you go, but I hope you get to have fun and enjoy your life. Goodbye MatPat.



Well, damn man. You’re really retiring. Tbh, uh, this is big, well for everyone. You’re a goddamn icon of the internet at this point really. I mean, who doesn’t know about game theory? 10 years. Lot of time. Have a nice retirement man, you deserve it.



Matpat you have been my childhood hero for years and I’m I want to thank you for making my childhood amazing. Listening to your theories was like music to my ear and I’m gonna miss that. You helped me be able not to hide the fact that I was a nerd. You helped me find friends like me so thank you. And remember that’s just a theory



Heya Mat, I think it was around 2017 when I first started watching you A few months later me and my Best Friend would too I'm pretty sure the first theory video was a Bendy and the Ink Machine Video and you were explaining about Bendy's similarity to Walt Disney in a way. Now It's 2023, and some things haven't changed. But a lot have too. I just wanted to express my Thanks to you, Steph, and the rest of the Theorist team including the wider Theorist community. So Thanks, Thanks for saying that Sans is Ness Thanks for making scared of the Newmakers Thanks for also scaring me with DHMIS Thanks for the Hundreds of FNAF theories And Thanks for helping me be who I am today, and others as well. You may not read this anytime soon. You might be on your final theory already while reading this. But I just wanted you to know that you've come very far. And now you can rest.



I remember during 2020 watching every theory that came out from every channel, and I’m sad that matpats leaving. But I’m GLaD he is passing it on to people with the same passion he had when starting the channel, and I’m looking forward to the theories to come. Goodbye matpat.



Thank you MatPat for making my childhood. You will never be forgotten by me or the astounding community you have created. Thank you.



Goodbye MatPat, I can remember the day 9 years ago when I got home from school and opened YouTube to see your first FNAF theory I had heard about FNAF so I watched it just to see what it’s about and I’ve hooked to your videos (and FNAF) ever since. Your videos have gotten me and I’m sure many others through lots of hard times and they never fail to make me smile so thank you MatPat, you will forever be the king of theorizing. O7




You’ve truly been the highlight of my childhood nothing felt better then coming home from a long day and watching a theory video. I’ve seen all of them and believe me when I say, I am really gonna miss you and I hate to see you go but I am old enough understand that though change can be tough it’s can still be necessary for a better future even if there are bitter moments along the way. Thank you for being a part of my childhood for and I hope nothing but the best for you and your family! I’ll miss you Grandpa Matpat.

Best regards,


Placeholder image


I remember when Security Breach just came out. Those were the only nights I could stay up late watching YouTube until 4 AM, then eat before starting my fast. I vividly remember watching the GTLive of Security Breach every day it came out. And I'd munch on a big bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats while watching. Even though I'm not into that cereal anymore, it and Security Breach hold a special place in my heart because of those livestreams. Help Wanted 2 also brought back these fuzzy and comforting memories. Normally I can't strain my attention for long videos, let alone a series of them, but GTlive was genuinely entertaining. Thank you MatPat for everything.




I remember for years, coming home from school and watching Game Theory, Film Theory, and GTLive, and am now also watching Food and Style Theory! My favorite channels to watch and they taught me to love learning new things (even though school was always rough). I just recently turned 18, and now I know that this year is about new beginnings. Thank you, MatPat, for being my comfort channel through rough times, encouraging me to overthink the lore of my favorite games and appreciate the little things, and everything else you and your channels have done. Enjoy your retirement, and thanks again so much for everything you've done for this amazing community you've made. I can't wait to see what the future has in store.



Thank you, Grandpat.



Bye mat, you raised me from a kid since I was 9 or so, raised me better than my own father at the time, you have resonated with the hearts of millions, we love you, and wish you the best retirement mat! We will all miss you dearly, but we will always remember you as the father of the internet, but that's just a theory, a game theory, thanks for raising us, Mat.



Matpat for the past I think 3 years I've watched all your silly theories from mario to hazbin hotel it been a pleasure to watch these videos every week and you will be missed



Matpat, I hope you enjoy all the years to come. You are my childhood and I could only hope you succeed after this. Goodbye.



So long, and thanks for all the fish! I've been a major fan ever since the Sociopath Mario theories. I'm glad you're finally going to have time to focus on your family and other personal things. You definitely deserve it. I know a lot of people are saying they're hurt by you leaving, but I'm really happy for you, and am hoping you enjoy your retirement from hosting. 👍



thank you so much for the past few years. you've taught me more than I've learned in school honestly. I'm gonna miss the matpat out of context clips, but you absolutely deserve this retirement. rest well dude



Goodbye matpat, to say this would be short would be a serious understatement.

I’d have to say I started watching your theories when I was in 4th grade (that was 2016, my mind cannot wrap around that seriously.) at first I wasn’t an avid watcher, maybe seeing a video or two every so often. But it was the sister location videos that got you on my radar. Crazy right? Sister location! I wasn’t (and am still not) a big fnaf fan, I only know the lore or the gameplay because of you and your amazing team. I was there for the undertale sans is ness, and was probably one of the few OBSESSIVE undertale fans who didn’t get angry but just sighed, and typed a constructive criticism comment (I could never cyber bully I swear, but most of the comments were appalling. Maybe you could still find the comment that 3 person photo was definitely sans papyrus and gaster like-) I was enthralled by the Disney Death count on film theory. My favorite shows growing up but deadly? Couldn’t think of anything better. I never was able to get into food theory or style theory, neither one really peaked my interests, but I subscribed anyway, and every video to cross my path that seemed interesting I watched. Meat week let’s go! Gtlive. That has always been my favorite. Even before it was gtnotlive (though I like this format better as someone who couldn’t attend the livestreams pre-covid). Something about your raw reaction to gameplay and interaction with the veiwers threw the camera was so much different, you knew how to treat an audience on a one to one scale, and the commentary between you and whoever was on the couch or behind the scenes was always phenomenal. Mirror Matt holds a special place in my heart as he faded away into the abyss, and ash has grown so much. She’s become a true character and slowly began to match your chaotic energy and it’s been an amazing escape from the every day. As I’m sure you’ve already done the mental math I’m still a minor, barely scraping into that as I’m turning 18 pretty soon. Damn glad it’s after tax season though [insert classic drum kit here]. Jokes aside, it’s ironic this is happening this year. My last year of being a child, legally. Maybe I haven’t been one for a while now but this, this is the nail in the coffin. The official end to my childhood. Could say you ruined it, huh? Maybe not ruined. You left me with a love and appreciation for learning I could not have found anywhere else, and maybe 2024 is the year of letting go. You are moving on, and you deserve to, you and Steph are raising an adorable little gremlin, and he will be better with you being able to see his achievements. You deserve that as well. A milestone in everyone’s lives, but the biggest one is for you I’m sure. Passing on the torch to four amazing people who I know will do well. It’s time for me to put that childhood wonder behind me. Or at least save it for special occasions, rewatch your videos in remembrance of the days that used to be. The new hosts won’t have the energy in your voice, they won’t have the rivalry with Scott or Disney or Chucky cheese or any other big name in the industry. They won’t invent a whole new number! Marioplex! You can google ”marioplex” and it will show up immediately. They won’t be able to make me cry as much as you did when you posted that you were leaving the internet. Make me buy merch I’ll wear on march 9th. Show my patriotism. I’m sure you’ve seen and heard it time and time again, but I’ll miss you. And we love you. that’s no theory.



Hello theorists, and goodbye MatPat... You have been such an important part of my life for the last 8, almost 9 years... From the moment I saw your Sans is Ness theory, I knew I'd be watching you for the rest of my life. And I have been, and always will be. Thank you for 13 incredible years of theories, friends, and a place to call home.



MatPat, I genuinely think that it is impossible for me to express the impact you and your community has had on my life. I’ve been a huge fan since ~2014, and you’ve sparked a love of learning and interest in science, math and history in both me and my family. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for our community, here’s to a good “retirement” and bigger things!



Thank you — for all the laughs, the awesome memories, the inspiration and encouragement to keep thinking. I discovered the game theorists at about nine years old, when I got full internet access for the first time, and since then I’ve been watching religiously. No doubt, you and Steph are some of the core reasons why I’ve kept drawing, writing, acting, developing ideas and all round creating. Whenever I’ve struggled in the past, GTlive was always there to turn to. You helped reignite my passion for imagination and lift my spirits, even if just through a screen. While I am sad that this era is coming to an end, and will miss this, I am so excited to see your new projects. Thank you for everything, and I’m wishing you all the best for the future!



I've been watching Game Theory since i was around 6 years old. I'm 17 now and I couldn't be happier for the time I've spent with this channel. Godspeed Matpat.



Bye Matthew, you'll be remembered fondly in these parts! I'd have to admit to being closer to the casual side of your following, but one memory I have to share is that the "drowned gods" probably did pique my interest in Mesopotamia (and by proxy their Persian and Abassid conquerors). Whatever the part you played, I've now found hobby-study of historical literature nicely complementary to my technical writing job, and intend to give Middle Eastern works like Shahnameh as much weight in my perusings as Greco-Roman authors like Polybius and Anna Komnena.



MATTPAT THE GOATTTTT, gunna miss you all lot love ur Fnaf content



Goodbye MatPat! You've been my go to person when I've felt sad. It's going to be tough without you gone but we all know and support it's for the best. You've made SO many memories for all of it. I've watched so many banters and even the video itself makes me smile. Thank you...



Hey Matt. Boy, you've come a long way since you started this channel. Your channels, all of them, are channels i regularly watch when i'm feeling stressed out. There's just something about your voice that's so calming. The day I never thought I'd see has come, you're officially retiring. It's been an honor having you as host, MatPat. if you ever decide to come back, even just for one video, we'll welcome you back with open arms. Goodbye MatPat, been an honor.



Hey MatPat, you're the first YouTuber that I've been watching that has "retired". Your videos have made me laugh when you say "Music Maaaaan", be intrigued when you find lore, and be angry when you miss something. Thanks for everything MatPat! ❤️



I'm starting my creator journey and hope to inspire others as you have me. Thank you for your service, your impacts go deep into internet culture. Have a great retirement as you watch the next generation of creators shine. Know that we can shine because you shined before us, igniting curiosity and passion for us to follow. I hope I can live up to your legacy Mat. o7 All your fans salute you.



Hey Matpat, as many of your viewers I have watched your videos for so many years. I first stumbled over your videos at the age of nine when you posted the first FNAF video. Watching your videos allowed me to not be afraid to dig into games and to be able to make my own theories even if some of them seemed bizarre. Thank you for allowing to find a sense of belonging in the theory community. With now my childhood closing, I am glad to have been a part of this theory family. Goodbye Matpat, I hope our paths cross once again.



I’m not going to lie when I say you are one of few reasons I survived middle school. I almost gave up. I almost did. But you, Steph, Ash, Amy, Tom, and Lee, all of you are the reason I’m still here. I’m not kidding when I say I rant about your theories so much it’s become an infamous joke in my friend group (who has no idea what I’m saying). I didn’t get to make it to many livestreams, but I’ve watched almost every GTNotLive and I quote some of your antics on a regular basis. Particularly Mirror Matt’s incident with the dust pan. The first theory I ever watched from you was Who is the True Luigi?, and I knew nothing of that game except what I’d seen my brother play, but remembering that episode prompted me to finally go play the game myself and now it’s one of my favorite games. My first FNaF theory, the one that threw me into the rabbit hole, was The Clue We Missed, the Dream Theory. Your channels have let me to see the world from an entirely different perspective, and taught me a lot of what I know. Even if you’re not here, I hope your videos can become comfort for kids now in the same way they did for me. Ruining childhoods since 2011 may have been the motto, but you WERE mine. I’ll miss you, and I hope you’re as happy, if not more, behind the scenes as you have been on camera. I can’t wait to see where the channels go, and I have faith in every one of the new channel leaders to rise to the challenge. Goodbye, MatPat!



Goodbye Matthew Patrick, I wish you well.



MatPat from the day I discovered your channel you have been nothing but and inspiration, a beacon of hope, and a loving family member. You made my childhood even better and I thank you for that, you ruined no childhood, you're a great YouTube father and you've raised your subscribers well. Every last theory you did was worth it in your huge arc, The MatPat arc.....wait till there are theories about that one hehe. I knew for a while that you couldn't stay forever and I always dreaded the day you'd leave but over time up till now I realized that all things have to come to an end in some way or another and though I cried when I saw your goodbye video and listened to every word you said, I think in the end it's worth it, you've built yourself a legacy and as a song says some legends are told some turn to dust or to won't be either, you will be remembered for centuries or even forever cause you impacted so many people in these 13 years, you showed the bright side of the Internet, you showed that there are people who can help millions through just a screen. We waited every week to watch a new theory online, we waited for you to explain to us all of the juicy lore, from FNAF to Minecraft to Undertale and so many other games, films, styles, and foods You've educated us well we will continue on and you will be remembered as the one who started it all. Some people have told me that it's silly to care so much about a person who has never spoken to you personally but I told them that their words were just a theory with no evidence backing it up. For you have changed my life so much, I know there are people like me who love to theorize, I know know better ways to theorize, better ways to find clues, and better ways to decide puzzles, and that's all thanks to you...gamings smartest show. Your channel has been around since I was 4 and even though I never got to meet you in person (I hope I can see you at a vidcon someday still) , I feel like I've known you all my life which is partly true saying I've watched you for more then half of my life. I know my spiel has gone on long enough NessMatSansPat so I shall conclude it with one final note, You'll always be an inspiration even after you've gone and That's no theory not a game, music, style, or food theory. I'm glad I got to be a small part of your journey in YouTube, remember you are loved by many MatPat and may you have an amazing future. Your fan, Sear.



Goodbye matpat! Thank you for the years of theories and childhood memories!



I started watching game theory when I was about 12 years old and I'll be 23 in ten days. For the last decade your content has made me laugh, taught me things I didn't know, and provided a kind of support that I needed, like having a friend who was always there. Many of my sleepless nights, when I felt sad and alone, were spent watching gtlive, and it made me feel less alone, and made me smile even on the worst days. There is no amount of words that can truly express how much these channels have meant to and done for me. Thank you so much for being a bright light in a dark world. You will be missed ♥️



I’ve watched you since I was about 6. The first video I watched from you was your first FNaF video, and that’s what mainly got me into horror. Thank you so much for all the wonderful years of theorising, enjoy your retirement. You’ve well earned it.



Goodbye, MatPat! Thanks for making my childhood when I was just a little child and I sat on my iPad watching ur videos thank you thank you for being there when nobody was entertainment worthy cause i was picky well goodbye matpat



Thanks you for the good time! -Love 4FingerStudios



Matpat, you’ve helped me and a lot of others grow and make it through tough patches in life through your videos. I cannot thank you enough for how you’ve helped me grow since I was a kid, thank you for everything you’ve done!



Thank you matpat, for the last 4 or so years Ive been watching your channel. I watched your videos whenever I got anxious and they calmed me down, I will be sad to see you go, but I am glad you will be able to spend more time with Ollie! Say hi to that special little man for me! With Love and Sorrow, Lena



goodbye and thank you for all the years of theorizing. You made an impact on so many people's lives (as the rest comments here can tell you) you have inspired so many people to do what they love. but who cares about that? go live your own life! now that you have more time to spend with your wife, friends, and kid. spending time with the people you love is more important than anything online. Have fun!



Goodbye, MatPat. You were the best of the best. I'll never forget you.



Goodbye Mattpat. Like many others here I have been watching you for YEARS. Since the very beginning. I'll never forget the sleepless night I stumbled upon your assassin's creed video talking about if you could scientifically survive the Leap Of Faith. You have truly made the world a better place. You have made theorists out of so many of us. You are truly an amazing person. So thank you. From the bottom of my heart.





You became such a part of my childhood and even became a common watch in my house. Even all these years later if my mom hears one of your videos she will stop and come watch with me. While it will be sad to see you leave I can confidently say we all wish you best on your new ventures after you leave. But thats just a theory. A Farewell theory. Thanks for reading



Goodbye MatPat! I honestly loved all the theories all the way from all the original FNaF and Pokemon theories, to some more recent ones on all of the theorist channels. Have a nice retirement and I hope for a lot of good content even without the main man himself! (still hoping for a spooky month theory though) We'll miss you and your Diet Coke addiction :)



thank you matpat for all the love and support you gave us. we'll always love you. good luck.



God damn, this hurts like hell. MatPat has always been one of my favorite YouTubers to watch and just relax to. I could put his videos on in the background, or just have it be my sole entertainment, but every single one of them is so well made and just made every day better, from the garbage ones to the already awesome ones. I’m gonna miss MatPat, but the channels gonna be in good hands, and I can always go back and relive those old videos. Thanks for the hard work, and enjoy your well deserved time away from the channel!



Thank you Matt for everything! It sounds crazy to say, but you have been with me for half of my entire life! I would be afraid to even think about the person I would be without you and Game Theory. I actually almost cried writing this, it feels like I’m saying goodbye to a close friend forever!

Because of you, I am pursuing a career in Physical Therapy and Personal Training. Your passion for diving into every intricacy possible and sharing it with us encouraged me to do the same with my own passion! I have found so many interesting facts about my own passions, but the list would be waaayyy too long

It has truly been a wild ride watching you throughout the years, and I’m extremely proud to call myself a theorist. So to end, I want to put a spin onto the famous phrase: It’s not just a theory, we’re family. Thank you Matpat



Thank you for all the theories. I met you at Vidcon. I felt awkward and yet you were still nice to me. I hope you can pursue what you want to do.



Your theories however out there they were will always be a be a bright spot in my childhood even the horror ones



Your videos were never just theories to us.



thanks for giving the pope Undertale

you the goat

sans is ness



bye Matt, you’ve made my past few years. From silly videos to fnaf theories - I thought I saw it all until I saw you were retiring. It made me cry on the bus honestly. I was crushed. I’m very glad you’re getting time to your family and yourself though, I hope you and steph are alright::) I hope to see you continuing your legacy in many other ways- thanks so much for making so many childhoods including mine- even my parents know about you from me! I have many stickers of you on my things too lol. From me and the Theorists Community- thank you truly. We all love you dearly and hope to see you keep thriving and being your best. Goodbye matpat. With love, it’s just a theory. A game theory. - Cade <3


Thank you so much MatPat for all of the amazing memories. You've helped me learn a lot more than I would've without you. You've left me always questioning things every time I dive into a new movie or series. You've left a huge impact on my life, along with many others. On every good day, ok day, not so good day, I always would look forward to watching a FNAF theory at the end of the day. Listening to your theories made me feel a lot smarter than I am because of how well you described things. Even though I'll miss your voice, I know the rest of the team with make it enjoyable as well. You've left a huge impact on YouTube, and will not fade from my memory any time soon. Your thoughtful and kind personality always kept me going, reminded me there are amazing people in the world. You made a huge change to my life for the better. Though you will be missed, I wish you the best and hope you have an amazing future with Ollie and Steph. Ill look foreward to seeing you pop in on GTLive. Thank you so much, Matt, for all the memories I will cherish forever. Goodbye. -a random viewer


Goodbye Matpat, you were the goat, and sans undertale truly is ness earthbound



Thank you, Matt, for everything. You will forever be a huge and defining part of my childhood. Through you and your videos, I gained comfort, a lot of inspiration, many favorite series and franchises, my love for LOOREE and was simultaneously taught the English language. To say that you've had a massive impact on me would be an understatement. I hope you enjoy your retirement and I wish you and your family nothing but the best. Goodbye, Matpat, we all love you.



It's so sad to see you leave MatPat, but I know that this is the best decision for you, you deserve to live without the stress of work. I will always love watching your theories, even if you're no longer putting them out, and I will continue to watch the new theories by the next person. I know you will never stop making theories, but I hope that you don't feel stressed over them now. I will continue making theories of my own, especially about Welcome Home, in your honor and for myself as well. I always think "LOOOOREEEEE" when I see that word and whenever someone says they have a theory about something, I say, "but that's just a theory, A GAME THEORY". I hope that we may sometimes see you appear as a special guest, even if you aren't the host anymore. I'm sure everyone will miss you so much, I know I will. You've been such a huge part of my childhood, and I will always cherish these memories. You were definitely one of my top youtubers and I appreciate you so much. Good luck on your next adventures, and never give up your love of theorizing. Thank you for giving us what you did 💚❤💛💙



I have been watching you for about a year and throughout the year I have been a more critical thinker and it's made me more observant and have better grades I can't thank you enough and I am so sad to see you go



To MatPat, Thank you for giving us countless years of theories, for well, everything. I don't know how to express myself in words, but thank you!

Onward and Upward



Thank you for everything MatPat, you've shown me what it means to be a true leader and how to fight for what I believe in. Your impact will last forever.



Matpat, for makeing me smile at my worst and cry at my best from laughter, and getting me into the best community's I've ever been apart of, I will miss seeing you on screen but I am happy you can spend more time with family and the people you love, you have inspired me to keep going on my dreams and share my thoughts, even it not the smartest.

-wish you well, one



oh god where do i start. i found you on accident one day by just scrolling through my fyp. i saw your thumbnail and thought what the hell. i have been compleatly hooked since. i can remember so many times sitting on my computer for hours just binging all you insane theorys. my parents may call a grown man taking the time to actually sit down and make these things stupid. but i call it amazing. i can't tell you how many times i was just having a shit day and got on youtube to watch your videos and imediatly fealt better. i love the dedication and time you spend just to give us new videos every week. this community is amazing. i have made so many new friends working on a project for you already and i love it. this community is just so suportive and kind. so thank you. for intruducing me to this amazing community and for being that one light on my darkest days. i can't express how thankfull i am to have clicked on that one video.



good bye matpat and thank you for all of the wonderful years of theorys!



Thank you so much for making up majority of our childhoods and I hope the best for you.


Thank you I've been following the journey for almost a decade now and while it is sad to see the end of a chapter, that just means a new one is starting. But that's just a theory.



MatPat, thank you for everything I still remember the first theory I ever watch and I’ll remember the last you and the channels have helped me though so much and I’m so glad this has been such a big part in my life none of us will ever forget you ur are a literally legend



Goodbye MatPat!! I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and well balanced life. You deserve this with all the work you have put in to not only your channels, but YouTube as a whole.

I just wanna say how much your videos mean to me and have been a part of my life. I didn’t think anyone else got super into the lore and backstory of games and movies. I thought I was an outcast until I found Game Theory. I guess you kinda had a hand in getting me into politics. Obviously nothing associated with this account. You have taught me the importance of community and research which helps me encourage others that are my age to stay up to date with what happens in our country. Thank you for helping me realize what I want to do with my life.

I think I can confidently say that you have the respect of thousands of people. Even faced with scrutiny, you persevered and released fantastic content.

Have a great retirement and I hope you look forward to the next chapter of your life!



Thank you for everything we all wish you I a happy retirement again thanks mat pat for our childhoods we love you Here is some fan art I made



Bye Matpat! Ive watched you since my early childhood and respect your decision to retire. 13 years is a long commitment. During my time watching YouTube, I watched every one from Stampylonghead to DanTDM, Preston (when he was still good), PopularMMOs, and last but not least... You! You've changed my life, maybe for the better. I used to wish to be like you, but who needs that when you can be better by being yourself. I give a salute to you, MatPat, for being a part of my life for life. (Maybe like 11 years) Bye, Void_Gamer



Thank you for all the laughs, conversation starters, and fun these last 13 years. Happy Retirement ❤️



Thank you MatPat for so many years of joy. I would always look forward to when you post your wacky videos and how you dedicated the past years of your life trying to figure out fnaf. You have carried so many channels like Game Theory, Food Theory, Film Theory and the new Style Theory. You will always be a part of my childhood and probably many other people’s too. Goodbye MatPat and I hope you and your family will be safe and happy!


Game Theory has meant so much to me. My first video was the video on the Companion Cube from Portal and I’ve continued to watch ever since then. Even watching the birth of Style, Food and Film theory too. I’ve been a fan for over ten years which is crazy to me. The internet is going to be very different without you Matpat. You made being quite nerdy into something cool and I’ll always appreciate that. I hope you and your family go on to have an amazing future from here. - Lost Froggit x - PS. As you can tell from the username, I am an Undertale fan and I think the Sans is Ness theory is hilarious and I also think it’s pretty iconic that you gave the Pope a copy of Undertale. 🤣🐸


Best wishes to you, sir. It was a thrill ride to join your viewership.

Though I'm saddened to see your time as the face of THE Theory channels & its brand, all good things must come to an end, and watching your videos was a GREAT thing.

Though I feel no one could ever fully fill your shoes, I look forward to the future of THE Theory channels, and will always feel like your watching each video right beside me.

I hope you will enjoy the rest of what life has to offer for you, and never look back in regret, but in pride.

Best wishes, sir.

Sincerely, Your Loyal Theorist.



Your work ethic and genuineness are soooo inspiring to me. I really see something special when I think of your voice and content and look back on the long time throughout my childhood that you've been a part of. I really can't stress how much I appreciate the work I see you put not just into your channels and jobs, but into yourself and your thoughts and actions in order to make the world a better place. Also, I truly admire how you've used youtube to expose people to ways of critical thinking, which is an effect that's shown pretty clearly in the recent Game Theory episode "Why You HATE My Theories." It's that episode where you show how your intuition-based personality traits have gotten you to where you are, and I just wanna say that I can really see how those traits have given you the tool of extreme thoughtfulness, which you put into everything you do. You are a shining star and role model and I know you'll keep bringing happiness to people through your daily interactions. Enjoy yourself with the time you have now, you really deserve it. <3


Goodbye MatPat. I remember watching your content back when I was like, 6? Maybe 7, always keeping my room door open because your videos kinda scared me as a kid. I’m 16 now and I’ve learned a hell of a lot from your channels, Easter eggs, cool fun facts, FNAF lore despite me not really liking the franchise lol. It’s quite sad to see you go but I do understand that a lot of OG creators are starting retire as they want to take care of their family or just got tired of creating content. Maybe you’ll be back for a couple videos in the future but at least I can live knowing you left the show willingly.



To Grandpa "MatPat" Patricks,

Damn, MatPat. It's been so long since you've started this journey, and it is VERY sad to see you go. I do hope that by doing this you are able to spend more time with your family and that we WILL see each other again in the future. And, while I am disappointed that you won't be the one figuring out the lore for my future games, at least we've got Tom!

No, but in all seriousness, I will miss watching the weekly theories, gtlive, and all the other content you will no longer be spearheading. Then again, you should be really proud of what you have accomplished. 18 Million on your main channel? You don't have to be Mr Beast-level to still be VERY successful. Furthermore, very few people have seemingly been "immortalised" by meme culture, and you're one of them. Feel old yet?

We hope you enjoy drinking your cocktails on the retirement beach with Scott Cawthon watching Tom Scott riding the waves. But hey, that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY!!!!!!!!

Thanks for everything.

-- ColdChocco



Thank you MatPat for being a part of our childhoods. Watching you and your videos over the years—ever since I was a kid will be one of the greatest memories I’ve had. Your channel has helped me and my siblings get through dark times. We appreciate everything you’ve done and we’re glad to have watched your theories. Goodbye MatPat, enjoy your retirement!! 💚🖤



I remember MatPat being one of the first YouTubers I ever subscribed to when the website was first coming out. I remember watching your theories and discussing them with friends as we further dissected the things we loved to shreds. Now as an adult that is trying to enter the workforce after graduating from college and you officially retiring, this feels like my childhood is over. Thank you, MatPat, for everything, you have changed so many lives for better. I hope that whatever happens next, you remember how much we all love you and we’re excited to see you off. I hope this next chapter of your life brings you as much joy as you brought so many people. You were like the big brother I never had and I wanna thank you for bringing us all along in this crazy journey but it’s time to grow up now. See you around and thank you so much.



Ive been watching matpat for a very long time, its really sad to see him leave, but we all hope he has a fantastic rest if his life with his family, he has done so many amazing things and has bought so many people to happier places (such as myself) we will miss u matpat, forever and always ♥️



Bye may I’ll miss you so much.. I LOVE YOU


Thank you MatPat! As an old gamer myself, I want to say that you were not just part of a generation's childhood. For some of us, Game Theory is an oasis where we could think in different about the games, stories, and looore we love. For me, even at 37, your content was enjoyable and introduced me to a ton of enjoyable stories. I wish I could sit with you and just brainstorm, because while you say ot is boring....that is the thing I thrive on. So, thank you. Thank you for the years of entertainment and teasing my brain to look at objects and scenarios differently.



I remember watching MatPat since i was in elementary, and now I'm almost going to college. Its really sad to say goodbye to someone I've watched and looked up to all these years. Goodbye MatPat!! T - T



It's been quite the journey and I wouldn't change or ask to change a single thing. Hello I am Mr.CanKnotNot and I have been watching your theory videos for years now I don't remember the first fresh upload ( it was before the true identity of Rosalina if not before even that ) I had seen but I do remember finding the channel interesting due to variety of games and genre you all were covering game theory being the first channel out of the theorists that I found. From there I have gone back and watched older theory videos and have loved each and every one curious to see what you had to say on the matter MatPat! To say that your work and energy has been an inspiration is an understatement you have helped me push forward in progressing my channel and even helped me to grow to where I am now through your tips on growing channels and even tool recommendations, even down to just the desire to make art and share it with the world encouraged me to keep pushing on and recognize that I was facing a little more then just creative block.

The last few years has been leading to more stability in regards to one situation but also introducing new schedule priorities as I have been working for the last 2 years, two of the three positions being somewhat toxic and with the 3rd one I am happy to announce I love it and the the environment is amazing. I always found that it helped to be able to in a situation where I was off work and stressed or just wanted to geek out to watch through a few videos or one of the not lives and just enjoy the moment. You also helped me overcome a few struggles when it came to wanting to post content as I tend to overload myself on ideas and at times found myself questioning why I was wanting to post videos at all as there are so many hobbies I have but I always through yours and other peoples work realized that it is all worth it as I am sharing my creative ideas and inspirations to the world and many a time seeing you putting all your energy into your work rekindled that inspiration. As far as my plans for the future go I am planning on pursuing a tech class that will not only certify me but also give diplomas in multiple fields if I get accepted and pass the classes. I still plan on making videos, pushing my social media presence to see how far I can take it, as well as working for a creator or group to refine my knowledge of the platform and even have a video lined up that I had been planning on doing for a while but it works out as I want to do it as a thank you for all you have done for me and many other people creators or not.

You have challenged me to be the best that I can, do the best that I can, and really look at things through a different perspective trying to find each angle to something even if at first it might not seem like much. I have always loved how open you were to feedback even opening the avenue to cross reference and look for the information for myself and formulate my own theories. Seeing all of the references being made really made me think about how much of an impact you had on my life and words can't express how grateful I am for all that you have done. When I first saw the title my mind began to race wondering what it meant and I just stood there in silence for a few seconds as I sat down and watched it my heart sank as my mind went to here is another one of the founding fathers of the platform leaving or taking a step back from their work and it truly made me look back and contemplate and reflect. Sure it's sad to see this chapter of the theorists close out but I also look forward to what you have planned!



Goodbye Matpat.. You've been such a big part of my life for so long are are a big comfort youtuber for me, but I guess nothing lasts forever 💚🖤 one of my favorite memories related to you was when I went to see the fnaf movie for the first time, I was one of the many people you tricked into thinking you wouldn't be in it so I wore my handmade game theory pin while seeing it.. my reaction to the Sparkys scene was great, it took me a couple seconds to process what i was seeing but when it hit me I had to lean over to my mom and whisper "oh my god that's matpat!!! That's matpat!!!!" To her, I was so excited and it got even better when you said your iconic line :3 Thank you for.. everything, really. You've changed my life for the better and are a huge role model to me and the main inspiration behind all the wild lore in the fnaf inspired game I hope to make one day 💚🖤. I've actually included an image of one of the characters in it here( ! His name is Theo and he was heavily inspired by your channel, so I made some silly art of him based on one of the HW2 not lives! Sorry for going on for so long I just have a lot to say, I hope whatever projects you do next are just as great (or even better) than what you've already done- GrimAfton

(ps, I'm part of the research team for a large game theory based fan project! you should keep an eye out 😉)



I sincerely thank you so much for everything Matpat, you played a big part in who I am today and who I strive to be, you are my idol because you are kind and an awesome person. I hope I can get to meet you one day (which probably won't happen since I'm literally a continent away lol) but I will keep on dreaming until it comes true, hopefully. I wish you a happy and peaceful life, man. Thank you for everything you've done for us, we will never forget you.



Goodbye, we’ll miss you!



Thanks to Mat I am still on here and slightly insane



MatPat, you were one of the best content creators I had ever watched. And while, sadly, I never got to see your reaction to watching Rock-Afire Explosion showtapes (something I had always wanted to see), I would like to say goodbye. - Max (maxefilms)



Hey MatPat!! I started watching your videos when I was 6 years old (in 2016)! Your channel was always there for me when I had a rough day or just wanted to hear the latest FNAF lore! I'm super sad that you're leaving, it truly won't be the same without you. But you've worked so hard over the past 13 years, and you deserve to take a step back. I'm excited to see what Tom, Lee, Santi, and Amy do with the channels moving forward, and of course, I'll still be watching every GTLive (and GTNotLive) to come!

Go ride your Music Man off into the sunset, king. You deserve it <3



✧˚·. thank you thank you thank you grandpa matpat <3 youve changed tons of lives for the better, and youll always be a legend of the internet. thank you for helping me be the theorist i am (music theorist would be the right term i think, i loveeee deep dives into stuff like that) and enjoy your retirement ✧˚·.



you've gotten me into science and have helped shape me during my childhood. I still watch every new video and will continue too, even without the face of it all. Farewell MatPat...



Thank you MatPat for providing great theories!! I discovered your channel when I was admitted to hospital 9 to 10 years ago. Your videos were and continue to be great entertainment and supported me during secondary school (middle/high school for Americans?) and college and soon university. Hope you and Steph get some well earned rest and can’t wait to see your future works. 💚❤️💛🩵 ps. can’t wait to see what Amy, Lee, Tom and Santi have in store for us 😁



Go Matthew Patthew, fly, be free, ride off into the sunset and become Scott Cawthon’s Igor. You have broken free of your cocoon and must discover the world by becoming Scott Cawthon’s Igor. Enjoy the time you have with your wife and son, but remember to also enjoy being Scott Cawthon’s Igor.

That’s a heartfelt message, right?



Goodbye Matpat, i loved you so much, even though i only started watching you a year and a half ago on food theory with my brother im going to miss you so much. Your videos brightened my day, everyday. I was so sad when watching the goodbye video i couldnt even watch it all at once. I had to go back and watch it all later. Its such a shame to see you go but i cant wait to see you appear in other videos occasionally. Love you man. Stay safe and have a good life.



Goodbye MatPat! Thank you so much for being one of the youtubers to raise me. I've always loved your theory videos and I'm so glad I've been one of your fans. Your theories have always been so much fun to watch with my best friend. Thank you once again for raising me and being apart of my childhood! We'll all miss you a lot ♡


Though I can't believe you're retiring, it's well deserved. You were my, and a million other people's childhoods. You, Mark, and Sean helped me through some really dark times, and honestly, it's hard to see you go. Partly because I still love watching your videos, and partly because now I feel old. I'll really miss you and the work you do, the fundraisers, the weird fucking challenges and theories. Just everything, even Sans is Ness. I don't cry easily. I cried all day after watching your goodbye video. Your videos are a comfort to me, so I hope that you come back and do things once in a while. But you deserve this retirement, and I hope you and Steph enjoy it.



MatPat has arguably been one of if not the most important creators I've seen my whole life. I went through a few really bad mental breakdowns a couple years ago and was on the verge of doing something that would have ended my life and when that happened I was seconds away and a game theory notification popped up. I figured why not and I watched Mat ramble on about minecraft for half an hour and I felt better. I felt that I couldn't do what i was going to. I needed to stay at most just because I wanted to meet this guy. I've made it my goal thst I have to meet Mat. Even if it's just a conversation. He literally saved my life multiple times and his personality has made me so so happy through the years. So all I really have to say and can say without crying even more writing this is Thank you Mat. Thank you for changing and fueling my childhood. Making me feel okay being a nerd and saving me. You've changed my life so thank you. Thank you MatPat for everything.


Matpat, ive watched your videos for about 3-4 years now and you have made such an impact on my fixations and me in general!! THANK YOU!!


It feels weird to feel so connected to a person who you’ve never met before, who doesn’t even know you exist. But MatPat has truly touched my life in too many ways to say. I can’t even remember when I started watching his videos, but I’ve stuck with him for over 10 years and have enjoyed every second of it. I’m really gonna miss you when you’re gone. Thank you MatPat. And remember, that’s just a theory ;)



Matpat, calling you a legend would be an understatement. Words cannot express how grateful I am of you, Stephanie and your team. The inspiration you have built throughout my childhood for me, is beyond my imagination. If it’s Game ,GTLive Laugh Love, film, food or style theory I always mimic (cool reference) a William Afton and always come back. It’s hard to see a hero go, but it’s reassuring to see one fly into the sunset with an amazing journey waiting for them. I will continue to keep LORREEEE within me, and I will dream about MUUUSIC MANNNN every night. Thank you so much for everything you have done, You’re a one of a kind Matpat 🫡 -end of communication-



watching your videos as a family pass time has been something me and my siblings and father have enjoyed for quite a while. especially during lockdown, it was more than just entertainment to binge shows and movies or watch game playthroughs and then view your and team theorist’s takes on them.

matpat, you’re the voice of so many people’s childhoods, and you’ve changed lives. like you said in your video, you still are our childhood. I’m only in highschool, and I’ve watched your videos through some of the hardest times of my life so far. they’re a genuine light in the darkness, a familiar voice that feels more like family or a close friend than a form of entertainment. I don’t know you, and it’s extremely unlikely I ever will, but I and millions of others wish you and your family the best. <3



Hey MatPat...While it is sad to see you go, it was a long time coming that you would eventually retire. I've first started watching your videos not that long ago but just long enough to know that you are one very special guy. A guy who loves his community,family,friends, and coworkers. A guy who brought love and joy into many lives,including mine; you are also a guy who will now bring love and joy to their son, Ollie. I wish you an amazing life with your family. Love you matpat!! <3



Thank you Matt!! I used to actually be scared of your theory’s especially the first few five nights at Freddy’s theories you made but I soon came to Really enjoy the channel you built and you quickly became the first thing I came to watch right after school, so thank you for being part of my childhood!!



I must say that Game Theory and MatPat have been a huge part of my life and got me thinking in a different way especially when putting information together and research and what we can conclude from it. I'm glad to have been there for the release of two channels and I could have sworn food theory was only released a year ago. I'm so glad my friend introduced me to this when he did because I've always loved looking for clues and secret messages, ciphers, and codes (sadly nobody introduced me to Gravity Falls sooner) and Mat's genuinely been a big part of my life.

I know the slogan is "ruining your childhood since 2011" but I think they've done the exact opposite (in a way). Thank you for being such a great host, and I'm looking forward to future projects you have, especially the lofi one. Probably going to have to run it through a spectrogram once it comes out. May the next hosts bring as many good memories.



Thank you Matpat <3 Game theory is such a big part of my childhood, i think i was 9/10 when i started watching. And now 10 years later is still watch every Video with exitment! Im listening to fnaf Videos to fall asleep at night (i dont know what that says about me) so of course it hurts to see you go, but im also very exited for what will come ! I wish you the best of luck and fun in live. Enjoy the New found freedom and time with Ur family. Thank you for everything you gave us, thank you for beeing such a big Part of my childhood <3 Thank you matpat



Thanks MatPat for all the theorys a videos they were so funny to watch and ive been watching as long as i can rember. I hope that you have a good time after your last video you inspired me and my freinds to give things deeper looks and open our eyes to what things really may be. Thank you so much your a great youtuber.



I only subscribed last year, but it was splendid to see the theories. If im being honest, it made me feel better about myself seeing someone apply real-world stuff in a game or film or come up with how mcdonalds sprite got it special zing. But it was fun, and seeing you do this was awesome. I hope you'll find happiness in your new path.



You’ve been an Inspiration for many, many people Matt. I wish you the absolute best in your life, and thank you for so many years of memories. I’ve shared memories with my friends watching you, I’ve even gotten new friends because of you. You brought people together, too. You didn’t just make silly theory videos, you raised a community. Thank you. Goodbye MatPat!!-Silver



I’ve been watching you for 8 years, it’s fun and I won’t stop. Matpat made my childhood. Every week I’d scan all of his channels for a new video. I loved watching him and Steph and the rest of the crew make hilarious theory videos and interesting ones at that. I will miss him and I can guarantee you will too. But he's right. The next generation needs to take over because eventually everyone quits, everyone dies and there's no stopping that. Matpat deserved to retire. He deserves to be with his family and not always put work first and that's why I value him. Matpat thank you for everything! <33



Matpat! Thank you so much for inspiring me to create my own channel. I bet the 4 theorists stepping up will be amazing but I will deeply miss ur humor and entertaining self. Again thank you for everything!




Thank you, Matthew. Thanks to you, I have found new friends and a passion. I will eventually become a content creator because of your inspiration and an new outlook on life. Though I didn't agree with 15% of your theories (those marvel theories were pretty shaky) I am thankful for your time and effort for the good of all theorists everywhere. Thank you.



first of i just wanna thank you for being who you are. hey, i dont actually think that you leaving is a bad thing, i know you said it in your goodbye youtube video but the fact that your leaving is great your gonna be able to do whatever you want without having a thight schedule and im soo happy about that. ive been watching you since i was 5, aint that crazy im 15! you really are and were my childhood. and im soo exited to see all your new project you have in mind. a lofi arg, that sound AMAZING and im hype to see it come to light. also i wanna see what the first video's of all 4 channels without you are gonna be like. well i could write an entire book but im gonna stop ahah well... it was just a theory...



Thank you for being one of my favorite youtuber and being part of childhood



Goodbye MatPat. The world will miss you.

I know you may not see this and maybe you saw this video I posted on tik tok, but I would like to get this off my chest;


I cannot say more than anyone has already said. Thank you and I wish you the best, I really do. The world has brought you to us and you have just shined, shined bright, and brought everyone that, joy and laughter. Through the cringey dad jokes, the amazing puns, and also giving us the unexpected. From all the MUUUUUSSSSICCCC MAAAAAAN to all the LOOOOORRREEEEE, this community has not only benefited but learned from you. In fact, here’s my own theory;

I once saw on a channel on my YouTube feed that said “ruining your childhood since 2011” but I believe this is NOT THE CASE (insert intro)

You raised millions into theorizing, you are the absolute reason I listen to tapes, read papers, listen to dialogue, etc. You are the reason people will focus on the stories of video games. You single-handedly raised and brought indie to the faces of millions by just theorizing.

Matthew Patrick, you did not ruin our childhoods, you built them. You developed new thinkers into the world. You changed millions and you still do. All you had to do was be yourself. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ps. All I wanted was 1 curse word, an appearance in a fnaf movie, Scott Cawthon/SteelWool lore confirmation for all you’ve done. (For piece of mind) Thank you Princess Quest 4, and Scott (for the movie)

I love you MatPat and I really hope to see you in the future. Keep up the good stuff.

Sincerely, Justin



Dear MatPat,

Thank you. Thank you for the positive impact you had on my childhood. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and for teaching me that yes, my passion and love for video games is valid, that it isn't childish, and should be taken as seriously as any other passion. Thank you for being there every week, always being there for me to watch whether I was happy or sad, angry or apathetic, rain or shine you were always there for me. Thank you for the thousands and thousands of hours of content you have provided me, and for the Fnaf theories I have binge re-watched no less than 3 individual times. And thank you for helping to make the world just that little bit brighter, even during the worst of times.

MatPat, you have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember, the impact you have had on my childhood has been immense, and despite the tagline of game theory being ruining your childhood, you have no doubt made mine ten times better. Your life and your achievements are such a big source of inspiration to me as an individual, as a gamer, and as a creative, and I seriously doubt that without your content pushing me, and telling me that yes, video games are a valid art form that deserve to be talked about and enjoyed, that I would be pursuing game development today. I have just turned 18, I'm now officially an adult, heading off to university with the intent to seriously pursue this game development thing in a little over a month, and it feels almost fitting that now that I don't need that encouragement and reminder that my passion has value and worth in this world, and that yes, video games are amazing and beautiful and can tell such incredible stories, that you are stepping back from hosting the channels.

Matthew Patrick, thank you so so much for everything you have done, you have made such an immense impact on who I have become as a person, an impact that cannot be understated. I sincerely look forward to seeing what you get up to in the future, whether that be Lore-fi or making your own games, or something entirely different, and you can know that I will be there to consume that content, not out of obligation, but because I know whatever it is, you have put your heart and soul into that thing because you are passionate and loving about it. Upon reflection, even though you were a big reason why I came back to the channel every week, I have realised that is not the main reason, the main reason has become that passion that you bring, the love of video games, and films, and style and food, those were the reasons that I stayed, and I have no doubt that I will continue to watch the channel for the foreseeable future because that passion won't disappear. Whether it is Tom, Lee, Santi or Amy, I will continue to watch every single week because I know they are passionate about games and films and food and style, and I know whoever may come after them, that passion will remain. I truly believe this youtube empire, this community, and the ecosystem that you have helped to create and support has become much greater than the sum of its parts, it has become something so massive and influential and important that I can no longer my life without it. Even though you are no longer hosting the channels, and I am devastated because you have been such a big part of my life for so long, and its going to be hard not seeing you every week, I just need to remember to not cry because its over, but to smile because it happened, and because it was amazing and because without what you and Steph and the entire theorist team and community have helped to create, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

So once again, thank you Matt, thank you for everything you have done over these last 13 years, and I look forward to seeing what you get up to next.



Thank you, Matthew Pattrick.



Goodbye MatPat. Unfortunately I did not find you until early last year, and did not have you as a part of my childhood. Even so, you've made life so much brighter, and brought so much more wonder into my world. Now when I play or watch games, my first thought is, "What lore can be found here? What would MatPat do?"



The Theorist channels have been a major part of my life and left a huge impact on me.

I've watched the Game Theorists since the beginning, back when Earthbound had dark connections to real world events and Mario being a Nazi. Heck, I even remember when the Sans is Ness theory first came out, I went around trying to defend the theory. I got to show to my elementary/middle school that I knew more advanced topics earlier because I watched you can't help but feel like I've grown up with the channels as time went on.

It feels like it's that friend that you meet, who becomes your best friend, then they start introducing you to their family members; You just love the family...but then you find out that they have to move away. It hurts sure, but you enjoy the time that you had with them and will always cherish those moments, plus they'll still visit every once in awhile to check in. Whether it's catching a GTLive live, doing clap and a halfs or sprinkler time, theorizing about FNAF and then playing it live, hearing the Nugget voice, and so many more great memories that I am glad I was able to witness.

Matthew Patrick is one of my biggest role models and is someone who I want to be. I always admired his morals and his kind, welcoming heart. He's one of the few people I would have loved to meet in real life because then I could give him a hug and tell him that "you're my hero. Someone who helped me through a lot and was a place I could go and enjoy through the headaches of life and the stress of work. I could just be at home watching GTlive, or watching the 90th FNAF video—then see Twitter on fire—and the day would instantly be a lot better than what it was."

2024 feels like it's the year of new beginnings for not only me but everyone. I'm excited to see what the theorists do moving forward and I am going to miss MatPat, but I know the others will do really well. It does also sting that I also lost my grandpa at the end of 2023 and the same day the video came out I had to attend his funeral so it feels like I truly lost two grandpas this year, both who had a big impact in my life.

If MatPat reads this, I want to personally thank you for being that amazing person that I always looked up to becoming, as well as being a lot of other people's hero too. For being as nice, welcoming, and always felt like someone you could trust..... someone who cared about what you thought.

I wish the best for MatPat, Steph, and Ollie moving forward and I hope to someday be able to meet them in person and give them a proper thank you because honestly they earned it after 13 years of hard work. I look forward to seeing what the channels have in mind for the future and still cherishing the great memories with you, MatPat.



I’ve watched your videos ever since I was a teenager and with every single one, you’ve taught me something new or helped me understand a concept I never grasp before. You’ve done this while talking about my favorite stories and games, or you introduced me to a new story I’ve never heard of before that expanded my interests further. My favorites of your theories has got to be your meta theories, the ones where you talk about the ins and outs of YouTube and the entertainment industry. Your recent theories on YouTube shorts on Game Theory and “How YouTube Broke Your Brain” on Film Theory has been inspiring to me. You mentioned how people nowadays are feeling lonelier and lonelier and how we all just want to find stories to connect to and relate to in an increasingly fracturing and independently-minded world. It’s inspired me to want to make those stories, to one day make my own channel, to make the world a better place much like how you’ve have with the Theorists. With all that said, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for this little passion project you came up with during a time where you felt you hit rock bottom. Thank you for being bold enough and brave enough to keep up with it after all these years. Thank you for growing and learning with it, all the while teaching us and inspiring us as we followed your journey. Many of us have all grown up with you, MatPat, and we see just how much work it took to get the tiny sapling you planted to grow into something brilliant. Once again a, thank you. I can’t thank you enough.



Matpat, you have been the biggest influence in my life. You got me curious about the games I play, the movies I watched, the world I lived in. Your videos have always brought a smile to my face. I even got into game design, always imagining that one day one of my works would end up on the channel. You also made me feel like I wasn't alone in this world. I was always seen as a bit strange and out-there in my thoughts and interests, and for a while it seemed like nobody else cared about the things I did. Nobody but you. You've helped me through some tough times in my life ever since middle school, going into my senior year of college, you were always there. I know I can't make you change your mind, but I just wanna say thank you for being there. Not just for me, but for everyone. Thank you for giving us amazing content over the years. Thank you for keeping us curious about the world around us. Thank you for making us happy for the past 13 years. There is no underestimating how important you were to me and so many other people. And that's not a theory, it's a fact. A GAME FACT...... thank you for everything.



Matpat a goat bro, never forgetting that first FNAF video that got me hooked on your channel. Hope you good on whatever else you do in life goat. 🗣💯



Hello MatPat, thank you for EVERYTHING. It's weird seeing my childhood youtuber step out of the spotlight (I've been watching you since I was 9, I'm 16 now), but I'm grateful for the videos you put together for youtube. Thank you for teaching me how to overthink, now whenever I play a new game and notice a small detail I go "OH MY GOD THATS PART OF THE LOOOREE", anyways, even if it's sad seeing you go, I wish you and your family well, thank you for the great memories, and thank you for a great childhood. See you, grandpa



I may not have been apart of the Theorists fans for long but it still hurts to see MatPat go. Thank you for all the happy memories. Enjoy your retirement.



We will miss you so much, MatPat! You've made an amazing community with equally amazing fans over the years, and we will forever miss you and the smile you put on our faces when a new video dropped or new channel...we wish you all the best, and you will forever be missed... hopefully we see you again, but hey, that's just a theory 😉



I still remember the 1st time i didn't understand something from a game i liked and went to Youtube to find answers. The Game theory video looked the most interesting and promising so i clicked was the start of a new world for me, a world of theorising and critical thinking. Over a decade later and i am a big fan. Thank you for the amazing theories and the lessons that not everything is what it seems so we have to use critical thinking to find the truth (in a fun way). Thank you for all these years Matpad!



Thank you for everything you've done for all of us. making gaming more fun, entertaining us, and being a 2nd geeky father. we appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts. and i know life has been hard for you which is why you need this break. which is giving us, the generations you've raised, a chance to take ur place as a legend of theorizing. and imo, that's the best part of this

Goodbye Matpat. we hope we'll see you again. but that's just a theory.


Goodbye, MatPat... You have led so many people towards an appreciation of theory videos and helped them take on a more analytical perspective when thinking about things. You have been a beacon and the source of so many peoples' childhood memories, guiding their thoughts and creating a sense of nostalgia in many hearts. You are my childhood, and you always will be. I will forever look back to you as the one who influenced me to become the person that I am today. You took me from my infancy and into childhood, and I will look upon you fondly for the rest of my days.



I've been watching you for the past 5 years. It may not be as much as others, but the impact was the same. I'll definitely miss you, but I'm also excited to see what Amy, Lee, Santi, and Tom have up their sleeves for the future of the channels! Also SUPER hyped for the new projects coming up, like the lofi ARG! All is to say, thank you for everything you've done for the communities you've made, and raised awareness for, and more. we'll miss you mat.




Goodbye matpat. You were a part of my teenage years and got me through tough times. May this next chapter of your life treat you well and I will miss you greatly.



Thanks for being my grandparent I never really had. After your last theory I'll probably miss you a lot, but still enjoy every second of spending time with you in future projects and videos.

Love you Matthew Patrick <3



Matthew, you taught me how to think and be curious. Cheers to your retirement, and I hope your child is raised well :)



Goodbye MatPat Although things won’t be the same without you, i’m glad you’ll finally have a well-deserved relaxation!! I may not have known you for my entire childhood, but it does really hurt to know that you’ll not be host anymore. You’ll be missed by all MatPat Thank you



it's great to see you taking the next step in your life. going out on top of the right move and we appreciate the transparency you've always shown us. I'm not sure which video was my first, but you have always been one of my favorite creators right up there OG Vsauce back in the day. i have loved all the spin off channels you all have come up you will be missed. you have earned this vacation as you step into your next chapter.



Bye Matthew Patthew you were my childhood I remember waking up at 4am once to "ITS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY" it was one of my favourite memories about you Chanel but just remember ITS JUST A THEORY



Thank you, MatPat, for ruining my childhood and making me question every game I play. Seriously though, you’ve changed my life and I don’t think I’d be the same person I am today.

During the 9 years I’ve been watching you’re content, I’ve been entertained by every second of it. You’ve changed so many lives with what you’ve done and that’s not a theory, that’s a fact. While it’s sad that you’re going, it’s also nice to know you’re doing what’s best for you and the people you love most. Hope you enjoy being able to rest and pursue your dreams instead of counting animatronic toes



I've watched Matpat for over 5 years. Him and his channels have changed my life for the better. I wish him the best retirement ever.


Thank you Matthew, you helped me and probably many others see a world of a different perspective <3



Thank you for the amazing years MatPat. Hope you have a good retirement and hope you make an appearance every once in a while.



Goodbye MatPat!! Thank you so much for all the years of joy and laughter you brought to mine and so many others childhood. Watching you theorize about everything has brought me so much happiness I could never truly thank you enough for. It may seem silly to alot of people but your videos and the happiness you brought helped me through so many of my dark times and I'm eternally grateful for it. I'm sad to see you go but also so so happy for you because you absolutely deserve this. I hope you and your whole family have never ending amounts of happiness and I'll never forget you. Thank you for everything. I hope you have an amazing retirement with Steph and Ollie. Goodbye Matt. <33 (P.S Music Man would be proud 🫡)



Goodbye MatPat, and thank you for all the wonderful years and for all the content that ypu provided! I wish you all the best!


My favorite thing in 6th grade was to come in the next day to talk to my friends about last night’s gtlive. I’m in college now and gtnotlive is where I go to take a break. So thank you Matpat! You will be missed o7 but the strong welcoming community you’ve built will continue to grow!



I don't know if you'll ever see this, but thank you Matthew for being a huge part of my childhood. You've shaped me into someone who knows how to look deeper into things I love and bring myself more enjoyment with the games and media I already have interest in than surface level content. You've raised us to be conscious of the world and to learn more about what interests us as a community. You've done so much for the 13+ years you've been on social media. You've helped us grow and learn so much. Even if it was a lot of FNAF. It breaks everyone's heart but I think we are all in agreement when we say, you deserve this break. No one is upset at you. We are merely adapting and it's sad to see something we love so dearly be let go into another's hands. (Total leaving the nest case) but regardless. We love and support you. We are thrilled for you. Spend time with your family. We may have been your family for years, but sometimes it's best to be the grandparent we rarely see but are happy to. It's time for us to fly. I do hope that is theorists will be able to hold your torch high and proud. We love you. It's not just a goodbye. It's see ya later. -Percy K. (Lifelong theorist)



Hey matpat. I just wanted to say thank you, not only for being there in helping along all our favorite games but for being a major figure in all our lives. I became a fan of you in 2015, and haven't stopped watching since. I am in my late teens now, and this is my way of confirming that you helped me a lot through those years, you're going to be a great father, Mathew. Good luck, and know we'll always be waiting for you if you ever decide to come back. Love, the theorists of tomorrow.

Ps. I hope at one point you read this



Goodbye MatPat! You mean so much to me and entertained me for years with all your theories. It's been a long journey and it's been an honor to watch all of your videos... Enjoy your time!



Goodbye, MatPat! Good luck with Steph and Ollie in the future! Thanks for making me interested in learning through your video games theories! I watched you before your first FNAF video! I was a hardcore fan and got a few merch! Even though I'm not as active in the community, I want you to know you have been a huge inspiration. Every video helped me through the worst time and motivated me to do my dream project even further.



Hey MatPat! Thank you so much for all the memories that were made over the years. It was always super fun watching all of your theories, and when you introduced the Theorist Gateway, i was absolutely excited. I gathered some friends who were just as excited and interested to make our own little group to get through each gate, and it was always so fun decoding the clues, and it was so worth staying up late trying to find the answers. Thank you for everything; from the fnaf theories, to the petscop and until dawn theories (these were my favorites) <33



I can’t remember a week where I wasn’t excitedly waiting for the next game theory or film theory to drop. And when food theory and style theory came into existence I was excited all the same. I know MatPat used to say he was ruining our childhoods, but he was my childhood. For years I’ve watched and learned and used the knowledge you gave me as I learned those same topics at school. You’ve been such an inspiration to never stop looking for learning opportunities, and to not let those opportunities pass by me. I’m an active theorist in several different fandoms because you inspired me and introduced me to these different fandoms. So much of what I love can be traced back to the Theory channels. So much of what I am can be traced back to the Theory channels.

It’s my senior year of high school now. It’s almost fitting that as I get ready to graduate so too does MatPat. Thank you for everything. You will be missed by so many of us. The legacy you leave behind will not be forgotten.

That’s no theory. It’s a fact.



Dear MatPat,

I love you. Not in a fangirl way, but in a family way. Im serious! You were basically the parent that took care of me when my parents didnt want to. Ever since I was 3 and my parents basically threw me onto a chair with a computer on it and called it a day, I watched your videos and I looked up to you like a father figure, even if you didnt know me. i knew you; and I loved you with all my heart since. im 14 now, which means I’ve been watching you for almost 11 years. Thats something crazy to think about, how a silly man explaining useless stuff could have such an impact on someone’s childhood. you’ve gotten me through so much in my life, and 2023 was the best year I could’ve had, watching the FNAF Movie and screaming the loudest I could when I saw you on the big screen! You had a big impact on me, my childhood, and Ill never forget that iconic line “Thats just a theory!”and seeing the goodbye video; im gonna be honest, that kind of broke me a little—maybe a little, but I hope you have the best retirement, you’ve really gone from a brother to a dad to a grandpa. The brother I always dreamed of, the dad that actually loved me, and the grandpa that i’ll never forget.

I guess what im trying to say is; Thank you. Thank you for everything MatPat.



It's been around 4 years ever since I started watching game theory. I knew it existed but I never watched it because I used to have a trauma over FNAF. One day I tried to open my possibilities a little by clicking on a fnaf game theory video, and I got amazed by the world of theorising. Matpat has been with me so many times, whenever I felt bad, whenever I was bored, whenever I felt lonely. He's got a place in my heart for all the countless times he's made me laugh and all the times he's accompanied me in my journey when I needed it. Now it's his turn to live his own life and build his own path after so much time on the channel, his moment to shine, so I hope he finds endless possibilities to be creative and fulfill all the dreams stored in the back of his mind. Thank you so much for being a part of my life Mat, it's an experience I will never be able to forget nor replace, as it is unique, and a golden memory.


I have spent every day since 2016 watching your theories. You have been there for me during my bad times, whenever I needed a boost I'd put on one of your theories and feel a bit better listening to your terrible jokes and your fantstic theories. You are the reason for my unhealthy dependancy on FNAF, it all started with your theories and I've watched them so many times that I can practically repeat some of them word for word. Not only that you introduced me to Petscop and Salad Fingers and films I hadn't watched before that now are a staple in my home, as well as making me throw my makeup away and teaching me the best things to have to hand to combat spice. I'm absolutely gutted that you have decided to step down from hosting your channels, I will miss your voice informing me of the latest FNAF theory or telling that "that's just a theory, a gaaaammmmeeee theory!". Thankyou for being there for me for the last 8 years, everytime I turned on my computer to help me get through my day.



Thank you, MatPat, you were the most amazing Theorist and I started watching and loving your videos with the Undertale series. Thats when I started playing the game as well. And you showed us so many amazing games, I usually hate any horror related stuff because I’m a scaredy cat but I really enjoyed watching your gameplays and especially your theories. I‘m sure I will rewatch many of your videos. Your energy was always a delighting one and I‘m sure that your family appreciates it just as much as we do, if not even more. With that, thank you so so much for being a part of our lives. Now you can enjoy your life in peace, with a lot less stress and a lot more time to spend with your family. I wish you all the best of luck, happiness and health and that you will always get through every storm. We will remember you. Goodbye, Matpat



Goodbye Matpat!!! Enjoy your very much deserved retirement and I hope you get to spend more time with your family then ever before!!! YouTube will miss your content, but I only wish you the best!

With love,

Will Galaxy



my bf and i started watching you all the time around 4 months after getting together. now that youre (understandably and well deserved) stepping back it kind of feels like a part of our relationship is vanishing. but im looking forward to watching how the channels are going to evolve and change. and just like everything in life it has to come to an end after all. proud of you and love you so much!🫶🏼



My first Game Theorists video was about the Portal Companion Cube! It made me fall in love with the idea of digging deeper into games and overanalyzing everything. As a fellow thespian, you have made the math, science, and psychology of games, films, food, and style entertaining, informative, and something I look forward to seeing pop up in my YouTube notifications! You have left some big shoes to fill, but there are no doubts that the channels will be in good hands moving forward. All the best!



Matpat, you were a part of mine and many other's childhood. Thank you for all of the fun theories, and for allowing the freedom of critical thinking and creativity. Whenever I watch another video, I will always remember that "it's just a theory. A game theory."

Shoutout to Steph as well. The community will dearly miss you both!



I honestly don't have any other words for you other than, thank you for all these years of fueling my imagination, goodbye Matt.




Just want to say thank you Matpat for all you have done for us and for creating our childhoods i started watching since 2018 and watched almost every single video i could. We will always miss you and you will be remember after we all leave and that sir is no theory.



It's sad to see him go, but.. he deserves it, it's been over a decade and he deserves time with his family without theorising



We all love and appreciate you Mat, you really helped me grow and made me enthusiastic and excited for science. Ill miss you!


Goodbye Matpat! Thanks for all the theories other theses years! Have a well deserved break!



You did alot for the theorist community and you made me find alot of games so thank you. ALSO sans is ness is a good theory, DONT BELIEVE ME when Toby fox was making undertale he was into the franchise of earthbound THERE FOR he could've took heavy inspiration from ness for sans even though it might not be Canon SANS IS NESS. Also hope you leaving is just another theory



Words cannot express my gratitude for the past 13 years of Game Theory, yet I will try and put my feelings to words. Game Theory was a massive part of my childhood, I remember sitting down and watching the early theories as a kid and being fascinated with how deep some of your theories got. I still remember when Film theory was announced along with Food theory and Style theory as well. I look forward to see what happens next. From the bottom of my heart thank you Matthew, for everything, the theories, livestreams, the obscure games I might never have learned about if I hadn’t seen it on Game Theory. Here’s to what comes next.



It’s so hard to believe that Matpat has been making theories on the channels for 13 years…. I found this channel the year before the pandemic, I was a fan of Pokémon and still am, and I just started getting this video in my recommended feed that just kept showing up until I figured it looked intresting enough so I just clicked on it. And I watched it. And I enjoyed it. That was the eveelutions video. It was neat enough that I stuck around seeing as I liked science as well, and then the pandemic hit. And I finally got a phone, and food theory launched- I was here for the red clown day streams and that St.Jude stream where Markiplier played the trumpet on a stage, Corpse Husband read Pinocho, a ton of the story time animation community got to use ridiculous paintbrushes and paint hall guns, and where weird cakes got baked- And when you shouted MUSIC MAAAN!!! For the first time on Gt live, and Mathias Pathias, and mirror Mat, and ash, and the weird belt head piece and all of those moments from GT(Not)Live- And now I have so, so many more other memories…. So thank you, MatPat, Steph, and all the rest of the theorist team for helping ruin our child hoods with 13 years worth of videos. Thank you.

When I saw the retirement video title I did a double take, but man, moment I see it’s couch time you always know you’re going to be hit harder then you ever expect. My younger brother also wanted to include something but doesn’t have his own account, so this is what he says: “ So sad you’re retiring, when I’m older I’ll keep an eye out for you everywhere I go. I hope you’ll still be at vidcon so I can still meet you!”

So with that, thank you for being such a giant part of my childhood among some many others, because rather than ruining them your precedence just made them even more special. Thank you, for this magical parasocial relationship that is that between a YouTuber and their community. I’ll look forward to seeing what projects you and the team end up coming up with in the years to come and will definitely be sticking around to still watch whatever shenanigans will still happen on GTLive. That going away party had better be a blast-



You failed to ruin my childhood, you made it infinitely better how dare you



Thank you Matt for everything you've done for the theorists. Growing up watching you was a big part of my life and has helped me bond with friends discussing your videos. You've had such an awesome impact on a generation, and we want whatever's best for you. Thank you💚


I am not too good at expressing what I mean so I'll just say this... Thank you MatPat for all the years of memories you have provided. The first video I watched of Game Theory (and one of the very first Youtube videos I have ever watched) was, "Toad's Deadly Secret," which is still my favorite theory. You have defined a generation and taught us all to look beyond what we are at first given. And, in my opinion, a true legend of the internet. Thank you for being a part of our lives.



We will miss you matpat. After 13 years of your life you finally can have your rest, I think you made the right decision. Thank you for everything



MatPat You have been an amazing inspiration in my life. From what started as a simple obsession over your fnaf theories to actually watching GTLive. You have been active reason as to why Im still here. Thank you for all the years watching and staying up watching your videos. They had a big impact on my life.



Thamk you for ruining my childhood haha. I've been watching you for 8 years. When I was 13, I moved to a different country. No friends, nowhere to go, nothing to do, all I had was internet. And that's when I found you! Since then, your "HELLO, INTERNET" has been in my head non-stop. You've been there for me through my worst times and I'm glad I was here to see those channels grow. Thanks to you, I got good grades in some classes, so kudos on that! Anyway, I'm going to miss your voice a lot. I hope you'll get the rest you deserve, Granpat... but that's just a theory ;)

(ALSO I made a lovely tribute in form of an animatic for you, so if you'd like to check it out, here it is! )



Thank you Matpat for being such an integral part of the internet as a whole. You’ve been such a large part of my childhood from elementary to school to now, you inspire me even today! I hope you can find happiness in your retirement from YouTube. Thank you for everything you’ve given the gaming and theorist community with your fun and enthusiasm. I’m so excited to see what the Theorists do next! :D




matpat, you have contributed a lot to us. not only giving us knowledge of how to kill people with a heel, but also explaining the whole fnaf lore, and telling us how long we can last in a Walmart, and telling us that musicians would survive the quit place better. but, despite the silly theories, these last few are just rolling by. we are going to miss you, mat. we hope you have a good life afterward.



You changed my life, Matthew, and I will miss you very much. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you may do next!



Goodbye matpat!!! You and your team have done so much for my life. Every time I’m really down inside of doing something not to good for myself I just binge watch you guys videos. I’ve been watching you guys for so many years now and y’all are my favorite channel and some of the best people :3 one time my mom got me a game theory hoodie for Christmas and to this date the best gift besides my biology and archeological text books. You guys have taught me to look at things more critically. And just like some video game characters that some may seem bad bot are actually good. Also the other way around. You guys are probably the reason I haven’t beat anyone for the things they have said about my friends and I. I also got my mom to watch you all with me and she really likes y’all’s videos now :)) Good bye matpat and I hope you have many more wonderful years with you and your family going forward



Thank you for my childhood you gave me so much laughs and really helped me during tough times with the funny cringe



When I was around 7, my dad introduced me to game theory, as he liked gaming. I was second in the family to take after him. Watching GT live, food theory, and the other channels really changed the way my brain worked, as I now enjoy using my brain a lot more than I used to. It's been a long time though, and everything must come to an end. Goodbye MatPat (hehhehe GrandPat)



From the Early FNAF theories, to everything in between. I've always loved the videos, and seeing it expand from video games to other platforms. I think one of my favourite theories was the theory on Skinamarink. I had seen that movie in a smaller local theatre, and had no clue what was happening, the theory explained so many of the happenings, and understanding the horror helped elevate the film in my own opinion. so thank you, for being a part of my childhood, and creating so many deep, evolving theories, and we hope to have guest episodes where you might hop back once in a while. Enjoy taking a step back though!!!!



Thank you for everything Matpat, for raising me when my parents would not, for teaching me incredible things I would have never learned otherwise. Your videos have and will forever leave a lasting impact on my life and I can't thank you enough for it. I will continue to follow you on any new venture you do, because you were there for me and now it's time I'm there for you. -Jodie



I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for hosting the Theorist channels for so many years. I first got into watching Game Theory when I was a junior in high school, getting super hyperfixated on the FNAF theories. It helped me through a rough time when I was very depressed and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, or even if my life was really worth anything. I'm in university now, studying animation. The videos I watched on your channel have helped me stay curious and analytical, which has helped me become a better writer, and made me feel a lot more unapologetic about my own nerdiness. You've been one of the inspirations for the content that I want to make on my own YouTube channel. I'll miss hearing you lose your sanity about FNAF, but I'm glad that you're doing the things that you need to. I hope that your quality of life improves because of this decision, because wow all the reasons you stated for leaving sound stressful, and that you'll be happier. Thanks for all the years and all the memories and the theories!



Thank you for everything! You raised a whole generation out here and I am absolutely honored to have a childhood filled with your fun and imaginative content! You taught me to think outside the box and taught me new perspectives.

You will be missed along these comunities but I'm also very happy you are able to retire! Noe you have time for yourself, your friends, and of course, your family. Take care and have a happy retirement♡



I’ve been a subscriber and fan for over 8 years, and it’s been wonderful to see the incredible work Mat, Steph and the rest of your the team has done for the channels. I know in your goodbye video you talked about wanting to leave an impact on the world, and I hope you know how much you have left already. Millions of dollars to charity and millions of people educated and impacted. These channels were one of the reasons I am pursuing a career in STEM, and I know I’m not the only one. Thanks for keeping the world curious & take a well-deserved break!



Game Theory has given me so much more than entertainment- it’s given me a community. It’s gotten me through some really hard times and helped me feel comfortable sharing my passions with others. Thank you MatPat, for creating that place. I know the channels are in good hands, but we will miss you all the same.



I’ve been a part of the theorist community for 6 years. When I was 7-8, Game Theory was just a few videos that popped up on the homepage. Now, at 13 going on 14, all of the theorist channels are ones that I go back to every week. MatPat, you have been a substantial part of my life. Whenever there was a niche question I thought of in the middle of class, there was usually a theory already created, and those questions popped up a LOT, especially at the peak of my Gravity Falls phase. So thank you MatPat, for all you’ve done for this community, and the world as a whole.



Thank you Matthew. You’ve been in my life since I was very young, and you stuck around. Through the hard parts, I could lean onto your videos for a source of joy. I thank you very much for that, and I wish you the best in your life. Goodbye.



Thanks MatPat for everything. You made my childhood and all these storylines to be easier to understand. You were a second father to me and I was really joyed whenever a video that was interesting came out. No matter what, we will all miss you. Plus, you raised an entire generation of new theorists and people to come!! Grateful we have gotten to experienced something beforehand. Thank you so much Matthew, there will never be another you to be this close to the viewers hearts. ^^



Thank you, truly. You let me be apart of a community that didn't call me crazy or think I was weird, I'm accepted, which a person such as myself is hard to find. You got me though all of the worse parts of my life, you gave me a safe space where I could belong. There's never enough words to describe how thankful I am for you, for everything. But also, not enough words to describe how sad I am, but hopeful for you. As one theater kid to another, teach us how to say goodbye, one last time (please get the reference). And my words, are no theory.




i found out you retired from my sister while i was at a basketball game, it didnt feel great and i couldnt watch the video in full but we both will miss you. hope you pop up in future theories. bye :D



Goodbye Matpat!!! I remember watching the Majora’s Mask theory when I was a little kid and talking with my friends at school about it, and after watching more and more your channel got me super into science and media analysis. Now here I am, in my second year of dental school. I can’t believe how much time has passed!! Thank you so much for every single video you made, and I hope you know how much all of your fans love you ❤️❤️❤️



Damn. I discovered your channel only like a year ago, when I really fell into FNAF and started seeing your face everywhere from memes (I remember a meme with a negative evil version of you saying "Goodbye Internet", feels so weird to watch it back now) to FNAF fangames, then stumbling upon your channel. I'm 20, I feel like I missed something. The adventure wasn't that long but I will always be looking forward for what will be next, and also backwards for what I missed.

Have a nice life, MatPat.

Placeholder image


Before sending in anything I'd just like to say that I'm so grateful you could be part of my life, I've always had my own theories when it came to videogames or stories, never did I see people around me ever be so interested in what a game could lead the player to theorize, I felt alone... And then a summer day like any other just after going to vacation I saw a video of yours, it was maybe the first ever petscop video, I found it so endearing so entertaining but mostly, I felt like I knew you put hours and wanted to just share your theory out there, and ever since then I never stopped watching game theory, I then found out about gtlive and I got to see you play videogames, and I got to see that well you were a fun person to even just watch to be around in this weird parasocial relationship built around you, I just, think I can't thank you enough for being here all of these years and having made me feel like I had a place to return to and enjoy some theories or gameplays in any case...

I wanted to also gift you something for all of these years of unwillingly and unknowingly being my rock, I hope you and team theorists can appreciate it, thank you Matpat.



Thank you for everything you've done over the years mat if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have found some of my passions so thank you for "ruining my childhood" for 10 years and even with you leaving I'll still hyper-analyze everything everywhere so thank you MatPat



Thank you so much. I’ve loved the channels since I was about 4, it sparked my love for video games. I plan to go to college for video game design because of the Game Theorists. Thanks a lot. I’ll miss you MatPat. Thanks to every team member. You all changed my life and helped me through my parents divorce and the death of my grandmother so thanks again.



hi mat, i’m aware of the fact you don’t read dms and you probably won’t read them especially not now but.. i wanted u to know how much of an impact you’ve had on me. 2021 was an awful year for me with me losing everyone surrounding me while trying to get over a major traumatic event and the one place i could find comfort was through your content. and now i’m turning 19 this year and ur still my comfort channel🤍 i was rewatching ur gt not lives when i got the notification and immediately balled my eyes out and my mum looked at me like i was crazy “what’s a mat pat?” anyways.. you wasn’t just a part of my childhood, you are and will always continue to be 🤍 i’m sad to see you go but i know your online presence will never truly tarnish. please don’t vanish off the face of the earth i love you 🤍



Thanks Matt. You’ve always been that one guy I could always bank on for good content. Whether it be about Luigi making insane bucks to solving Sister Location with the code (Scott knew what he was doing) I’ve always seen the channels as a little safe space for me to just listen to logic and fun. I also blame you for my Diet Coke cravings



I started watching your videos when I was 12. I turn 24 this year! Your content practically raised me and I'm happy to say that your content helped make me a better person. Thank you so much for everything you've done for this community and I wish you the best in everything that awaits you in the future. We love you MatPat! That's not a theory, that's a fact.



Thank you Matpat, you brought light when I was in a very dark place. Wishing you all the best with whatever you take on next.



I loved all of your videos it’s sad to see you leave but I think we all understand. You were one of the goats of YouTube. I started watching your videos around 5 or 6 years ago and would sometimes spend whole days watching you, I just want you to know that we all respect you and your decision.



Goodbye MatPat, I am going to miss your rants on GTLive and analyzing every single detail in a game, but you need this retirement, you have earned it. Because of you and your content, I have made friends and technically it helped me find the love of my life which is amazing. Watching all your game theory videos specifically (especially FNAF) always made my day. I have rewatched ALL of your FNAF videos 10 times and I continue to rewatch them again and again. All the theory channels will not be the same without you but it will still be very enjoyable to watch with your team. I hope you have an amazing retirement and thank you for creating my childhood. I wish you, Steph, and Ollie the best and once again, thank you. <3



Hey MatPat, I know you probably won’t see this, but I wanted to tell you that I have been watching you for the past 9 years since I was in the 5th grade. And because of you I learned what F=MA was because of your Zelda Hookshot episodes, and when we learned it in Science class me and my best friend were excited because we already knew what F=MA was before the rest of the class. It was a very formative memory that I remember fondly. Thank you so much for doing what you do, it means the world



It's sad to see Matpat go, but he deserves a vacation. Goodbye, Matpat. Have a great life



Goodbye Matpat. You will be missed dude. You were my childhood. It broke my heart to hear that you had retired. I understand though, I wish you luck in the future dude. May you live well.



Goodbye matpat you have been an inspiration to many people throughout the community for years it's sad to see another one of my childhood youtubers go. Goodbye



I've been around for a minute and I think the best piece of advice I ever got was from Mat when he challenged himself to just say yes. I am a senior in college & I've played soccer for my 4 years here. This inspired me and led me to accept an opportunity from the beach volleyball team at my school who needed help. I haven't played volleyball since high school but I thought, if Mat can play in a PGA tournament after not playing golf then why can't I. Thank you for everything you've done!



I'm just at a loss for words. I can't describe how much your theories helped me through tough or stressful times like moving houses, and it's sad to see you go. It's bittersweet, but all good things must come to an end. Thank you, and goodbye, MatPat; I hope you and your family may live happily after this.



Sorry for any typos currently sick with a fever rn but thank you you have brought joy to millions of people can’t wait to see where the channels go in the future thank you for everything Love yah grandpat


Goodbye MatPat! I will miss you so much! Hope you enjoy your retirement! Give Steph and Ollie a hug for me! 🥰🥹



I've been a fan pretty much since the shock of security breach coming out, and since then I've been watching SO MANY streams and theories and a good chunk of the amazing work thats been put in. You inspired a generation of theorists and I hope you know we'll carry on the legacy! Love ya Matt, please keep safe ❤



Goodbye matpat, you have been apart of my childhood for many years, we will miss you so much, i look forward to the bright future ahead of us old friend


I discovered GameTheory and FNAF when the Security Breach hype was first starting up. I love puzzles, and learning the crazy lore behind the video game was so wild. I enjoyed going on this rabbit hole journey of past theories and seeing what was right and what was wrong and how you came to different conclusions over the years. I have always longed for a community where I could share my thoughts and ideas, and it's so nice that one exists (even if I'm just one in a sea of millions and no one will ever hear, I will shout into the void for you). As a fellow parent with a small child, it was also nice to see you talk about how you parent as a game lover and gamer, as well as reminding us to not take things for granted. I will always remember my first FNAF live stream when security breach was first launching, and the joy of seeing the posters and such pop out of the jack-in-the-box from Steel Wool. I hope you will remember many great things and continue to share old stories and fun things that have happened to you over the years as a YouTuber, theorist, gamer parent.



Goodbye MatPat you were a large staple in my childhood, it pains me to see you leave but u understand your situation. Thank you for your many years of theories. I love you man even if you didn't even know I existed. I'm happy to see you retire a little bit. As stated in your video you will be much happier when you retire from youtube, and you deserve happiness! Goodbye MatPat.



Goodbye MatPat, Matthew Patthew, Mattrick Pattrick, and all the variants we all know. You are maybe one of the first english-speaking content creators I started to see back in the day (I'm from spain, hello there), and I'm now mostly fluent in the language, I thanking you just for helping me get into the language in a fun way isn't enough, since you also introduced me to basically all the games I know everything about even if I haven't played them, like FNAF, Undertale (yes, y'all can kill me now), and countless more. Even though it's hard to think that you'll no longer be the face of the theories channels, I appreciate all the good times you gave me all of these years. Thank you Mat.



I’ve been watching since 2014 I have been a massive fan since…it hurts that this is happening but at the same time I understand matpat thank you for all the memory’s but the little kid in me hopes that all this is..just a theory



matt, i just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given us. i may have not been here earlier, but i very much enjoy your content and the video you and your team put out. i understand that you need time to yourself, steph, and oliver, but the community is very thankful to have you. goodbye.



thank you for everything matt


Thank you MatPat for giving me a great childhood. I have so many great memories of watching your videos all day during the summer. Thank you MatPat for being a great part of my childhood



I genuinely don’t have words for how much you have impacted my life. Thank you, MatPat.



Hey MatPat! I just wanna let you know that, you are the best. Thank you, for everything. You helped a lot of people, and we’re all so thankful for it. Thank you. Truly. May we all stay theorists, together and forever. Salute, to the man who made this all happen. Godspeed. o7



goodbye matpat, you truly inspired me to theorize my own theories and continue on many projects. i wouldn't have been here today if it werent for you, we will all miss you so much, thank you for inspiring me and many others. -censoredhysteria ❤



Thank you for all your theories—the weird ones, the fun ones, the sad ones, the dumb ones, ALL of them. See you on the flip side, Matpat!!



Matpat Thank you for making the past 13 years of my life livable and enjoyable. Your presence on my screen has never failed to make me smile and while I'm sad you are retiring I am excited to see the new hosts, and happy you'll be able to hang out with your family more.



Truly the best man for the job Then end of an era Goodbye Matpat



Love you MatPat! I enjoyed all your videos and I hope you and your family enjoy your well deserved retirement.



You will be missed and it'll be a huge treat when you do show up again Matpat...



Sans may not be ness, but he is part our memories. Matpat is william afton-



DadPat, you've worked very hard and deserve this vacation to spend time with family. You, like many others, were my childhood. I still remember the first video I watched from you. I believe it was "the LOST History of Minecraft's Enderman" which kicked off the 2 year long hyperfixation.

Dadpat, I wish you lots of luck for the years to come. Hope to see you someday. :]



Matpat, you’ve been a great part of my life for many years. You’re the person that got me into creating AUs and theories of my own for my favorite things, and now it’s one of my favorite things to do. If I could, I would create an AU where you didn’t leave. But, I understand that you’re getting pretty tired of having no sleep. I would too. You deserve the time off, and you deserve to have your own life. I’m very excited to see everything else you’re creating though! Maybe I’ll create my own AUS and theories. - Jasper Breeden



goodbye MatPat !! you will be heavily missed by me and my friends but we’re happy that you’ve left us with such an amazing impact and im ready to see what your team can bring to the table,, please enjoy your retirement !!!! youre so awesome and all i wish is for you to be happy with a community that is supporting of you to do what you believe to be correct !!!! we all love you, man 🩷🩷🩷🩷



Hey Matt! God I never thought I'd see this day come. I know you aren't fully retiring, but I wanted to let you know just how much of an impact you've had on my life. I've been watching you ever since the earliest of your theory videos all the way to now. You were one of the biggest sparks for my love of science, and your bold voice always makes me happy. I'm happy to know you aren't leaving for good, but I wish you, Steph, and Ollie all the best. I will continue to support the channels, and I am so glad to be a part of the big happy theorist family. Thank you, and I will miss you!🩷



I remember my first video of his back in 2018. And strangely enough, it was my proper introduction to Five Nights at Freddy's and more of Matpat. I saw him for the first time on a different channel, Random Encounters. And when I found his own channel, I was glued. I loved the shenanigans he'd pull in his videos. And I overall appreciated his approach when tackling his theories. To me, Game Theory is my #1. Film Theory is Peak Entertainment. Food Theory is Silly Fun. and Style Theory is way more informative than I thought. It'll be sad to see him go, but the impact he made on the theorist scene is incredible. I'll never forget him for that. So...thank you, Matpat. For everything. Enjoy your well earned retirement.



thank you for all the years you've been on this platform. The channels were me absolute childhood and i always waited for the games i liked to be played on GTlive because i LOVED the reactions. PLEASE take a lot of time for yourself, your family, friends, etc etc you deserve it! we are all going to miss you sm! also Steph don't think ive forgotten about you, i love you all equally to matpat and i want you to know thank you for being there aswell and making the channel what it is even if you weren't there in recent things. I wish the best of luck to Ollie i know he's going to grow up to be a great person because he has the most greatest parents! (and also because he just is awsome so yk). these channels have helped me be who i am and not be afraid to BE it, i had a lot of trouble being myself because of my autism but the carefree spirit in all the video's and silly things made me be proud of who i am. thank you all so much at team theory, MatPat, Steph, Ollie most of all CatPat for making this one hell of a ride! best of luck :> (also sorry if i made grammar mistakes english isn't my first language)



Goodbye childhood i will always love you... Hello there future and welcome...



matpat you are the best youtuber of my 13 years i have never more invested i my life i love your editing your videos your lives and i hate to see you go from your biggest fan



Matpat you were such a huge part of my childhood. My middle school years were made so much easier when I was able to just go home and watch these videos. The peach is dead videos made me learn about pedigrees long before my highschool bio classes. And having that prior info is currently making me have an A in there so thanks for that.



I Remember telling my friends in elementary school about how Rosalina is the child of Peach and Luigi, and how Peach is actually dead and buried under a tree behind the castle, all because of your videos. You inspired me to become interested in the story behind things and to think more about certain things. My love for video games was skyrocketed by your theories and I am infinitely grateful. I started watching when I was maybe 10 or so years old and I'm now 19 and in my 3rd year of University, but I still watch your theories. It's weird to think about how you don't know me at all, but you've been such a big part of my life and many other people's lives. Enjoy your well deserved retirement and I wish you good luck and good health in all your future ventures. The same to Ollie, Stephanie and the Theorist Team!



My first ever episode of game theory was "How dangerous was a bullet bill" and ever since then I've been watching nonstop. Game theory has been my childhood, to the point where even I have started looking deeper into video games because of you. I'm really going to miss you, Mat. I hope your retirement is as good as it can possibly be. After all, after hosting four separate channels that upload once a week, as well as GT(not)Live, you deserve it. Just because you're leaving doesn't mean I'm going to stop watching the theory channels. I feel like you chose the perfect hosts to take your place. Thank you so much for all the theories, laughs, and memorable content. I will never forget you. Good luck with your new family life.



You introduced me to so many great games and memories I'll always remember you and I'll miss the crazy things you and the team came up with, but I'm excited to see what the others will do



another fallen legend that raised an entire generation we will miss you



I've been watching MatPat for only 2 years, but I've cried so much during that 25 minute long video. After watching some shorts that didn't include him, I think he really chose the right people to be the face of the channels, although I know the whole community will probably miss MatPat not as a person but as a personality. But the good thing is that the old MatPat png can finally rest after probably 10+ years of using it in the videos, I can't imagine only changing expressions for 10 years. Anyway, thanks to MatPat for everything he did for all of our lives. Goodbye MatPat ~SkTrz



Bye MatPat!!! Thank you for all the memories you've brought into our lives!



Goodbye Matpat, thank you for being a huge part of my childhood growing up, and still being a huge part of my life. You are the reason I got into many things I enjoy, like FNaF! You bring everyone together and you’re not afraid to share your opinion and ideas on things and I think that’s a great trait to have. You are such an amazing person, and watching Game Theory is going to be so different after you’re gone. It’s going to feel weird to hear “That’s just a theory!” In someone’s voice other than yours. None of us will ever forget you MatPat and I wish we had longer with you. And I know this sounds a lot like you’re dying or something, I know you’re not!! It’ll just be weird without you. We all love you grandpa MatPat! Best wishes. 💞



thank you for giving me a love of learning, video games, movies/TV shows, and more recently food and style. we're gonna miss you, so you better take care of yourself! thank you for everything.



You’ve been an inspiration to me since I was little. You taught me that nerding out over things, especially the little things (like counting toes) is something to take with stride. You helped me join fandoms and communities, showed me games I would have never found on my own, and created a safe space for all of nerd-kind. You’re truly my hero and Im glad you stuck around for the fnaf movie. Good luck and I hope you give us updated on your adventures still because we will all miss you dearly. Matpat = Ness = Sans But that’s just a theory, a game theory.



Goodbye Matpat. The day i found out you were retiring, i was sobbing my eyes out the whole time. You have made such a big impact on my life. If i never found your channel, i wouldnt be the same person i am today. You and the whole team have made my life so much better. If it wasnt for you id probably wouldnt be typing this right now. I cant count how many times those little notifications have stopped me from doing something i would later regret. All these channels have been such a comfort for me and i just cant thank you enough. You have made such an impact on so many lives, its quite amazing. I really hope you and your family do well. We are gonna miss you. <3


I just wanted to say that you’re one of my fav YouTubers on this platform. I’ve been a fan of you since 2015 (I was 11. I’m 19 now). I love all your videos (especially the FNAF ones. I’ve watched every single one of them like 3 times now). The impact you’ve had on this platform is incredible. I honestly teared up when watching the announcement vid. It’s so heartwarming how you say that we’re not just numbers or money makers to you, but people you actually love and care about. VERY few YouTubers are like that.

We’ll all really miss you being the host of the channels, but I hope to see you as a cameo in the future theories after March 9th. I hope you enjoy your retirement. You certainly deserve it!

Your legacy will live on and us theorists will continue to dissect every nook and cranny out of any game or other piece of media for any hint of LLOORREEEEE. You’ve taught us all not to believe things at face value and to look deep into things (even if it’s over video games that PROBABLY have no real dark hidden lore in them).

I’ll listen to your ICONIC intro theme and buy/wear a GameTheory jacket in your honour. If I ever have kids, I’ll be sure to show them your channel (so I can ruin their childhood). You’re a true legend, Matthew. You both ruined and made my childhood (thank you). None of us will forget you o7 💚❤️💛💙



I'm 17 now MatPat, I've been watching you since i was around 6 years old when my brother showed me this rad new channel he found that did funny theories! Ever since, I've watched nearly every episode of all four channels that has come out, and watching you got me through some tough times. Thank you for all the love you put into making theories and making my childhood better. You mean a lot to me and everyone else who is commenting here. I hope you have the best times of your life and I look forwards to the Lore-fi! Thank you for everything.



Thank you. I owe you a lot in my life. I really do. It'll be sad to not see you as much if at all, but thank you nonetheless. I've never seen you in person nor I'll be likely to be seeing you ever. But thank you. For everything. My life wouldn't have been the same without you, your work and your extremely positive influence, so thank you.



thanks for providing us with all of these theories for over a decade, especially the one about Death Note's kill count. incredible



Even I though I have recently watched your videos I can see how hard it is for your community to see you gone, so I am here to make a comment for all the things you have done the platform.

"Remember, stay funky, fresh and wild" -Funky Fresh Wild






I might not have started watching Game Theory from the very beggining, but I was here pretty early on. I was here for the first FNAF theory and it's been a real pleasure seeing everything grow into so much more than I thought it'd ever be. Thank you MatPat, you really changed my life for the better and has been a great source of inspiration to me.


I remember when I was first introduced to your videos. They have been a huge part of my life, not just my childhood but also my education. I never thought I would learn so much from a silly little YouTube channel. Thank you so much MatPat.



We will miss you, Matpat. Without you and some of the things you've been in, i wouldn't be the person I am today. Your fnaf theories got me into fnaf, and I don't regret a single moment of it. Looking back, its been so so long, longer than I think anyone imagined. You have grown so big in the 13 years of doing YouTube that, I feel like whatever you do will have a positive outcome. We understand why you're leaving the spotlight to be in the background, but it'll be a change that will take time to get used to. I speak for us all saying we wish you well in anything you may do in the future. Good luck in your future endeavors.

PS. I am planning a surprise.




Have a great time in retirement!! tbh if anyone deserved early retirement it was MatPat because he put in a lot of work in his channels. releasing 1-2 high quality videos per week is amazing!



I'm so glad I came on this almost 13 year long journey with you, Mat. I've been here since I was about 5 years old, and I'm turning 18 in just a few months. I really just need you to know, we ALL wish you the best, this was probably a really difficult decision for you to make, but you've been work first for over 10 years at this point... you deserve way more than just a breather, say hello to your son for me! (I would say his name but I'm not quite sure how to spell it... is it like, Ollie? or Oli like, short for Oliver... Oh well, that's besides the point, say hello to him for me ^^). In all truth though, even though it's through a screen, and this probably sounds crazy... Well, it almost feels like we both went on a roller coaster in a sense. I was there to watch you grow and mature, you were there while I did the same. It was a trip for both of us, and probably everyone else too. It really feels like a journey, despite how I don't even know you personally.



Thank you for everything Matpat. there's so much I'd love to say but I'm going to keep this short. You have changed the lives of so many people, and saved a few including my own. Being able to watch your videos has been awesome, and honestly I love listening to your theories in the background. I can't wait for the future of The Game/Film/Food/Style Theorists, and I'm sure amazing things are to come for both you and the channels.


bye matpat! you made my childhood. from the rosalina identity videos that taught be punnet squares when i was six to the fnaf lore that gets updated every week that i show my siblings. you’ve changed my life for the better and for good. have fun with steph and ollie!



Have a good retirement and thank you for all the theories MatPat!


Goodbye Matpat! Thank you for all the theories, laughs, dad jokes, memes, and more! From Sans Is Ness to Phone Guy's "real identity" to being in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie, you've definitely earned your place! But that's just a farewell. A theorist farewell! Thanks for reading!


Thanks for all the content over the years Matpat. I have been watching Game Theory since the old days before the full team and while I will miss the videos I hope you and your family enjoy the time gain from stepping back.



Thank you MattPatt for being here for my childhood, I'm glad you were there, but i can say that I am willing to let you go, I hope you can find more happiness with your family and friends then we could all give you.



Film Theory helped inspire me to pursue filmmaking, a path I now pursue tirelessly. Thank you for years of inspiration, entertainment, and learning. <3



its really sad to see you go but honestly i respect your choice. 13 years in a business is a lot so i hope you get a well deserved vacation. stay smart king



I've been watching you ever since I was in elementary school, and I am almost finished with my second year of college now. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my sister who also watches you, and I wish you the best for whatever you do next.



im gonna miss ya mattpat... i cant even. i have no words, i remember playing your fnaf theories playlist when the days where long and just gaming while listening... it. its unreal really that the playlist will never expand... i guess, this is goodbye.



First! I'm kidding, Game Theory has been an inspiration to many, including myself, and MatPat gave it the charm that made it what it is today. Good luck in life!



Goodbye raised so many of our childhoods...



Thank you MatPat so much, for everything i grew up watching your fnaf theories and then after binged all your theories thank you so much matpat for everything. - Sincerely Migs_PlaysYT16



Goodbye MatPat, you have been an amazing part of my childhood, and you still are your theories have always been amazing and I enjoy watching them. After a hard day it is a good way to relax and find something to think about as well as a good way to find out more about games or shows I love but don't look into much. I will miss you guys and I hope the new hosts of the theorist channels do well and have a good time. Your theories have and will always have a special place in my heart and I'll probably every few years go back and rewatch a few of the older ones too. Have a good retirement Matpat Steph and ollie. Take Care! -GrayGames1542 (doing this on my discord acc)



Thank you for being my childhood MatPat, you were and are childhood. you were my escape when I needed quiet, ever since I was 9 years old and now I'm turning 19 thank you for everything and I hope you have an enjoyable retirement and hopefully a shark doesn't get you this time ( Felix the shark reference



13 years ago, you dropped everything and started what was once a work of passion. The Youtube Channel "The Game Theorists" was, still is, and will always continue to be a channel where you unnecessarily overthought everything in games, based off that mathematical term "Game Theory" (which really showed what we were in for in your YT channel). You talked about things from Pokemon vs. Creationists to Luigi's bulge, and that one video which got demonetized (you know what I'm talking about). What was once a mere passion, turned into something more, your life's work. I still remember the day I started hearing about this "matpat" in my school. Kids were always talking about "Matpat's newest theory on FNAF" and unfortunately back then I didn't know what FNAF was, and never bothered to get into it. Looking back, I can't believe I've missed that much, it feels like I lost what could've been a great piece of my life. To be frank with you, I got into your videos in 2021, I was never really an iPad kid, but as I got older, I started to get into technology and bought a phone. It all started with the release of Security Breach's teaser, that got me into the web of FNAF. I kept theorizing about what the next title of FNAF was going to turn out into, and then I found you. Each theory, whether wacky or brilliant, or one that led to nowhere, I watched. As I got more and more into Game Theory, I started to get to know more about you, your history, what you've been through, and it's really inspiring. You started off as a middle school kid who wanted to impact the world in a positive way, and leading up all the way now, 2-3 decades later, you've achieved that goal, and we're all proud of you. Since those days I've always wanted to be a part of the Game Theorists in some way, I tried getting out more so that my theories in my comments could start getting more noticed. Unfortunately that never happened, and it seems like it'll never really happen anymore. Ending this very disorganized paragraph off (I can't think cause I'm overwhelmed), MatPat, you and your life's work will always continue being an inspiration to me, and I will try following in our steps. Knowing that now the first generation of what you started is over, it's hard to accept, but I understand that there's now more people, more opportunities, a mantle for them to take on that you made and left behind. Whether or not you read this, and if you do, if you realize it or not, me, and your other 18 MILLION subscribers are your friends, thank you so much MatPAt, you deserve the time with Ollie and Steph. And finally remember! It's just a theory, a GAME THEO- AGH nevermind I can't do it.



I'm crying. I was born a few years before game theory was made and I remember when I was six or so, my older brother(ten at the time) found your channel and I watched hello internet with him and every time there is a new video I watch it with him. When he left to university I zoom called him and this was one of the few things we bonded over. MatPat, you have made me the person I am today. A theorist. A crazy fnaf fan. A person who notices tiny details in anything and connects the dots. I owe you too much and I hate that. Your voice when you say 'LORE!!!!' OR 'THATS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY' is just some thing I will miss too, too much. Thank you MatPat, for everything but I will never for give you for ruining my childhood. With Love, a Diet Coke lover.



Matpat, your work was truly amazing.Thanks for all the work you did!



Thanks for all the theories MatPat! I started watching you when I was around 8 years old. You've helped me so much with your theories and you deserve this. Take care!



Have a good retirement matpat! Just wanted to say thank you.I would always watch your theories everytime you would pop up on my subscription page was a Guarantee watch especially the fnaf theories even if I was scared to go to sleep afterwards(I was a big scardy cat I know). I think I've been watching you since I was a 5th grader and now I'm a 12th grade about to graduate high school(time flies by doesn't). I don't know why and this doesn't normally happen with other creators, but every time I would see you smile it would make me smile or just make me feel happier. Sorry if that sounded weird but yeah just thought I should share it..



It's unfortunate that mat is leaving his throne, he inspired millions and inspired me to become a theorist for the games I love, I remember first stumbling upon his channel and wondering why would someone be motivated to make serious dedicated research toward a certain topic to find the full story of something, I've been subscribed to the gametheory channel since 2017 and I couldn't of had it any other way, he definitely has a big impact on my life and I can't comprehend how much he has changed me and my life



Thank you, MatPat. You made my day every time I watched you, whether it was you in the FNaF musical, your FNaF cameo, or even just a regular theory, you never failed to make my day. I thank you for that, and millions of fans thank you for the contribution you made to the YouTube community. You're one of the best theorists to ever exist. But hey, that's just a theory. o7



Goodbye matpat, you were my childhood since I was... basically allowed to get YouTube, as a natural overthinker, who started to like five nights of Freddy's because of my sister, I was in love with your channel. Finding new fandoms, new games, new things to love on your channel was amazing. I think I've seen every fnaf theory at least 5 times yet I still cant remember everything. You made me laugh, cry, overthink, and watch in amazement, every once in a while I'll watch your funny acting videos. Thank you matpat <3. Now lets not forget Steph, she has some of the funniest clips, and her Italian need to complain about how Santi made the calzone was an amazing moment, Thank you steph <3. I think ollie is starting to also influence some of matpats last videos, and he was in some of the most wholesome clips. Goodluck ollie. I honestly couldn't imagine my childhood without matpat, weather it be game theory, film theory, gt live, food theory, and even style theory (despite it being the lesser part of my childhood) Goodbye matpat, but let the theorists behind the scenes come on out, and maybe one day, matpat I will see you in real life, and awkwardly try to speak to you, If I do, I hope its one beautiful, shining sunny day. once again, goodbye matpat, I hope you like my art, maybe when im better ill remake it (link if it doesnt show up) Clap and a half to all the staff, and we are excited to see you in future videos



Thanks for all the theories that helped get through my life and some boring classes we'll miss you! Enjoy the retirement and work hard never stop theorizing and take care!