
Why do all this?

I have actually been a fan of Game Theory for a really long time. I can remember subscribing on YouTube when the only theory was the original ChronoTrigger episode. You can really tell MatPat recorded that one in the closet. :) It was a lot different than now, but I loved it and watched avidly.

9 years ago I joined the Game Theory Subreddit as a Moderator. Originally I joined to help with CSS, but the Sub Owner was very busy. Someone needed to actively moderate though and I ended up spending *alot* more time on it than I anticipated. Fixing up the visuals of the Sub turned into fixing AutoMod. Then reworking the rules. Eventually handling most things.

Within a year or two links started popping up about Discord. I ignored it for about 6 months before trying to check Discord out. At that time most of the Discords for Game Theory were not incredibly safe. So I decided to make a Discord for the SubReddit.

The Discord stayed quite until Fortnite. Then it exploded over night. Some days 1k+ joins. Seemingly 4-6 people every second. It was one of the most hectic times of my life. It is still something I remember happily though, because the Discord really became a hub for so many people.

Now, years later, I have several people who are 18-24 rejoining the Discord server because of the retirement video. They happily recount how they met their current partners in that Discord during the Fornite rush. Some of them are still together and able to meet up! We were able to meet so many amazing people!

Then there was the GT ARG. We had over 14 thousand joins and had a maximum of 32 thousand members. Matpat actually put a link to the Discord in a video and on the website, so we became official official. What was most amazing was seeing content kids from the Discord I made get featured in videos. Seeing the Master Tracker show up in videos, and even the recent Stupendium video?! That makes me so incredibly happy! Not even that the server was featured, but watching the kids in the community and how excited they were.

Even beyond all of these experiences, this community has helped me personally grow. I found an incredibly supportive group of people, some of which I would even call family. People in this community helped me finally find the words to come out as being trans and start HRT. I don't know if I ever would have been able to do that without the support I found here. With that support I was able to start therapy too. Some of the therapy is definitely needed from running the Sub and Discord (/hj). My life has improved an incredible amount being able to understand myself better and having diagnosis's like Autism and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to explain my brain.

It has been an incredible time.
There have been a lot of ups and downs.
But I can't imagine what my life would be like without Game Theory. I have met some of my best friends from this community. I have had some of my dearest memories from this community. I have been lucky enough to helps so many people, and watch so many kids grow up.

All of that is because of Game Theory, because of MatPat.
I want to take full advantage of the community I have helped build over the last decade. To make one final mega goodbye and retirement card to see MatPat off.


A lot of really amazing people in the Game Theory Community worked on this project, this page is to make sure everyone can see who!

Patchwork Collective

Pronouns: They/Them
Discord: @patchworkcollective
Reddit: /u/jeremytiki
Twitter: @GreenePatches
Twitter: @KatieKatOnline


  • Owner of the Game Theory Discord
  • Head moderator of official subreddits.
  • We built everything on the website and servers, except for the hero background image!

Most of our story is under "Why?", so we'll just leave links to everything else here :).


Pronouns: She/Her
Discord: @deborah
Reddit: /u/pearlgirl007


  • The Hero Background Image.
  • Images used on the official subreddits
  • Most images used in the Game Theory Discord
  • Several of MatPats thumbnails!
  • Moderator on Game Theory Discord
  • Moderator on Game Theory Subreddit

Debs joined the Discord in 2018 and was quickly promoted to the Artist role, then later to Moderator. Since that time Debs has contributed an incredible amount to the community and even appeared on some of the shows! Debs has done so well, she even works for Game Theory now doing Graphic Design work!


Discord: @scarletmerc
Reddit: /u/HgMercury73


  • Help with writing, announcements, grammar and all forms of text
  • Organizing events
  • Helping massively improve processes and rules
  • Caer endless amount of patience in dealing with Patches

While ScarletMerc only joined the Discord in 2019 he has had a massive impact on the community. Merc quickly became one of the most trusted and reliable members and worked her way up to Moderator. Since then cae have also taken a moderator position on the subreddits as well as working for MatPat as a freelance writer!


Pronouns: He/Him
Discord: @nukeofficial
Reddit: /u/g432kjzhg52176tdasuj


  • The Memes
  • Incredible patience dealing with shitposters

Nuke was one of the earliest members of the Discord having joined in 2017. Over the 6 years he was promoted to Moderator on the Discord as well as various Subs. Thanks for staying through all the ups ad downs.


Pronouns: Any
Discord: @evilmastermindofdoom


  • Retired Mod of the Game Theory Discord

Emod joined the Discord in 2017. In that time she learned to stand up for herself and psychically share dreams about parking lot fights with people.

She also helped out a lot with the Discord and stuff.

Thank you for all of the support and character development.


Pronouns: She/Her
Discord: @chronicangel


  • Retired Mod of the Game Theory Discord

Chronic joined the Discord during the Fortnite boom. She was unanimously voted to "Fortnite Mom" by the flood of new members and was quickly promoted to Moderator for this new found power.

Chronic helped modernize the Discord in many ways and always kept her eyes on members safety.


Pronouns: He/Him
Discord: @newtlas


  • Senior Mod of the Game Theory Discord

Xilas is the oldest remaining Mod on the Game Theory Discord (besides the owner). Xilas has helped manage the community through some of the hardest and most explosive times. Even though he is a Newt, we love him.

Help & FAQ

If you want immediate updates check out the discord!

"Why does logging in need X/permission/email?"

To login and leave a goodbye comment, this site requires that you login via Twitter/X, Reddit or Discord. The entire login process takes place on the hosts website. This means if you login with Reddit, only Reddit ever sees your password. Once Discord/Reddit/Twitter/X has logged you in, you are redirected back to this site to leave your comment. This site **only requires and stores four (4) pieces of information from this login.**

The information that we store is below:

  • Username & Avatar/PFP - We store both the username and avatar associated with the login account. This is displayed by your goodbye comment.
  • User ID - We store the User ID associated with the login account. This User ID is how we we are able to validate you logged!
  • Email - We store the Email associated with the login account. This information is kept to prevent spam, comments from multiple accounts, and other raid-like issues.

To reiterate, this site does not recieve or store user passwords.

"Why do you need my email address?"

In short, it is a security measure. Due to the large number of comments we plan to recieve, we want to limit each person to 1 comment. We also expect there to be people who try to leave hurtful or inappropriate comments. To ensure the site is not spammed full, we limit one comment per email. While it is not a perfect measure it helps significantly.

"Are you going to sell my email?"

No. As explained above this collection is purely for anti-spam and moderation purposes.

"How long are you keeping the emails/User ID's stored?"

Once the final GTLive/Theory goes up the login for this site's purpose will be over. At that point a static copy of this site will be available for anyone to download. The static copy will be a single HTML file, viewable in any browser, that will look exactly as the home page does now. This copy will not include any private info or email addresses. At that point all records, data, and emails will be deleted.

"I have another question that wasn't answered here :("

Sorry! Join the Official GT Discord and let us know in #server-help!